The fauna of the agglomeratic slate series of Kashmir.
1928. Palaeontologia Indica Vol. XII; 42 pp. 6 plts. h.t. with brachiopods, 2 plts. h.t. with geol. sections and map folding-out. Orig. wrps. front cover a bit soiled, otherwise and contents very good, lg4to.
Ueber zwei neue Brachiopoden aus dem Lias und der Gosaukreide von Salzburg.
1898. Jahrbuch der kais.-kön. geologischen Reichsanstalt XLVIII; pp. 1-8, 1 plt. with fossils h.t. Plain wrps. with orig. front cover included, very good.
Late Early devonian (Late Emsian) eospirifirinid brachiopods from Shellabarger Pass, south-central Alaska, and their biostratigraphic importance; ... etc.
1999. Senckeb. lethaea 79; pp. 209-221, 3 fig. 1 plt. Extract without covers, 4to.