Mike Long Books: Religion
found: 1277 books on 86 pages. This is page 6
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The Gospel of Mark (Daily Study Bible for the New Testament) (Daily Study Bible Ser. )
Louisville, KY, U.S.A. Westminster John Knox Press. 1975. (ISBN: 0-664-24102-6). Soft Cover. Publisher: The Westminster Press, 1975, V.Good, Soft Cover, ISBN: 0-664-24102-6. Very Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 006798
USD 42.50 [Appr.: EURO 40.5 | £UK 34 | JP¥ 6473]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: bible study teaching n t criticism interpretation etc gospels religion new testament 0664241026 0664241026

The Gospel of Luke (Daily Study Bible for the New Testament) (Daily Study Bible Ser. )
Louisville, KY, U.S.A. Westminster John Knox Press. 1975. (ISBN: 0-664-24103-4). Soft Cover. Publisher: The Westminster Press, 1975, V.Good, Soft Cover, ISBN: 0-664-24103-4. Very Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 006802
USD 62.50 [Appr.: EURO 59.75 | £UK 49.75 | JP¥ 9520]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: bible study teaching n t criticism interpretation etc gospels religion new testament 0664241034 0664241034

The Revelation of John (Daily Study Bible for the New Testament, Vol. 2) (Revelation of John Ser. , Vol. 2)
Louisville, KY, U.S.A. Westminster John Knox Press. 1976. (ISBN: 0-664-24116-6). Soft Cover. Publisher: The Westminster Press, 1976, V.Good, Soft Cover, ISBN: 0-664-24116-6. Chapters 6 to 22. Very Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 006800
USD 62.50 [Appr.: EURO 59.75 | £UK 49.75 | JP¥ 9520]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: bible criticism interpretation etc n t gospels religion new testament 0664241166 0664241166

The Revelation of John (Daily Study Bible for the New Testament, Vol. 1) (Daily Study Bible Ser. , Vol. 1)
Louisville, KY, U.S.A. Westminster John Knox Press. 1976. (ISBN: 0-664-24115-8). Soft Cover. Publisher: The Westminster Press, 1976, V.Good, Soft Cover, ISBN: 0-664-24115-8. Chapters 1 to 5. Very Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 006801
USD 62.50 [Appr.: EURO 59.75 | £UK 49.75 | JP¥ 9520]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: bible study teaching n t criticism interpretation etc gospels religion new testament 0664241158 0664241158

The Revelation of John (Daily Study Bible for the New Testament, Vol. 1) (Daily Study Bible Ser. , Vol. 1)
Louisville, KY, U.S.A. Westminster John Knox Press. 1976, Revised. (ISBN: 0-664-21315-4). Hard Cover. Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press, 1976, Good, HB, ISBN: 0-664-21315-4. Vol. 1 (Chapters 1 to 5). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 009239
USD 102.49 [Appr.: EURO 97.75 | £UK 81.5 | JP¥ 15610]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: bible study teaching n t criticism interpretation etc gospels religion new testament 0664213154 0664213154

Faith at Home
Morehouse Publishing. 2016. (ISBN: 0819232769). Soft Cover. Gd. condition - A handbook for cautiously Christian Parents .. (H4). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 4831ml
USD 41.70 [Appr.: EURO 39.75 | £UK 33.25 | JP¥ 6351]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: theology, religion, church, prayer, blessing, god, jesus , catholic , protestant, islam, hebrew , koran, biblle, torah , sutra, buddha, hindi, africa, physics , song , hope , homelessness , poor , rich, wal street , investment , liturgy , pope , priest 08

The Epistle to the Romans
Oxford Univ Pr. 1968. (ISBN: 0195002942). Soft Cover. Gd. condition - A study in theology - (TR8). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 4836ml
USD 47.70 [Appr.: EURO 45.5 | £UK 38 | JP¥ 7265]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: theology, religion, church, prayer, blessing, god, jesus , catholic , protestant, islam, hebrew , koran, biblle, torah , sutra, buddha, hindi, africa, physics , song , hope , homelessness , poor , rich, wal street , investment , liturgy , pope , priest 01

Between the Bible and the Church: New Methods for Biblical Preaching
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A. Abingdon Pr. 1999. (ISBN: 0687028256). Soft Cover. Gd. condition - An exploration of the Bible in church ... (TN522ml). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 22ml
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: theology, bible, preaching, testament, scripture, catholic, baptist, church, 0687028256

Sources of Indian Tradition - Vol. 1
Columbia University Press. 1958. Soft Cover. PB/pub.1958/Fair condition/535 pages - The editor presents material that illustrates Indian thought since earliest times. The traditions represented here include, Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Brahmani sm, and Islam. [KT412680]. Fair.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 12680
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: worship, church, philosophical, christianity, testament, prayer, scripture, bible, jesus, religion

Awake My Heart
Paraclete Press. 1998. Soft Cover. PB/pub.1998/Gd. condition/110 pages - Psalms for life. Contains sharp-edged verses of biblical poetry. [AN229758]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 29758
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: verses, poems, worship, prayer, biblical poetry, sharp-edged, psalms, literature, religion

The Future of Christian Marriage
Herder and Herder. 1973. Soft Cover. PB/pub. 1973/ VG condition/ 152 pages- The revision of the canon law on marriage in the Roman Catholic Church is currently in progress. In Fact, It is anticipated that the initial drafts of the new ca nons will be in the hands of the bishops, and t he members of the cardinalitial commission. (B71124). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1124
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: couples, relationships, family, lover, love, romance, wedding, parents, children, religion women's studies

It Is the Lord: Sin and Confession Revisited
Fides Publsihing. 1970. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub.1970/Gd. condition/157 pages - Things we thought was wrong ten years ago now seems virtuous. [AR128122]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 28122
USD 114.75 [Appr.: EURO 109.5 | £UK 91.25 | JP¥ 17478]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: worship, church, clergy, christianity, bible, jesus, testament, mortal sin, holy communion, confession, priests, religion

A New Look at the Sacraments
Fides/Claretian Press. 1977. Soft Cover. Gd. condtion - The Language and the Rituals examined.. (HA87250z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 7250z
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: theology, bible, testament, scripture, jesus, god, worship, christianity,

Grace at the Table
Inter Varsity Press. 1999. Soft Cover. PB/pub.1999/Gd. condition/219 pages - Ending Hunger in God's world.. (HA54916z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 4916z
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 28.5 | £UK 23.75 | JP¥ 4531]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: hunger, food, agriculture, christianity, bible, world, starvation, crop, farm, nutrition,

Ministry to Turbulent America
Judson Press. 1957. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub. 1957/Gd. condition/262 pages - A history of the American Baptist Home Mission Society Covering its Fifth Quarter Century 1932-1957..(TA51498z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1498z
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 42.75 | £UK 35.75 | JP¥ 6816]
Catalogue: Religion
Keywords: theology, worship, politics, america, blessed, bible, baptist, minister, priest, jesus, god, chuch, scripture, negro, anglo, christianity, testament, gospel, religion

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