Mike Long Books: Religion
found: 1277 books on 86 pages. This is page 7
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Myth and Today's Consciousness
Coventure Publishing. 1984. Soft Cover. PB/pub.1984/Gd. condition/112 pages - Explores the mirrors of our consciousness, in myths, gnostic tradition, literature, the tarot, astrology, and religion. [AH926488]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 26488
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: therapy, psychology, psychiatry, treatment, religion, mental, doctor, patient, healing,

In the Heart of the World: Thoughts, Stories, & Prayers
New World Library Press. 1997. (ISBN: 1577310659). Hard Cover. Gd. condition - Theological explorations .. (A9464ml). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 465ml
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: church, god, jesus, theology, scripture, bible, baptist, catholic, worship, spirituality, prayer, blessing, healing, hindu, buddha, allah, muslim, islam, christianity, jew, rabbi, vatican, education, psychology 1577310659

An Anatomy of Revelation
Morehouse Publishing. 1990. Soft Cover. PB/pub.1990/Gd. condition/118 pages - Discusses prophetic visions in the light of scientific research. [AH926531]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 26531
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: clairvoyance, occult, psychic, optic chiasm, sensory, paranormal, revelation, religion

Foreign Policy in Christian Perspective
Charles Scribner's Sons Publisher. 1966. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub. 1966/Gd. condition/160 pages - Shows the relevence of Christian ethics in the life and death struggle of foreign policy .. (HA95144z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 5144z
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: church, worship, bible, god, christianity, catholic, baptist, jesus, politics, leadership, vatican,

The Holy Spirit and You
Logos International, Publisher. 1971. Soft Cover. PB/pub. 1971/Gd. condition/224 pages- A study-guide to the spirit-filled life- (Z19007). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 9007
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: worship, clergy, church, prayer, bible, jesus, baptist , catholic, christian,

Jacob the Baker
Villard Press. 1989. (ISBN: 0394579259). Hard Cover. Gd. condition - Gentle Wisdom for a Complicated World .. (KR69399z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 9399z
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: wisdom, wise, verse, poem, poet, romance, slavery, hope, god, theology, adventure, humanity, 0394579259

The 72 Names of God: Technology for the Soul
Kabbalah Center Press. 2003. (ISBN: 1571891358). Hard Cover. Gd. condition - The connection to the infinite spiritual current that flows through life's realities .. (KT59318z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 9318z
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: biblical, theology, god, jesus, catholic, baptist, worship, scripture, bible, church, spirituality, stress, depression, anger, psychology, therapy, 1571891358

Christ the Meaning of History
John Knox Press. 1966. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub.1966/Fair condition (ex-lib)/224 pages - This text has given some courage to live and labour on through the wilderness of secularism. [AE827311]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 27311
USD 94.75 [Appr.: EURO 90.5 | £UK 75.5 | JP¥ 14432]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: worship, interpretation, testament, events, history, missionary, endeavor, christ, religion

Let Us Reason Together
Crown Publishing. 1970. Hard Cover. Hardcover dj/ pub.1970/Gd. condition/224 pages- Dialogues on vital contemporary issues. (H26546). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 6546
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: jew, israel, rabbi, hebrew, speech, lecture, religion jewish history

Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Buse of Children
Doubleday Publisher. 1992. Hard Cover. Hardcover dj/ pub. 1992/ VG condition/ 403 pages- A behind the scene account of this unprecedented crisis in the Catholic Church. Four hundred Catholic priests in North America have been reported for molesting children. $400 million has been paid by the church to resolve these cases. (B71108). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1108
USD 99.75 [Appr.: EURO 95.25 | £UK 79.5 | JP¥ 15193]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: church, sexuality, abuse, case studies, molesting, clergy, christian, baptist, religion gay lifestyle criminology

Liberation Theology
Pantheon Publishing. 1987. Soft Cover. PB/pub.1987/Gd. condition/231 pages - The essential facts about the revolutionary movement in Latin America and beyond. [AR828698]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 28698
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: prayer, ideologies, catholicism, priests, worship, scriptures, testaments, literature, religion

Saving Remnants
Free Press. 1992. Hard Cover. Hardcover dj/ pub.1992/VG condition/332 pages- Feeling Jewish in America. (G45451). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 5451
USD 109.75 [Appr.: EURO 104.75 | £UK 87.25 | JP¥ 16716]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: jew, history, hebrew, judica, yiddish, immigrant, politics, culture, tradition, heritage, palestine, religion jewish history

The Comfortable Pew
J. B. Lippincott Publishing. 1965. Hard Cover. Gd. condition - A critical exploration of the Church .. (A2). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2873ml
USD 89.75 [Appr.: EURO 85.75 | £UK 71.5 | JP¥ 13670]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: hebrew, yiddish, jew, israel, palestine, germany, holocaust, hatred, blessing, prayer, hitler, extermination, theology, temple, ritual, ceremony, jurisprudence, law, customs, tradition, heritage, middle east, family, jerusalem, islam, legal, court, jury,

Positively Gay
Mediamiz Associates Publishing. 1979. Soft Cover. PB/Pub1979/VG condition/218 pages - A compilation of essays, rich with information, spirit and diversity on subjects ranging from religion to coming out to mom and dad. [K38535]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 8535
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: relationships, religion, mental health, planning, financial, aging, coupling,

The Western Heritage of Faith and Reason
Harper Publishing. 1963. Hard Cover. Hardcover/Gd. condition/703 pages - Discusses the Hebrews and their religion. (HI6A). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: K2455
USD 319.75 [Appr.: EURO 304.75 | £UK 254.25 | JP¥ 48702]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: hebrews, church, baptist, prayer, catholic, scriptures, god, worship, clergy, bible, testament,

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