Antiquariaat Goltzius: History Napoleon
found: 9 books

Beknopt levensberigt en beschrijving der begrafenisplegtigheid van wijlen zijne excellentie den luit.-generaal A.J.J. Bon. Des Tombe : benevens eene afbeelding van den begrafenis-stoet
Maastricht, Gebr. Muller, 1845, 30 pages, original paper bindng, damage to back, some staining, the mentioned view of the ‘begrafenis-stoet’ is not present as is in the KB copy. Biography of Andries Jan Jacob Des Tombe (1787-1845) was a Dutch army officer who fought for Napoleon in Spain, Germany and Russia and was awarded many medals and decorations. Napoleon made him Baron de l'Empire, he was later also instated by King William as a Dutch nobleman with the title of baron. He died in Maastricht were he was the commander of the fortress. Scarce.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66560
€  166.75 [Appr.: US$ 184.52 | £UK 140.75 | JP¥ 26954]

 , Centsprent: Hier ziet ge de kleedij van ‘t leger dat voor dezen, / Onder Napoleon de vijand deden vreezen. No. 43.
Centsprent: Hier ziet ge de kleedij van ‘t leger dat voor dezen, / Onder Napoleon de vijand deden vreezen. No. 43.
Nine members of Napoleon’s army on horseback, all of different ranks:‘Kolonel’ (Colonel), ‘Mameluk’ (Mamluk), ‘Generaal eener Divisie’ (major general), ‘Kurassier’ (Cuirassier), ‘Cornet der Kurassier’ (Cornet), ‘Hussaar’ (Hussar), ‘Kommandant der Keizerlijke Garde’ (Commandant of the Imperial Guard), ‘Jager der Keizerlijke Garde’ (Chasseur of the Imperial Guard) and ‘Chef’ (Chief). The text identifies the men by their attributes and describes how they acquired these ranks because of their courage and loyalty.Amsterdam, P.C.L. van Staden (c. 1850 - c. 1870); address mentioned on the print: ‘Te Amsterdam, bij P.C.L. van Staden Czn. Heerengracht hoek Hartenstraat’; numbered ‘No. 43.’ in upper right corner.l 9 woodcut illustrations (each 90 x 90 mm) on paper, hand coloured in blue and yellow; under each image a 4-line verse, total: 430 x 330 mm; folded once, small tear in bottom margin.De Meyer p. 295, Boerma p. 820 (Staden 43).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 63240
€  57.50 [Appr.: US$ 63.63 | £UK 48.5 | JP¥ 9295]

Napoleon Ier, le Consulat et l'Empire, Napoleon III, Le second empire, Tableau Genealogique des Rois de France.
Collection "les grandes dates historiques de France" three parts. Genealogical information and many illustrations.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 68965
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.81 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4647]
Catalogue: History Napoleon

Aan de ingezetenen der Vereenigden provincien van Nederland.
Very large proclamation issued by Furst von Bulow on 20. November 1813 (reissued 1913 for onafhankelijkheidsfeesten Arnhem 1913) concerning the Prussian army ready to cross the Dutch border. Von Bulow requests the Dutch population to join the fight against Napoleon.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 67379
€  40.25 [Appr.: US$ 44.54 | £UK 34 | JP¥ 6506]
Catalogue: History Napoleon

 ENGEL, REGULA,, De Zwitsersche heldin, of lotgevallen, ontmoetingen en veldtogten van eene officiersvrouw in Frankrijk, Egypte, Italie¨, Spanje, Portugal, Duitschland en de Nederlanden, met het Fransche leger onder Napoleon. Door haar zelve beschreven. Naar den tweeden druk uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald.
De Zwitsersche heldin, of lotgevallen, ontmoetingen en veldtogten van eene officiersvrouw in Frankrijk, Egypte, Italie¨, Spanje, Portugal, Duitschland en de Nederlanden, met het Fransche leger onder Napoleon. Door haar zelve beschreven. Naar den tweeden druk uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald.
Amsterdam, G. Portielje, 1826, 1st edition, xii,229 pages, engraved titlepage by H.P. Oosterhuis/H.W. Hoogkamer with vignette showing the author dressed as a soldier shooting with a pistol at an advancing cavalerist (waterstains on titlepage), fold out chart with a list of all the children of the author and her husband (some minor damage to the chart), later half linen binding, bookplate of H.L. Huyser, owner of the bookshop in Delft (bookplate shows the coat of arms of Delft), book written by Regula Engel-Egli (1761-1853), of Swiss descent, who followed her husband who was an Swiss officer fighting for the French during his 20 year service to Napoleon. She is supposed to have worn the uniform herself and fought as depicted on the titlepage, she gave birth to 21 children, of whom only 5 survived childhood, Napoleon Bonaparte was godfather to several of her children, she was called "my little Swiss" by the emperor. She published her memoirs in 1825 and this is the first and only Dutch translation of her book. She and her husband followed Napoleon to Elba and her husband died at the battle of Waterloo alongside two of her sons. In 1992 a reprint of her memoirs was published in German. She was then called an "Amazone im Schatten von Napoleon." Detailed real life account of the campaigns of Napoloen from an unusual and remarkable perspective. Saakes 8 (1826), p. 228. Extremely rare, according to Worldcat only in two libraries in the world (Koninklijke Bibliotheek and Kantonsbibliothek Graubünden). A review of the reprint from 1992 is included.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 65948
€  1006.25 [Appr.: US$ 1113.5 | £UK 848.25 | JP¥ 162656]
Catalogue: History Napoleon

 FAIN, BARON,, Manuscrit de mil huit cent treize, contenant le précis des événemens de cette année; pour servir à l'histoire de l'empereur Napoléon; par le baron Fain.
Manuscrit de mil huit cent treize, contenant le précis des événemens de cette année; pour servir à l'histoire de l'empereur Napoléon; par le baron Fain.
Paris, Delaunay, 1824, complete set in two volumes, vi,489+ii,566pp. minor age staining throughout als on the illustrations, 3 fold out maps (one large and two smaller), 1 fold out facsimile letter to the author, tooled leather bindings, gilt ornaments, titles, and volume nrs on spines, faded marbled edges, some damage to tops of spines, usual wear and tear to bindings, front hinge of volume 2 suffering, gilt ornaments on front and back, marbled endpapers (both volumes endpapers repaired by modern sellotape), interesting account of the year 1813 and the campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte, written by Agathon Jean François Fain (January 11, 1778 - September 16, 1837) who was a French historian. He was born in Paris, France. Having gained admittance to the offices of the Directory, he became head of a département. Under the French Consulate he entered the office of the secretary of state, in the department of the archives. In 1806 he was appointed secretary and archivist to the cabinet particulier of the emperor, whom he attended on his campaigns and journeys. He was created a baron of the empire in 1809, and, on the fall of Napoleon, was first secretary of the cabinet and confidential secretary. Compelled by the second Restoration to retire into private life, he devoted his leisure to writing the history of his times, an occupation for which his previous employments well fitted him. He published successively Manuscrit de l'an 1814, contenant l'histoire des six derniers mois du régime de Napoléon (1823; new edition with illustrations, 1906); Manuscrit de l'an 1814, trouvé dans les voitures impériales prises à Waterloo (Paris 1823); Manuscrit de l'an 1813, contenant le précis des évènements de cette année pour servir à l'histoire de l'empereur Napoléon (1824); Manuscrit de l'an 1812 (1827); and Manuscrit de l'an III (1794-95), contenant les premieres transactions de l'Europe avec la république française et le tableau des derniers governements du régime conventionnel (1828), all of which are remarkable for accuracy and wide range of knowledge, and are a very valuable source for the history of Napoleon (Wikipedia).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 69350
€  517.50 [Appr.: US$ 572.66 | £UK 436.25 | JP¥ 83652]
Catalogue: History Napoleon

Mémoires se Rapportant a son Service Militaire au 6eme Régiment de Chasseurs a Cheval Francais de Février 1803 a Aout 1816 publies par son fils E. F.C. A. Henckens. Préface par Frédéric Masson.
La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1910, 250 pp. uncut, softcover original binding, Henckens fought in the Napoleonic wars.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 67894
€  103.50 [Appr.: US$ 114.53 | £UK 87.25 | JP¥ 16730]

Saint-Hilaire, E.M. de [= Emile Mare]
Choix d'anecdotes, de contes... de bons mots, tant en prose qu'en vers, 3e ed., augmentée d'anecdotes .. sur l'empereur Napoleon, Paris, Lebigre, 1833, 16° , 512 pag., ill.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 23764
€  103.50 [Appr.: US$ 114.53 | £UK 87.25 | JP¥ 16730]

 VER HUELL, Q.M.R.,, Het leven en karakter van Carel Hendrik Graaf Ver Huell, uit nagelaten aanteekeningen en andere authentieke stukken / beschreven door Q.M.R. Ver Huell.
Het leven en karakter van Carel Hendrik Graaf Ver Huell, uit nagelaten aanteekeningen en andere authentieke stukken / beschreven door Q.M.R. Ver Huell.
Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck, 1847, complete in two parts with lithograph portrait by C.W. Mieling and two lithograph plates, Dl. 1. - XVIII, 398 p., [2] p. pl. Dl. 2. - 462, [2] p., [1] p. pl, marbled paper on board binding, some damage to bindings, Carel Hendrik count Ver Huell (also Verhuell) (Doetinchem, 4 February 1764 - Paris, 25 October 1845) was a Dutch, and later French, admiral and statesman. The name of Ver Huell is inscribed in the Arc de Triomphe in Paris as one of the generals of Napoleon (first column, fourth from the top, between Dembarrere and Rouyer).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 67908
€  316.25 [Appr.: US$ 349.96 | £UK 266.75 | JP¥ 51121]

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