Devotus, Joannes.
Joannis Devoti ... Institutionum canonicarum libri IV : juxta editionem quartam romanam.
Juxta editionem quartam Romanam ab auctore recognitam et additionibus. Gandae : A.-I. Vander Schelden, in platea dicta Onderstraete, 1822. Contemp. calf bindings. 736;464 pp. Corners bumpes. Some light dampstaining. Good set. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. - Giovanni Devoti (1744-1820), canon lawyer, and in life a.o. archbishop of Cartago and he also accompanied Pope Pius VII during his exile in France. Hist best known work is Institutionum canonicarum libri quatuor (Rome, 1785; fourth edition, Rome, 1814). This is a Belgian reprint of the 4th edition. The work is distinguished by its clearness and conciseness, and by its numerous historical notes, attributed, but without any reason, to Cardinal Francesco Saverio Castiglioni, afterwards Pope Pius VIII. In 1817, the King of Spain made obligatory the study of the Institutiones of Devoti at the University of Alcalá; and in 1836, the University of Louvain accepted it as a classical manual of canon law. The work subsequently became more useful for the history than for the practice of canon law.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia Verlag
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€ 60.00 [Appr.: US$ 61.64 | £UK 50.75 | JP¥ 9634]
Keywords: RECHT, canon law, Kirchenrecht canon law, Kirchenrecht