Florilegium Harlemense : gekleurde afbeeldingen met beschrijving van bol- en knolgewassen / Coloured plates with description of bulbous and tuberous rooted plants
Haarlem, De erven Loosjes,1896. Folio. Hard Cover. Beautiful blue cloth binding decorated in art nouveau stile with green and yellow tulips. The twelve chromolithographs in very good condition l Glorious, colourful botanicals plates, chromolithographed by G. Severijns, Brussels. Coloured plates with descriptions of bulbous and tuberous rooted plant. Text in English, Dutch, German and French. Special edition of this wonderful book on bulbs with 12 chromolithographs. Librarystamps on titlepage and a just a tiny bit dogeared. In very good condition. Very special edition. Normally we see Florilegiums with sixty plates and published in 1901 and lithographed by J. L. Gofart, succesor of G. Severijns. Produced undere the auspices of the General association of bulb-culturists of Haarlem
Grimbergen Boeken
Professional sellerBook number: 955548
€ 1925.00 [Appr.: US$ 1984.64 | £UK 1625.25 | JP¥ 310075]