Liefde-Macht. Een schets uit het zendings-leven onder de Alfoeren van West-Seram. [Eerste druk/first edition].
's-Gravenhage, [..], 1916. Small 8°, orig. dec. cloth (motive of Kakean-rite style), 81pp., 4 photo plates, head-&-tail pieces after Alfurese sacred motifs. BUUR, PD, 801; RUINEN, A 130. Impressions by a protestant assistant-minister, who worked on Seram from 1897-1913, of daily life in the Christian Alune & Wemale villages of West-Seram. Subjects touched upon are the progress of Christianization, tours of duty from Piru to the North Coast of Seram, illnes & health, spirit belief, head-hunting & the Kakean Society & the impact on the Alfurese; marriage-arrangements, & the relationship between men & women. Emphasis has been placed upon the conflict between traditonal customs & beliefs & new, christian elements. (Polman, Centr. Moluccas, op.cit.).
Antiquarian Booksellers Gemilang
Professional sellerBook number: 3522
€ 65.00 [Appr.: US$ 66.43 | £UK 54.75 | JP¥ 10463]
Keywords: moluccas/Ceram/mission/Alfurese