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- Ordonnantie waar op binnen Holland en Westvriesland ten behoeve van de gemeene Zaak volgens consent van 's Lands Staaten by Collecte sal geheven worden den Impost op het Gemaal.

Without titlepage, imprint or colophon, [1790], 4to., blue paper (board) cover, 59 pp., faded blue paper, spine repaired with paper tape, removed sticker on the front cover, fragile construction with some damaged corners, but with clear printwork and hardly any stains, large woodcut initial with the Dutch lion. Library stamp: "Gemeente archief Dordrecht". Not in any library/STCN.l Ordinance decreeing a tax (impost) on mills.
EUR 258.75 [Appr.: US$ 284.15 | £UK 216.75 | JP¥ 42260] Book number 67588

is offered by:

Antiquariaat Goltzius
Heereweg 341A, 2161 BL Lisse, The Netherlands

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