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PAQUIER, JEAN BAPTISTE: - PAQUIER, JEAN BAPTISTE: Le Pamir. Étude de géographie physique et historique sur l'Asie Centrale. Paris 1876.

. Pp. viii, 218, (1) errata. With five folding maps. As issued in original printed wrappers, faded, frayed along edges. Some minor staining throughout. First edition of this historical account of Central Asia from the explorations of the first Buddhist pilgrims and Marco Polo until the time of the conquest. The maps depict: 1. the ancient Pamir; 2. the travels of Hiuen-Tsang and Marco Polo from the 8th to 13th century; 3. the travels of Benedict de Goes 1603, John Wood 1838 and the Mirza 1868-69; 4. the British and Russian discoveries between 1860-75 and; 5. and again up to 1878.
EUR 400.00 [Appr.: US$ 439.26 | £UK 335 | JP¥ 65330] Book number 100526

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