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- Manuscript: Charterboek Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland (1255-1723)

Handwritten collections in transcripts of privileges and letters concerning the Rijnland Hoogheemraadschap. The transcripts are dated from 1255 to 1723, starting with the earliest sources. At the end of the book some unfilled sections are followed by a neat index listing all the entries including their dates. The writings show two hands. A modern entry in pencil is added in the back dated to 2010 by the owner at that time. He contemplates the worldly affairs of 2010 and the role books play. Signed by Jelle Kaspersma as the temporary keeper ("tijdelijke bewaarder").Beautiful copy of a full brown leather manuscript that is richly decorated (25x19 cm). The book has a ribbed spine with titleplate and gold tooling, there is a goldtooled heraldic crest on the front and back cover (crowned two headed eagle with Dutch lion) and also goldtooling on the edges of the cover. The edges of the bookblock are decorated as well in dark green and red. The written pages are foliated: 141 ff., followed by 8 blank ff. (except for the modern note in pencil) and then the index 5 ff.The handwriting - especially the first hand who wrote the bulk of the entries - is decorative, neat and clearly legible. There are hardly any stains and the construction of the book is in good condition.
EUR 2242.50 [Appr.: US$ 2462.59 | £UK 1877.25 | JP¥ 366255] Book number 68968

is offered by:

Antiquariaat Goltzius
Heereweg 341A, 2161 BL Lisse, The Netherlands

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