[Robespierre, Maximilien].
Rapport fait à la Convention nationale, au nom du Comité de salut public, par le citoyen Robespierre, (...) sur la situation politique de la République ...
[Paris], Convention nationale, (1793), 30 pp., contemp. boards. p. 1-2 strenghtened. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : good. - BOUND WITH: Barruel-Beauvert, A.J. de. . No. 1 (2-10-1796) - 3 (16-10-1796), No. 5 (30-10-1796) - 12 (18-12-1796). Paris : [s.n.], 1796. With 1 engraved plate with music scores. 36,28,24,24,24,24,28,[4],24,24,24,24 pp. No. 4 missing [2]. Antoine Joseph de Barruel-Beauvert (1756-1817) was editor of the journal entitled Les Actes des Apotres, a Royalist publication, and because of that, after the coup of 18 Fructidor (4 September 1797), he was ordered to be deported, but made his escape. For a while, he was hiding in the house of Nicholas Bonneville, where Thomas Paine also lived. Barruel-Beauvert managed to remain in Paris undiscovered by the police till 1800, when he was imprisoned, but obtained his liberty in 1802.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia Verlag
Professional sellerBook number: #293421
€ 120.00 [Appr.: US$ 123.45 | £UK 101.5 | JP¥ 19205]
Keywords: RECHT, History, France -- 18th century French Revolution