[Rousset de Missy, Jean].
Recueil historique d'actes, négociations, mémoires et traitéz : depuis la Paix d'Utrecht jusqu'a` celle d'Aix-la-Chapelle. Vol. 1-21 in 23 Volumes.
La Haye : Henri Scheurleer ... [et al.], 1728-1756. 23 Volumes. With 2 engraved plates & 9 folded tables. Title pages printed in red & black. 16x10 cm. Gilt spines. Bit worn on edges. 1 joint repaired. Lower margin vol. 13 Supplement bit dampstained. Decorative complete set. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. - Printers name in impressum : Vol. 6, 8-10, 12, 14-17, Pierre Gosse; -- Vol. 7: P. Gosse et J. Neaulme; -- Vol. 11, 19, 20: Meynard Uytwerf (Amsterdam); -- Vol. 13, 13 Suppl., 18, 18 Suppl., 21: Arkstée et Merksus (Amsterdam et Leipzig). Sabin 73495; Brunet 2377; NBG XLII,780. Jean Rousset de Missy (1686-1762), a French Huguenot, was a renowned historian and author on international law and a prolific journalist. Recueil historique and Intérêts presens were the international reference works for contemporary diplomats. Recueil historique was a large anthology of contemporary treaties, diplomatic correspondence, etc. between 1713 untill the 1740's Rousset emphasized the importance of voluntary, or secondary international law: by contracting treaties, monarchs, republics and cities constantly amended, altered or created international law. As natural law (the first pillar) was concerned, Rousset referred to the 17th-century theorists Hugo Grotius and Samuel Pufendorf. For Rousset, his task in assembling formal acts was to give insight to the rulers and their advisers. (Wikipedia).
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia Verlag
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€ 675.00 [Appr.: US$ 694.51 | £UK 569 | JP¥ 108426]
Keywords: RECHT, *2006-100 oud recht