Permian brachiopods of West Texas, I-VI. [in 8 vols.] & New Permian brachiopods from West Texas.
1972-77 & 1969. Smithsonian Contr. Paleobiology Nrs. 14, 15, 19-1&2, 21-1&2, 24, 32, & 1; 3370+20 pp. 780+5 plts. Orig. wrps. parts 1, II and V with libr. stamo, in all a very good set.
Permian brachiopods of West Texas, I-VI. [in 8 vols.] & New Permian brachiopods from West Texas.
1972-77 & 1969. Smithsonian Contr. Paleobiology Nrs. 14, 15, 19-1&2, 21-1&2, 24, 32, & 1; 3370+20 pp. 780+5 plts. Orig. wrps. occas. libr. stamp, in all a very good set.