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I det mörkaste Afrika. Emin Paschas uppsökande, befrielse och återtåg. Two volumes. Stockholm 1890.
. Pp. xv, 559; xiv, 550. With 3 folding maps and 144 illustrations. Publisher's pictorial cloth, gilt. Top of spines slightly chipped. A Swedish edition of "In Darkest Africa" published by E.W. Dahlgren.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 15005
€  220.00 [Appr.: US$ 243.45 | £UK 185.5 | JP¥ 35562]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, afrique, afrika, travel, voyages, african, explorations

Genom de svartes verldsdel eller Nilens källor; kring de stora sjöarne och utför Livingstone-floden till Atlantiska hafvet. Two volumes. Stockholm 1878.
. Pp (iv), 408; (iv), 384. With 2 lithographed portraits, 32 fullpage plates, 8 maps (of which one large folding) and many illustrations in the text. Publisher's pictorial cloth. A Swedish edition of "Through the Dark Continent and the Sources of the Nile ... " (London 1878). During this fatal expedition Stanley explored the African Great Lakes (Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganykia, the Lake Edward), and followed the Lualaba river and the Congo river to the Atlantic coast and finally reached a Portugese outpost Boma at the mouth of the river Congo in August 1877. Cf Ibrahim-Hilmy ii, p.258.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99594
€  140.00 [Appr.: US$ 154.92 | £UK 118 | JP¥ 22630]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, afrique, afrika, travel, voyage, african, exploration, central africa, tanzania, congo, angola

Im dunkelsten Afrika. Aufsuchung, Rettung und Rückzug Emin Pascha's, Gouverneurs der Aequatorialprovinz. Two volumes. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1890.
. Pp. xii, 515, (1); viii, 480, (8) adv. With two portraits, one folding facsimile letter, 3 maps, 36 full page plates and many more textual illustrations. Publisher's pictorial cloth, gilt. Small library stamp verso of titles. First German edition, translated from the English by H. von Wobeser. This narrative is from Stanley's last African expedition. He travelled up the Congo River and crossed central Africa in command of a relief expedition for Emin Pasha. He explored the Semliki River and made European discovery of the Ruwenzori Range and completed the journey in Zanzibar in 1889. The facismile letter is only included in the German edition. A great copy. Borst 3873. Kainbacher p. 133.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 26044
€  280.00 [Appr.: US$ 309.84 | £UK 236 | JP¥ 45261]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africana, afrika, afrique, travel, travels, voyages, exploration, exploring, central africa, ruwenzori, zanzibar

Kongo den nya fristaten i de svartes verldsdel. En skildring af forskningsfärder och koloniseringsarbete. Two volumes. Stockholm 1885.
. Pp. (iv), 404; 368. With two frontispieces, 40 full page plates, 5 folding maps and many more illustrations in the text. Publisher's pictorial cloth, gilt. First volume loose in binding. A Swedish edition of "The Congo and the Foundings of its Free State: ... "(London 1885). This expedition commissioned by the Belgian king Leopold II resulted in the establishment of the Congo State, the first free commercial state of Equatorial Africa.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 111117
€  140.00 [Appr.: US$ 154.92 | £UK 118 | JP¥ 22630]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, african, afrique, afrika, travel, voyages, kongo, congo

Resa til Goda Hopps-Udden, Java och Bengalen, företagen och slutad ifrån åren 1768 til 1771. Götheborg, Samuel Norberg, 1798.
. Pp. (iv), 288. Half calf on old marbled boards, lightly rubbed. Partly some light staining. A Swedish edition translated from the German edition (Braunsweig in 1796) about this voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, the East Indies and Bengal. Stavornius, a Dutch Admiral in the service of the Dutch East Indies, gives accurate descriptions of the Cape, Java and Bengal as well as of V.O.C. trading posts.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 28114
€  240.00 [Appr.: US$ 265.58 | £UK 202.5 | JP¥ 38795]
Catalogue: Southeast Asia
Keywords: Southeast Asia, bengalen, bengal, india, java, indonesia, jakarta, cape of good hope, the cape, africa, afrika, asia, asie, asien, asiatic

 STERN, HENRY AARON:, Wanderings Among the Falashas in Abyssinia: Together with a Description of the Country and its Various Inhabitants. London 1862.
Wanderings Among the Falashas in Abyssinia: Together with a Description of the Country and its Various Inhabitants. London 1862.
. Pp. viii, 322. With one folding map (small tear) and twenty wood-engravings of which eight are tinted full page plates. Publisher's blue cloth, binding shaken, spine faded. Bookplate. Traces of old erased library stamp on front endpaper. First edition. After his conversion to Christianity in 1840 at the Palestine Chapel in London, Stern travelled widely throughout Asia Minor, working as a missionary to the Jewish communities of Jerusalem, Baghdad, Bussorah and Constantinople. At the request of the London Jew's Society he travelled to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) to conduct a tour of Jewish villages. In 1863 because of a diplomatic dispute in the country he became imprisoned for five years. Fumagalli 242.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 26005
€  700.00 [Appr.: US$ 774.61 | £UK 590 | JP¥ 113152]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, abyssinia, africa, afrika, african, afrique, travel, travels, exploration, ethiopia, ethiopian, sudan

Resa uti Europa, Africa, Asia, förrättad åren 1770-1779. Four volumes. Upsala, Johan Edman & Joh. Edmans Enka, 1788 - 93.
. Pp. (xxvi), 389, (1); (xxxii), 384; (xiv), 286, 289-389, 400-414; (xxxvi), 285, 288- 341. With engraved vignette of the Cape of Good Hope and ten engraved plates. Contemporary half calf on marbled paper boards, flat spines ruled in gilt with title labels. Bindings somewhat rubbed, head of volume four's spine lightly chipped. Bookplates and old ownership signatures. First edition. Light foxing throughout.Thunberg, pupil of Carl von Linné and known as "the Father of Japanese Botany", wrote this interesting narrative about his voyage to South Africa and Japan between the years 1770 and 1779. He stayed for three years at the Cape before joining a Dutch voyage via Batavia to Japan, arriving in Nagasaki in August 1775. He was confined to Deshima (the Dutch trading post on the artificial island in the bay of Nagasaki) for much of the time but was eventually allowed ashore to make botanical excursions. In the spring of 1776 he participated in a mission to Edo (Tokyo) to meet the emperor. Then he was able to study and collect specimens of local plants and seeds. On the return voyage he visited Java and Ceylon. Later Thunberg succeeded Linné as professor at Upsala. A glossary of Swedish and Japanese, and a vocabulary of the Malay language (called an Arabic dialect) are included. Cordier BJ 445 & BI 1384. Mendelssohn ii, 499. Pritzel 9259.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121109
€  2200.00 [Appr.: US$ 2434.48 | £UK 1854.5 | JP¥ 355621]
Catalogue: East Asia
Keywords: East Asia, asia, asien, asiatic, asie, travel, voyages, exploration, natural history, far east, south africa, japan, japanese, japon, africa, africana, java, ceylon, sri lanka, malay, linneaus, linné

Prognsosticon de eversione Evropae, & alai quaedam, quorumca talogum sequens do cebit pagina. Antverpen, apud Martin Nutium, 1552.
. 16mo. Lvs 51. Old marbled paper covered boards, restored, spine with title label in manuscript, bottom of spine chipped. Copy of Ericsberg castle. A compilation of smaller treatises on Europe and the Orient. Comprises: "Prognosticon d. Magistri Antonij Torquati, artium & medicinae Doctoris Ferrarien. Clarissimiq; astrologi, de euersione Europae ... MCCC.LXXX. direxit"; "Europae descriptio" by Anselmus & Christophorus Cella; "De fide & religione, moribvsqve & caeromoniis Aethiopum" by Franciscus Titelmans; "Legatio Magni Indorum" by D. a Gois; "De origine regvm Turcarvm compendiosa quaedam perioche, per Andream à Lacuna Secobiensem, collecta"; and "De Turcarvm cvltv ac moribus enarratio quaedam breiuscula". Arquato's Prognosticon first appeared in 1534, without given place or printer, and was presumable inspired by the Turks' failure before Vienna in 1529 and their subsequent reverses in Austria and Syria in 1532. It's likely to have been intended as propaganda for Charles V's crusade against Tunis in 1535. Antonio Torquato was a Ferrarese physian and astrologer. This prophecy became popular, frequently reprinted and translated into several languages. Kenneth Meyer Setton: "Western hostility to Islam, and prophecies of Turkish doom", pp. 26-27. Göllner Turcica iii, pp. 341-42. Gois' "Legatio Magni Indorum Imp." was first published in 1532 (Antverpen) with an English edition appearing in 1533. It comprises pages 28 - 45 of this work, including the part about the Lapps "De Pilapiis" (pp. 44-45). It is a reprint of the first edition. Leite de Faris, Estudos bibliogrâficos sobre Dami‹o de G—is e a sua época, Lisboa 1977, pp. 39-40. See E.W. Dahlgren, Dami‹o de Goes, 1915 + tillägg 1917 (this edition not known).
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99780
€  3000.00 [Appr.: US$ 3319.75 | £UK 2528.75 | JP¥ 484938]
Catalogue: Geography
Keywords: Geography, geography, geographical, asia, asie, asiatic, europe, european, orient, oriental, africa, african, ethiopia, ethiopian, exploration, history, turkey, turkish

 COMPAGNIE GÉNÉRALE TRANSATLANTIQUE (Auto-Circuits Nord-Africains):, Le Grand Tourisme en Afrique du Nord. Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie. L'islam, les ruines antiques le désert. Paris, B. Sirven, (ca 1920).
Le Grand Tourisme en Afrique du Nord. Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie. L'islam, les ruines antiques le désert. Paris, B. Sirven, (ca 1920).
. Folio. (25.5 x 34.5 cm). Pp. 20. with many illustrations taken from photographs in the text. Original printed wrappers in black and orange. Stamps of a tourist agency in the Hague on front cover and title. Unrecorded. A striking large-format pamphlet advertising motoring tours all over the French-controlled Maghreb. The Compagnie Générale Transatlantique was a French shipping company which in 1919 introduced the first tourist motor car circuit in North Africa.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120869
€  520.00 [Appr.: US$ 575.42 | £UK 438.5 | JP¥ 84056]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, afrique, afrika, tourist, motor, tours, travelling, travel, exploration, marocco, morocco, algier, tunisia, tunisien, tunis,

Minnen och anteckningar från Ångkorvetten Gefles expedition till vestkusten af Afrika och Medelhafvet åren 1864-1865 under befäl af herr kaptenen och riddaren m.m. A. Pettersén. Stockholm, A. Bonnier, 1867.
. Pp. viiix, 323, (5). With frontispiece, 15 plates and 2 coloured folding maps (one of Egypt and one of the voyage). Contemporary half calf, flat spine ruled in gilt, title label. Copy of Ericsberg castle. The Swedish expedition went to the west coast of Africa; Sierra Leone and Liberia and then continued to Smyrna, Alexandria, Cairo and Suez, and returned via Tunis, Cadiz and Seville. First edition of an entertaining account.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100225
€  360.00 [Appr.: US$ 398.37 | £UK 303.5 | JP¥ 58193]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, west africa, liberia, egypt, turkey, africa, afrika, afrique, africana, travel, travels, voyage, voyages, exploration, explore, gefle

Narrative of an Expedition to Explore the River Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816. To which is Added, the Journal of Professor Smith; some General Observations on the Country and its Inhabitants; and an Appendix: Containing the Natural History of that part of the Kingdom of Congo through which the Zaire Flows. London, John Murray, 1818. AND: [MANUSCRIPTS]. Three related contemporary manuscripts tipped onto guards.
. 4to. Pp. (viii), lxxxii, 402, 401-498, (2). With one folding map and thirteen engraved plates, of which one is coloured by hand. Uncut copy in original boards, rebacked with original title label preserved. Map and plates somewhat browned but overall a crisp and clean copy. First edition of the official account of the first scientific expedition to the Congo River to find out if there was a connection with the Niger. The expedition was exposed to fatal problems and Captain Tuckey and several others of the crew died within three months of entering the river. Professor Christen Smith from Kew Gardens was one of the naturalists on the voyage. His journal is here included. The extensive introduction is written by John Barrow, who as second secretary to the Admiralty had organised the expedition. "A relatively important scientific travelogue, W.E. Leach having described a new species of Rafinesque's Ocythoë. J. Cranach gave an account of the collected animals at a whole, including 36 bird species" Wood p. 603. Stafleu 15287.Provenance: From the library of the radical reformer Francis Place (1771-1854) with his bookplate. Three related manuscripts tipped onto guards. The first two (comprising four large our four smaller pages) are apparently in the hand of Francis Place, supplying a digest of the contents of the work, and noting observations taken down from the mouth of Mr. Bevans, a young sailor who accompanied Captain Tuckey. The third manuscript (pp. 4) seems to be in Mr. Bevans' hand containing further critical comments on this work.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 40043
€  2800.00 [Appr.: US$ 3098.44 | £UK 2360 | JP¥ 452609]
Keywords: , south africa, africa, afrika, african, afrique, travel, voyage, exploration, explore,

Linguae copticae grammatica in usum scholarum academicarum scripta cum chrestomathia et glossario. Insertae sunt observationes quaedam de veterum aegyptiorum grammatica. Leipzig, T.O. Weigel, 1853.
. Pp. viii, 167, errata (1). Contemporary (or slightly later) half morocco on marbled boards, corners rubbed. Spine with raised bands and title lettered in gilt. Some staining in the text. First edition of a Coptic grammar by the renowned German Egyptologist M. Uhlemann (1829-62). He published the third Latin translation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic text of the Rosetta stone inscription. Thonnelier, Catalogue de Bibl. 1796. Zenker BO ii, 1614.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 23034
€  350.00 [Appr.: US$ 387.3 | £UK 295 | JP¥ 56576]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, egypt, coptic, africa, afrique, afrika, africana, language, linguistic, langue

Voyage dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique, par le Cap de Bonne-Espérance. Dans les années 1780, 81, 82, 83, 84 & 85. Two volumes. Liege 1790.
. Pp. xxiv, 341; 359. With 12 engraved plates. Contemporary half calf on marbled boards, spine gilt and with title labels. lightly rubbed. Bookplate. Le Vaillant made excursions among the Kaffirs and other tribes in Southern Africa, and extended his researches northward beyond the Orange River. This account covers Le Vaillant's first expedition into the interior of South Africa and contains important observations on the natural history of the region and interesting details about the Dutch settlers. The plates depict views, giraffes and, the native people; Hottentots and Kaffirs. Cf Cox p.389. Cf Gay 3118. Mendelssohn i, 889-92. Cf Nissen ZB 2480.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 107
€  700.00 [Appr.: US$ 774.61 | £UK 590 | JP¥ 113152]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, africana, afrique, afrika, south africa, cape of good hope, travel, exploration, voyage, travels,

L'Egypte de Murtadi fils du Gaphiphe, ou il est traité des pyramides, du débordement du Nil, & des autres merueilles de cette province, selon les opinions & traditions des Arabes. Paris, Lovys Billaine, 1666.
. 12mo. Pp. (lvi), 304. Modern paper covered boards. Title with small burn hole and some browning in parts. First edition which has been published many times in French and English. Another issue with imprint "chez Thomas Ioly Librairie Iuré" was published in the same year. Murtada ibn al-'Afif was an Islamic historian from Cairo who lived between 1154 and 1237. His account covers the history, antiquities, legends, etc. of Egypt and includes the stories of Noah, Joseph and Moses. The original Arabic manuscript (or a copy) was found in Cardinal Mazarin's library by the French Arabist Pierre Vattier (1623-67) who translated it into French. The work was translated into English in 1672. Ibrahim-Hilmy II, p. 54.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120312
€  1000.00 [Appr.: US$ 1106.58 | £UK 843 | JP¥ 161646]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, egypt, egyptian, afrique, afrika, africa, middel east, arabic, history, travel, exploration,

Resa i Kaplandet åren 1853-1855. Stockholm, Albert Bonnier, 1863.
. Pp. xvi, 160. With 9 lithographic plates, of which 5 are coloured. Modern boards with original printed wrappers bound in, some staining to first and last few leaves. First edition of this narrative about Victorin's travels in South Africa. Includes interesting information about the fauna, animal life and hunting. Published posthumoulsy by Johan Wilhelm Grill based on Victorin's letters and diary. Not in Mendelssohn. Linnström iv, 794.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99223
€  400.00 [Appr.: US$ 442.63 | £UK 337.25 | JP¥ 64658]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, south africa, africa, afrique, afrika, travel, voyages, exploration, explore, african

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