Antiquariaat Goltzius: History Law
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 , Also by de Heeren van den Gerecht der Steden Haarlem en Amsterdam gesamentlijk gearresteert en op den 11 Maart 1700 binnen de Stad Amsterdam gepubliceert is een nieuwe Ordonnantie op het Vracht-loon (...)
Also by de Heeren van den Gerecht der Steden Haarlem en Amsterdam gesamentlijk gearresteert en op den 11 Maart 1700 binnen de Stad Amsterdam gepubliceert is een nieuwe Ordonnantie op het Vracht-loon (...)
Printed decree stating the newly established transport fees ("Vracht-loon van de Pakken") between Haarlem and Amsterdam and other nearby villages by water transport ("met de Veer-schuyten van wederzijds Steden en omleggende Plaatsen overgerbragt werdende"), listed according to product type. The listed products vary from groceries like butter, fish, cheese and wine, to practical household items like suitcases, writing paper and pots and pans. Amsterdam, Jan Rieuwertsz, 1700. Single folded sheet (50x37.5 cm) pasted on a strip in a plain paper folder, printed on one side with a contemporary handwritten note on the back: "Bestellen tot Haarlem en Amst." which translates as: "deliver to Haarlem and Amsterdam". The fold lines have been repaired in a few places by backing the worn spots with small pieces of paper. With the Amsterdam city crest at the top of the page and a beautiful decorated initial. Ex library stamp on the front of the cover: Bibl. G.A. Den Haag. Not found in STCN.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 67874
€  143.75 [Appr.: US$ 159.07 | £UK 121.25 | JP¥ 23237]
Catalogue: History Law

Alzo aan myne heeren van den geregte der stad Amsterdam (...) [d.d. 14-5-1754. Verbod op twee boekjes]. Amsterdam, S. Lamsveld, 1754.
Plano, 1 blad. Met stadswapen Amsterdam in houtsnede. C2516l Knuttel, Verboden boeken, 146 en 379; Wagenaar XXII 166; Jongenelen, Smaad tot erger, nr. 40. Verbod op twee geschriften die 'seditieus, lasterlyk en verderffelyk voor het gemeene welzijn' zijn, te weten: 1) Het gedrag der stadhouders gezinden verdedigt d
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 55109
€  258.75 [Appr.: US$ 286.33 | £UK 218.25 | JP¥ 41826]

 , Catalogi duo instructissimae bibliothecae, quae est in suprema Frisiorum curia. Quorum prior totus est alphabeticus, sine ulla materiarum distinctione alter per capita, secundum diversas materias dispotus est.
Catalogi duo instructissimae bibliothecae, quae est in suprema Frisiorum curia. Quorum prior totus est alphabeticus, sine ulla materiarum distinctione alter per capita, secundum diversas materias dispotus est.
Leeuwarden (Leovardiae), Joannes Seydel, 1776, folio (with four folded leave in each signatue), originally a full parchment binding, but it has been rebound and restored, so it now has a leather covered spine with the original parchment spine over it with the original handwritten title, with a goldtooled vignette on the front (lady justice with sword, scale and covered eyes) and the back (heraldic crest of Frisia with the two lions), and with leather strips as closures, later blank signature (including endpapers) + 271+98 pp + a later added signature with 16 blank pages + 6 original signatures with contemporary handwritten additions to the catalogue + one more later blank signature (including endpapers). The book has been rebound and restored, the repairs are clearly visible (the leather of the spine, paper strips to reinforce the folds of the signatures), the construction is solid, the printwork is beautiful with wide margins (with some hadwritten notes, contemporary and modern ones) and clear pages with little to no stains. Apart from the goldtooled vignettes on the binding, there is also a printer's mark on the titlepage depicting the Frisian heraldic crest again. This copy is from the private collection of Jelle Kaspersma and Alie Vinke Kampen (1 oktober 2009). Jelle Kaspersma (1948-2019) was a Frisian poet.l A catalogue of the library collection of the Frisian Court (Hof van Friesland 1499-1811). This special legal library could only be used by members of the Court. The bulk of this collection consisted of lawbooks but there were also theological, historical and literary works. A manuscript catalogue appeared in 1634. The library then contained around 450 works. The first printed catalogue appeared in 1668. The collection by then had grown to 870 works. In 1733 the second catalogue appeared (1031 works) and the present work of 1776, compiled by Simon Binkes and Johan van Idsinga as decreed by the court on 6 Mai 1774, is the third and last printed catalogue of the collection. Nowadays this collection is part of Tresoar (Leeuwarden).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 67630
€  977.50 [Appr.: US$ 1081.69 | £UK 824 | JP¥ 158009]

 , Extract uyt de Resolutien van de Heeren Staaten van Hollandt en Westvrieslandt, in haar Edele Groot Mog. Vergaderinge genomen op Woensdagh den 15. Julii 1682.
Extract uyt de Resolutien van de Heeren Staaten van Hollandt en Westvrieslandt, in haar Edele Groot Mog. Vergaderinge genomen op Woensdagh den 15. Julii 1682.
Without titlepage, imprint or colophon, [1682], a single folded leaf with a beautiful hand coloured (stamped?) floral paper cover, 4 pp., somewhat discoloured and the paper cover shows some waterstains on the inside. With stunning floral initial. This extract is numbered in top right corner: "Num. 60". Not in any library/STCN.l Extract concerning tenancy taxes (pacht) in Holland and West Friesland.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 67589
€  86.25 [Appr.: US$ 95.44 | £UK 72.75 | JP¥ 13942]
Catalogue: History Law

Gealtereerde instructie, waar naar, de onderscheidende commissien zoo in de respective ressorten van dit gewest, als alhier, in Den Haag; gesteld tot onderzoek naar het gedrag der ingezetenen van Holland, met opzicht tot de heffing op de inkomsten en bezittingen, door het Provinciaal Bestuur van Holland, op den 30 Juny 1796 gedecreteerd, en den 10 Augustus daaraanvolgende, geamplieert en gealtereert, zich zullen moeten gedragen.
Den Haag, 's Lands Drukkery van Holland, 1796, single signature of five folded leaves, without cover, 15 pp., ruffled edges, some waterstains, but otherwise in good condition with clear printwork. With a woodcut illustration on the front (= titlepage) depicting the Dutch heraldic lion. An updated instruction concerning income, as well as possession tax ("heffing op de inkomsten en bezittingen"). Earlier that same year a similar instruction was published, but that only concerned income tax without mentioning the possession tax that is added in this instruction. Not in any library/STCN.l "Aldus gedaan en gearresteert (...) C. van Foreest, vt. Ter ordonnantie van het Committé J.F. Leemans."
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 67593
€  109.25 [Appr.: US$ 120.89 | £UK 92.25 | JP¥ 17660]
Catalogue: History Law

Imprimerie & librairie. Extrait du registre aux arretes du prefet du departement de l'Escaut. Gent, A.B. Steven, 1811.
1 blad plano. C2936l Uitgevaardigd te Gent 23-3-1811 door de prefect baron d'Houdetot. Vergunning nodig voor het drukken van almanakken, schoolboekjes, populaire liedjes, anecdotiek, werkjes over eigentijdse gebeurtenissen, verhalen over criminele zaken, catalogi van boekenve
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 55446
€  86.25 [Appr.: US$ 95.44 | £UK 72.75 | JP¥ 13942]

Instructie waar naar de onderscheidende commissien zoo in de respective ressorten van dit gewest, als alhier, in Den Haag, gesteld tot onderzoek naar het gedrag der ingezetenen van Holland. met opzigt tot de heffing op de inkomsten, door het Provinciaal Bestuur van Holland, op den 30 Juny 1796 gedecreteerd, zich zullen moeten gedragen.
Den Haag, 's Lands Drukkery van Holland, 1796, single signature of four folded leaves, without cover, 13 pp., ruffled edges, loose sewing, some minor waterstains, but otherwise in good condition with clear printwork. With a woodcut illustration on the front (= titlepage) depicting the Dutch heraldic lion. An instruction concerning income tax. Not in any library/STCN.l "Aldus gedaan en gearresteert (...) C.J. van Brakel, vt. Ter ordonnantie van het Committé L.J. Blok, abs: Secretaris."
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 67592
€  74.75 [Appr.: US$ 82.72 | £UK 63.25 | JP¥ 12083]
Catalogue: History Law

 , Instructie voor de Hoofd- en Ondergaarder van 's Lands collective Middelen, mitsgaders voor de gequalificeerde Geldophaalders, zoo in de Steeden als ten platten Lande van Holland.
Instructie voor de Hoofd- en Ondergaarder van 's Lands collective Middelen, mitsgaders voor de gequalificeerde Geldophaalders, zoo in de Steeden als ten platten Lande van Holland.
Without titlepage, imprint or colophon, [1763], 4to. blue paper cover, unopenend and uncut signatures, 54 pp., damaged and stained cover with smudges on the first and last page, because the cover is a little small, but otherwise in good condition. With a fold out financial overview of the States' affaires: "Kasreekening, geëxtraheert uit 's Lands Kasboek (...)" dated to 16 June 1763. It is an instruction manual for tax collectors. not in any library/STCN.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 67627
€  224.25 [Appr.: US$ 248.15 | £UK 189.25 | JP¥ 36249]
Catalogue: History Law

 , Instructien, voor de Gedelegueerde Rechters in de Chambre mi partie, by de Heeren Koningh van Spaignen, ende Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden te samen geërigeert. Mitsgaders voor de Suppoosten die voor den Raedt van de selve Cahmbre postuleren. Behelsende d'Instructie op den 12en Julij, [anno] 1652, ende Ampliatie van dien op den 17en October, [anno] 1653 voor de gemelte Rechteren gearresteert: De Tractaten van Vrede, Treves, ende Marine: mitsgaders d'Instructien van den Grooten ende Hoogen Rade respective tot Mechelen ende in 's Graven-hage residerende, als oock d'Ampliantien ende nadere Ordonnantien successivelijck geëmaneert.
Instructien, voor de Gedelegueerde Rechters in de Chambre mi partie, by de Heeren Koningh van Spaignen, ende Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden te samen geërigeert. Mitsgaders voor de Suppoosten die voor den Raedt van de selve Cahmbre postuleren. Behelsende d'Instructie op den 12en Julij, [anno] 1652, ende Ampliatie van dien op den 17en October, [anno] 1653 voor de gemelte Rechteren gearresteert: De Tractaten van Vrede, Treves, ende Marine: mitsgaders d'Instructien van den Grooten ende Hoogen Rade respective tot Mechelen ende in 's Graven-hage residerende, als oock d'Ampliantien ende nadere Ordonnantien successivelijck geëmaneert.
's Graven-Hage (The Hague), By de Weduwe ende Erfgenamen van wylen Hillebrandt Iacobsz van Wouw, 1656, 4to., full parchment spitsel binding with handwritten title on spine, [1]+224+[6] pp., two inkstains on the front of the book, the endpapers are ruffled and discoloured, darkened edges, some foxing, there is a small hole in the titlepage (interrupting the name of the publisher), the book tends to stay open a little (probably due to shrinkage of the parchment), the construction is still solid and the printwork clear. On the inside of the back cover a small repair is visible. With a printer's mark on the titlepage depicting a snail (Avec le temps, paulatim), with some decorative initials and head and tail pieces. From the collection of Jelle Kaspersma and Alie Vinke (2015).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 69297
€  747.50 [Appr.: US$ 827.17 | £UK 630.25 | JP¥ 120830]
Catalogue: History Law

'Korte memorie dienende tot nader adstructie van het verzoek bij requeste van wegens de Magistraat van 's Gravenhage' aan Gecomm. Raden Staten v. Holland, d.d. 1719.
Folio, 5 pag., papieren omslag. C3066l Verbod om in de toekomst in de Haagsche Courant Franse stukken te publiceren, zoals 'Copie d'une lettre du roy Catholique au roy très Chrétien'. De 'Haegse Courant' schrijver A. Paauw en de deken van het boekverkopersgilde beloven zich hieraan te zullen h
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 55638
€  34.50 [Appr.: US$ 38.18 | £UK 29.25 | JP¥ 5577]

 , Manuscript: Charterboek Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland (1255-1723)
Manuscript: Charterboek Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland (1255-1723)
Handwritten collections in transcripts of privileges and letters concerning the Rijnland Hoogheemraadschap. The transcripts are dated from 1255 to 1723, starting with the earliest sources. At the end of the book some unfilled sections are followed by a neat index listing all the entries including their dates. The writings show two hands. A modern entry in pencil is added in the back dated to 2010 by the owner at that time. He contemplates the worldly affairs of 2010 and the role books play. Signed by Jelle Kaspersma as the temporary keeper ("tijdelijke bewaarder").Beautiful copy of a full brown leather manuscript that is richly decorated (25x19 cm). The book has a ribbed spine with titleplate and gold tooling, there is a goldtooled heraldic crest on the front and back cover (crowned two headed eagle with Dutch lion) and also goldtooling on the edges of the cover. The edges of the bookblock are decorated as well in dark green and red. The written pages are foliated: 141 ff., followed by 8 blank ff. (except for the modern note in pencil) and then the index 5 ff.The handwriting - especially the first hand who wrote the bulk of the entries - is decorative, neat and clearly legible. There are hardly any stains and the construction of the book is in good condition.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 68968
€  2242.50 [Appr.: US$ 2481.51 | £UK 1890.25 | JP¥ 362491]

Memorie van antwoord van den heer Burgemeester der gemeente Leeuwarden, gedaagde, contra de voogden van het Sint Anthonij Gasthuis te Leeuwarden, eischers, aan den arrondissementsrechtbank te Leeuwarden 27 november 1856.
190 pages, blue paper binding, legal document in the fight between the municipality of Leeuwarden and the Sint Anthonij Gasthuis in Leeuwarden. A document relating to a yearlong legal battle concerning the control over the Gasthuis and its funds. Eventually lost by the municipality by a judgment of the Hoge Raad in 1861.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 67006
€  34.50 [Appr.: US$ 38.18 | £UK 29.25 | JP¥ 5577]
Catalogue: History Law

 , Ordonnantie waar op binnen Holland en Westvriesland ten behoeve van de gemeene Zaak volgens consent van 's Lands Staaten by Collecte sal geheven worden den Impost op het Gemaal.
Ordonnantie waar op binnen Holland en Westvriesland ten behoeve van de gemeene Zaak volgens consent van 's Lands Staaten by Collecte sal geheven worden den Impost op het Gemaal.
Without titlepage, imprint or colophon, [1790], 4to., blue paper (board) cover, 59 pp., faded blue paper, spine repaired with paper tape, removed sticker on the front cover, fragile construction with some damaged corners, but with clear printwork and hardly any stains, large woodcut initial with the Dutch lion. Library stamp: "Gemeente archief Dordrecht". Not in any library/STCN.l Ordinance decreeing a tax (impost) on mills.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 67588
€  258.75 [Appr.: US$ 286.33 | £UK 218.25 | JP¥ 41826]
Catalogue: History Law

 , Ordonnantie van de Gabelle of Tolle, Mitsgaders van het Vragt-Loon, gestelt op de Schuyten, Passagiers, reysende Luyden en Beesten, den nieuwen Trekvaart en Wagenweg tusschen Haarlem en Amsterdam gebruykende.
Ordonnantie van de Gabelle of Tolle, Mitsgaders van het Vragt-Loon, gestelt op de Schuyten, Passagiers, reysende Luyden en Beesten, den nieuwen Trekvaart en Wagenweg tusschen Haarlem en Amsterdam gebruykende.
Amsterdam, Ter Stads-Drukkery op het Rockin, [1720], 8vo., speckled paper binding, 39 pp., paper cover damaged along the spine, uncut edges with one leaf unopened, with the Amsterdam city crest on the titlepage and some blue library stamps in the front and back of the book: "gemeente archief, bibliotheek, Amsterdam". The titlepage is without date, but throughout the booklet each section closes with a publication date: 1679, 1695, 1687, 1700 and 1720. Concerns transport costs (toll) when using "den nieuwen Trekvaart en Wagenweg" between Haarlem and Amsterdam. This edition seems not to be present in STCN.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 68361
€  143.75 [Appr.: US$ 159.07 | £UK 121.25 | JP¥ 23237]
Catalogue: History Law

 , Ordonnantie van de Gabelle of Tolle, Mitsgaders van het Vragt-Loon, gestelt op de Schuyten, Passagiers, reysende Luyden en Beesten, den nieuwen Trekvaart en Wagenweg tusschen Haarlem en Amsterdam gebruykende.
Ordonnantie van de Gabelle of Tolle, Mitsgaders van het Vragt-Loon, gestelt op de Schuyten, Passagiers, reysende Luyden en Beesten, den nieuwen Trekvaart en Wagenweg tusschen Haarlem en Amsterdam gebruykende.
Amsterdam, Jan Rieuwertsz, Stads- en Ordinaris Drukker van 't Klyn-Zegel, 1711, 8vo., speckled paper binding, 48 pp., paper cover damaged along the spine with a corner torn away, some darkened pages, with the Amsterdam city crest on the titlepage, a decorative initial and library stamps on the front and back of the book (difficult to read, but probably): "gemeente archief, bibliotheek, Amsterdam" and on the inside of the front cover: "Bibliotheek Gem. Archiefdienst Afgeschreven".The titlepage is dated to 1711, but throughout the booklet each section closes with a publication date: 1679, 1695, 1687, 1700, 1704, 17111720, 1752, 1785. Concerns transport costs (toll) when using "den nieuwen Trekvaart en Wagenweg" between Haarlem and Amsterdam.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 68362
€  143.75 [Appr.: US$ 159.07 | £UK 121.25 | JP¥ 23237]
Catalogue: History Law

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