Antiquariaat Klikspaan: Taalkunde
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Elout, C P J
Dictionnaire hollandais et malai, suivi d'un dictionnaire francais et malai, d'après de Dictionnaire anglais et malai de Mr. W. Marsden = Nederduitsch en maleisch woordenboek gevolgd van een fransch en maleisch woordenboek
Harlem, Jean Enschedé et fils 1826 1st ed - 432 pages. - Full leather, gold-stamped
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V73773
€  125.00 [Appr.: US$ 130.44 | £UK 104.25 | JP¥ 20087]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: maleis/woordenboeken

Elout, C P J
Dictionnaire malai, hollandais et francais, traduit du Dictionnaire malai et anglais de Mr. W Marsden = Maleisch, nederduitsch en fransch woordenboek
Harlem, Jean Enschedé et fils 1825 1st ed. - 604 pages. - Full leather, gold-stamped, upperside spine loose
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V73774
€  125.00 [Appr.: US$ 130.44 | £UK 104.25 | JP¥ 20087]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: maleis/woordenboeken

Elsendoorn, Ben A G
Tolerances of durational properties in British English vowels
Helmond, Drukkerij Wibro 1984 tabellen, figuren 1st ed. - Thesis University of Utrecht. - With references. - Softcover
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V105868
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.44 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1607]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: vowels/english

Phrasl alternatin in Kerinci
Utrecht, LOT 2017 1st ed. - Thesis University of Leiden. - With references. - (LOT ; 458). - Softcover
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V127836
€  35.00 [Appr.: US$ 36.52 | £UK 29.25 | JP¥ 5624]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: Kerinci dialect

Erol, Aydil
Sarkilarla siilerle Türkülerle ve tarihi örneklerle Adlarimiz
Ankara, Türk Kültürünü Arastirma Enstitüsü 1992 Softcover
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V104326
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 26.09 | £UK 21 | JP¥ 4017]
Catalogue: Taalkunde

Ertem, Hayri
Bogazköy metinlerine göre Hititler devri Anadolu'sunun florasi
Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi 1974 1st ed. - (Türk tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan ; VII. Dizi - Sa. 65). - Softcover, good+
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V136589
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 31.31 | £UK 25.25 | JP¥ 4821]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: hethitisch

Erven, Juus en anderen (samenst.)
Ós moddersjproach : vertaling naar Limburgs dialect
Aachen, Helios Verlag 2017 geillustreerd 1e dr. - Gebonden, als nieuw
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V143089
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.65 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2410]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: dialecten/Limburg

Eschbach, Achim & Jürgen Trabant (ed.)
History of semiotics
Amsterdam, John Benjamins 1983 1st ed. - (Foundationsof semiotics ; volume 7). - Hardcover, fine condition
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V102805
€  125.00 [Appr.: US$ 130.44 | £UK 104.25 | JP¥ 20087]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: semiotics

Van den Eynde, Karel
Eléments de grammaire Yaka : phonologie et morphologie flexionnelle
Kinshasa, Université Lovanium, Publications Universitaires 1968 1st ed. - Softcover
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V123932
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 26.09 | £UK 21 | JP¥ 4017]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: Yaka/african languages

Falk, Hjalmar og Alf Torp
Etymologisk ordbog over det norske og det danske sprog
Oslo, Bjorn Ringstroms Antikvariat 1994 Facsimile-edition. - 3. opptrykk. - Hardcover, very good
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V99063
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 46.96 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7231]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: norwegian language/etymology

Fanfani, Pietro (compilato da)
Vocabolario della lingua italiana
Firenze, Successori Le Monnier 1898 Quarta ed., riveduta ed ampliata. - Halfcloth
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V125018
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.87 | £UK 16.75 | JP¥ 3214]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: italian language

Ferrell, Raleigh
Paiwan dictionary
Canberra, Pacific Linguistics 1982 1st ed. - 503 pages. - With bibliogr. - (Pacific Linguistics ; Series C - No. 73). - Cloth with dustjacket
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V147523
€  75.00 [Appr.: US$ 78.26 | £UK 62.75 | JP¥ 12052]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: Paiwan language/Taiwan

Feuge, Kerstin
Spektrographische analyse Indonesischer Vokale in den Wortstrukturen kvkv und kvkvk
Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang 1990 Abbildungen 1. Aufl. - Mit Literaturverzeichnis, Register. - (Forum Linguisticum ; Band 32). - Broschur
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V127770
€  35.00 [Appr.: US$ 36.52 | £UK 29.25 | JP¥ 5624]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: indonesische Vokale

Figge, Udo L
Gedächtnis, Sprache, Text : Prinzipien und Exempla einer semiotischen Sprachtheorie
Aachen, Shaler Verlag 1999 1. Aufl. - Mit Bibliogr., Register. - (Bochumer Beiträge zur Semiotik ; Neue Folge 2). - Broschur
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V92020
€  17.50 [Appr.: US$ 18.26 | £UK 14.75 | JP¥ 2812]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: Semiotik

Filigheddu, Paolo (a cura di)
Sul tema Circolazioni culturali nel mediterraneo antico : Sassari, 24027 aprile 1991
Cagliari, M. Corda 1994 illustrated 1st ed. - Sesta Giornata Camito-Semitica e Indoeuropa, I Convegno Internazionale di Linguistica dell'area mediterranea. - With index. - Softcover
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V133173
€  35.00 [Appr.: US$ 36.52 | £UK 29.25 | JP¥ 5624]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: talen/middellandse zeegebied

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