Législation Orientale, ouvrage dans lequel, en montrant quels sont en Turquie, en Perse, et dans l'Indoustan les principles fondamentaux du gouvernement, on prouve, .... Amsterdam, Marc-Michel Rey, 1778.
. 4to. Pp. (xvi), vi, 312, (38) table. Contemporary calf, spine gilt with five raised bands and red title label, extremities worn, spine ends chipped. Small marginal hole to half title and some very light staining to lower right corner of first thirteen leaves. First edition. Devoted to Muslim law, politics and government in Turkey, Persia and India. The author argues that Montesqieu's view of oriental despotism was wrong. Anquetil-Duperron, French scholar and linguist who travelled to India to search for ancient Zoroastrian texts. He acquired and translated almost 200 such manuscripts.

Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
Professional sellerBook number: 121382
€ 1500.00 [Appr.: US$ 1574.47 | £UK 1251.75 | JP¥ 239811]
Keywords: Central Asia, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, turkish, turkey, persia, persian, india, inde, indian, oriental, exploration, legislation, islam,