Antiquariaat Goltzius: Art Calligraphy History of Books Manuscripts
found: 1 books

 Van de Velde, Jan, 1. Artificiosissimi Grammatices (Rotterdam 1605). 2. Thesaurus literarius continens multa diversaque genera scripturae tam latinae et romanae, quam italicae et hispanicae. Pars Secunda (Apud Cornelium Nicolai, 1607). 3. Liber Fondamentalis.
Van de Velde, Jan
1. Artificiosissimi Grammatices (Rotterdam 1605). 2. Thesaurus literarius continens multa diversaque genera scripturae tam latinae et romanae, quam italicae et hispanicae. Pars Secunda (Apud Cornelium Nicolai, 1607). 3. Liber Fondamentalis.
Three parts in one volume, 77 pp. 4o oblong. Later rebound in parchment. Last and first page with engraved portrait of the author by J. Matham fortified. Some pages browned or with small stains, some edges frayed. Printed text in latin. Rare edition of the most famous book on calligraphy. More than 50 examples of very decorative calligraphy. Rare edition without general title. The thee parts seems to be bound in random order. Part one: Calligramme "à Messieurs de l 'Admirauté de Rotterdam". Handwritten text in Dutch ("Die wil leeren schrijven met vlijt [...]" and French ("Voicy la forme méthodique pur escrire lettre Italique").Part two: Printed title in Latin with decorative border. 43 pages with decorative calligraphy, handwritten text in Spanish? Tributes to Barneveld, Goltzius, à L'Hérémite, à Pierre carpenter, à Sambix. With signature of Jan van de Velde, some dated 1609.Part three: No date or place mentioned. Handwritten text in Dutch and French.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 63446
€  4025.00 [Appr.: US$ 4454 | £UK 3392.5 | JP¥ 650625]

| Pages: 1 |