Mike Long Books: Religion
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Islam: A Thousand Years of Faith and Power
Cumberland, Rhode Island, U.S.A. Yale Univ Pr. 2002. (ISBN: 0300094221). Soft Cover. PB/Gd. condition/268 pages - A thousand years of faith and power. (K876HT9). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: K876
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: islam history civilization islamic empire 0300094221

Ruin the Sacred Truths: Poetry and Belief from the Bible to the Present
Harvard University Press. 1989. Hard Cover. Hardcover dj / pub.1989/ VG condition/204 pages- Surveys with majestic view the literature of the West from the Old Testament to Samuel Beckett. True poetry cannot be judged by any socially constructe d criteria because it subsumes all criteria. (C 21425). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1425
USD 69.75 [Appr.: EURO 66.5 | £UK 55.5 | JP¥ 10624]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: worship, clergy, priest, baptist, methodist, catholic, jesus, church, poems, poet, religion poetry

Hymal for Young Christians
F. E. L. Publishing. 1968. Soft Cover. PB/pub.1968/Fair condition/186 pages - This text contains many hymals, most songs are from scripture. [KA111416]. Fair.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 11416
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: church, worship, clergy, priest, catholic, christianity, bible, jesus, testamenmt, scripture, prayer, baptist, methodist, nuns, religion

The Jewish Guide to the Here and Hereafter
Crossroad Publishing. 1989. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub.1989/Gd. condition/224 pages- A treasury of spiritual wisdom from the Bible to our time, (AR99613). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 9613
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: jew, hebrew, therapy, death, worship, yiddish, bible, spirituality, wisdom, religion jewish history

Iron John
Addison Wesley. 1990. Hard Cover. Hardcover dj/pub.1990/Gd. condition/268 pages- A Book About Men. (G14540). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 4540
USD 24.75 [Appr.: EURO 23.75 | £UK 19.75 | JP¥ 3770]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: male, emotions, psychology, masculine, dads, sons, sexuality, fathers, uncles, society, politics, religion psychotherapy nonfiction

If This Is Treason, I Am Guilty
Wm. B. Eerdmans, Publisher. 1987. Soft Cover. PB/pub. 1987/Gd. condition/134 pages- This collection of addresses and sermons, shows all aspects of Boesak's involvement in the anti-apartheid movement. Offers a analysis of the church role in politi cal issues, as well as sermons and articles show ing a deep biblical understanding of the issues at stake. (E83835). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 3835
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: worship, clergy, politics, church, apartheid, government, leadership, priest, protest, religion black history first editions

Orbis Publishing. 1986. Soft Cover. PB/pub.1986/Gd. condition (some underlining)/116 pages - The Base Communities Reinvent the Church. (J21330z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1330z
USD 34.75 [Appr.: EURO 33.25 | £UK 27.75 | JP¥ 5293]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: worship, church, priest, pope, christianity, theology, bible, jesus, christ, baptist, methodist, religion

The Mind's Road to God
Bobbs Publishing. Soft Cover. PB/pub.1953/Fair condition/43 pages - The mind's road to God. [TI936457]. Fair.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 36457
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: god, mind, saint, scriptures, testaments, bible, trinity, morality, realism, medea, worship, psychology, psychiatry,

Conquest of Violence
Princeton University Publishing. 1958. Soft Cover. PB/Pub.1958//VG condition/281 pages - The most potent legacy Mahatma Gandhi left in the world was the technique of satyagraha [literally, holding on to the truth] [K38517]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 8517
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: prayer, conflict, universal, satyagraha, process, experiments, sermons, religion, understanding,

Do You Want to Be Healed? How Religion and Science Combine to Work the Miracles of Healing
New York, Harper and Row, Publisher. 1968, First Edition. Hard Cover. Publisher: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1968, Good, HB, 159 pp. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 004093
USD 65.00 [Appr.: EURO 62 | £UK 51.75 | JP¥ 9900]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: miracles od healing science religion

What Can Happen When We Pray: A Daily Devotional
Augsburg Fortress Pub. 2001. (ISBN: 0806634065). Soft Cover. PB/pub.2001/Gd. condition/384 pages - A tool for your daily praise life . (AN56037z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 6037z
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: devotional theology, church, prayer, blessing, lutheran, god, baptist, catholic, baptist, spirituality, calendars 0806634065

Guerillas of Peace
South End Press. 1987. (ISBN: 0896083101). Soft Cover. Gd. condition - Liberation theology and the Central American revolution .. (TE69066z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 9067z
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: sufi, bektashi, theology, muslim, islam, worship, christainity, baptist, catholic, hebrew, rabbi, mosque, middle east, koran, revolution, terrorist, protest, imperalism, united states, politics, 0896083101

Tramp for the Lord
Christian Literature Crusade Publishing. 1974. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub.1974/Gd.condition/192 pages - An autobiography by Corrie Ten Boom. [TR735439]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 35439
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: jesus christ, concentration camps, world war ii, memoirs, history, adventure, diary, religion autobiography

Christian Short Stories
Firethorn Press. 1984. Soft Cover. PB/ pub.1984/ VG condition/ 200 pages Not of stories written by great Christians, but of stories written by great writers who have been inspired by Christianity. Such themes as God's miraculous interv ention, divine justice and the mysterious worki ngs of Grace. (B2718). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 718
USD 64.75 [Appr.: EURO 61.75 | £UK 51.5 | JP¥ 9862]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: anthology, god, christianity, grace, church, blessings, miracles, religion fiction

The God Game : It's Your Move
Stillpoint Press. 1994. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub. 1994/Gd. condition/196 pages - Reclaim your spiritual power.(J61828z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1828z
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: christianity, bible, god, jesus, church, priest, history, spirituality, worship, theology, religion

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