Antiquariaat Goltzius: Manuscripts Religion
found: 9 books

 , Fragment of humoristic-satirical magazine ‘Uilenspiegel’, 1881.
Fragment of humoristic-satirical magazine ‘Uilenspiegel’, 1881.
Rough outline: The ‘Uilenspiegel’ was a weekly magazine with an anti-clerical and anti-social character. This particular edition of December, 31th 1881 (no. 27, volume 13) talks about world history, contains an admonition of the famous Dutch-German folklore character Tijl Uilenspiegel and a satirical print drawn by J. Molswilder and is called ‘Short oversight of the history of the motherland during the year 1881’ (Kort overzicht van de geschiedenis des vaderlands gedurende het jaar 1881). l Measurements: 330 x 237 mmCondition: Somewhat damaged, age-related discolouration and foxing.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 62075
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.57 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4696]

 , Manuscript: Collection of religious fragments
Manuscript: Collection of religious fragments
[Late 16th century]Without titlepage, date or author. The book counts about 879 pages. They were numbered later on with an occassional error. The handwritten texts in Latin alternate with sections of blank pages, or sections in a smaller size. There are a few comtemporary loose notes in between some pages. All texts are in Latin and of religious nature and they seem to be in various hands. In a few places a date pops up: 1596 (cf. pp. 188, 189, 401), so the book seems to date back to the late 16th century. For now it is unclear if it concerns personal notes and insights or copied texts, or a little bit of both. On one of the endpapers there are some modern notes in pencil giving some insight in the whereabouts of this book and of some restoration work. These notes state for instance that some parchment strips with medieval handwriting on it (In Dutch: "maculatuur") from the original binding had been preserved and indeed they are present in the back of the book. These notes also state that the book is from the collection of Jelle Kaspersma and Alie Vinke (2010). Full parchment binding with embossed emblem on the front and back, some traces of goldtooling on the spine, uncut edges, no headbands, part of the closure ribbons remain. The cover is too small for this bookblock. Either is was not originally made for this book and made to fit, or it has shrunk considerably. Stained parchment. The bookblock has some waterstains and other smudges, but the pages are mostly clean with clear handwriting.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 68956
€  1437.50 [Appr.: US$ 1578.58 | £UK 1203.25 | JP¥ 234779]

 , Short history of the first four centuries of the Christian Church.
Short history of the first four centuries of the Christian Church.
Short history of the first four centuries of the Christian Church with an overview of the most famous men and writers each century like Papias, Hieronymus and Augustine. l Measurements: 219 x 262 mm. Condition: Age-related discolouration and a bit tattered.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 62125
€  86.25 [Appr.: US$ 94.72 | £UK 72.25 | JP¥ 14087]

Bonnet, G.,
Brief aan de weledelen heere H. Goodricke door G. Bonnet, professor in de godgeleerdheid te Utrecht, Utrecht, v. Poolsum, 1770.
Sierpapieren omslag, 12 pag.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 59000
€  32.20 [Appr.: US$ 35.36 | £UK 27 | JP¥ 5259]

Bouvy, J.,
Iets over phonologie, enz. Open brief aan Dr. B. te V., naar aanleiding van zijn artikel "Antwoord op eene kritiek", Gulpen [1873].
Ing., 78 pag., mist achterplat.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 57038
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.57 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4696]

 COQUELET, J.,, Gebedenboek/Brevier.Prayerbook/breviarum of Johanna (Joanna) Coquelet. Ad usum Sororis Joanna Cocquelet. 1629.
Gebedenboek/Brevier.Prayerbook/breviarum of Johanna (Joanna) Coquelet. Ad usum Sororis Joanna Cocquelet. 1629.
1629 manuscript, appr. 250pp. handwritten prayerbook from sister Joanna Cocquelet (antiphonarium Joanna Cocquelet professie: 21 September 1603 witnesses Abbot Robert Dosselart and Abbess Joanna de Penig), with prayers in Latin, French and Dutch. Joanna Coquelet was a non in the cistercian abbey of Ter Kameren, La Cambre Abbey (French: Abbaye de La Cambre, Abbaye de la Chambre de Notre-Dame ("Abbey of the Chamber of Our Lady"), hence La Cambre or Ter Kameren Abbey (Dutch: Abdij Ter Kameren) is a former Cistercian abbey in the City of Brussels, Belgium. It is located in the Maelbeek valley between the Bois de la Cambre/Ter Kamerenbos and the Ixelles Ponds. The abbey was founded around 1196. It was suppressed during the French Revolution. Most of today's buildings date from the 18th century; only the church, the refectory and the wing of the capitular hall maintain their medieval character. After two prqayes Coquelet noted: sermons by Egidius (Gilles) Tsoggart (a family with the same name was found in overlopers Nieuwerkerke (Zeeland)). In the 18th century genealogical information was added to the last few pages: zuster Livine van de Velde, Joannis Thyssebaert 1736-1783, and others of members of Thijssebaert family, Levinus Gembrugge 1798-1654, Pieter Francis Criel 1854-1871, Maria Theresa Gembrugge, 1853 Bruno Evereaert, Elisabeth de Kizel/Kezel, overleden 24 november 1796, some (children) writing on free endpapers at the biginning of the book, Childrens (?) writing at th eend of the book, the contemporary full vellum binding, soiled. From the collection of Jelle & Alie Kaspersma. Unique manuscript showing the taste for prayers by a 17th century nun.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 68259
€  2242.50 [Appr.: US$ 2462.59 | £UK 1877.25 | JP¥ 366255]

 DUBBELDEN, H. DEN,, Catechismus (manuscript)
Catechismus (manuscript)
Handwritten catechismus by H. den Dubbelden, "capellani Sti. Jacobi Sijlva Ducis 1795, 13 Augusti". Henricus den Dubbelden (1769-1851) was a Dutch clergyman and vicar and later bishop of the Roman Catholic church. When he wrote this manuscript he was active in Den Bosch at the St Jacobschurch. Den Dubbelden filled a little over half of this beautifully bound notebook with questions and answers concerning the christian faith. 79 pages are numbered, 78 pages are filled with writing. The rest of the pages are still blank. Full marbled leather binding with goldtooling on the outside of the binding (spine, front and back), the inside (along the blue coloured endpapers) and the edges of the binding. The bookblock has gilded edges and the handsewn headbands and a green bookmark ribbon are still present. The book has been used to store some small items. Between pages 54 and 55 we find a handcoloured print with some gilding and the text "Purificatio Virgines Mariae". Between pages 58-59 we find a small printed leaflet entitled "Aflaten" (Indulgence). It is dated to 1794 and printed by Jacobus Scheffers, 's Bosch. And for whatever reason there is also a small pin between pages 2 and 3. The writing is clear and legible, the pages without any stains, except for pages 58-59. The book seems to have laid openend on these pages for a while with something on top, judging by the smudging. From the collection of Jelle Kaspersma and Alie Vinke.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 68689
€  603.75 [Appr.: US$ 663.01 | £UK 505.5 | JP¥ 98607]

[Steversloot, L.] / D.D. Hollander
[1] Geuse-kost opgedist in paapse schotelen, handelende van de souvereine oppermagt en heerschappye der Roomsche pausen. z. pl. [= Leiden, Joh. du Vivie], 1725. [gebonden met:] [2] Dominikaansche pastyen, opgedischt in miraculeuse schotels, of brief van D.D. Hollander aan de eerwaarde paters preekheeren, over verscheide door hun verdigte of by hen voor waarheden behelsende uitgestrooide mirakelboeken des Rosen-crans. 's Gravenhage, N.P. Blommendal, 1744.
Half leer, [1] (16)+221 pag., geillustreerd met frontispice en 9 gravures in de tekst; [2] 59 pag. C2228l [1] Waller 603; Scheepers I 543. [2] STCN: 2 ex. (KB en Londen). De 'Dominikaansche pastyen ...' zijn zeer zeldzaam. Het pseudoniem D.D. Hollander wordt niet in Van Doorninck en De Kempenaer vermeld.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 54875
€  1006.25 [Appr.: US$ 1105.01 | £UK 842.5 | JP¥ 164345]

 VENHUIZEN, LUDOLF, MARCKIUS, JOHANNES,, Christianae theologiae medulla didactico-elenctica
Christianae theologiae medulla didactico-elenctica
Handwritten transcript by Ludolf Venhuizen (1696-1726), pastor at Grijpskerk. It concerns a partial transcript of the book "Christianae theologiae medulla didactico-elenctica" by Johannes Marckius (or Johannes à Marck) a Dutch theologian (1656-1731), originally published in Amsterdam 1690. This transcript by Venhuizen was written in 1716 (or 1719: MDIIXVIIII - but the last three I's are smudged) and contains chapters 6 through 19 (of 34), pp.72-140. The pages are numbered according to the pagenumbers transcribed. A handwritten transcript of a printed page takes several pages, so the first and last page of each section containing the text of a particular printed page is marked by the corresponding pagenumber. For instance you find p. 72, then some unnumbered pages, then again p. 72 marking the end of this page and then p. 73 on the following page, then some unnumbered pages, again followed by p. 73 marking the end of that page. Chapter 8 and 14 are incomplete (part of page 121 and all of page 122) with some blank pages, presumably intended to complete later. The handwriting is fairly neat and legible, here and there varying in size. Full parchment spitsel binding with red sprinkled edges. In good condition without staining or damages, with spacious outer margins and some visible foldlines to mark these margins to make sure the writing is evenly spaced. Lovely testimony of a situation where making a transcript would probably be cheaper than obtaining the printed work. How would Venhuizen respond to our modern techniques to copy, scan or photograph bookpages? From the collection of Jelle Kaspersma and Alie Vinke from Kampen, with a note of ownership in pencil on the flyleaf.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 68688
€  316.25 [Appr.: US$ 347.29 | £UK 264.75 | JP¥ 51651]

| Pages: 1 |