Antiquariaat Goltzius: Prenten Religion prent
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Peter Van der Borcht I (1535-1608)
Bible Illustration: The return of the dead on Earth
Signed plate with the representation of the dead coming back to Earth called by the heavenly trumpets. Lettered above left:'IOEL.' on the bottom left:'BORCHT'and numbered on the right: '3.' and '27'. Not from the edition of 1613l Etching on paper, with small margins; platemark: 96 x 221 mm, total: 128 x 224 mm; Hollstein 1-100; W 1; Le Bl 9-108
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60316
€  51.75 [Appr.: US$ 57.27 | £UK 43.75 | JP¥ 8365]

Peter Van der Borcht I (1535-1608)
Bible Illustration: Christ brought in front of the Judges
Signed plate with two representations of Christ brought in front of the Judges. Two representations within the same plate. Signed on the bottom:'P.V.BORCHT' and numbered on the right: '61'. Not from the edition of 1613l Etching on paper, with small margins; platemark: 102 x 223 mm, total: 127 x 225 mm; Hollstein 1-100; W 1; Le Bl 9-108
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60318
€  51.75 [Appr.: US$ 57.27 | £UK 43.75 | JP¥ 8365]

Braeu, Nicolaes (fl. 1586 - 1600) after Matham, Jacob (1571-1631)
Susanna and the Elders
Susanna bathing in a fountain. On the background the elders. Monograms and address on the rim of the fountain: 'JM. Inue et excud - NB. sculp. [JM and NB interlaced]'Two lines of Latin text below: 'Quo veteratires ruitis vos?... corda seiat. / SSH (interlaced)' On the verso unidentified collector's markl Engraving on paper; trimmed to platemark: total: 221 x 171 mm; only state; New Hollstein 365; B. 5; W. 5; Le Bl. 6; Print Quarterly 8 (1991) p. 275 OMP (Old Masters Prints Black Folders) Bl-Bo (3)
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60320
€  690.00 [Appr.: US$ 763.54 | £UK 581.75 | JP¥ 111536]

Unknown Dutch engraver 17th century
Salige Joost, gebooren tot Gouda in Hollant, priester inde orde der Carthuysers buyten Delft, door bevel van den grave Van der Marck heere van Lume, opgehangen ten Briel op St. Pietersdagh in Augustus 1571 [= 1572], oudt wesende 40 jaeren
anonieme gravure van de priester ten voeten uit, kelk in de hand, met achter hem het Karthuizer klooster, Brielle, vervoer per wagen en galg. Ten gevolge van zijn marteldood is hij onder de r. k. heiligen opgenomen.17,3x14 cm.l Etching and engraving on paper; broad margins; plate mark: 170 x 139; total: 248 x 385 mm
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 55764
€  69.00 [Appr.: US$ 76.35 | £UK 58.25 | JP¥ 11154]

Collaert, Hans or Jan I (1525/30-1580) after Broek, Crispijn van den (1524-1590)
The Circumcision of Christ (series The Life of the Virgin)
Twelfth plate of a series of twenty plates showing the life of the Virgin after Crispijn van den Broeck; sixteen plates are engraved by Hans Collaert I, two by Jan Ditmaer, and two by an anonymous engraver. The set was first published in 1576 by Adriaen Huybrechts (fl. 1573-1614) On plate 12 (after the drawing in the National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh, The Circumcision of Christ: inside a temple with the high-priest performing the operation at centre, the Virgin and St Joseph holding the Christ child are surrounded by other parents waiting with their babies. Lettered on the bottom center: 'CVB in.' and towards the left: 'Adrianus hubertus excudit 1576'. New Hollstein (van den Broeck, 175)l Engraving, no margins, trimmed around the drawn frame, text underneath is missing; state I or II/2; total: 245 x 185 mm; repaired damages on the right and lower borders. PB01NT
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 59660
€  103.50 [Appr.: US$ 114.53 | £UK 87.25 | JP¥ 16730]

Collaert, Adriaen (c.1560-1618) after Bol, Hans (1534-1593)
Landscape with the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) [Landscapes with Old and New Testament scenes and Hunting scenes; set]
Landscape with the Good Samaritan on the left; on the right a river and descending landscape towards a city in the background. Signed on the decorated rame: 'Ioha[nnes]. bol. Inuent. Eduardus ab hoeswinkel excu'l Engraving on paper, trimmed on platemark; total: 144 x 212mm; state I/2; yellowed and with dirty, some stains in the sky; New Hollstein (Bol) 139 OMP (Old Masters Prints Black Folders) C (5)
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60304
€  258.75 [Appr.: US$ 286.33 | £UK 218.25 | JP¥ 41826]

 Collaert, Adriaen (c.1560-1618) after Vos, Maarten de (1532-1603), The Massacre of the Innocents
Collaert, Adriaen (c.1560-1618) after Vos, Maarten de (1532-1603)
The Massacre of the Innocents
The Massacre of the Innocents, number 9 from the serie 'The Life, Passion and Resurrection of Christ', fifty one plates. Signature and address at the bottom of margin:'M. de Vos inuentor. Adrian Collaert sculp. et excud.' One line of Latin text above in margin:'Tunc Herodes videns quoniam illusus esset a magis, iratus est valde; et mittens occidit omnes pueros qui erant in Betlemme, et in omnibus finibus eius. Matth. 2. 'Numbered '9' at left in margin. l Engraving on paper, with margins; platemark: 181 x 219 mm, total: 192 x 232 mm; small damage on the top right corner, on margin; state II/3, New Hollstein 182; W. 10 OMP (Old Masters Prints Black Folders) C (5)
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60276
€  230.00 [Appr.: US$ 254.51 | £UK 194 | JP¥ 37179]

Cort, Cornelis (1533-1578) after Zuccaro, Taddeo (1529-1566)
Presentation of Mary at the Temple
The young Virgin being presented at the Temple, after Taddeo Zuccaro. Inscriberd at the bottom:'Lumina conoscendens ultro petit ardua templi // Ipsa eadem templum Virgo futura Dei.' Address in lower margin:'Ant. Lanfre[rij]'; second address in margin at left:'Ioannes Orlandij formis romae 1602'l Engraving on paper, trimmed within platemark; total: 278 x 198 mm ; state III/3; some damages at the bottom repaired, some other not. New Hollstein 96; Bierens de Haan 21; Le Blanc 24; Wurzbach 86 OMP (Old Masters Prints Black Folders) C (5)
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60278
€  230.00 [Appr.: US$ 254.51 | £UK 194 | JP¥ 37179]

Doetecum, Johannes van I (1551-1605) and Doetecum, Lucas van (fl. 1554-1572) after Bol, Hans (1534-1593)
Landscape (from a set of twelve Landscapes)
Landscape with river; city in the background left, village to the right. Signed on the bottom left:'HBOL' (HB monogrammed)l Etching and engraving on paper; trimmed to platemark; total: 231 x 321 mm; evenly yellowed paper, corners worn out; state I/2; New Hollstein 225; New Hollstein (Bol) 220; Riggs 4.5 OMP D (6)
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60326
€  1092.50 [Appr.: US$ 1208.94 | £UK 921 | JP¥ 176598]

Hooghe, Romeyn de (1645-1708)
Whole size picture of David Joris an important Anabaptist leader in the Netherlands before 1540. From the book: 'Historie der kerken en ketteren van den beginne des Nieuwen Testaments tot aan het jaar onses Heeren 1688', published in Amsterdam by Sebastiaan Petzold in 1701, volume 2, p. 537. Inscribed on the bottom: 'DAVID JORIS .'l Etching and engraving on paper; trimmed to platemark; total: 264 x 153 mm. RdH154
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60056
€  86.25 [Appr.: US$ 95.44 | £UK 72.75 | JP¥ 13942]

Hooghe, Romeyn de (1645-1708)
Whole size picture of Henry IV. He ascended to King of the Germans around 1056. From 1084 until his forced abdication in 1105, he was also referred to as the King of the Romans and Holy Roman Emperor. From the book: 'Historie der kerken en ketteren van den beginne des Nieuwen Testaments tot aan het jaar onses Heeren 1688', published in Amsterdam by Sebastiaan Petzold in 1701, volume 1, p. 571. Inscribed on the bottom: 'HENRICUS IV IMPERATOR.'.l Etching and engraving with margins; platemark: 265 x 157 mm, total: 312 x 189 mm PB01RF, RdH154
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 59866
€  86.25 [Appr.: US$ 95.44 | £UK 72.75 | JP¥ 13942]

Hooghe, Romeyn de (1645-1708)
Whole size picture of John of Leiden an Anabaptist leader from the Dutch city of Leiden. From the book: 'Historie der kerken en ketteren van den beginne des Nieuwen Testaments tot aan het jaar onses Heeren 1688', published in Amsterdam by Sebastiaan Petzold in 1701, volume 2, p. 25. Inscribed on the bottom: 'IOHANNES BUCHOLDI A LEYDA .'l Etching and engraving on paper with margins; platemark: 267 x 157; total: 314 x 207 mm. RdH154
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60057
€  86.25 [Appr.: US$ 95.44 | £UK 72.75 | JP¥ 13942]

Hooghe, Romeyn de (1645-1708)
Whole size picture of pope Leo X, born Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici. He was Pope from 9 March 1513 to his death in 1521. From the book: 'Historie der kerken en ketteren van den beginne des Nieuwen Testaments tot aan het jaar onses Heeren 1688', published in Amsterdam by Sebastiaan Petzold in 1701, volume 2, p. 9. Inscribed on the bottom: 'LEO X.'l Etching and engraving with margins; platemark: 265 x 158 mm, total: 325 x 200 mm PB01RF, RdH154
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 59870
€  86.25 [Appr.: US$ 95.44 | £UK 72.75 | JP¥ 13942]

Hooghe, Romeyn de (1645-1708)
Whole size picture of the Augustine Mojorinus Numida, a church reader in the church of Carthage. From the book: 'Historie der kerken en ketteren van den beginne des Nieuwen Testaments tot aan het jaar onses Heeren 1688', published in Amsterdam by Sebastiaan Petzold in 1701, volume 1, p. 331. Inscribed on the bottom: 'MAJORINUS NUMIDA'.l Etching and engraving with margins; platemark: 261 x 160 mm, total: 316 x 208 mm PB01RF, RdH154
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 59864
€  86.25 [Appr.: US$ 95.44 | £UK 72.75 | JP¥ 13942]

Hooghe, Romeyn de (1645-1708)
Whole size picture of Martin Luther with an opened Bible in his hands. From the book: 'Historie der kerken en ketteren van den beginne des Nieuwen Testaments tot aan het jaar onses Heeren 1688', published in Amsterdam by Sebastiaan Petzold in 1701, volume 2, p. 73. Inscribed on the bottom: 'MARTINUS LUTHERUS .'l Etching and engraving with margins; platemark: 266 x 155 mm, total: 327 x 203 mm. RdH154
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60055
€  86.25 [Appr.: US$ 95.44 | £UK 72.75 | JP¥ 13942]

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