Mike Long Books: Religion
found: 1277 books on 86 pages. This is page 11
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History of the Islamic People
G.P. Putnam's Sons Publishing. 1947. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub.1947/Gd. condition/574 pages- A history of the islamic people and states from the beginning. (AT37932). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 7932
USD 214.75 [Appr.: EURO 204.75 | £UK 170.75 | JP¥ 32709]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: muslims, africa, negro, arabia, worship, spirituality, prayer, maps, history, culture, tradition, heritage, islam, religion political science black history

Strange Gods
Beacon Press. 1981. (ISBN: 0807032565). Soft Cover. Gd. conditon - The great American cult scare .. (TN59679z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 9679z
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: spirituality, worship, christianity, islam, muslim, palestine, israel, mosque, quran, koran, catholic, theology, cult, 0807032565

Biblical Foundations
Every Nation Productions. 2000. Soft Cover. Gd. condition - Foundational Bible Studies for Building Strong Disciples - .. (KN31039ml). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1039ml
USD 34.75 [Appr.: EURO 33.25 | £UK 27.75 | JP¥ 5293]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: scripture, god, jesus, church, priest, catholic, baptist, christianity, bible, blessing, prayer, theology,

The Hare Krishnas in India
Princeton University Press. 1989. Hard Cover. Hardcover/Pub.1989/VG condition/265 pages - The beliefs and practices of the Hare Krishnas. [K28314]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 8314
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: transliteration, methodology, emotions, sacred, vrindaban, cultural, symbolic, religion

The Hare Krishnas in India
Princeton University Press. 1989. Hard Cover. Hardcover/Pub.1989/VG condition/263 pages - What takes place in the everyday life of a Hare Krishna in India. [K28493]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 8493
USD 59.75 [Appr.: EURO 57 | £UK 47.5 | JP¥ 9101]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: vrindaban, historical, developments, pilgrimage, interaction, dynamics, methodology, education

Christianity and the Class Struggle
Arlington House Press. 1970. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub.1970/Gd. condition/221 pages - Discusses the struggle between economic classes, the struggle between the races, the struggle between the age groups, and even the struggle between mentali ties.. (E12218z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2218z
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: bible, church, negro, racism, economics, history, jesus, god, theology, society, politics, catholics, protestant, religion political science black history

Conscience and Captivity
Ethics And Public Policy Center Publishing. 1976. Soft Cover. PB/pub.1976/Fair condition/376 pages - Discusses religion in Eastern Europe. [AE627146]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 27146
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: worship, church, regimes, reform policies, struggle, constrictions, communist, religion

Priest and Bishop
Paulist Press. 1970. Soft Cover. PB/pub.1970/Gd.condition/86 pages - Biblical reflections. [HA337691]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37691
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: priest, scripture, roman catholic, testament, prayers, jesus, god, christian, worship,

A Risen Christ in Eastertime : Essays on the Gospel Narratives of the Resurrection
Collegeville, MN, U.S.A. Liturgical Press, The. 1991. (ISBN: 0-8146-2014-0). Soft Cover. Publisher: The Liturgical Press, 1991, Good, Soft Cover, ISBN: 0-8146-2014-0, front cover price sticker, corner bumped. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 004114
USD 25.00 [Appr.: EURO 24 | £UK 20 | JP¥ 3808]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: bible criticism interpretation etc n t gospels jesus christ resurrection religion new testament 0814620140 0814620140

Singing the Gospel
Harvard Univ Pr. 2005. (ISBN: 0674017056). Hard Cover. Gd. condition - Lutheran Hymns and the success of the Reformation - (TR2). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 4838ml
USD 143.70 [Appr.: EURO 137 | £UK 114.25 | JP¥ 21887]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: theology, religion, church, prayer, blessing, god, jesus , catholic , protestant, islam, hebrew , koran, biblle, torah , sutra, buddha, hindi, africa, physics , song , hope , homelessness , poor , rich, wal street , investment , liturgy , pope , priest 06

The Spiritual Tourist
Bloomsbury Press. 1998. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub.1998/Gd. condition/306 pages - A personal odyssey through the outer reaches of belief.. (TI15073z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 5073z
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: worship, spiritualiy, church, blessing, buddha, christianty, church, bible, theology, muslim, hindu, mystic,

Science Technology Education in Church-Related Colleges and Universities
Itest Faith Science Pr. 1990. (ISBN: 0962543101). Soft Cover. Gd. condition - The teaching of Science and Technology in Church administrated schools .. (TK8). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1988ml
USD 34.75 [Appr.: EURO 33.25 | £UK 27.75 | JP¥ 5293]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: theology, school, education, technology, faith, scripture, testament, bible, church, teacher, student, university, 0962543101

The Christian Doctrine of God
The Westminster Press. 1940. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub.1940/Gd. condition/361 pages- Dogmatics: Volume 1. (E17325). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 7325
USD 134.75 [Appr.: EURO 128.5 | £UK 107.25 | JP¥ 20524]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: theology, history, priest, prayer, god, church, blessing, healing, testament, bible, religion

The Christian Doctrine of Creation and Redemption
The Westminster Press. 1952. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub.1952/Gd. condition/385 pages- Dogmatics: Volume 2. (E17326). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 7326
USD 164.75 [Appr.: EURO 157 | £UK 131 | JP¥ 25093]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: theology, history, priest, prayer, god, church, blessing, healing, testament, bible, religion

Saint Paul and His Message
Hawthorn Publishing. 1959. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub.1959/Gd.condition/140 pages - Takes you through all the stages of St. Paul's thought. [TR134825]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 34825
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: christ, message, st.paul, enemy, jesus, testments, scriptures, god, stages, literature, religion

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