Antiquariaat Goltzius: pamphlets publications
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Binnen gebrouwe bieren. (...) Ingaande met den eersten January 1750.
's Gravenhage, Scheltus, 1749. 3 plano sheets pasted together. 520x1030 mm. Damaged, parts loose. PAM 17.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61086
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.57 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4696]

Brood zetting. Burgemeester en wethouderen der Gemeente Alkmaar (...) 8-7-1852.
Alkmaar, no name, 1852. 1 sheet. 255x180 mm. Good condition. With prices of bread. PAM 19.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61088
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.57 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4696]

Consumptie van den Turf en van de Koolen (...) Ingaande met den eersten January 1750.
's Gravenhage, Scheltus, 1749. 2 plano sheets pasted together. 520x770 cm. Damaged on the fold. Writing in ink on verso. With prices. PAM 06.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61074
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.57 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4696]

Consumtie van de zeep. (...) Ingaande met den eersten January 1750.
's Gravenhage, Scheltus, 1749. 3 plano sheets pasted together. 520x1030 mm. Edges damaged, with loss of text. PAM 02.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61070
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.57 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4696]

Lijste vande Ghevangenen / bekomen door de Wapenen van het Parlement van Engeland, inden laetsten Slach tegens Sijn Kon: Maj, van Groot Britanien, &c. gheschiet by Worceser den 3. September 1651. ouden stijl.
No place, no name, (1651). One sheet plano. Good condition, some small repaired tears. Some annotations in ink. With about 300 names of captured English colonels, officers, majors etc. With a list of rewards for wanted men. PAM 08.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61076
€  373.75 [Appr.: US$ 410.43 | £UK 313 | JP¥ 61043]

Lyst Der Gepensioneerde Officieren, Overgeleevert, Door Het Committé Van Het Bondgenootschap Te Lande, Aan De Nationaale Vergadering Op den 27 October 1796. Het Tweede Jaar Der Bataafsche Vryheid.
Den Haag, 's Lands Drukkery, 1796. Small folio. Rebound in half linen. Good condition. 18 pag. Very rare: only the 1797 edition is know, see Knuttel 22894.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61461
€  1092.50 [Appr.: US$ 1199.72 | £UK 914.5 | JP¥ 178432]

Manifest van Syne Konincklijcke Majesteyt van Groot Brittangjen, belangende de saeck van 't Palatinaet (...).
Amsterdam, Jan van Hilten, 1641. One sheet plano, good condition. Concerning Prince Charles Louis, Elector Palatine. PAM 29.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61098
€  224.25 [Appr.: US$ 246.26 | £UK 187.75 | JP¥ 36626]

 , Pamphlet 't Loo 1795 (pamflet 't Loo).
Pamphlet 't Loo 1795 (pamflet 't Loo).
Measurements: 208 x 166 mmCondition: Age-related discolourationRough outline: Pamphlet with the famous French motto ‘Liberte, egalite, fraternite’ (in Dutch vryheid, gelykheid, broederscaap). This pamphlet is a proclamation about a dispute between the State and principality Gelre and Zutphen.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 62083
€  69.00 [Appr.: US$ 75.77 | £UK 58 | JP¥ 11269]

 , Pamphlet regarding Historical medals and Walcheren, 1660 (pamflet historiepenningen en Walcheren).
Pamphlet regarding Historical medals and Walcheren, 1660 (pamflet historiepenningen en Walcheren).
Measurements: 307 x 204 mmCondition: GoodRough outline: Four pages out of a book with the descriptions of Dutch historical commemoration coins which is called ‘Beschryving der Nederlandsche Historiepenningen’. This particular document describes the retrieval of a ship that sunk of the coast of the Dutch island Walcheren which carried an expensive cargo. With two engravings of the commemoration coins.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 62087
€  43.70 [Appr.: US$ 47.99 | £UK 36.75 | JP¥ 7137]

Privately printed satirical broadsheet on the French in The Neherlands during the War of the First Coalition (1792-1797).
A broadside on the attempted seduction of the Netherlands by France; with an engraving showing an allegory, in the centre an Orange tree guarded by a lion, on the left a mermaid trying to entice the lion, above is an owl carrying a letter, a branch, and a sword, on the R a clergymen and a cock; underneath this image a small engraving with two grotesque faces; with letterpress French and Dutch verses and texts in two columns, and with one vertical segment of type ornament Anonymous, 'Gedrukt voor den auteur', ca. 1747l Engraving and letterpress on paper; total: 468 x 320 mm; This print has also been dated as 1794 (see Muller), but van Stolk states that this is wrong (see explanations in Stolk) Ref van Stolk 3663; Muller 1863-1882 3858 (date: 1747); Muller 1863-1882 5229
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61354
€  575.00 [Appr.: US$ 631.43 | £UK 481.5 | JP¥ 93912]

Prys-courant met de belasting volgens tarif.
No place, no name, (1810). One sheet. 390x160 mm. Good condition. With prices for 24 goods such as tea and coffee. PAM 10.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61078
€  57.50 [Appr.: US$ 63.14 | £UK 48.25 | JP¥ 9391]

Publicatie. De Staaten Generaal der vereenigde Nederlanden (...) ijser geschut en ammunitie van oorlog.
's Gravenhage, Scheltus, 1781. One sheet plano. 400x320 mm. Writing in ink on verso. Good condition. Announcing the free import of ammunition. PAM 25.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61094
€  40.25 [Appr.: US$ 44.2 | £UK 33.75 | JP¥ 6574]

Publicatie. De Staaten Generaal der vereenigde Nederlanden (...) Vreedes-Negociatie tusschen sijne Groot-Britannische Majesteit en deesen Staat.
's Gravenhage, Scheltus, 1783. One sheet plano. 400x320 mm. Writing in ink on verso. Good condition. Announcement of truce between England and Holland. PAM 27.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61096
€  40.25 [Appr.: US$ 44.2 | £UK 33.75 | JP¥ 6574]

Publicatie. De Staaten Generaal der vereenigde Nederlanden (...).
's Gravenhage, Scheltus, 1781. One sheet plano, good condition. 420x330 mm. Concering a ban on ship trade with England. PAM 33.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61102
€  51.75 [Appr.: US$ 56.83 | £UK 43.5 | JP¥ 8452]

Publicatie, Wy Willem Frederik, by de Gratie Gods, Prince van Oranje Nassau, Souverein Vorst der Vereenigde Nederlanden (...) Toen wij op den 2 dezer in Amsterdam (...).
's Gravenhage, G. Vosmaer, (1813). Plano, 525x430 mm. Reasonable condition, edges frayed, small tear on the fold. Paper a little browned. Illustrated with a woodcut royal coat-of-arms, that due to wear of the block seems to have been used many times before. One of the first pamphlets by the new Kingdom of The Netherlands. Unknown publication, not in Knuttel, not in Picarta, compare Knuttel 23527.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61390
€  546.25 [Appr.: US$ 599.86 | £UK 457.25 | JP¥ 89216]

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