Antiquariaat Goltzius: History Law
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Massialot, Francois
Nouvelle instruction pour les fruits. Extract uit Nouvelle instruction pour les confitures, les liqueurs et les fruits. Amsterdam, ca. 1750.
pp. 449-518., origineel 18e- eeuws karton. Geillustreerd met 2 uitvouwbare gravures van fruit arrengementen op tafel.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 42197
€  55.20 [Appr.: US$ 59.92 | £UK 46.75 | JP¥ 9205]

Redevoering over Viglius Ayta van Zwichem, gedaan in een letterkundig genootschap te Amsterdam (na 1795).
[1796?] Lacks wrappers. 80 pp. Viglius van Aytta was a law professor, humanist and diplomat (1507-1549). He was born in Friesland and worked at the Court under Karel V en Pilips II as ruler.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66150
€  40.25 [Appr.: US$ 43.69 | £UK 34 | JP¥ 6712]
Catalogue: History Law

Patriota, I.
Advertissement aen alle goede inwoonderen en liefhebbers van dese Nederlanden [betr. het boekje Provisionele openinghe ...]. Z. pl., 1-7-1618.
Plano, 1 blad. C3112l Knuttel, Verboden boeken, nr. 288. Het boekje 'Provisionele openinghe van verscheyden saecken, ghestelt in de Remonstrantie van den heer advocaet van Hollandt'. Z. pl., 1618, bevatte een vinnige bestrijding van de Remonstrantie van Oldenbarnevelt uit 1618
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 55684
€  172.50 [Appr.: US$ 187.24 | £UK 145.75 | JP¥ 28766]

 SLYPE, NICOLAAS VAN,, Handvesten, keuren, privilegien, octroijen, reglementen, contracten en andere brieven van den overwaard, met een kort uittrekzel der voornaamste Resolutiën, by het Collegie van denzelven Waard in der tyd genomen, voor zo verre dezelve niet in originali hier zyn ingelyst, alles tot den Jare 1780. By een verzameld op speciale Resolutie der Heeren van het Collegie, door den Mede-Heemraad Nicolaas van Slype, Rogiersz. Drossaard van Languerak, Bailliuw van Goudriaan, enz. enz.
Handvesten, keuren, privilegien, octroijen, reglementen, contracten en andere brieven van den overwaard, met een kort uittrekzel der voornaamste Resolutiën, by het Collegie van denzelven Waard in der tyd genomen, voor zo verre dezelve niet in originali hier zyn ingelyst, alles tot den Jare 1780. By een verzameld op speciale Resolutie der Heeren van het Collegie, door den Mede-Heemraad Nicolaas van Slype, Rogiersz. Drossaard van Languerak, Bailliuw van Goudriaan, enz. enz.
Gorinchem, By de Erve Goetzee, drukkeres, 1782, 8vo., full parchment spitsel binding with handwritten title on spine, intact handsewn headbands, [8]+403+[20] pp., inkstained binding with spatters on the front cover, the spine and the bottom right edges, the bookblock and binding are very solid with clear printwork and without any stains on the textpages. Throughout the book there are some typographical decorations.A previous owner has made some notes in blue ink and has underlined some phrases of importance. In the front (on one of the endpapers) is a handwritten overview entitled "Namen der Polders" listing the names of 19 polders. On the opposite page, in the same hand, there is an ownership signature reading "G. Blom". In the back there is another (later) ownership signature reading: 21 April 2009, Zwolle, De Slegte, Alie Vinke & Jelle Kaspersma, Kampen".
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 68366
€  253.00 [Appr.: US$ 274.62 | £UK 213.75 | JP¥ 42190]
Catalogue: History Law

 STRATEN, A. VANDER,, Advertentie. De gecommitteerde Raaden van de Staaten van Holland en Westvriesland (...) omtrent de executie van haar Edele Groot Mog. resolutie in dato 11 Mey 1753 raakende het betaalen van het Heere- en Redemtiegeld van de Pastybakkers Knegts en Meiden (...).
Advertentie. De gecommitteerde Raaden van de Staaten van Holland en Westvriesland (...) omtrent de executie van haar Edele Groot Mog. resolutie in dato 11 Mey 1753 raakende het betaalen van het Heere- en Redemtiegeld van de Pastybakkers Knegts en Meiden (...).
The Hague ('s Gravenhage), Jacobus en Herman Scheltus, 1754, single folded leaf without cover or binding, 4 pp., ruffled edges, some small tears and some sign of waterdamage but the printwork is clear. The announcement opens with a lovely heraldic woodcut illustration depicting the Dutch lion and several city crests (e.g. Alkmaar, Amsterdam, Hoorn, Haarlem en Leiden). With woodcut initial depicting the Dutch lion as well. This announcement is numbered in top right corner: "Num. 67". It concerns a tax called "Heere- en Redemtiegeld" (a tax for the well-to-do) and it applies to number of kitchen helps of pastry bakers ("Pastrybakkers"). Apparently there has been some misunderstanding and a clear distinction is now made between bread bakers ("Broodbakkers") and pastry bakers ("Pastrybakkers"). l "Was geteekent A. vander Straten"
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 67590
€  103.50 [Appr.: US$ 112.35 | £UK 87.5 | JP¥ 17260]
Catalogue: History Law

Grondwets-herziening : vereenigingen van voorstanders van maatschappelijken en constitutionelen vooruitgang / door H.C.A. Thieme C.Azn
Utrecht, D. Scheltema, 1847, treatise on the new constitution written by Herman Carl Anton Thieme C.Azn. lawyer in Arnhem. library stamps of KB.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66573
€  74.75 [Appr.: US$ 81.14 | £UK 63.25 | JP¥ 12465]
Catalogue: History Law

De noodzakelijkheid der indirecte verkiezing tot de nationale vertegenwoordiging nader betoogd.
Amsterdam, J. F. Schleijer, 1848. Original wrappers. 35 pp. Pamphlet against the electoral system. Lacks the last wrapper. George Willem Vreede (1809 -1880) was a Dutch lawyer, historian, legal historian and professor of constitutional and international law in Utrecht. He was the grandson of the patriot leader Pieter Vreede.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66089
€  51.75 [Appr.: US$ 56.17 | £UK 43.75 | JP¥ 8630]
Catalogue: History Law

De Provinciale Staten als kiezers voor de Nationale Vertegenwoordiging beschouwd, Antwoord aan de Heeren mrs. A. F. Jongstra, J. van der Veen en C.W. Opzoomer.
Amsterdam, J. F. Schleijer, 1848. Original wrappers. 48 pp. pages uncut.stamp on titlepage. George Willem Vreede (1809 -1880) was a Dutch lawyer, historian, legal historian and professor of constitutional and international law in Utrecht. He was the grandson of the patriot leader Pieter Vreede.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66090
€  51.75 [Appr.: US$ 56.17 | £UK 43.75 | JP¥ 8630]
Catalogue: History Law

De Provinciale Staten als kiezers voor de Nationale Vertegenwoordiging beschouwd, Antwoord aan de Heeren mrs. A. F. Jongstra, J. van der Veen en C.W. Opzoomer.
Amsterdam, J. F. Schleijer, 1848. 48 pp. Without wrappers. George Willem Vreede (1809 -1880) was a Dutch lawyer, historian, legal historian and professor of constitutional and international law in Utrecht. He was the grandson of the patriot leader Pieter Vreede.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66091
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.21 | £UK 24.5 | JP¥ 4794]
Catalogue: History Law

De regtstreeksche verkiezing tot de Nationale vertegenwoordiging bestreden.
Amsterdam, J. F. Schleijer, 1848. Original wrappers. 50 pp. Pamphlet against the electoral system. George Willem Vreede (1809 -1880) was a Dutch lawyer, historian, legal historian and professor of constitutional and international law in Utrecht. He was the grandson of the patriot leader Pieter Vreede. Added the first 50 pages of the same work with handwritten annotations on the first flyleave.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66087
€  86.25 [Appr.: US$ 93.62 | £UK 73 | JP¥ 14383]
Catalogue: History Law

Het proces Bazaine naar het stenografisch verslag bewerkt door B. de Vries
Schiedam, H.A.M. Roelants, 1875, complete in three volumes, 260+515+509 pages, attractive tooled linnen binding with gilt lettering on spine, scarce, François Achille Bazaine (13 February 1811 - 23 September 1888) was an officer of the French army. Rising from the ranks, during four decades of distinguished service (including 35 years on campaign) under Louis-Philippe and then Napoleon III, he held every rank in the army from Fusilier to Marshal of France. He became renowned for his determination to lead from the front, for his impassive bearing under fire and for personal bravery verging on the foolhardy, which resulted in him being wounded on numerous occasions and having his horse shot from under him twice. From 1863 he was a Marshal of France, and it was in this role that he surrendered the last organized French army to Prussia during the Franco-Prussian war, during the siege of Metz. Sentenced to death by the government of the Third Republic following the war, his sentence was commuted to 20 years imprisonment in exile, from which he subsequently escaped. He eventually settled in Spain where aged 77, he died alone and impoverished in 1888. To the Foreign Legion he remains a hero and to this day is honoured as one of their bravest soldiers. This is the account of his trial by B. de Vries.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 65279
€  281.75 [Appr.: US$ 305.83 | £UK 238 | JP¥ 46985]

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