Antiquariaat Isis, NVvA/ILAB: Oude en bijzondere boeken - Theologie
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 ANGUS, J., Llaw-lyfr y beibl: neu arweiniad i fyfyrdod o'r ysgrythyrau sanctaidd.
Llaw-lyfr y beibl: neu arweiniad i fyfyrdod o'r ysgrythyrau sanctaidd.
Caerfyrddin, William Morgan Evans, 1860. (VIII) 567 pp. Leather. some foxing, spine slightly damaged, otherwise good condition
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 617208
€  65.00 [Appr.: US$ 71.38 | £UK 54.5 | JP¥ 10616]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; theologie1

Jugement des ss. peres sur la morale de la philosophie payenne.
Strassbourg, Jean Renaud Doulssecker, 1719. (IV) (XLVI) 536, (VIII) pp. Hardcover. spine and frontboard a bit damaged; endpaper spotted; title page a bit spotted and with small library stamp, a few pages in the beginnings waterstained and curled up, otherwise in good condition
¶ Baltus, Jean François (1667-1743)A learned Jesuit who affirmed that the oracles of the ancients were the work of demons and that they were reduced to silence during the mission of Christ upon the earth.
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 641486
€  125.00 [Appr.: US$ 137.27 | £UK 104.75 | JP¥ 20416]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; theologie1

 BASNAGE, JAKOB, Vervolg op Flavius Josephus; of  algememe historie der joodsche naatsie, behelzende ene uitvoerige beschryving van derzelver regerings-vorm, godtsdienst, gezinten en plegtigheden, nevens de veranderingen daar in voorgevallen: mitsgaders een verhaal van alle oorlogen, weergaloze rampen, wisselvalligheden, verstrooiing door de gehele waerelt, die naatsie in Asia, Afrika en Europa overgekomen; de zeltzame wetten en reglementen, in ieder koningryk in hare opzichte van tydt tot tydt gemaakt: waar in men vindt de levens en bedryven der joodsche regeerders, hogepriesters, opperveltheren, valsche messiassen, beroemde mannen en geleerde schryvers, met een berecht van derzelver werken (...) Uit het Fransch vertaalt, en met kopere platen versiert. 2 delen in 1 band.
Vervolg op Flavius Josephus; of algememe historie der joodsche naatsie, behelzende ene uitvoerige beschryving van derzelver regerings-vorm, godtsdienst, gezinten en plegtigheden, nevens de veranderingen daar in voorgevallen: mitsgaders een verhaal van alle oorlogen, weergaloze rampen, wisselvalligheden, verstrooiing door de gehele waerelt, die naatsie in Asia, Afrika en Europa overgekomen; de zeltzame wetten en reglementen, in ieder koningryk in hare opzichte van tydt tot tydt gemaakt: waar in men vindt de levens en bedryven der joodsche regeerders, hogepriesters, opperveltheren, valsche messiassen, beroemde mannen en geleerde schryvers, met een berecht van derzelver werken (...) Uit het Fransch vertaalt, en met kopere platen versiert. 2 delen in 1 band.
Amsterdam/Delft, Gerard onder de Linden/Reinier Boitet, 1726-1727. Frontispice + 2 gegraveerde portretten (Jakob Basnage en Egidius van den Bempden) + 1 buitentekstgravure + 91 binnentekstgravures + 2 gegraveerde drukkersvignetten. Leren band met geornamenteerde rug . Folio. [XXIV] 658 +7, [VI] 659-760, 760-1102, 1103-1940 pp. scheur in voorplat; knepen zwak; rug licht beschadigd; oude namen op schutblad; tekst hier en daar licht gebruind; randen platten licht beschadigd; platten gevlekt; verder in goede staat
¶ "Deze uitgave behandelt de geschiedenis van de verwoesting van Jeruzalem tot ±1700 (...) Velen menen dat de twee Vervolgen bij één van de uitgaven van Flavius Josephus' werken behoren, dit is echter niet het geval." Poortman, 11b, Boekzaal van de werken van Flavius Josephus in de Nederlandse taal, 265 Basnage.'Jacques Christian (also called Basnage de Beauval; 1653-1725), Protestant divine and historian. After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes he accepted a call as pastor to Rotterdam (1686) and later to The Hague (1691). He wrote several books, the most famous being L'histoire et la réligion des Juifs depuis Jésus Christ jusqu'á present (5 vols., 1706-11) (...) which was praised by Voltaire. The book was intended to supplement and continue the history of Josephus, but is marred by the author's inadequate knowledge of Hebrew, which obliged him to rely on Latin translations of Jewish sources and authors. He made use of the works of Buxtorf and Arias Montano and other Christian scholars. (...) his book enjoyed great popularity and was the basis for later, more informed Jewish histories. (...) His books are important as the first comprehensive and truly erudite history of the Jews in the Christian era, filling a gap between early Jewish historical writings and modern Jewish historical research Encyclopaedia Judaica, 4, 309-310 NNBW, 2, 95-98
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 631075
€  250.00 [Appr.: US$ 274.54 | £UK 209.5 | JP¥ 40831]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; theologie1

 BEZA, THEODORUS, Theodori Bezae annotationes maiores in nouum Dn. Nostri Iesu Christi Testamentum. I duas distinctae partes, quarum prior explicationem in quatuor evangelistas & acta apostolorum: posterior vero in epistolas & apocalypsin continet. Quibus etiam adiuncti sunt indices rerum ac verborum locupletisimi. Noua autem haec editio multo correctior & emendatior priore, nunc primum hac minore forma in gratiam & vtilitatem studiosorum in lucem prodit. Two parts in one volume.
Theodori Bezae annotationes maiores in nouum Dn. Nostri Iesu Christi Testamentum. I duas distinctae partes, quarum prior explicationem in quatuor evangelistas & acta apostolorum: posterior vero in epistolas & apocalypsin continet. Quibus etiam adiuncti sunt indices rerum ac verborum locupletisimi. Noua autem haec editio multo correctior & emendatior priore, nunc primum hac minore forma in gratiam & vtilitatem studiosorum in lucem prodit. Two parts in one volume.
N.p., n.p, 1594. Printer's vignet. 570, 648 (34), (52) pp. Parchment. binding a bit loose and spotted, text block a bit spotted, old name (Petrus de Laat) on titlepage, titlepage repaired, otherwise in good condition
¶ Theodore Beza, French Théodore de Bèze, (born June 24, 1519, Vézelay, France - died October 13, 1605, Geneva, Switzerland), author, translator, educator, and theologian who assisted and later succeeded John Calvin as a leader of the Protestant Reformation centred at Geneva.After studying law at Orléans, France (1535?39), Beza established a practice in Paris, where he published Juvenilia (1548), a volume of amorous verse that earned him a reputation as a leading Latin poet. On recovering from a serious illness, he underwent a conversion experience and in 1548 traveled to Geneva to join Calvin, then deeply involved with his reforms of Swiss political and educational institutions. A year later Beza became a professor of Greek at Lausanne, where he wrote in defense of the burning of the anti-Trinitarian heretic Michael Servetus (died 1553). For several years Beza traveled throughout Europe defending the Protestant cause. He returned to Geneva in 1558.There, in 1559, with Calvin, he founded the new Geneva academy, destined to become a training ground for promotion of Calvinist doctrines. As its first rector, Beza was the logical successor to Calvin upon the Reformer's death in 1564. Beza remained the chief pastor of the Geneva church for the rest of his life, contributing numerous works that influenced the development of Reformed theology.In most matters, he reiterated Calvin's views, though with greater stress on ecclesiastical discipline and rigid obedience to authority. Beza's sermons and commentaries were widely read in his time; his Greek editions and Latin translations of the New Testament were basic sources for the Geneva Bible and the King James Version (1611). His De jure magistratum (1574; 'On the Rights of the Magistrate', defending the right of revolt against tyranny, grew out of the Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day (1572), from which many surviving French Protestants were welcomed by Beza in Geneva. Beza's book overthrew the earlier Calvinist doctrine of obedience to all civil authority and subsequently became a major political manifesto of Calvinism. In 1581 Beza donated to the University of Cambridge from his library the celebrated Codex Bezae (D), an important manuscript from about the 5th century bearing Greek and Latin texts of the Gospels and Acts and supplemented by Beza's commentary based on the Calvinist viewpoint. Other works among Beza's own writings include anti-Catholic tracts, a biography of Calvin, and the Histoire ecclésiastique des Églises réformées au royaume de France (1580; 'Ecclesiastical History of the Reformed Church in the Kingdom of France'. Both as a theologian and as an administrator, despite occasional charges of intolerance made against him, Beza is considered not only Calvin's successor but also his equal in securing the establishment of Calvinism in Europe.
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 629490
€  750.00 [Appr.: US$ 823.61 | £UK 628 | JP¥ 122493]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; theologie1

 BOSSUET, JACQUES BENIGNE, Elevations a Dieu sur tous les mysteres de la religion chretienne. Ouvrage postume. 2 parts in one volume.
Elevations a Dieu sur tous les mysteres de la religion chretienne. Ouvrage postume. 2 parts in one volume.
Paris, Jean Mariette, 1727. (44), 304 (8), 343 (14) pp. Leather with decorated spine + marbled text block. 12°. top spine slightly damaged, front board partly rubbed, library sticker on spine, paper here and there slightly foxed, otherwise in good condition
¶ Contains 25 semaines (weeks)Jacques-Bénigne Lignel Bossuet (27 september 1627 -12 april 1704) was a French bishop and theologian, renowned for his sermons and other addresses. He has been considered by many to be one of the most brilliant orators of all time and a masterly French stylist.Court preacher to Louis XIV of France, Bossuet was a strong advocate of political absolutism and the divine right of kings. He argued that government was divinely ordained and that kings received sovereign power from God. He was also an important courtier and politician.His work Discours sur l'histoire universelle (Discourse on Universal History 1681) is regarded by many Catholics as an actualization or new version of the City of God of St. Augustine of Hippo.
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 633556
€  150.00 [Appr.: US$ 164.72 | £UK 125.75 | JP¥ 24499]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; theologie1

Verhandelingen over den vryen wil en de begeerlykheid (..). Na des schryvers dood in 't licht gekomen. Uit het Fransch vertaald door Leonard van Rhyn.
Amsterdam, T. Crajenschot, 1772. (XIV) (VIII) 232 (6) pp. Leren band. 8°. rug en platten licht geschaafd, verder in goede staat
¶ Oorspronkelijk verschenen in 1731 onder de titel Traité du libre arbitraire et traité de la concupiscence
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 641085
€  125.00 [Appr.: US$ 137.27 | £UK 104.75 | JP¥ 20416]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; theologie1

Thesaurus grammaticus linguae sanctae Hebraeae, duobus libris methodice propositus, quorum prior vocum singularum naturam & proprietates, alter vocum conjunctarum rationem & elegantiam universam, accuratissime explicat. Ajecta prosodia metrica sive poeseos Hebreorum dilucida tractatio. Lectionis Hebraeo-Germanicae usus & exercitatio. Editio quarta, cum capitum & vocum irregularium indice. In Inclyta Helvetiorum.
Bazel, Ludovici Regis, 1629. (VIII) 690 (30) pp. Parchment. binding spotted, edges boards partly damaged, some pages partly waterstained, titlepage a bit browned, otherwise in good condition
¶ Textblock marbled.Buxtorf was born in Basel, where he also died. Before the age of thirteen he matriculated at the University of Basel, and in December 1615 graduated as Master of Arts there. He went to Heidelberg, where he continued his studies under David Pareus, Abraham Scultetus, Johann Heinrich Alting, and others.In 1618 he attended the synod of Dort, where he formed friendships with Simon Episcopius, Ludwig Crocius, and others. He succeeded his late father, in the chair of Hebrew at the university; he gained an almost equal reputation, in the same domain, and was considered a chip off the old block. Although he received offers from Groningen, Leyden, and other places, he preferred to retain his position at Basel. He was four times married, and in his latter years experienced many sorrows.Like his father, Buxtorf maintained relations with several learned Jews. He employed Abraham Braunschweig to purchase Hebrew books for him; and for many years he corresponded with the scholarly Jacob Roman of Constantinople regarding the acquisition of Hebrew manuscripts and rare printed works. Buxtorf was also engaged in the sale of Hebrew books; among his purchasers being the commercial representative of Cardinal Richelieu, Stella de Tery et Morimont, who occasionally sojourned at Basel, and Johann Heinrich Hottinger at Zurich, with whom Buxtorf was on terms of close friendship. He also frequently furnished Hebrew books to the Zurich library.Buxtorf corresponded not only with Jacob Roman and Leon Siau of Constantinople (the latter of whom afterward embraced Christianity and became physician-in-ordinary to a Transylvanian prince), but with the teacher Solomon Gai, and with the friend of the latter, Florio Porto of Mantua, both of whom were commissioned by Buxtorf to purchase Hebrew books in Italy; with the learned rabbi Menahem Zion Porto Cohen of Padua, whom Buxtorf did not treat in a very friendly manner; with Manasseh b. Israel; David Cohen de Lara of Hamburg; Jacob Abendana of Amsterdam, for whose "Miklol Yofi" he wrote an approbation; Isaac Abendana, brother of the foregoing; Joseph Delmedigo, with whom he was personally acquainted; and many others.Buxtorf prepared new editions of several of his father's works [especially the "Tiberias"]; and, as in the case of the "Concordance" and the "Talmudic-Rabbinical Lexicon," completed and prepared for publication those that had been left unfinished.Nineteen years after the death of his father he became involved in a controversy with Louis Cappel regarding the antiquity of the Hebrew vowel-signs; and although the question was one purely historical, it nevertheless contained a substratum of dogma, and in a number of polemical writings was conducted with great intensity and bitterness on both sides.The following original works of Buxtorf were published: De Linguae Hebraicae Origine et Antiquitate (Basel, 1644; not as Herzog, 1643) Florilegium Hebraicum Continens Elegantes Sentencias, Proverbia, Apophthegmata: ex Optimis Quibusque Maxime vero Priscis Hebraeorum Scriptoribus Collectum et . . . Alphabetice Dispositum (Basel, 1648). Tractatus de punctorum origine, antiquitate, et authoritate, oppositus Arcano puntationis revelato Ludovici Cappelli (1648), defending the authenticity of the vocalization "JEHOVAH".[citation needed] It was written to defend and elaborate upon a similar book by his father, Johannes Buxtorf Sr., entitled, Tiberias, sive Commentarius Masoreticus (1620 and 1664), arguing against Elias Levita's view of the late origin of the Hebrew vowel points.Especially noteworthy also are Buxtorf's Latin translations of the "Moreh" of Maimonides, "Doctor Perplexorum" (Basel, 1629), and the "Cuzari" of Judah ha-Levi, "Liber Cosri" (Basel, 1660). Buxtorf also wrote a long series of dissertations on the writings of Abravanel, among which may be mentioned "De Sive de Excitii Poena," "De Longa Vita Primorum Parentum," "De Statu et Jure Regio," "De Mosis Nomine." All these first appeared singly, and then either as "Dissertaciones Philologo-Theologicae" (Basel, 1662), or in Ugolino's "Thesaurus" (xxv.); while several others, such as "De Lepra Vestimentorum et AEdium," "De Poesi Veteri Hebraica in Libris Sacris Usitata," "De Principio Anni," etc., were appended to the translation of the "Cuzari."
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 629491
€  250.00 [Appr.: US$ 274.54 | £UK 209.5 | JP¥ 40831]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; theologie1

 CALVIJN, J., Joannis Calvini noviodvnensis Opera omnia; in novem tomos digesta. Editio omnium novissima, ad fidem emendatiorum codicum quam accuratissime recognita, & indicibus locupletissimis non sine maximo labore & studio adornata. Tomorum seriem, & quam quisque complectatur materiam proxima à praefatione pagina docebit. 9 volumes. Complete set.
Joannis Calvini noviodvnensis Opera omnia; in novem tomos digesta. Editio omnium novissima, ad fidem emendatiorum codicum quam accuratissime recognita, & indicibus locupletissimis non sine maximo labore & studio adornata. Tomorum seriem, & quam quisque complectatur materiam proxima à praefatione pagina docebit. 9 volumes. Complete set.
Amsterdam, Joannes Jacobus Schipper, 1667. 3 printer's devices, engraved plate of Calvin + 10 engraved small portraits of Calvin on title pages + 1 engraving of the Middle East. Half leather with brown marbled sides. Folio. Rebound; top spine volume 2 damaged; top spine volume 4 a piece of leather is missing; top spines volume 5, 7 and 9 slightly damaged; spotted bookblocks; some foxing and paper slightly wormed; Volume 1 is dated 1671, the other volumes 1667
¶ Elenchus totius operis (volume 1, pp. VII): Tomus I. Continet commentaria in Pentateuchum, & librum Josuae. Tomus II. Homilias in Samuelem, & conciones in Jobum. Tomus III. Commentaria in Psalmos, & Isaiam. Tomus IV. Praelectiones in Jeremiam, & Ezechielem. Tomus V. Praelectiones in Danielem, & Prophetas majores. Tomus VI. Commentaria in Euangelia, & Acta Apostolorum. Tomus VII. Commentaria in Epistolas Pauli & Canonicas. Tomus VIII. Opuscula varia theologica. Tomus IX. Institutiones religionis Christianae, quibus subjunguntur Epistolae & responsa ad diversos
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 594448
€  1250.00 [Appr.: US$ 1372.68 | £UK 1046.5 | JP¥ 204156]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; theologie1

Quinarius tractatuum theologo-iuridicorum Quo continentur, et ex principiis theologiae jurisque prudentiae edisseruntur tractatus quinque (...) Plurimum hac secunda editione aucti cum triplici indice: uno axiomatum theologo-iuridicorum quae in hoc opere usurpantur: altero questionum novarum quae in codem petractantur: tertio rerum, et verborum locupletssimo.
Constance, Straub, 1670. (VI) (XVII) 690 (LII) pp. Parchment 6o. Binding with decorated boards and clamps. spine slightly damaged, stamp on titlepage, titlepage a bit foxed, a great part of the pages are browned, boards a bit spotted and slightly rubbed, otherwise in good condition
¶ GOBAT, GEORGEJesuit moral theologian; b. Charmoille, France, July 1, 1600; d. Constance, Germany, March 23, 1679. Gobat entered the Society of Jesus on June 1, 1618, and was ordained in Eichstadt in 1629. He taught humanities and sacred sciences at Fribourg (1631?41) and moral theology at Munich (1641?44), at Ratisbon (1651?54), and finally at Constance (1656?60). Appointments as rector at Halle (1647?51) and at Fribourg (1654?56) interrupted his career as professor of moral theology. During his last period of teaching at Constance, he was made penitentiary at the cathedral at Constance. In addition to various other writings, Gobat published a number of works on moral topics. He answered the attack upon the Jesuits' use of probabilism contained in Pascal's Provinciales with Clypeus clementium iudicum (1659). At the end of his teaching career he began a series of casuist studies on the Sacraments and the vows; these appeared between 1659 and 1672 under the title Alphabetum. Some of these he revised and republished together in Experientiae theologicae sive experimentalis theologia (1669). Still later, in the year of his death, these reappeared in Opera moralia (v. 1, 1679) and in the second and third volumes, published posthumously (1681). His writings reflect vast experience in the confessional and in the classroom, where he taught candidates for the priesthood who, for want of money or talent, could not go on to the universities. Pedagogical techniques acquired through teaching supplied the format he used in his books in which he presented first the conscience problem and then the general theory and principles by which it was to be solved. Although he based his opinions on solid authority, his cases, enriched by profound knowledge of local customs, were criticized as unsuitable for theological writing; and some of his solutions, based upon principles of probabilism, were judged too lenient. Accordingly, on March 2, 1679, three weeks before his death, Innocent XI condemned several of his doctrines. More than two decades later, when a Douai firm republished Opera moralia (1700?), Bp. Guy de Sève de Rochechouart of Arras censured 32 of its propositions (1703) and thereby sparked adversaries to further attacks on the moral teaching of the Jesuits. Springing to their defense, and that of Gobat among others, Gabriel Daniel, SJ, published Apologie pour la doctrine des Jésuites at Liège (1703). Specifically in defense of Gobat, Christopher Rassler, SJ, wrote Vindiciae Gobatianae at Ingolstadt (1706). Despite the dispute, Opera moralia appeared afterward in Venice (1716) and again for the last time in the same city (1744).Bibliography: C. Sommervogel et al., Bibliothèque de la Compagnie de Jésus, 11 v. (Brussels-Paris 1890?1932 v. 12, supplement 1960) 3:1505?12; 9:417. W. Kratz, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 39 (1915) 649?674. P. Mech, in Catholicisme. Hier, aujourd'hui et demain, ed. G. Jacquemet (Paris 1947?) 5:76. R. Hofmann, in Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, ed. J Hofer and K. Rahner, 10 v. (2d new ed. Freiburg 1957?65) 4:1032?33. P. Bernard, in Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, ed. A. Vacant et al., 15 v. (Paris 1903?50; Tables générales 1951?) 6.2:1469?70.From the Bibl. Res. Rott. Soc. Jesu
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 640325
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 219.63 | £UK 167.5 | JP¥ 32665]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; theologie1

 GROOT, HUGO DE, Annotationes in Novum Testamentum denuo emendatius editae. 9 volumes.
Annotationes in Novum Testamentum denuo emendatius editae. 9 volumes.
Groningen, W. Zuidema, 1826-34. Contemporary boards bindings slightly damaged and browned, covers slightly spotted, cover volume 9 partly loose and the paper in this volume is here and there spotted
¶ Complete set. Volume 1: Continens annotationes ad Matth. I-XIII, Volume 2: Ad Matth. XIV-XXVIII, Volume 3: Ad Marcum et Lucam, Volume 4: Ad Iohannem, Volume 5 Ad Acta Apostolorum, Volume 6: In Pauli Epistolas ad Romanos, Corinthios, Galatas, Volume 7: In Pauli Epistolas ad Ephesios - Philemonem et in Epist. ad Hebraeos, Volume 8 In Epistolas Catholicas et Ioahannis Apocalypsin, Volume 9 Indices
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 588895
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 219.63 | £UK 167.5 | JP¥ 32665]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; theologie1

 HAUTE, PETRUS VANDEN, Breviarium historicum ordinis minorum, sive brevis historia pro introductione deserviens ad brevem et specialem chronologiam et in tres tractatus divisum quorum primus continet vitam et acta S. Francisci de Assisio (...): secundus institutionem, essentiam, divisionem et statum hodiernum ordinis minorum; tertius rectores ac regimen ejusdem ordinis.
Breviarium historicum ordinis minorum, sive brevis historia pro introductione deserviens ad brevem et specialem chronologiam et in tres tractatus divisum quorum primus continet vitam et acta S. Francisci de Assisio (...): secundus institutionem, essentiam, divisionem et statum hodiernum ordinis minorum; tertius rectores ac regimen ejusdem ordinis.
Romae, Pauli Junchii, 1777. With engraved portrait + printer's device. Half leather. Large 4to. (XVI), 347 pp. spine slightly damaged, paper on sides loosened, some foxing, librarystamp of Minderbroeders Weert on title page, otherwise good condition
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 590782
€  175.00 [Appr.: US$ 192.18 | £UK 146.5 | JP¥ 28582]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; theologie1

 KARO, JOSEPH BEN EPHRAIM, Sefer Megine erets: ? al Shulhan ha-arukh Orah hayim; shem ha-ehad Magen David...Magen Avraham..."Ateret zekenim...Be'er ha-golah; hosafnu ba-zeh sefer Dagul me-Revavah...Hok Ya"akov...Pri hadash ve-'Even ha-"ozer.
Sefer Megine erets: ? al Shulhan ha-arukh Orah hayim; shem ha-ehad Magen David...Magen Avraham..."Ateret zekenim...Be'er ha-golah; hosafnu ba-zeh sefer Dagul me-Revavah...Hok Ya"akov...Pri hadash ve-'Even ha-"ozer.
Wien, Hraschanzky, 1808. 344, 92 pp. Large 4°. Full leather binding with marbled endpapers binding partly loosened, spine damaged, edges boards partly damaged, boards rubbed, endpapers not original, otherwise good condition
¶ Text in Hebrew. Joseph ben Ephraim Karo, also spelled Yosef Caro, or Qaro (1488 ? March 24, 1575, 13 Nisan 5335 A.M.) was author of the last great codification of Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, which is still authoritative for all Jews pertaining to their respective communities. To this end he is often referred to as HaMechaber (Hebrew: "The Author"?) and as Maran (Aramaic: "Our Master"
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 608694
€  300.00 [Appr.: US$ 329.44 | £UK 251.25 | JP¥ 48997]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; theologie1

 THOMAS A KEMPIS, Ven. viri Thomae Malleoli a Kempis, canonici regularis ordinis D. Augustini. Opera omnia: Ad autographa eiusdem emendata, aucta, & in tres tomos distributa: Opera at studio R.P. Henrici Somalii è Societate Jesu. Testatur ipse author ex his opusculis nonnulla se anno domini 1441 scripsisse, quaedam vero alia, anno 1456. Edito quarta.
Ven. viri Thomae Malleoli a Kempis, canonici regularis ordinis D. Augustini. Opera omnia: Ad autographa eiusdem emendata, aucta, & in tres tomos distributa: Opera at studio R.P. Henrici Somalii è Societate Jesu. Testatur ipse author ex his opusculis nonnulla se anno domini 1441 scripsisse, quaedam vero alia, anno 1456. Edito quarta.
Duaci (Douai), Balthazaris Belleri, 1625. Titlepage with printer's mark. Contemporary parchment. 8o. (XLVIII) 1040 (47) pp. old librarystamp on endpaper; on several places in the text old (red and black) underlinings in pen; written title on spine; parchment somewhat discoloured and slightly spotted; otherwise good conditionDe Backer Sommervogel, vol. 7 col. 1375-1378
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 621855
€  650.00 [Appr.: US$ 713.79 | £UK 544.25 | JP¥ 106161]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; theologie1

 KIST, EWALDUS, Beknopte beoeffeningsleer. 2 delen.
Beknopte beoeffeningsleer. 2 delen.
Dordrecht, A. Blussé & Zoon, 1814 - 1815. (XVI) 295 pp. (VIII) 376 pp. Halfleren banden met gemarmerde platten en gedecoreerde ruggen. papier hier en daar roestvlekkig, mooie staat
¶ Gebonden door Willem Carbentus, boekbinder aan het Hof in Den Haag
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 637944
€  75.00 [Appr.: US$ 82.36 | £UK 63 | JP¥ 12249]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; theologie1

 KIST, EWALDUS, Beöeffeningsleer of de kennis der middelen, om als een waar leerling van Jesus Christus getroost en heilig te leven. Waar in de ziekten van het menschelijk verstand en hart, die de ware beöeffening van het christendom in den weg zijn, met derzelver oorzaken en geneesmiddelen worden voorgedragen. 4 delen.
Beöeffeningsleer of de kennis der middelen, om als een waar leerling van Jesus Christus getroost en heilig te leven. Waar in de ziekten van het menschelijk verstand en hart, die de ware beöeffening van het christendom in den weg zijn, met derzelver oorzaken en geneesmiddelen worden voorgedragen. 4 delen.
Dordrecht, A. Blussé & Zoon, 1804. (XVI) 442 pp.(XXXIV) 443 pp. - 904 pp. (VIII) 502 pp. (XVI) 503 pp. - 1078 pp. Halfleren banden met gemarmerde platten en gedecoreerde ruggen. papier hier en daar roestvlekkig, mooie staat
¶ Boeken gebonden door Willem Carbentus, boekbinder aan het Hof in Den Haag
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 637940
€  175.00 [Appr.: US$ 192.18 | £UK 146.5 | JP¥ 28582]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; theologie1

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