Antiquariaat Goltzius: Gardening History Natural
found: 3 books

Court van der Voort, Pieter de la
Les agremens de la campagne, ou remarques particulieres sur la construction des maisons de campagne plus ou moins magnifiques, des jardins de plaisance, & des plantages, avec les ornemens qui en dépendent, &c. 3 vols. Paris, David le Jeune, 1752.
Contemporary marbled calf leatehr, gilt lettering and ornaments. 8o: 3 vols., pag.: (vol. 1) [1] xxxix 249; (vol. 2) vi 326; (vol. 3) ii 335. With 16 folding plates after the original plates by J. van der Spyk, F. van Bleyswyck, J. Wandelaar and J.C. Philips. Fine set of this rare French translation by De Groot of this highly important horticultural treatise by the Dutch cloth merchant, art patron, and 'first garden theorist of the Netherlands' Pieter de la Court (1664-1739), His estate ‘Meerburg’ was situated near Leiden. The first Dutch edition of the book was published in 1737. It contains details of the laying out and planting of small Dutch pleasure gardens, stressing the importance of water, proportional harmony and careful consideration for site. De la Court emphasizes natural features above artful device, and the blending of the garden into the landscape, with the occasional consciously placed 'romantic element'. J.C. Loudon writes in his 'Encyclopaedia of Gardening' (1827) that the work is 'little known [...] among the best that have been produced'. The work contains information on the development of glasshouses and heating methods. The large engravings depict glasshouses, 5 fine plates of citrus fruit, and 2 further plates of citrus fruit and the magnificent pineapple and tuberose.B0136.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 24780
€  1322.50 [Appr.: US$ 1452.3 | £UK 1107 | JP¥ 215997]

Miller, Philip
Maandelykse tuin-oeffeningen [...]. Naar de 14e Engelschen druk [....] vertaald [ ... ] door Job Baster, Haarlem, Jan Bosch 1767.
Half leather, (18)+348+(28) pag. Illustrated with a frontispice by C. van Noorde (1766) en 5 large folding engraved plates.B0152.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 24796
€  517.50 [Appr.: US$ 568.29 | £UK 433.25 | JP¥ 84520]

Wintershoven, J.B.
Handboek voor liefhebbers van vreemde plantzoenen en tuiniers of aanleiding tot de kennis van alle in - en uitlandsche boomen en heesters, Utrecht, van Paddenburg 1795, 8 + 580 pag. Exemplaar zonder band ( Titelpagina aangegeten met verlies van enkele letters ).
Zeer zeldzaam boek, gebaseerd op het Duitse werk van Rossig. Aan het slot bladwijzers op Engelse, Franse, Duitse en Nederduitsche namen ( pp. 521-580 ). Inliggend enkele manuscripten, waaronder twee schetsen van tuinaanleg.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 36746
€  258.75 [Appr.: US$ 284.15 | £UK 216.75 | JP¥ 42260]

| Pages: 1 |