Antiquariaat Goltzius: Religion
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1483 10 november 1883 De vierhonderdjarige gedenkdag der geboorte van Maarten Luther
Arnhem, G.W. van der Wiel & Co, 1883, 30 pages, original blue paper binding, only in three Dutch libraries, not in KB.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66556
€  63.25 [Appr.: US$ 69.99 | £UK 53.5 | JP¥ 10224]
Catalogue: Religion

[Poole, L.G. le e.a.],
1638-1938. Een en ander uit de geschiedenis der Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Leiden, Leiden 1938, 64 pag., geïll.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 47858
€  27.60 [Appr.: US$ 30.54 | £UK 23.5 | JP¥ 4461]
Catalogue: Religion

 [GREVINCHOVEN, NICOLAAS],, Acta van eenige remonstrantsche dienaren, verantwoordt tegen sekere bedenckingen over de selve Acte onlanghs uyt-ghegheven.
Acta van eenige remonstrantsche dienaren, verantwoordt tegen sekere bedenckingen over de selve Acte onlanghs uyt-ghegheven.
Without place or printer, 1626, 4to., 7 sewn signatures, without binding, red sprinkled edges, there is a waterstain throughout the booklet and the titlepage is a bit smudged, the printwork is clear, printed in a Gothic font, with some lovely decorative elements. A religious text from a Remonstrant point of view (Remonstrant Brotherhood). Knuttel 3700
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 71876
€  109.25 [Appr.: US$ 120.89 | £UK 92.25 | JP¥ 17660]

Adres aan de Alg. Synode der N.H. Kerk ter zake van een adres aan dezelfde synode over de formulieren, de academische opleiding der predikanten, het onderwijs en het kerkbestuur, Groningen, Oomkens, 1842, 34 pag., gedrukt.
Getekend: Noordbroek, A. Rutgers van der Loeff. M14321
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 58135
€  34.50 [Appr.: US$ 38.18 | £UK 29.25 | JP¥ 5577]

 [TEELLINCK, EWOUT],, Basuyne des heyligen Oorloogs der Openbaringghe S. Iohannis tegen den groten Antichrist den Romschen paus (...).
Basuyne des heyligen Oorloogs der Openbaringghe S. Iohannis tegen den groten Antichrist den Romschen paus (...).
Without place or printer: In verleggingghe des Autheurs, int Iaer ons Heeren 1622, 4to., parchment binding, with incisions to allow for closures, but the closures did not survive, [6]+103 pp., smudged and stained parchment with loss of closures, the first and last few pages are fragile with worn edges (including the titlepage), the last page has been backed with another leaf of paper, page 45 was torn and has been pasted to what seems to be a two sided copy of page 45-46, pages 38 and 102 have a torn corner. Waterstained. The titlepage is illustrated with an elaborate woodcut with references to Apocal. 14, Apoc. 11 and Apocal. 16, depicting a battle scene with warriors on horseback, dragons spitting frogs and an engel in the sky. The woodcut is accompanied by a poem: "Wel Keyser, Spanjaert, Paus, wat spuw't ghy wt u kaekenDrie Vorschen, die met macht te stryden hun opmaecken?Siet doch Fredrick den Heldt, die met sijn Engh'len haest,U moedich trots neervelt, en maeckt u t'saem verbaest."On the front and back of the titlepage there is some handwriting in ink. It has a childish feel to it and may have served as practising writing. Lit: Knuttel 3302 "zonderling boekske". l An intriguing book concerning a commentary on Revelations and a controversial work on the Catholic Church and the Pope. A Latin edition was also published in 1622: "Tvba belli sacri Apocalypseos beati Iohannis adversus magnum illum antichristum, pontificem Romanum". The author is not given, but it is ascribed to E. Teellinck (Rogge) and W. Stephani (Eekhout).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 67243
€  914.25 [Appr.: US$ 1011.69 | £UK 770.75 | JP¥ 147785]
Catalogue: Religion

Een bemoedigend woord
Rotterdam, N. Cornel, 1817, Nr.XXXII. Wrappers. 16 pp. 9x15,cm. The unknown author encourages people to read the bible and go to the (protestant) church. Very rare.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 65968
€  86.25 [Appr.: US$ 95.44 | £UK 72.75 | JP¥ 13942]
Catalogue: Religion

 B.P.,, Bescherminge van de Roomsche Kerck, tegen de beschuldiging der Protestanten: voorstellende de leere van den Apostel Paulus, ende den H. Augustinus, op het stuk der Verkiezinge en Genade Gods: en met eenen aenwijzende dat de zelve Kerk deze leeringen nog op heden goed keurt en volgt.
Bescherminge van de Roomsche Kerck, tegen de beschuldiging der Protestanten: voorstellende de leere van den Apostel Paulus, ende den H. Augustinus, op het stuk der Verkiezinge en Genade Gods: en met eenen aenwijzende dat de zelve Kerk deze leeringen nog op heden goed keurt en volgt.
Rotterdam, Fransois van Hoogstraeten, 1686, 8vo., full parchment spitsel binding with handwritten title on spine and front and some blindtooling (straight lines), sprinkled edges (red and blue), [6 blank]+365+[1]+[6 blank] pp. (NB: page 364 has been numbered 264), somewhat smudged but intact parchment, on the inside the construction has become visible with some damages to the endpapers, the titlepage is nearly loose, the rest of the bookblock feels solid with only some stains and minor damages like a folded corner. Woodcut printer's mark on titlepage (IHS), with a decorative initial and an endpiece. Two ex libris notes: J.V.V and M. Eijsers.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66750
€  258.75 [Appr.: US$ 286.33 | £UK 218.25 | JP¥ 41826]
Catalogue: Religion

 , Beytra¨ge zur Vertheidigung der practischen Religion Jesu Christi wider die Einwu¨rfe unserer Zeit, Siebende Band.
Beytra¨ge zur Vertheidigung der practischen Religion Jesu Christi wider die Einwu¨rfe unserer Zeit, Siebende Band.
Gotha, Verlegts Christian Mevius, 1758. [10] 840 [26] pp. Index. Titlepage printed in black and red. Vellum binding, a bit smudged. Spine a bit rubbed. Contemporain bookplate (monogram) pasted down on first endpaper
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66042
€  287.50 [Appr.: US$ 318.14 | £UK 242.5 | JP¥ 46473]
Catalogue: Religion

Die Bibel, oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des alten und neuen Testaments.
Basel, bey der Deutschen Bibel-Anstalt, 1820, Zwey und Zwanzigste Auflage, 1.387 pages, 22,0 x 15,0 cm, half leather binding, usual wear and tear, text in very good and clean state, no fraying or age staining,
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66967
€  184.00 [Appr.: US$ 203.61 | £UK 155.25 | JP¥ 29743]
Catalogue: Religion

 , Biblia, dat is de gansche H. schriftuer des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments, naar de oversettinge van D.M. Lutherus
Biblia, dat is de gansche H. schriftuer des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments, naar de oversettinge van D.M. Lutherus
CONVOLUTEAmsterdam, gedrukt voor 't Consistorie der Luthersche Gemeente, [ca. 1780?], 4to., full leather binding with blind tooled decorations, ribbed spine, with two brass closures, [22 pp.]+144+84+170ff., the binding is in good condition with intact clasps, intact headbands and minor wear, the book block has some loose pages (including the titlepage, the preface and a page of the index) and some waterstains. With an engraved titlepage (I.C. Philips inv. et fecit 1723), some decorative initials and endpieces, and 5 fold out engravings depicting various maps.BOUND WITHHet boek der Psalmen, nevens Christelyke gezangen, ten gebruike der Gemeente toegedaan de onveranderde Augburgsche Geloofsbelydenis, op nieuw in dichtmaat gebragt, volgens besluit en met goedkeuring van het Eerw. Consistorie binnen Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Pieter Meijer, Johannes Strander, Anthonie Eichhorn, 1779, 4to., 193+[15]+49 pp. With an engraved vignette on titlepage, acknowledged and signed as a valid copy by E.F. Alberti and J. Klap. l Convolute, bound with: Het boek der psalmen, Amsterdam 1779.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 43032
€  2300.00 [Appr.: US$ 2545.14 | £UK 1938.75 | JP¥ 371786]

 , Biblia Sacra, dat is: De Heylige Schriftuer, bedeylt in het Oude en Nieuwe Testament. Oversien ende verbetert na den laetsten Roomschen Text. t' Antwerpen, by Jan Mourentorf, In de Plantijnsche Druckerye, Gedruckt in 't Jaer 1599. Met Previlegie. Op nieuw herdruckt, ende tegen deselve na-gesien, 1690.
Biblia Sacra, dat is: De Heylige Schriftuer, bedeylt in het Oude en Nieuwe Testament. Oversien ende verbetert na den laetsten Roomschen Text. t' Antwerpen, by Jan Mourentorf, In de Plantijnsche Druckerye, Gedruckt in 't Jaer 1599. Met Previlegie. Op nieuw herdruckt, ende tegen deselve na-gesien, 1690.
Antwerpen, Jan Mourentorf, 1690, folio (with signatures of 6 leaves), full leather binding with gold tooling on the ribbed spine and red sprinkled edges, unnumbered pages, worn and scratched leather with cracks along the hinges, but solid construction, some stains and signs of wear, especcially the first few pages including the titlepages. There is an engraved titelpage (with some tears in the margins) en there are some lovely woodcut initials and endpieces.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 69834
€  1437.50 [Appr.: US$ 1590.71 | £UK 1211.75 | JP¥ 232366]
Catalogue: Religion

 , Biblia dat is gantsche H. Schrifture vervattende alle de Canonijcke Boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments (...)
Biblia dat is gantsche H. Schrifture vervattende alle de Canonijcke Boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments (...)
Dordrecht, Pieter Keur / Amsterdam, Pieter Rotterdam in compagnie, [1719], 4to., original full leather binding with ribbed spine, intact handsewn headbands, intact brass closures and brass corner pieces and decorations (one corner piece is missing and some are damaged), [24]+332+[4]+144+[14]+169+[4]+58 ff., apart from some wear and tear and newly added endpapers, the book is in good condition. The book has separate titlepages to each section:- engraved titlepage: Biblia, dat is de gantsche H. Schrifture (...)- half title: De prophetien der propheten- full titlepage with vignet: Het nieuwe testament ofte alle Boecken des Nieuwen Verbonts onses Heeren Jesu Christi, Dordrecht, Pieter Keur / Amsteldam, Pieter Rotterdam, 1720- full titlepage with vignet, De Boecken genaemt Apocryphe (...), Dordrecht, Pieter Keur / Amsteldam, Pieter Rotterdam, 1720 (colophon: Dordrecht, Pieter Keur, 1716)Besides the engraved titlepage, the vignets and some beautiful endpieces en decorative initials, there are six foldout engraved maps (one of which is damaged with some tears along the folds), D. Stoopendaal fecit.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 69885
€  2300.00 [Appr.: US$ 2545.14 | £UK 1938.75 | JP¥ 371786]
Catalogue: Religion

Bid met de kerk. Mis- en gebedenboekje met de officieele tekst der nieuw gebeden.
's Hertogenbosch, G. Mosmans Zoon, [1934], 159 pages, gilt edges, full leather binding, illustrated frontispiece, includes programme of Bidweek voor de eenheid 18-25 Januari november 1962.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66981
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.81 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4647]
Catalogue: Religion

 , Bijbel, het nieuwe testament, met gouden slot (Bible with gold lock and gilded edges)
Bijbel, het nieuwe testament, met gouden slot (Bible with gold lock and gilded edges)
Amsterdam, Nederlandsche bijbel-compagnie, J. Brandt en Zoon, Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé en Zonen, 1881, full brown/red leather binding with lock in gold, so called statenvertaling, 7,5 x 14,5 cm, good condition.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 64111
€  109.25 [Appr.: US$ 120.89 | £UK 92.25 | JP¥ 17660]
Catalogue: Religion

Bundel van aanspraken, gebeden en leerredenen, gedaan te Leyden, op den achttienden en vijf en twintigsten van Louwmaand 1807 / door de predikanten J. Roldanus, L. Egeling, prof. S.F.J. Rau, N. Schotsman, H. Proper en W. Broes; op voordragt van den ed. groot achtb. magistraat van gemelde stad, uitgegeven, ten behoeve van de ongelukkkige ingezetenen
Leyden, A. en J. Honkoop, 1807, iv+123 pages, later paper binding, sermons by Johannes Roldanus (1750-1822); Lucas Egeling (1764-1835); Sebald Fulco Johannes Rau (1765-1807); Nicolaas Schotsman (1754-1822); Nicolaas Schotsman (1754-1822); Willem Broes (1766-1858) all ministers in Leiden held after the terrible explosion of the gunpowdership on 12 January 1807 killing more than 200 people in Leiden. Saakes 4 (1807), p. 298; Knuttel 23358
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 64966
€  33.35 [Appr.: US$ 36.9 | £UK 28.25 | JP¥ 5391]
Catalogue: Religion

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