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CONTE & BERTHAULT (sculpsit)
DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE. Le Kaire [Le Caire]. Vue intérieure de l'une des cours de la maison de Hasan Kachef. (ETAT MODERNE, volume I, planche 60)
Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 53,5x70cm, une feuille. Gravure originale à l'eau-forte in plano, non rognée, extraite de l'édition dite « Impériale » de la Description de l'Égypte ou Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand. Réalisée entre février 1802 et 1829 sur ordre de Napoléon Bonaparte et publiée à partir de 1809 [en réalité 1810], elle fut tirée à 1000 exemplaires sur Vergé filigrané « Égypte ancienne et moderne » et offerte aux institutions. Superbe vue de l'une des cours de la maison de Hassan Kachef, dans laquelle s'installa un temps Napoléon Bonaparte lors de l'expédition en Egypte. C'est l'un des plus beaux palais du Caire, qui contient en ses murs un Institut pour les sciences et les arts qui s'inspire de l'Institut de France et qui reçoit Monge pour président. Infimes piqûres marginales affectant très légèrement la planche, très légère décharge d'encre au dos, sinon excellent état de fraîcheur et de conservation. ARCHITECTURE ISLAMIQUE DU CAIRE : L'ensemble de gravures auquel cette planche appartient constitue une des premières études raisonnées des monuments de l'Egypte islamique au Caire, rassemblant plans, coupes et élévations de mosquées, de mausolées et de fortifications, depuis le IXe siècle tulunide jusqu'aux constructions mameloukes contemporaines de l'arrivée des troupes de Bonaparte. Par ailleurs, les architectes et ingénieurs de l'Institut d'Egypte ont réalisé une large série de planches consacrées aux habitations et constructions civiles, qu'elles soient de grande ou plus modeste facture, apportant de précieux témoignages sur la vie des Cairotes de la fin du XIXe siècle. Les quelques vestiges antiques restant dans la ville furent également immortalisés par les savants de l'Institut, qui avaient établi leurs quartiers dans la capitale. Volume ETAT MODERNE, I : Le génie des savants de l'Institut se révèle particulièrement à travers les planches de la section dite Egypte Moderne. Architecture, industrie, structures sociales, état sanitaire, régime des eaux, musique, artisanat, sont exposés avec une précision et une qualité graphique exceptionnelle. L'esprit de L'Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert reste sous-jacent dans la démarche des dessinateurs de la Description de L'Egypte, qui accompagnent les volumes de textes de nombreuses planches détaillées, s'employant à dresser un portrait des populations empreint de beauté et de respect. Riches pachas ou simples artisans potiers sont représentés avec sensibilité, vaquant à leurs occupations au milieu de compositions esthétiques, sans pour autant tomber dans l'idéalisme ou la caricature. LA DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE, édition IMPERIALE (1809-1829) : La Description de l'Egypte est un des chefs d'œuvre de l'édition française et le point de départ d'une nouvelle science : l'égyptologie. Titanesque exposé de l'Egypte au temps des conquêtes de Bonaparte entre 1798 et 1799, elle est répartie en 23 volumes dont 13 volumes de gravures rassemblant près de 1000 planches en noir et 72 en couleur. Les 6 volumes de planches intitulées Antiquités sont consacrés aux splendeurs de l'Egypte pharaonique. L'Histoire naturelle est répartie en 3 volumes de gravures. Un volume est consacré aux Cartes géographiques et topographiques tandis que les 3 volumes : Etat Moderne dressent un portrait saisissant de l'Egypte copte et islamique telle qu'elle était vue par les armées d'Orient de Bonaparte. La « campagne d'Egypte », désastre militaire, dévoile à travers les gravures de la Description de l'Egypte la réussite scientifique qu'elle est devenue, grâce aux quelques 167 savants membres de la Commission des sciences et des arts de l'Institut d'Egypte qui suivaient l'armée de Napoléon. L'Institut a réuni en Egypte le mathématicien Monge, le chimiste Berthollet, le naturaliste Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ainsi que de nombreux artistes, ingénieurs, architectes, médecins... Ils eurent la charge de redécouvrir l'Egypte moderne et antique, d'en montrer les richesses naturelles, et le savoir-faire de ses habitants. L'édition originale, dite « Impériale », de la Description de l'Egypte fut réalisée sur quatre formats de grande taille, deux d'entre eux spécialement créés pour elle et baptisés formats « Moyen-Egypte » et « Grand-Egypte ». On construisit une presse spécifique pour son impression, qui s'étala sur vingt ans, entre 1809 et 1829. L'édition Impériale s'avéra si populaire qu'une deuxième édition en 37 volumes entièrement en noir et sans le filigrane « Egypte ancienne et moderne », dite édition « Panckoucke », fut publiée à partir de 1821 par l'imprimerie C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). La réalisation de ce monument d'érudition doit beaucoup au baron Dominique Vivant Denon, illustrateur, diplomate, collectionneur et par la suite directeur du musée Napoléon du Louvre qui accompagna Napoléon en Egypte avec de nombreux autres savants mais décida seul de s'aventurer dans le Sud du pays, alors que les autres scientifiques conviés restaient confinés dans la région du Caire. Les fabuleux croquis rapportés par Denon lors de sa romanesque chevauchée donnèrent l'idée à Bonaparte d'y envoyer les autres membres de l'Institut et ainsi dresser un portrait fidèle et complet du territoire. A la suite de Denon, ce sont donc les plus grands scientifiques et artistes français qui s'aventurèrent le long du Nil jusqu'en Nubie. Parmi eux, le peintre au muséum d'histoire naturelle H.J. Redouté (frère de Pierre-Joseph Redouté, auteur des Roses), le minéralogiste Dolomieu, le dessinateur Joly, et les ingénieurs Fourier et Costaz, chargés de l'étude scientifique des vestiges antiques de Haute-Egypte. Sans doute pour la première fois réunie dans une telle expédition, l'élite scientifique et artistique française, composée de plus de 160 « savants » dont près de 50 artistes, étudie méthodiquement l'Egypte pendant trois ans. Ils réalisent alors, sous l'égide et à la gloire de Napoléon, la plus vaste analyse historique, géographique, scientifique, économique et ethnologique jamais réalisée sur un pays. Mais ce sont peut-être les gravures qui constituèrent le défi technique majeur de cette Description de l'Egypte, comme en témoigne Yves Laissus, commissaire de l'exposition organisée en 2009 par la RMN et le Musée de l'Armée aux Invalides : « L'illustration, 836 planches dont une soixantaine en couleurs, gravées à l'eau forte et au burin dans des formats jusqu'alors inusités (le plus grand couvre près d'un mètre carré), a nécessité la construction de nouvelles formes et cuves pour la fabrication du papier, justifié l'invention, par Nicolas Conté, d'une machine destinée à alléger la besogne des graveurs, et exigé la réalisation de nouvelles presses capables d'imprimer ces images immenses. Certaines d'entre elles ont demandé deux années de travail. Près de 200 graveurs ont reproduit sur le cuivre les œuvres de 62 dessinateurs dont 46 ont participé à l'expédition. » Rare et superbe gravure originale d'une exceptionnelle facture et qualité graphique, témoignage d'une des plus ambitieuses aventures éditoriales françaises. - Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 53,5x70cm, une feuille. [ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOLLOWS] Original, unshaved, full-page etching from the ""Imperial edition"" of the Description de l'Égypte, or 'Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand [A Collection of the observations and research carried out in Egypt during the French expedition, published on the orders of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon the Great]'. Produced between February 1802 and 1830 on the orders of Naopleon Bonaparte and published between 1809 and 1828, 1,000 copies were printed and distributed to institutions, on vergé paper with an 'Égypte ancienne et moderne' watermark, visible when held up to the light. Light marginal spotting not touching image, otherwise in very fresh, fine condition. An engraving from the Description de l'Egypte, one of the masterpieces of French printing and the birth of a new field: Egyptology. A gigantic survey of Egypt at the time of Bonaparte's conquests in 1798 and 1799, the work is divided into 13 volumes of engravings making up 892 plates, of which 72 colored, as well as presenting the splendors of the Egypt of the Pharaohs in 9 volumes. The other volumes discuss natural history and present a fascinating portrait of Coptic and Islamic Egypt as it was seen by Bonaparte's Eastern Armies. The 'Egyptian campaign', militarily a disaster, demonstrates, through the engravings of the Description d'Egypte, the scientific success it nonetheless became thanks to the 167 expert members of the Commission of the Sciences and Arts of the Institut d'Egypte [Egyptian Institute] who followed Napoleon's army. The Institut gathered together in Egypt the mathematician Monge, the chemist Berthollet, the naturalist Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire as well as numerous artists, engineers, architects and doctors. They were tasked with re-discovering modern and ancient Egypt and displaying its natural treasures as well as the know-how of its inhabitants. This edition, the so-called ""Imperial"" edition of the plates for the Description de l'Egypte was printed in four large formats, two of which were specially created for it and christened ""Moyen-Egypte"" and ""Grand-Egypte"". A special press was built to print it, the process extending over 20 years, from 1809 to 1829. The ""Imperial"" edition proved so popular that a second edition, this time in black and white and without the ""Egypte ancienne et moderne"" watermark - known as the ""Royal Edition"" - was published during the Restoration by the printing house of C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). The engravings of the Description d'Egypte owe a great deal to Baron Dominique-Vivant Denon, illustrator, diplomat, collector and later Director of the Musée Napoléon (the Louvre). His exploration of the South of Egypt gave Bonaparte the idea of sending the experts of the Institut there, thus creating a faithful and complete portrait of the area. This was the research gathered together from 1802 in the mammoth Description de L'Egypte. Denon embarked on this story of archeological exploration at the age of 51, reaching first Alexandria and then Cairo before exploring Upper Egypt. Along with the members of the Institut d'Egypte, the Natural History Museum's painter H.J. Redouté (brother of Pierre-Joseph Redouté, author of Roses), the mineralogist Dolomiue, and the draughtsman Joly, Denon then explored the Nile Delta and Lower Egypt. When, however, he joined the 21st Light Infantry Regiment as it marched across Upper Egypt in pursuit of the retreating Mameluks in November 1798, he found himself the only civilian. In the very midst of the battle itself, he reeled off sketches of the works of art that peppered his path right up to the threshold of the Sudan. He said that he had crossed ""a country that is, apart from its name, entirely unknown to Europeans, and therefore everything was worth describing"" (Voyages dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte en 1798 et 1799, 1817). On his return to Cairo, the great general, spellbound by Denon's accounts and drawings ordered two commissions to be set up, led by the engineers Fourier and Costaz. They were tasked with the scientific study of the ancient remains in Upper Egypt; research that proved a significant contribution to the monumental Description d'Egypte, from which this plate is taken. ANCIENT EGYPT These engravings therefore represent a unique body of material that contributed to Jean-François Champollion's deciphering of hieroglyphics, and which mark the beginning of the line of Mariette, Maspero and Carter, who would reshape the face of Ancient Egypt. They also started a craze that gave birth to the phenomenon of Egyptomania and the Orientalism of Delacroix, Fromentin, Marilhat, Decamps and Théophile Gautier. Financiers, politicians, merchants and all kinds of treasure-hunters made their way to the banks of the Nile in search of riches, following this rediscovery of Egypt. The originators of Egyptology, these plates were to have a hugely influential afterlife. NATURAL HISTORY These engravings show the scientific genius of the French experts then working on the ground in Egypt, laying the foundations for its becoming a French colony. This colonizing project, which had been mooted since the reign of Louis XIV, was now accompanied - with Bonaparte's arrival - by an in-depth study of the country's fauna and flora thanks to the work of the most eminent naturalists, mineralogists, and entomologists of the day. The Description de l'Egypte shows all of this immense scientific undertaking through its engravings, which were done after drawings by members of the Academy of Science, including Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire, Alire Raffenau-Delile and Henri-Joseph Redouté. In the words of Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ""We have gathered the material for the greatest work that a nation could hope to undertake. In mourning the fate of so many brave soldiers who - after so many glorious exploits - fell in Egypt, we shall be able to console ourselves that such precious works came into being."" MODERN EGYPT The genius of the experts of the Institut d'Egypte is revealed in the plates of the section known as ""Modern Egypte"". Architecture, industry, social organization, conditions of health, irrigation, music, and crafts, are all presented with exceptional precision and powers of description. The spirit of Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie runs through the work of the draughtsmen of the Description de L'Egypte, who accompanied the text volumes with numerous detailed plates, undertaking to produce a portrait of the local population that was imbued with both beauty and respect. Wealthy Pashas and simple artisan potters are sensitively represented here, going about their business in beautifully composed images that nonetheless do not fall into the traps of idealism or caricature. ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE (the ""Cairo"" plates) The set of engravings to which this plate belongs constitutes one of the first complete studies of the monuments of Islamic Egypt in Cairo, bringing together maps, sections and elevations of mosques, mausoleums and fortifications, from the Tulunid era in the 9th century up to the Mameluk constructions contemporaneous with the arrival of the Bonapartist troops. At the same time, the architects and engineers of the Institut d'Egypte also made a big series of plates dedicated to civilian housing and edifices in Cairo, including both grander and more modest constructions, providing a precious picture of life in Cairo at the end of the 19th century. BAB AL FOUTOUH Bab el-Foutouh, "" The Conquest Gate"" marks the northern limit of Fatimid old Cairo. Rebuilt in 1087, it is highly defensive in nature owing to the turbulent climate in 11th Century Cairo, which saw a number of popular uprisings. An imposing gate, it has two semicircular towers with low-slung arches made of heavy blocks of stone anchored within the ramparts. The sizeable passage through the gate (4.85m wide by 6.79m high) has a shallow dome. BAB EL NASR Bab el-Nasr, ""The Victory Gate"" is on the northern wall of the Fatimid fortress in Cairo. Its two enormous rectangular towers were rebuilt in 1087 after a long period of popular uprisings. On this highly attractive frontal image signed Protain, one can admire the sculpted shields in the corners of the gate and on the towers, symbolizing victory and protection against invaders. After taking Cairo, Napoleon named all the towers along the wall of the fortress after the officers assigned to guard them. Their names are still engraved on the upper parts of the walls of the gate. SULTAN HASSAN MOSQUE The massive architectural complex constructed by Sultan Hassan at the foot of the citadel in Cairo was built in the ostentatious style so characteristic of Mameluk architecture. Completed in 1356, the Sultan Hassan Mosque has a monumental gate and a 57m high minaret. This group of buildings, comprising a mausoleum that was never put to use, was strategically built on the site of a square that saw the start of a number of popular uprisings. The mosque was heavily inspired by Iranian models. Philae This plate is taken from a set of engravings dedicated to the Temple of Isis on the island of Philae. The final bastion of the worship of the ancient Egyptian gods, the temple of Isis was the last pagan temple to be in use before it was closed in the 6th century A.D. under Justinian. Construction on the temple began under the Ptolemies, a period of growth for the Isis cult. Isis was the sister and wife of Osiris and mother to Horus. Kom Ombo (Ombos) The Kom Ombo site, 40 kilometers from Aswan, is home to one of the best preserved ancient Egyptian temples, dedicated to Sobek, a crocodile god and Haroeris, a form of Horus. Built in the Ptolemaic era, it was actually founded during the XVIIIth Dynasty. Its massive Composite capitals and highly accomplished reliefs are captured accurately by the draughtsmen of the Institut d'Egypte, Jollois, Balzac and Cécile. The dual aspect of its design, intended for worship of two different divine triads - those of Sobek and Haroeris - is reproduced in great detail by the architects and engineers of the Egyptian campaign through this set of prints, which preceded the first archeological digs in the building by Auguste Mariette in 1828. Edfu This plate is taken from a series of views of the great temple at Edfu and the various buildings in its cultic complex. The temple of Horus, a jewel of Ptolemaic architecture and exceptionally well-preserved, is made up of a majestic entry gate and a hypostyle chamber, which are both extensively documented thanks to the engravings by the experts of the Institut d'Egypte. Begun in 237 BC by Ptolemy III and completed 180 years later under Tiberius, it proved an extraordinary sight for the draughtsmen come to explore the left bank of the Nile. Esna and its environs The town of Esna (Esneh or Latopolis in Bonaparte's time), lies fifty kilometers to the south of Luxor. The experts from the Institut de l'Egypte documented their discovery of its temple, dedicated to Khnum, one of the gods of creation who worked with clay and had the head of a ram; he controlled the life-giving flooding of the Nile, the source of fertility. He was associated with Nebt-uu, the mistress of the countryside and Menhyt, a goddess with the head of a lion. This temple, partially rebuilt during the Ptolemaic era, was added to right up to the reign of Tiberius. The draughtsmen also produced a number of views of the neighboring temples, most notably the less well-preserved temple of Contra-Latopolis to the north of Esna. Thebes Medinet-Habu Close to Thebes and Luxor on the left bank of the Nile, the city of Medinet-Habu is home to one of the most attractive temples of New Kingdom period Egypt, the mortuary temple of Ramses III. This dates from the middle of the 12th century BC, and is based on the famous Ramesseum of his predecessor, which it surpasses in size. A funerary temple celebrating the Pharaoh, the experts of the Institut d'Egypte set about creating cross-sections, plans and elevations, and most especially capturing its numerous bas-reliefs. The architects and draughtsmen also focused on the Royal Palace and its internal peristyle within the 12-metre fortress that encircles the religious complex, including the Temple of Amon, located at the south-east of the site and begun in the reign of Hatshepsut at the end of the 15th Century BC. Memnonium The Memnonium, a name used by visitors to the Valley of the Kings from 1750 to 1850, refers to a set of three royal buildings constructed during the New Kingdom: the Ramesseum, the Temple of Amenhotep III and the Temple of Sethi I. The draughtsmen and architects of Bonaparte's Institut, sent out on expedition across Upper Egypt from 1799 documented Thebes and the Valley of the Kings, even attempting to reconstruct some of the buildings on the basis of descriptions by Classical authors. The tomb of Ozymandias (one of the numerous names of Ramses II), in a very poor state, thus became the subject of very thorough study and an attempt to fill in its missing bits on the basis of the writings of Diodurus Siculus. This Greek historian of the Augustine period stayed in the valley of the Nile from 60-57 BC and his visit to the tomb of Ramses II is recounted in his monumental Bibliotheca Historica (Book I, XLVII-XLIX). At the same time, the experts also made extremely detailed studies and views of the Colossi of Memnon, all that remains of a huge memorial temple to Amenhotep III built on the road to the necropolis in the Valley of the Kings. These colossi were located at the entrance to the temple in front of a preliminary pylon made of brick. These two statues represent King Amenhotep III framed to the right by the great Royal Consort Tiy and to the left by the Queen Mother Mutemwiya. Hypogea and Biban el Moluk This plate is taken from a series of engravings of the hypogea in the Valley of the Kings (Biban el Moluk) in Thebes. Some are in color to show the vivid hues of the sarcophaguses and mysterious murals whose secret had yet to be broken by Jean-François Champollion. The draughtsmen of the Institut, including the famous Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, sent by Napoleon to cover Upper Egypt in 1799, capture with élan the royal mummies and the artifacts that accompanied the dead in their journey to the netherworld: urns, furniture, weapons, idols and the mummies of numerous mammals and birds. Karnak This plate is from a set on the Great Temple at Karnak, built during the New Kingdom at the time of Ramses III. This enormous complex is divided into three parts and is dedicated to the Theban Triad of gods, Amun, Mut and Khonsu. Its sculptures, internal bas-reliefs and sunken reliefs on the external facades are intricately captured by the engineers of the Institut, while the architects worked out the complex groundplan of this edifice, which was divided into facades, colonnaded halls and sacral spaces reserved for the temple priests. The alley of the monumental sphinx which links the site to the Luxor site was also the subject of a plate by Lepère, an architect from the Institut who took part in the expedition across Upper Egypt. Dendera The experts executed views and drawings of the temples of Dendera (or Tentyra), a city in Upper Egypt 60km to the north of Luxor. They have captured, with an exceptional degree of graphic artistry, the thick, round nature of the sculpted reliefs of the great Temple of Hathor, built under the Ptolemies in the first half of the 1st century BC. They also produced interesting views of the neighboring temples as well as a selection of reliefs of the ""Dendera Zodiac"", a chapel dedicated to Osiris and located beneath the temple of Hathor. Its famous astronomical relief was discovered by the French General Desaix - stationed in Upper Egypt by Bonaparte from 1798 - and taken back to France in 1821 by Claude Lelorrain; it is now on display in the Louvre. Another astronomical and cosmological relief on the ceiling of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Hathor is the subject of a magnificent plate by Jollois and Devilliers. This covers seven soffit coffers of the ceiling and is an immense allegorical image showing several levels of consciousness: that of cosmogony, the constellations and their effect on the Earth, the creation of Man, and the Nomes of Egypt, symbolized by 21 pairs of wings topped with the red crown of Lower Egypt and the white tiara of Upper Egypt. The Pyramids at Memphis The Giza Plateau, near Memphis, is home to three of the most famous Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, the tombs of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, Pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty (2620-2500 BC). The experts of the Institut, hurrying to Memphis, explored the plateau and made numerous views of these majestic pyramids, towering over inhabitants and mounted figures. They also made minutely detailed views of the epigraphs on the tombs adjacent to the pyramids, as well as views of the Sphinx of Gaza near the Pyramid of Khafre. Views of Alexandria A plate taken from a set of view of Alexandria as it was found by Napoleon's army in June 1798. Embarking in Toulon on the 14th May, his troops disembarked at Alexandria a month later and explored this port city before heading towards Cairo to take the capital.
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JOLLOIS Jean-Baptiste Prosper & DEVILLIERS & JOMARD Edme-François & LEGENTIL (delineavit) & BERTHAULT (sculpsit)
DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE. Asouan. Esné. Vues des environs d'Asouan ou Syène, Plan et minaret d'Esné, Minaret de Syout. (ETAT MODERNE, volume I, planche 1)
Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 70x53,5cm, une feuille. Gravure originale à l'eau-forte in plano, non rognée, extraite de l'édition dite « Impériale » de la Description de l'Égypte ou Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand. Réalisée entre février 1802 et 1829 sur ordre de Napoléon Bonaparte et publiée à partir de 1809 [en réalité 1810], elle fut tirée à 1000 exemplaires sur Vergé filigrané « Égypte ancienne et moderne » et offerte aux institutions. Infimes et marginales piqûres avec légère atteinte à la gravure, deux petites déchirures (1 cm) restaurées en marge inférieure et supérieure, légère décharge d'encre au dos, sinon excellent état de fraîcheur et de conservation. Volume ETAT MODERNE, I : Le génie des savants de l'Institut se révèle particulièrement à travers les planches de la section dite Egypte Moderne. Architecture, industrie, structures sociales, état sanitaire, régime des eaux, musique, artisanat, sont exposés avec une précision et une qualité graphique exceptionnelle. L'esprit de L'Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert reste sous-jacent dans la démarche des dessinateurs de la Description de L'Egypte, qui accompagnent les volumes de textes de nombreuses planches détaillées, s'employant à dresser un portrait des populations empreint de beauté et de respect. Riches pachas ou simples artisans potiers sont représentés avec sensibilité, vaquant à leurs occupations au milieu de compositions esthétiques, sans pour autant tomber dans l'idéalisme ou la caricature. LA DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE, édition IMPERIALE (1809-1829) : La Description de l'Egypte est un des chefs d'œuvre de l'édition française et le point de départ d'une nouvelle science : l'égyptologie. Titanesque exposé de l'Egypte au temps des conquêtes de Bonaparte entre 1798 et 1799, elle est répartie en 23 volumes dont 13 volumes de gravures rassemblant près de 1000 planches en noir et 72 en couleur. Les 6 volumes de planches intitulées Antiquités sont consacrés aux splendeurs de l'Egypte pharaonique. L'Histoire naturelle est répartie en 3 volumes de gravures. Un volume est consacré aux Cartes géographiques et topographiques tandis que les 3 volumes : Etat Moderne dressent un portrait saisissant de l'Egypte copte et islamique telle qu'elle était vue par les armées d'Orient de Bonaparte. La « campagne d'Egypte », désastre militaire, dévoile à travers les gravures de la Description de l'Egypte la réussite scientifique qu'elle est devenue, grâce aux quelques 167 savants membres de la Commission des sciences et des arts de l'Institut d'Egypte qui suivaient l'armée de Napoléon. L'Institut a réuni en Egypte le mathématicien Monge, le chimiste Berthollet, le naturaliste Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ainsi que de nombreux artistes, ingénieurs, architectes, médecins... Ils eurent la charge de redécouvrir l'Egypte moderne et antique, d'en montrer les richesses naturelles, et le savoir-faire de ses habitants. L'édition originale, dite « Impériale », de la Description de l'Egypte fut réalisée sur quatre formats de grande taille, deux d'entre eux spécialement créés pour elle et baptisés formats « Moyen-Egypte » et « Grand-Egypte ». On construisit une presse spécifique pour son impression, qui s'étala sur vingt ans, entre 1809 et 1829. L'édition Impériale s'avéra si populaire qu'une deuxième édition en 37 volumes entièrement en noir et sans le filigrane « Egypte ancienne et moderne », dite édition « Panckoucke », fut publiée à partir de 1821 par l'imprimerie C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). La réalisation de ce monument d'érudition doit beaucoup au baron Dominique Vivant Denon, illustrateur, diplomate, collectionneur et par la suite directeur du musée Napoléon du Louvre qui accompagna Napoléon en Egypte avec de nombreux autres savants mais décida seul de s'aventurer dans le Sud du pays, alors que les autres scientifiques conviés restaient confinés dans la région du Caire. Les fabuleux croquis rapportés par Denon lors de sa romanesque chevauchée donnèrent l'idée à Bonaparte d'y envoyer les autres membres de l'Institut et ainsi dresser un portrait fidèle et complet du territoire. A la suite de Denon, ce sont donc les plus grands scientifiques et artistes français qui s'aventurèrent le long du Nil jusqu'en Nubie. Parmi eux, le peintre au muséum d'histoire naturelle H.J. Redouté (frère de Pierre-Joseph Redouté, auteur des Roses), le minéralogiste Dolomieu, le dessinateur Joly, et les ingénieurs Fourier et Costaz, chargés de l'étude scientifique des vestiges antiques de Haute-Egypte. Sans doute pour la première fois réunie dans une telle expédition, l'élite scientifique et artistique française, composée de plus de 160 « savants » dont près de 50 artistes, étudie méthodiquement l'Egypte pendant trois ans. Ils réalisent alors, sous l'égide et à la gloire de Napoléon, la plus vaste analyse historique, géographique, scientifique, économique et ethnologique jamais réalisée sur un pays. Mais ce sont peut-être les gravures qui constituèrent le défi technique majeur de cette Description de l'Egypte, comme en témoigne Yves Laissus, commissaire de l'exposition organisée en 2009 par la RMN et le Musée de l'Armée aux Invalides : « L'illustration, 836 planches dont une soixantaine en couleurs, gravées à l'eau forte et au burin dans des formats jusqu'alors inusités (le plus grand couvre près d'un mètre carré), a nécessité la construction de nouvelles formes et cuves pour la fabrication du papier, justifié l'invention, par Nicolas Conté, d'une machine destinée à alléger la besogne des graveurs, et exigé la réalisation de nouvelles presses capables d'imprimer ces images immenses. Certaines d'entre elles ont demandé deux années de travail. Près de 200 graveurs ont reproduit sur le cuivre les œuvres de 62 dessinateurs dont 46 ont participé à l'expédition. » Rare et superbe gravure originale d'une exceptionnelle facture et qualité graphique, témoignage d'une des plus ambitieuses aventures éditoriales françaises. - Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 70x53,5cm, une feuille. [ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOLLOWS] Original, unshaved, full-page etching from the ""Imperial edition"" of the Description de l'Égypte, or 'Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand [A Collection of the observations and research carried out in Egypt during the French expedition, published on the orders of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon the Great]'. Produced between February 1802 and 1830 on the orders of Naopleon Bonaparte and published between 1809 and 1828, 1,000 copies were printed and distributed to institutions, on vergé paper with an 'Égypte ancienne et moderne' watermark, visible when held up to the light. Light marginal spotting not touching image, otherwise in very fresh, fine condition. An engraving from the Description de l'Egypte, one of the masterpieces of French printing and the birth of a new field: Egyptology. A gigantic survey of Egypt at the time of Bonaparte's conquests in 1798 and 1799, the work is divided into 13 volumes of engravings making up 892 plates, of which 72 colored, as well as presenting the splendors of the Egypt of the Pharaohs in 9 volumes. The other volumes discuss natural history and present a fascinating portrait of Coptic and Islamic Egypt as it was seen by Bonaparte's Eastern Armies. The 'Egyptian campaign', militarily a disaster, demonstrates, through the engravings of the Description d'Egypte, the scientific success it nonetheless became thanks to the 167 expert members of the Commission of the Sciences and Arts of the Institut d'Egypte [Egyptian Institute] who followed Napoleon's army. The Institut gathered together in Egypt the mathematician Monge, the chemist Berthollet, the naturalist Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire as well as numerous artists, engineers, architects and doctors. They were tasked with re-discovering modern and ancient Egypt and displaying its natural treasures as well as the know-how of its inhabitants. This edition, the so-called ""Imperial"" edition of the plates for the Description de l'Egypte was printed in four large formats, two of which were specially created for it and christened ""Moyen-Egypte"" and ""Grand-Egypte"". A special press was built to print it, the process extending over 20 years, from 1809 to 1829. The ""Imperial"" edition proved so popular that a second edition, this time in black and white and without the ""Egypte ancienne et moderne"" watermark - known as the ""Royal Edition"" - was published during the Restoration by the printing house of C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). The engravings of the Description d'Egypte owe a great deal to Baron Dominique-Vivant Denon, illustrator, diplomat, collector and later Director of the Musée Napoléon (the Louvre). His exploration of the South of Egypt gave Bonaparte the idea of sending the experts of the Institut there, thus creating a faithful and complete portrait of the area. This was the research gathered together from 1802 in the mammoth Description de L'Egypte. Denon embarked on this story of archeological exploration at the age of 51, reaching first Alexandria and then Cairo before exploring Upper Egypt. Along with the members of the Institut d'Egypte, the Natural History Museum's painter H.J. Redouté (brother of Pierre-Joseph Redouté, author of Roses), the mineralogist Dolomiue, and the draughtsman Joly, Denon then explored the Nile Delta and Lower Egypt. When, however, he joined the 21st Light Infantry Regiment as it marched across Upper Egypt in pursuit of the retreating Mameluks in November 1798, he found himself the only civilian. In the very midst of the battle itself, he reeled off sketches of the works of art that peppered his path right up to the threshold of the Sudan. He said that he had crossed ""a country that is, apart from its name, entirely unknown to Europeans, and therefore everything was worth describing"" (Voyages dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte en 1798 et 1799, 1817). On his return to Cairo, the great general, spellbound by Denon's accounts and drawings ordered two commissions to be set up, led by the engineers Fourier and Costaz. They were tasked with the scientific study of the ancient remains in Upper Egypt; research that proved a significant contribution to the monumental Description d'Egypte, from which this plate is taken. ANCIENT EGYPT These engravings therefore represent a unique body of material that contributed to Jean-François Champollion's deciphering of hieroglyphics, and which mark the beginning of the line of Mariette, Maspero and Carter, who would reshape the face of Ancient Egypt. They also started a craze that gave birth to the phenomenon of Egyptomania and the Orientalism of Delacroix, Fromentin, Marilhat, Decamps and Théophile Gautier. Financiers, politicians, merchants and all kinds of treasure-hunters made their way to the banks of the Nile in search of riches, following this rediscovery of Egypt. The originators of Egyptology, these plates were to have a hugely influential afterlife. NATURAL HISTORY These engravings show the scientific genius of the French experts then working on the ground in Egypt, laying the foundations for its becoming a French colony. This colonizing project, which had been mooted since the reign of Louis XIV, was now accompanied - with Bonaparte's arrival - by an in-depth study of the country's fauna and flora thanks to the work of the most eminent naturalists, mineralogists, and entomologists of the day. The Description de l'Egypte shows all of this immense scientific undertaking through its engravings, which were done after drawings by members of the Academy of Science, including Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire, Alire Raffenau-Delile and Henri-Joseph Redouté. In the words of Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ""We have gathered the material for the greatest work that a nation could hope to undertake. In mourning the fate of so many brave soldiers who - after so many glorious exploits - fell in Egypt, we shall be able to console ourselves that such precious works came into being."" MODERN EGYPT The genius of the experts of the Institut d'Egypte is revealed in the plates of the section known as ""Modern Egypte"". Architecture, industry, social organization, conditions of health, irrigation, music, and crafts, are all presented with exceptional precision and powers of description. The spirit of Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie runs through the work of the draughtsmen of the Description de L'Egypte, who accompanied the text volumes with numerous detailed plates, undertaking to produce a portrait of the local population that was imbued with both beauty and respect. Wealthy Pashas and simple artisan potters are sensitively represented here, going about their business in beautifully composed images that nonetheless do not fall into the traps of idealism or caricature. ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE (the ""Cairo"" plates) The set of engravings to which this plate belongs constitutes one of the first complete studies of the monuments of Islamic Egypt in Cairo, bringing together maps, sections and elevations of mosques, mausoleums and fortifications, from the Tulunid era in the 9th century up to the Mameluk constructions contemporaneous with the arrival of the Bonapartist troops. At the same time, the architects and engineers of the Institut d'Egypte also made a big series of plates dedicated to civilian housing and edifices in Cairo, including both grander and more modest constructions, providing a precious picture of life in Cairo at the end of the 19th century. BAB AL FOUTOUH Bab el-Foutouh, "" The Conquest Gate"" marks the northern limit of Fatimid old Cairo. Rebuilt in 1087, it is highly defensive in nature owing to the turbulent climate in 11th Century Cairo, which saw a number of popular uprisings. An imposing gate, it has two semicircular towers with low-slung arches made of heavy blocks of stone anchored within the ramparts. The sizeable passage through the gate (4.85m wide by 6.79m high) has a shallow dome. BAB EL NASR Bab el-Nasr, ""The Victory Gate"" is on the northern wall of the Fatimid fortress in Cairo. Its two enormous rectangular towers were rebuilt in 1087 after a long period of popular uprisings. On this highly attractive frontal image signed Protain, one can admire the sculpted shields in the corners of the gate and on the towers, symbolizing victory and protection against invaders. After taking Cairo, Napoleon named all the towers along the wall of the fortress after the officers assigned to guard them. Their names are still engraved on the upper parts of the walls of the gate. SULTAN HASSAN MOSQUE The massive architectural complex constructed by Sultan Hassan at the foot of the citadel in Cairo was built in the ostentatious style so characteristic of Mameluk architecture. Completed in 1356, the Sultan Hassan Mosque has a monumental gate and a 57m high minaret. This group of buildings, comprising a mausoleum that was never put to use, was strategically built on the site of a square that saw the start of a number of popular uprisings. The mosque was heavily inspired by Iranian models. Philae This plate is taken from a set of engravings dedicated to the Temple of Isis on the island of Philae. The final bastion of the worship of the ancient Egyptian gods, the temple of Isis was the last pagan temple to be in use before it was closed in the 6th century A.D. under Justinian. Construction on the temple began under the Ptolemies, a period of growth for the Isis cult. Isis was the sister and wife of Osiris and mother to Horus. Kom Ombo (Ombos) The Kom Ombo site, 40 kilometers from Aswan, is home to one of the best preserved ancient Egyptian temples, dedicated to Sobek, a crocodile god and Haroeris, a form of Horus. Built in the Ptolemaic era, it was actually founded during the XVIIIth Dynasty. Its massive Composite capitals and highly accomplished reliefs are captured accurately by the draughtsmen of the Institut d'Egypte, Jollois, Balzac and Cécile. The dual aspect of its design, intended for worship of two different divine triads - those of Sobek and Haroeris - is reproduced in great detail by the architects and engineers of the Egyptian campaign through this set of prints, which preceded the first archeological digs in the building by Auguste Mariette in 1828. Edfu This plate is taken from a series of views of the great temple at Edfu and the various buildings in its cultic complex. The temple of Horus, a jewel of Ptolemaic architecture and exceptionally well-preserved, is made up of a majestic entry gate and a hypostyle chamber, which are both extensively documented thanks to the engravings by the experts of the Institut d'Egypte. Begun in 237 BC by Ptolemy III and completed 180 years later under Tiberius, it proved an extraordinary sight for the draughtsmen come to explore the left bank of the Nile. Esna and its environs The town of Esna (Esneh or Latopolis in Bonaparte's time), lies fifty kilometers to the south of Luxor. The experts from the Institut de l'Egypte documented their discovery of its temple, dedicated to Khnum, one of the gods of creation who worked with clay and had the head of a ram; he controlled the life-giving flooding of the Nile, the source of fertility. He was associated with Nebt-uu, the mistress of the countryside and Menhyt, a goddess with the head of a lion. This temple, partially rebuilt during the Ptolemaic era, was added to right up to the reign of Tiberius. The draughtsmen also produced a number of views of the neighboring temples, most notably the less well-preserved temple of Contra-Latopolis to the north of Esna. Thebes Medinet-Habu Close to Thebes and Luxor on the left bank of the Nile, the city of Medinet-Habu is home to one of the most attractive temples of New Kingdom period Egypt, the mortuary temple of Ramses III. This dates from the middle of the 12th century BC, and is based on the famous Ramesseum of his predecessor, which it surpasses in size. A funerary temple celebrating the Pharaoh, the experts of the Institut d'Egypte set about creating cross-sections, plans and elevations, and most especially capturing its numerous bas-reliefs. The architects and draughtsmen also focused on the Royal Palace and its internal peristyle within the 12-metre fortress that encircles the religious complex, including the Temple of Amon, located at the south-east of the site and begun in the reign of Hatshepsut at the end of the 15th Century BC. Memnonium The Memnonium, a name used by visitors to the Valley of the Kings from 1750 to 1850, refers to a set of three royal buildings constructed during the New Kingdom: the Ramesseum, the Temple of Amenhotep III and the Temple of Sethi I. The draughtsmen and architects of Bonaparte's Institut, sent out on expedition across Upper Egypt from 1799 documented Thebes and the Valley of the Kings, even attempting to reconstruct some of the buildings on the basis of descriptions by Classical authors. The tomb of Ozymandias (one of the numerous names of Ramses II), in a very poor state, thus became the subject of very thorough study and an attempt to fill in its missing bits on the basis of the writings of Diodurus Siculus. This Greek historian of the Augustine period stayed in the valley of the Nile from 60-57 BC and his visit to the tomb of Ramses II is recounted in his monumental Bibliotheca Historica (Book I, XLVII-XLIX). At the same time, the experts also made extremely detailed studies and views of the Colossi of Memnon, all that remains of a huge memorial temple to Amenhotep III built on the road to the necropolis in the Valley of the Kings. These colossi were located at the entrance to the temple in front of a preliminary pylon made of brick. These two statues represent King Amenhotep III framed to the right by the great Royal Consort Tiy and to the left by the Queen Mother Mutemwiya. Hypogea and Biban el Moluk This plate is taken from a series of engravings of the hypogea in the Valley of the Kings (Biban el Moluk) in Thebes. Some are in color to show the vivid hues of the sarcophaguses and mysterious murals whose secret had yet to be broken by Jean-François Champollion. The draughtsmen of the Institut, including the famous Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, sent by Napoleon to cover Upper Egypt in 1799, capture with élan the royal mummies and the artifacts that accompanied the dead in their journey to the netherworld: urns, furniture, weapons, idols and the mummies of numerous mammals and birds. Karnak This plate is from a set on the Great Temple at Karnak, built during the New Kingdom at the time of Ramses III. This enormous complex is divided into three parts and is dedicated to the Theban Triad of gods, Amun, Mut and Khonsu. Its sculptures, internal bas-reliefs and sunken reliefs on the external facades are intricately captured by the engineers of the Institut, while the architects worked out the complex groundplan of this edifice, which was divided into facades, colonnaded halls and sacral spaces reserved for the temple priests. The alley of the monumental sphinx which links the site to the Luxor site was also the subject of a plate by Lepère, an architect from the Institut who took part in the expedition across Upper Egypt. Dendera The experts executed views and drawings of the temples of Dendera (or Tentyra), a city in Upper Egypt 60km to the north of Luxor. They have captured, with an exceptional degree of graphic artistry, the thick, round nature of the sculpted reliefs of the great Temple of Hathor, built under the Ptolemies in the first half of the 1st century BC. They also produced interesting views of the neighboring temples as well as a selection of reliefs of the ""Dendera Zodiac"", a chapel dedicated to Osiris and located beneath the temple of Hathor. Its famous astronomical relief was discovered by the French General Desaix - stationed in Upper Egypt by Bonaparte from 1798 - and taken back to France in 1821 by Claude Lelorrain; it is now on display in the Louvre. Another astronomical and cosmological relief on the ceiling of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Hathor is the subject of a magnificent plate by Jollois and Devilliers. This covers seven soffit coffers of the ceiling and is an immense allegorical image showing several levels of consciousness: that of cosmogony, the constellations and their effect on the Earth, the creation of Man, and the Nomes of Egypt, symbolized by 21 pairs of wings topped with the red crown of Lower Egypt and the white tiara of Upper Egypt. The Pyramids at Memphis The Giza Plateau, near Memphis, is home to three of the most famous Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, the tombs of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, Pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty (2620-2500 BC). The experts of the Institut, hurrying to Memphis, explored the plateau and made numerous views of these majestic pyramids, towering over inhabitants and mounted figures. They also made minutely detailed views of the epigraphs on the tombs adjacent to the pyramids, as well as views of the Sphinx of Gaza near the Pyramid of Khafre. Views of Alexandria A plate taken from a set of view of Alexandria as it was found by Napoleon's army in June 1798. Embarking in Toulon on the 14th May, his troops disembarked at Alexandria a month later and explored this port city before heading towards Cairo to take the capital.
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BALZAC Charles-Louis & BERTHAULT (sculpsit)
DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE. Selseleh (Silsilis). Vue des grottes taillées à l'entrée des anciennes carrières. (ANTIQUITES, volume I, planche 47)
Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 71x54cm, une feuille. Gravure originale à l'eau-forte in plano, non rognée, extraite de l'édition dite « Impériale » de la Description de l'Égypte ou Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand. Réalisée entre février 1802 et 1829 sur ordre de Napoléon Bonaparte et publiée à partir de 1809 [en réalité 1810], elle fut tirée à 1000 exemplaires sur Vergé filigrané « Égypte ancienne et moderne » et offerte aux institutions. Légères et marginales rousseurs sans aucune atteinte à la gravure, sinon très bel état de fraîcheur et de conservation. Volume ANTIQUITES, I : Ces gravures fournissent à Jean-François Champollion une documentation épigraphique fondamentale pour le déchiffrage des hiéroglyphes et inspirent une lignée d'archéologues comme Mariette, Maspero et Carter qui donnent un nouveau visage à l'Egypte ancienne. Elles suscitent un engouement tel qu'elles donnent naissance au phénomène de l'égyptomanie et à l'orientalisme de Delacroix, Fromentin, Marilhat, Decamps mais aussi Théophile Gautier... Financiers, politiciens, marchands, et fouilleurs de tous ordres se presseront sur les rives du Nil en quête de bonnes affaires à la suite de cette redécouverte de l'Egypte. A l'origine de l'égyptologie, ces planches connaîtront une postérité immense. LA DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE, édition IMPERIALE (1809-1829) : La Description de l'Egypte est un des chefs d'œuvre de l'édition française et le point de départ d'une nouvelle science : l'égyptologie. Titanesque exposé de l'Egypte au temps des conquêtes de Bonaparte entre 1798 et 1799, elle est répartie en 23 volumes dont 13 volumes de gravures rassemblant près de 1000 planches en noir et 72 en couleur. Les 6 volumes de planches intitulées Antiquités sont consacrés aux splendeurs de l'Egypte pharaonique. L'Histoire naturelle est répartie en 3 volumes de gravures. Un volume est consacré aux Cartes géographiques et topographiques tandis que les 3 volumes : Etat Moderne dressent un portrait saisissant de l'Egypte copte et islamique telle qu'elle était vue par les armées d'Orient de Bonaparte. La « campagne d'Egypte », désastre militaire, dévoile à travers les gravures de la Description de l'Egypte la réussite scientifique qu'elle est devenue, grâce aux quelques 167 savants membres de la Commission des sciences et des arts de l'Institut d'Egypte qui suivaient l'armée de Napoléon. L'Institut a réuni en Egypte le mathématicien Monge, le chimiste Berthollet, le naturaliste Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ainsi que de nombreux artistes, ingénieurs, architectes, médecins... Ils eurent la charge de redécouvrir l'Egypte moderne et antique, d'en montrer les richesses naturelles, et le savoir-faire de ses habitants. L'édition originale, dite « Impériale », de la Description de l'Egypte fut réalisée sur quatre formats de grande taille, deux d'entre eux spécialement créés pour elle et baptisés formats « Moyen-Egypte » et « Grand-Egypte ». On construisit une presse spécifique pour son impression, qui s'étala sur vingt ans, entre 1809 et 1829. L'édition Impériale s'avéra si populaire qu'une deuxième édition en 37 volumes entièrement en noir et sans le filigrane « Egypte ancienne et moderne », dite édition « Panckoucke », fut publiée à partir de 1821 par l'imprimerie C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). La réalisation de ce monument d'érudition doit beaucoup au baron Dominique Vivant Denon, illustrateur, diplomate, collectionneur et par la suite directeur du musée Napoléon du Louvre qui accompagna Napoléon en Egypte avec de nombreux autres savants mais décida seul de s'aventurer dans le Sud du pays, alors que les autres scientifiques conviés restaient confinés dans la région du Caire. Les fabuleux croquis rapportés par Denon lors de sa romanesque chevauchée donnèrent l'idée à Bonaparte d'y envoyer les autres membres de l'Institut et ainsi dresser un portrait fidèle et complet du territoire. A la suite de Denon, ce sont donc les plus grands scientifiques et artistes français qui s'aventurèrent le long du Nil jusqu'en Nubie. Parmi eux, le peintre au muséum d'histoire naturelle H.J. Redouté (frère de Pierre-Joseph Redouté, auteur des Roses), le minéralogiste Dolomieu, le dessinateur Joly, et les ingénieurs Fourier et Costaz, chargés de l'étude scientifique des vestiges antiques de Haute-Egypte. Sans doute pour la première fois réunie dans une telle expédition, l'élite scientifique et artistique française, composée de plus de 160 « savants » dont près de 50 artistes, étudie méthodiquement l'Egypte pendant trois ans. Ils réalisent alors, sous l'égide et à la gloire de Napoléon, la plus vaste analyse historique, géographique, scientifique, économique et ethnologique jamais réalisée sur un pays. Mais ce sont peut-être les gravures qui constituèrent le défi technique majeur de cette Description de l'Egypte, comme en témoigne Yves Laissus, commissaire de l'exposition organisée en 2009 par la RMN et le Musée de l'Armée aux Invalides : « L'illustration, 836 planches dont une soixantaine en couleurs, gravées à l'eau forte et au burin dans des formats jusqu'alors inusités (le plus grand couvre près d'un mètre carré), a nécessité la construction de nouvelles formes et cuves pour la fabrication du papier, justifié l'invention, par Nicolas Conté, d'une machine destinée à alléger la besogne des graveurs, et exigé la réalisation de nouvelles presses capables d'imprimer ces images immenses. Certaines d'entre elles ont demandé deux années de travail. Près de 200 graveurs ont reproduit sur le cuivre les œuvres de 62 dessinateurs dont 46 ont participé à l'expédition. » Rare et superbe gravure originale d'une exceptionnelle facture et qualité graphique, témoignage d'une des plus ambitieuses aventures éditoriales françaises. - Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 71x54cm, une feuille. [ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOLLOWS] Original, unshaved, full-page etching from the ""Imperial edition"" of the Description de l'Égypte, or 'Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand [A Collection of the observations and research carried out in Egypt during the French expedition, published on the orders of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon the Great]'. Produced between February 1802 and 1830 on the orders of Naopleon Bonaparte and published between 1809 and 1828, 1,000 copies were printed and distributed to institutions, on vergé paper with an 'Égypte ancienne et moderne' watermark, visible when held up to the light. Light marginal spotting not touching image, otherwise in very fresh, fine condition. An engraving from the Description de l'Egypte, one of the masterpieces of French printing and the birth of a new field: Egyptology. A gigantic survey of Egypt at the time of Bonaparte's conquests in 1798 and 1799, the work is divided into 13 volumes of engravings making up 892 plates, of which 72 colored, as well as presenting the splendors of the Egypt of the Pharaohs in 9 volumes. The other volumes discuss natural history and present a fascinating portrait of Coptic and Islamic Egypt as it was seen by Bonaparte's Eastern Armies. The 'Egyptian campaign', militarily a disaster, demonstrates, through the engravings of the Description d'Egypte, the scientific success it nonetheless became thanks to the 167 expert members of the Commission of the Sciences and Arts of the Institut d'Egypte [Egyptian Institute] who followed Napoleon's army. The Institut gathered together in Egypt the mathematician Monge, the chemist Berthollet, the naturalist Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire as well as numerous artists, engineers, architects and doctors. They were tasked with re-discovering modern and ancient Egypt and displaying its natural treasures as well as the know-how of its inhabitants. This edition, the so-called ""Imperial"" edition of the plates for the Description de l'Egypte was printed in four large formats, two of which were specially created for it and christened ""Moyen-Egypte"" and ""Grand-Egypte"". A special press was built to print it, the process extending over 20 years, from 1809 to 1829. The ""Imperial"" edition proved so popular that a second edition, this time in black and white and without the ""Egypte ancienne et moderne"" watermark - known as the ""Royal Edition"" - was published during the Restoration by the printing house of C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). The engravings of the Description d'Egypte owe a great deal to Baron Dominique-Vivant Denon, illustrator, diplomat, collector and later Director of the Musée Napoléon (the Louvre). His exploration of the South of Egypt gave Bonaparte the idea of sending the experts of the Institut there, thus creating a faithful and complete portrait of the area. This was the research gathered together from 1802 in the mammoth Description de L'Egypte. Denon embarked on this story of archeological exploration at the age of 51, reaching first Alexandria and then Cairo before exploring Upper Egypt. Along with the members of the Institut d'Egypte, the Natural History Museum's painter H.J. Redouté (brother of Pierre-Joseph Redouté, author of Roses), the mineralogist Dolomiue, and the draughtsman Joly, Denon then explored the Nile Delta and Lower Egypt. When, however, he joined the 21st Light Infantry Regiment as it marched across Upper Egypt in pursuit of the retreating Mameluks in November 1798, he found himself the only civilian. In the very midst of the battle itself, he reeled off sketches of the works of art that peppered his path right up to the threshold of the Sudan. He said that he had crossed ""a country that is, apart from its name, entirely unknown to Europeans, and therefore everything was worth describing"" (Voyages dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte en 1798 et 1799, 1817). On his return to Cairo, the great general, spellbound by Denon's accounts and drawings ordered two commissions to be set up, led by the engineers Fourier and Costaz. They were tasked with the scientific study of the ancient remains in Upper Egypt; research that proved a significant contribution to the monumental Description d'Egypte, from which this plate is taken. ANCIENT EGYPT These engravings therefore represent a unique body of material that contributed to Jean-François Champollion's deciphering of hieroglyphics, and which mark the beginning of the line of Mariette, Maspero and Carter, who would reshape the face of Ancient Egypt. They also started a craze that gave birth to the phenomenon of Egyptomania and the Orientalism of Delacroix, Fromentin, Marilhat, Decamps and Théophile Gautier. Financiers, politicians, merchants and all kinds of treasure-hunters made their way to the banks of the Nile in search of riches, following this rediscovery of Egypt. The originators of Egyptology, these plates were to have a hugely influential afterlife. NATURAL HISTORY These engravings show the scientific genius of the French experts then working on the ground in Egypt, laying the foundations for its becoming a French colony. This colonizing project, which had been mooted since the reign of Louis XIV, was now accompanied - with Bonaparte's arrival - by an in-depth study of the country's fauna and flora thanks to the work of the most eminent naturalists, mineralogists, and entomologists of the day. The Description de l'Egypte shows all of this immense scientific undertaking through its engravings, which were done after drawings by members of the Academy of Science, including Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire, Alire Raffenau-Delile and Henri-Joseph Redouté. In the words of Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ""We have gathered the material for the greatest work that a nation could hope to undertake. In mourning the fate of so many brave soldiers who - after so many glorious exploits - fell in Egypt, we shall be able to console ourselves that such precious works came into being."" MODERN EGYPT The genius of the experts of the Institut d'Egypte is revealed in the plates of the section known as ""Modern Egypte"". Architecture, industry, social organization, conditions of health, irrigation, music, and crafts, are all presented with exceptional precision and powers of description. The spirit of Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie runs through the work of the draughtsmen of the Description de L'Egypte, who accompanied the text volumes with numerous detailed plates, undertaking to produce a portrait of the local population that was imbued with both beauty and respect. Wealthy Pashas and simple artisan potters are sensitively represented here, going about their business in beautifully composed images that nonetheless do not fall into the traps of idealism or caricature. ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE (the ""Cairo"" plates) The set of engravings to which this plate belongs constitutes one of the first complete studies of the monuments of Islamic Egypt in Cairo, bringing together maps, sections and elevations of mosques, mausoleums and fortifications, from the Tulunid era in the 9th century up to the Mameluk constructions contemporaneous with the arrival of the Bonapartist troops. At the same time, the architects and engineers of the Institut d'Egypte also made a big series of plates dedicated to civilian housing and edifices in Cairo, including both grander and more modest constructions, providing a precious picture of life in Cairo at the end of the 19th century. BAB AL FOUTOUH Bab el-Foutouh, "" The Conquest Gate"" marks the northern limit of Fatimid old Cairo. Rebuilt in 1087, it is highly defensive in nature owing to the turbulent climate in 11th Century Cairo, which saw a number of popular uprisings. An imposing gate, it has two semicircular towers with low-slung arches made of heavy blocks of stone anchored within the ramparts. The sizeable passage through the gate (4.85m wide by 6.79m high) has a shallow dome. BAB EL NASR Bab el-Nasr, ""The Victory Gate"" is on the northern wall of the Fatimid fortress in Cairo. Its two enormous rectangular towers were rebuilt in 1087 after a long period of popular uprisings. On this highly attractive frontal image signed Protain, one can admire the sculpted shields in the corners of the gate and on the towers, symbolizing victory and protection against invaders. After taking Cairo, Napoleon named all the towers along the wall of the fortress after the officers assigned to guard them. Their names are still engraved on the upper parts of the walls of the gate. SULTAN HASSAN MOSQUE The massive architectural complex constructed by Sultan Hassan at the foot of the citadel in Cairo was built in the ostentatious style so characteristic of Mameluk architecture. Completed in 1356, the Sultan Hassan Mosque has a monumental gate and a 57m high minaret. This group of buildings, comprising a mausoleum that was never put to use, was strategically built on the site of a square that saw the start of a number of popular uprisings. The mosque was heavily inspired by Iranian models. Philae This plate is taken from a set of engravings dedicated to the Temple of Isis on the island of Philae. The final bastion of the worship of the ancient Egyptian gods, the temple of Isis was the last pagan temple to be in use before it was closed in the 6th century A.D. under Justinian. Construction on the temple began under the Ptolemies, a period of growth for the Isis cult. Isis was the sister and wife of Osiris and mother to Horus. Kom Ombo (Ombos) The Kom Ombo site, 40 kilometers from Aswan, is home to one of the best preserved ancient Egyptian temples, dedicated to Sobek, a crocodile god and Haroeris, a form of Horus. Built in the Ptolemaic era, it was actually founded during the XVIIIth Dynasty. Its massive Composite capitals and highly accomplished reliefs are captured accurately by the draughtsmen of the Institut d'Egypte, Jollois, Balzac and Cécile. The dual aspect of its design, intended for worship of two different divine triads - those of Sobek and Haroeris - is reproduced in great detail by the architects and engineers of the Egyptian campaign through this set of prints, which preceded the first archeological digs in the building by Auguste Mariette in 1828. Edfu This plate is taken from a series of views of the great temple at Edfu and the various buildings in its cultic complex. The temple of Horus, a jewel of Ptolemaic architecture and exceptionally well-preserved, is made up of a majestic entry gate and a hypostyle chamber, which are both extensively documented thanks to the engravings by the experts of the Institut d'Egypte. Begun in 237 BC by Ptolemy III and completed 180 years later under Tiberius, it proved an extraordinary sight for the draughtsmen come to explore the left bank of the Nile. Esna and its environs The town of Esna (Esneh or Latopolis in Bonaparte's time), lies fifty kilometers to the south of Luxor. The experts from the Institut de l'Egypte documented their discovery of its temple, dedicated to Khnum, one of the gods of creation who worked with clay and had the head of a ram; he controlled the life-giving flooding of the Nile, the source of fertility. He was associated with Nebt-uu, the mistress of the countryside and Menhyt, a goddess with the head of a lion. This temple, partially rebuilt during the Ptolemaic era, was added to right up to the reign of Tiberius. The draughtsmen also produced a number of views of the neighboring temples, most notably the less well-preserved temple of Contra-Latopolis to the north of Esna. Thebes Medinet-Habu Close to Thebes and Luxor on the left bank of the Nile, the city of Medinet-Habu is home to one of the most attractive temples of New Kingdom period Egypt, the mortuary temple of Ramses III. This dates from the middle of the 12th century BC, and is based on the famous Ramesseum of his predecessor, which it surpasses in size. A funerary temple celebrating the Pharaoh, the experts of the Institut d'Egypte set about creating cross-sections, plans and elevations, and most especially capturing its numerous bas-reliefs. The architects and draughtsmen also focused on the Royal Palace and its internal peristyle within the 12-metre fortress that encircles the religious complex, including the Temple of Amon, located at the south-east of the site and begun in the reign of Hatshepsut at the end of the 15th Century BC. Memnonium The Memnonium, a name used by visitors to the Valley of the Kings from 1750 to 1850, refers to a set of three royal buildings constructed during the New Kingdom: the Ramesseum, the Temple of Amenhotep III and the Temple of Sethi I. The draughtsmen and architects of Bonaparte's Institut, sent out on expedition across Upper Egypt from 1799 documented Thebes and the Valley of the Kings, even attempting to reconstruct some of the buildings on the basis of descriptions by Classical authors. The tomb of Ozymandias (one of the numerous names of Ramses II), in a very poor state, thus became the subject of very thorough study and an attempt to fill in its missing bits on the basis of the writings of Diodurus Siculus. This Greek historian of the Augustine period stayed in the valley of the Nile from 60-57 BC and his visit to the tomb of Ramses II is recounted in his monumental Bibliotheca Historica (Book I, XLVII-XLIX). At the same time, the experts also made extremely detailed studies and views of the Colossi of Memnon, all that remains of a huge memorial temple to Amenhotep III built on the road to the necropolis in the Valley of the Kings. These colossi were located at the entrance to the temple in front of a preliminary pylon made of brick. These two statues represent King Amenhotep III framed to the right by the great Royal Consort Tiy and to the left by the Queen Mother Mutemwiya. Hypogea and Biban el Moluk This plate is taken from a series of engravings of the hypogea in the Valley of the Kings (Biban el Moluk) in Thebes. Some are in color to show the vivid hues of the sarcophaguses and mysterious murals whose secret had yet to be broken by Jean-François Champollion. The draughtsmen of the Institut, including the famous Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, sent by Napoleon to cover Upper Egypt in 1799, capture with élan the royal mummies and the artifacts that accompanied the dead in their journey to the netherworld: urns, furniture, weapons, idols and the mummies of numerous mammals and birds. Karnak This plate is from a set on the Great Temple at Karnak, built during the New Kingdom at the time of Ramses III. This enormous complex is divided into three parts and is dedicated to the Theban Triad of gods, Amun, Mut and Khonsu. Its sculptures, internal bas-reliefs and sunken reliefs on the external facades are intricately captured by the engineers of the Institut, while the architects worked out the complex groundplan of this edifice, which was divided into facades, colonnaded halls and sacral spaces reserved for the temple priests. The alley of the monumental sphinx which links the site to the Luxor site was also the subject of a plate by Lepère, an architect from the Institut who took part in the expedition across Upper Egypt. Dendera The experts executed views and drawings of the temples of Dendera (or Tentyra), a city in Upper Egypt 60km to the north of Luxor. They have captured, with an exceptional degree of graphic artistry, the thick, round nature of the sculpted reliefs of the great Temple of Hathor, built under the Ptolemies in the first half of the 1st century BC. They also produced interesting views of the neighboring temples as well as a selection of reliefs of the ""Dendera Zodiac"", a chapel dedicated to Osiris and located beneath the temple of Hathor. Its famous astronomical relief was discovered by the French General Desaix - stationed in Upper Egypt by Bonaparte from 1798 - and taken back to France in 1821 by Claude Lelorrain; it is now on display in the Louvre. Another astronomical and cosmological relief on the ceiling of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Hathor is the subject of a magnificent plate by Jollois and Devilliers. This covers seven soffit coffers of the ceiling and is an immense allegorical image showing several levels of consciousness: that of cosmogony, the constellations and their effect on the Earth, the creation of Man, and the Nomes of Egypt, symbolized by 21 pairs of wings topped with the red crown of Lower Egypt and the white tiara of Upper Egypt. The Pyramids at Memphis The Giza Plateau, near Memphis, is home to three of the most famous Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, the tombs of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, Pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty (2620-2500 BC). The experts of the Institut, hurrying to Memphis, explored the plateau and made numerous views of these majestic pyramids, towering over inhabitants and mounted figures. They also made minutely detailed views of the epigraphs on the tombs adjacent to the pyramids, as well as views of the Sphinx of Gaza near the Pyramid of Khafre. Views of Alexandria A plate taken from a set of view of Alexandria as it was found by Napoleon's army in June 1798. Embarking in Toulon on the 14th May, his troops disembarked at Alexandria a month later and explored this port city before heading towards Cairo to take the capital.
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BALZAC Charles-Louis & BERTHAULT (sculpsit)
DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE. Ile d'Eléphantine. Vue du temple du sud. (ANTIQUITES, volume I, planche 34)
Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 71x54cm, une feuille. Gravure originale à l'eau-forte in plano, non rognée, extraite de l'édition dite « Impériale » de la Description de l'Égypte ou Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand. Réalisée entre février 1802 et 1829 sur ordre de Napoléon Bonaparte et publiée à partir de 1809 [en réalité 1810], elle fut tirée à 1000 exemplaires sur Vergé filigrané « Égypte ancienne et moderne » et offerte aux institutions. Légères et marginales rousseurs sans aucune atteinte à la gravure, sinon très bel état de fraîcheur et de conservation. ILE D'ELEPHANTINE : Située sur la rive orientale du Nil en face d'Assouan, l'île d'Eléphantine servait de forteresse contre les invasions éthiopiennes. La découverte d'un ensemble de onze papyrus à Eléphantine même révéla que l'île abritait dès le Ve siècle une importante colonie juive, qui possédait un temple à Yahvé. Les savants de l'Institut d'Egypte se penchèrent sur le temple au sud de l'île, en bel état de conservation, qui surplombe toujours la falaise de nos jours. Volume ANTIQUITES, I : Ces gravures fournissent à Jean-François Champollion une documentation épigraphique fondamentale pour le déchiffrage des hiéroglyphes et inspirent une lignée d'archéologues comme Mariette, Maspero et Carter qui donnent un nouveau visage à l'Egypte ancienne. Elles suscitent un engouement tel qu'elles donnent naissance au phénomène de l'égyptomanie et à l'orientalisme de Delacroix, Fromentin, Marilhat, Decamps mais aussi Théophile Gautier... Financiers, politiciens, marchands, et fouilleurs de tous ordres se presseront sur les rives du Nil en quête de bonnes affaires à la suite de cette redécouverte de l'Egypte. A l'origine de l'égyptologie, ces planches connaîtront une postérité immense. LA DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE, édition IMPERIALE (1809-1829) : La Description de l'Egypte est un des chefs d'œuvre de l'édition française et le point de départ d'une nouvelle science : l'égyptologie. Titanesque exposé de l'Egypte au temps des conquêtes de Bonaparte entre 1798 et 1799, elle est répartie en 23 volumes dont 13 volumes de gravures rassemblant près de 1000 planches en noir et 72 en couleur. Les 6 volumes de planches intitulées Antiquités sont consacrés aux splendeurs de l'Egypte pharaonique. L'Histoire naturelle est répartie en 3 volumes de gravures. Un volume est consacré aux Cartes géographiques et topographiques tandis que les 3 volumes : Etat Moderne dressent un portrait saisissant de l'Egypte copte et islamique telle qu'elle était vue par les armées d'Orient de Bonaparte. La « campagne d'Egypte », désastre militaire, dévoile à travers les gravures de la Description de l'Egypte la réussite scientifique qu'elle est devenue, grâce aux quelques 167 savants membres de la Commission des sciences et des arts de l'Institut d'Egypte qui suivaient l'armée de Napoléon. L'Institut a réuni en Egypte le mathématicien Monge, le chimiste Berthollet, le naturaliste Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ainsi que de nombreux artistes, ingénieurs, architectes, médecins... Ils eurent la charge de redécouvrir l'Egypte moderne et antique, d'en montrer les richesses naturelles, et le savoir-faire de ses habitants. L'édition originale, dite « Impériale », de la Description de l'Egypte fut réalisée sur quatre formats de grande taille, deux d'entre eux spécialement créés pour elle et baptisés formats « Moyen-Egypte » et « Grand-Egypte ». On construisit une presse spécifique pour son impression, qui s'étala sur vingt ans, entre 1809 et 1829. L'édition Impériale s'avéra si populaire qu'une deuxième édition en 37 volumes entièrement en noir et sans le filigrane « Egypte ancienne et moderne », dite édition « Panckoucke », fut publiée à partir de 1821 par l'imprimerie C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). La réalisation de ce monument d'érudition doit beaucoup au baron Dominique Vivant Denon, illustrateur, diplomate, collectionneur et par la suite directeur du musée Napoléon du Louvre qui accompagna Napoléon en Egypte avec de nombreux autres savants mais décida seul de s'aventurer dans le Sud du pays, alors que les autres scientifiques conviés restaient confinés dans la région du Caire. Les fabuleux croquis rapportés par Denon lors de sa romanesque chevauchée donnèrent l'idée à Bonaparte d'y envoyer les autres membres de l'Institut et ainsi dresser un portrait fidèle et complet du territoire. A la suite de Denon, ce sont donc les plus grands scientifiques et artistes français qui s'aventurèrent le long du Nil jusqu'en Nubie. Parmi eux, le peintre au muséum d'histoire naturelle H.J. Redouté (frère de Pierre-Joseph Redouté, auteur des Roses), le minéralogiste Dolomieu, le dessinateur Joly, et les ingénieurs Fourier et Costaz, chargés de l'étude scientifique des vestiges antiques de Haute-Egypte. Sans doute pour la première fois réunie dans une telle expédition, l'élite scientifique et artistique française, composée de plus de 160 « savants » dont près de 50 artistes, étudie méthodiquement l'Egypte pendant trois ans. Ils réalisent alors, sous l'égide et à la gloire de Napoléon, la plus vaste analyse historique, géographique, scientifique, économique et ethnologique jamais réalisée sur un pays. Mais ce sont peut-être les gravures qui constituèrent le défi technique majeur de cette Description de l'Egypte, comme en témoigne Yves Laissus, commissaire de l'exposition organisée en 2009 par la RMN et le Musée de l'Armée aux Invalides : « L'illustration, 836 planches dont une soixantaine en couleurs, gravées à l'eau forte et au burin dans des formats jusqu'alors inusités (le plus grand couvre près d'un mètre carré), a nécessité la construction de nouvelles formes et cuves pour la fabrication du papier, justifié l'invention, par Nicolas Conté, d'une machine destinée à alléger la besogne des graveurs, et exigé la réalisation de nouvelles presses capables d'imprimer ces images immenses. Certaines d'entre elles ont demandé deux années de travail. Près de 200 graveurs ont reproduit sur le cuivre les œuvres de 62 dessinateurs dont 46 ont participé à l'expédition. » Rare et superbe gravure originale d'une exceptionnelle facture et qualité graphique, témoignage d'une des plus ambitieuses aventures éditoriales françaises. - Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 71x54cm, une feuille. [ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOLLOWS] Original, unshaved, full-page etching from the ""Imperial edition"" of the Description de l'Égypte, or 'Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand [A Collection of the observations and research carried out in Egypt during the French expedition, published on the orders of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon the Great]'. Produced between February 1802 and 1830 on the orders of Naopleon Bonaparte and published between 1809 and 1828, 1,000 copies were printed and distributed to institutions, on vergé paper with an 'Égypte ancienne et moderne' watermark, visible when held up to the light. Light marginal spotting not touching image, otherwise in very fresh, fine condition. An engraving from the Description de l'Egypte, one of the masterpieces of French printing and the birth of a new field: Egyptology. A gigantic survey of Egypt at the time of Bonaparte's conquests in 1798 and 1799, the work is divided into 13 volumes of engravings making up 892 plates, of which 72 colored, as well as presenting the splendors of the Egypt of the Pharaohs in 9 volumes. The other volumes discuss natural history and present a fascinating portrait of Coptic and Islamic Egypt as it was seen by Bonaparte's Eastern Armies. The 'Egyptian campaign', militarily a disaster, demonstrates, through the engravings of the Description d'Egypte, the scientific success it nonetheless became thanks to the 167 expert members of the Commission of the Sciences and Arts of the Institut d'Egypte [Egyptian Institute] who followed Napoleon's army. The Institut gathered together in Egypt the mathematician Monge, the chemist Berthollet, the naturalist Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire as well as numerous artists, engineers, architects and doctors. They were tasked with re-discovering modern and ancient Egypt and displaying its natural treasures as well as the know-how of its inhabitants. This edition, the so-called ""Imperial"" edition of the plates for the Description de l'Egypte was printed in four large formats, two of which were specially created for it and christened ""Moyen-Egypte"" and ""Grand-Egypte"". A special press was built to print it, the process extending over 20 years, from 1809 to 1829. The ""Imperial"" edition proved so popular that a second edition, this time in black and white and without the ""Egypte ancienne et moderne"" watermark - known as the ""Royal Edition"" - was published during the Restoration by the printing house of C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). The engravings of the Description d'Egypte owe a great deal to Baron Dominique-Vivant Denon, illustrator, diplomat, collector and later Director of the Musée Napoléon (the Louvre). His exploration of the South of Egypt gave Bonaparte the idea of sending the experts of the Institut there, thus creating a faithful and complete portrait of the area. This was the research gathered together from 1802 in the mammoth Description de L'Egypte. Denon embarked on this story of archeological exploration at the age of 51, reaching first Alexandria and then Cairo before exploring Upper Egypt. Along with the members of the Institut d'Egypte, the Natural History Museum's painter H.J. Redouté (brother of Pierre-Joseph Redouté, author of Roses), the mineralogist Dolomiue, and the draughtsman Joly, Denon then explored the Nile Delta and Lower Egypt. When, however, he joined the 21st Light Infantry Regiment as it marched across Upper Egypt in pursuit of the retreating Mameluks in November 1798, he found himself the only civilian. In the very midst of the battle itself, he reeled off sketches of the works of art that peppered his path right up to the threshold of the Sudan. He said that he had crossed ""a country that is, apart from its name, entirely unknown to Europeans, and therefore everything was worth describing"" (Voyages dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte en 1798 et 1799, 1817). On his return to Cairo, the great general, spellbound by Denon's accounts and drawings ordered two commissions to be set up, led by the engineers Fourier and Costaz. They were tasked with the scientific study of the ancient remains in Upper Egypt; research that proved a significant contribution to the monumental Description d'Egypte, from which this plate is taken. ANCIENT EGYPT These engravings therefore represent a unique body of material that contributed to Jean-François Champollion's deciphering of hieroglyphics, and which mark the beginning of the line of Mariette, Maspero and Carter, who would reshape the face of Ancient Egypt. They also started a craze that gave birth to the phenomenon of Egyptomania and the Orientalism of Delacroix, Fromentin, Marilhat, Decamps and Théophile Gautier. Financiers, politicians, merchants and all kinds of treasure-hunters made their way to the banks of the Nile in search of riches, following this rediscovery of Egypt. The originators of Egyptology, these plates were to have a hugely influential afterlife. NATURAL HISTORY These engravings show the scientific genius of the French experts then working on the ground in Egypt, laying the foundations for its becoming a French colony. This colonizing project, which had been mooted since the reign of Louis XIV, was now accompanied - with Bonaparte's arrival - by an in-depth study of the country's fauna and flora thanks to the work of the most eminent naturalists, mineralogists, and entomologists of the day. The Description de l'Egypte shows all of this immense scientific undertaking through its engravings, which were done after drawings by members of the Academy of Science, including Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire, Alire Raffenau-Delile and Henri-Joseph Redouté. In the words of Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ""We have gathered the material for the greatest work that a nation could hope to undertake. In mourning the fate of so many brave soldiers who - after so many glorious exploits - fell in Egypt, we shall be able to console ourselves that such precious works came into being."" MODERN EGYPT The genius of the experts of the Institut d'Egypte is revealed in the plates of the section known as ""Modern Egypte"". Architecture, industry, social organization, conditions of health, irrigation, music, and crafts, are all presented with exceptional precision and powers of description. The spirit of Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie runs through the work of the draughtsmen of the Description de L'Egypte, who accompanied the text volumes with numerous detailed plates, undertaking to produce a portrait of the local population that was imbued with both beauty and respect. Wealthy Pashas and simple artisan potters are sensitively represented here, going about their business in beautifully composed images that nonetheless do not fall into the traps of idealism or caricature. ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE (the ""Cairo"" plates) The set of engravings to which this plate belongs constitutes one of the first complete studies of the monuments of Islamic Egypt in Cairo, bringing together maps, sections and elevations of mosques, mausoleums and fortifications, from the Tulunid era in the 9th century up to the Mameluk constructions contemporaneous with the arrival of the Bonapartist troops. At the same time, the architects and engineers of the Institut d'Egypte also made a big series of plates dedicated to civilian housing and edifices in Cairo, including both grander and more modest constructions, providing a precious picture of life in Cairo at the end of the 19th century. BAB AL FOUTOUH Bab el-Foutouh, "" The Conquest Gate"" marks the northern limit of Fatimid old Cairo. Rebuilt in 1087, it is highly defensive in nature owing to the turbulent climate in 11th Century Cairo, which saw a number of popular uprisings. An imposing gate, it has two semicircular towers with low-slung arches made of heavy blocks of stone anchored within the ramparts. The sizeable passage through the gate (4.85m wide by 6.79m high) has a shallow dome. BAB EL NASR Bab el-Nasr, ""The Victory Gate"" is on the northern wall of the Fatimid fortress in Cairo. Its two enormous rectangular towers were rebuilt in 1087 after a long period of popular uprisings. On this highly attractive frontal image signed Protain, one can admire the sculpted shields in the corners of the gate and on the towers, symbolizing victory and protection against invaders. After taking Cairo, Napoleon named all the towers along the wall of the fortress after the officers assigned to guard them. Their names are still engraved on the upper parts of the walls of the gate. SULTAN HASSAN MOSQUE The massive architectural complex constructed by Sultan Hassan at the foot of the citadel in Cairo was built in the ostentatious style so characteristic of Mameluk architecture. Completed in 1356, the Sultan Hassan Mosque has a monumental gate and a 57m high minaret. This group of buildings, comprising a mausoleum that was never put to use, was strategically built on the site of a square that saw the start of a number of popular uprisings. The mosque was heavily inspired by Iranian models. Philae This plate is taken from a set of engravings dedicated to the Temple of Isis on the island of Philae. The final bastion of the worship of the ancient Egyptian gods, the temple of Isis was the last pagan temple to be in use before it was closed in the 6th century A.D. under Justinian. Construction on the temple began under the Ptolemies, a period of growth for the Isis cult. Isis was the sister and wife of Osiris and mother to Horus. Kom Ombo (Ombos) The Kom Ombo site, 40 kilometers from Aswan, is home to one of the best preserved ancient Egyptian temples, dedicated to Sobek, a crocodile god and Haroeris, a form of Horus. Built in the Ptolemaic era, it was actually founded during the XVIIIth Dynasty. Its massive Composite capitals and highly accomplished reliefs are captured accurately by the draughtsmen of the Institut d'Egypte, Jollois, Balzac and Cécile. The dual aspect of its design, intended for worship of two different divine triads - those of Sobek and Haroeris - is reproduced in great detail by the architects and engineers of the Egyptian campaign through this set of prints, which preceded the first archeological digs in the building by Auguste Mariette in 1828. Edfu This plate is taken from a series of views of the great temple at Edfu and the various buildings in its cultic complex. The temple of Horus, a jewel of Ptolemaic architecture and exceptionally well-preserved, is made up of a majestic entry gate and a hypostyle chamber, which are both extensively documented thanks to the engravings by the experts of the Institut d'Egypte. Begun in 237 BC by Ptolemy III and completed 180 years later under Tiberius, it proved an extraordinary sight for the draughtsmen come to explore the left bank of the Nile. Esna and its environs The town of Esna (Esneh or Latopolis in Bonaparte's time), lies fifty kilometers to the south of Luxor. The experts from the Institut de l'Egypte documented their discovery of its temple, dedicated to Khnum, one of the gods of creation who worked with clay and had the head of a ram; he controlled the life-giving flooding of the Nile, the source of fertility. He was associated with Nebt-uu, the mistress of the countryside and Menhyt, a goddess with the head of a lion. This temple, partially rebuilt during the Ptolemaic era, was added to right up to the reign of Tiberius. The draughtsmen also produced a number of views of the neighboring temples, most notably the less well-preserved temple of Contra-Latopolis to the north of Esna. Thebes Medinet-Habu Close to Thebes and Luxor on the left bank of the Nile, the city of Medinet-Habu is home to one of the most attractive temples of New Kingdom period Egypt, the mortuary temple of Ramses III. This dates from the middle of the 12th century BC, and is based on the famous Ramesseum of his predecessor, which it surpasses in size. A funerary temple celebrating the Pharaoh, the experts of the Institut d'Egypte set about creating cross-sections, plans and elevations, and most especially capturing its numerous bas-reliefs. The architects and draughtsmen also focused on the Royal Palace and its internal peristyle within the 12-metre fortress that encircles the religious complex, including the Temple of Amon, located at the south-east of the site and begun in the reign of Hatshepsut at the end of the 15th Century BC. Memnonium The Memnonium, a name used by visitors to the Valley of the Kings from 1750 to 1850, refers to a set of three royal buildings constructed during the New Kingdom: the Ramesseum, the Temple of Amenhotep III and the Temple of Sethi I. The draughtsmen and architects of Bonaparte's Institut, sent out on expedition across Upper Egypt from 1799 documented Thebes and the Valley of the Kings, even attempting to reconstruct some of the buildings on the basis of descriptions by Classical authors. The tomb of Ozymandias (one of the numerous names of Ramses II), in a very poor state, thus became the subject of very thorough study and an attempt to fill in its missing bits on the basis of the writings of Diodurus Siculus. This Greek historian of the Augustine period stayed in the valley of the Nile from 60-57 BC and his visit to the tomb of Ramses II is recounted in his monumental Bibliotheca Historica (Book I, XLVII-XLIX). At the same time, the experts also made extremely detailed studies and views of the Colossi of Memnon, all that remains of a huge memorial temple to Amenhotep III built on the road to the necropolis in the Valley of the Kings. These colossi were located at the entrance to the temple in front of a preliminary pylon made of brick. These two statues represent King Amenhotep III framed to the right by the great Royal Consort Tiy and to the left by the Queen Mother Mutemwiya. Hypogea and Biban el Moluk This plate is taken from a series of engravings of the hypogea in the Valley of the Kings (Biban el Moluk) in Thebes. Some are in color to show the vivid hues of the sarcophaguses and mysterious murals whose secret had yet to be broken by Jean-François Champollion. The draughtsmen of the Institut, including the famous Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, sent by Napoleon to cover Upper Egypt in 1799, capture with élan the royal mummies and the artifacts that accompanied the dead in their journey to the netherworld: urns, furniture, weapons, idols and the mummies of numerous mammals and birds. Karnak This plate is from a set on the Great Temple at Karnak, built during the New Kingdom at the time of Ramses III. This enormous complex is divided into three parts and is dedicated to the Theban Triad of gods, Amun, Mut and Khonsu. Its sculptures, internal bas-reliefs and sunken reliefs on the external facades are intricately captured by the engineers of the Institut, while the architects worked out the complex groundplan of this edifice, which was divided into facades, colonnaded halls and sacral spaces reserved for the temple priests. The alley of the monumental sphinx which links the site to the Luxor site was also the subject of a plate by Lepère, an architect from the Institut who took part in the expedition across Upper Egypt. Dendera The experts executed views and drawings of the temples of Dendera (or Tentyra), a city in Upper Egypt 60km to the north of Luxor. They have captured, with an exceptional degree of graphic artistry, the thick, round nature of the sculpted reliefs of the great Temple of Hathor, built under the Ptolemies in the first half of the 1st century BC. They also produced interesting views of the neighboring temples as well as a selection of reliefs of the ""Dendera Zodiac"", a chapel dedicated to Osiris and located beneath the temple of Hathor. Its famous astronomical relief was discovered by the French General Desaix - stationed in Upper Egypt by Bonaparte from 1798 - and taken back to France in 1821 by Claude Lelorrain; it is now on display in the Louvre. Another astronomical and cosmological relief on the ceiling of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Hathor is the subject of a magnificent plate by Jollois and Devilliers. This covers seven soffit coffers of the ceiling and is an immense allegorical image showing several levels of consciousness: that of cosmogony, the constellations and their effect on the Earth, the creation of Man, and the Nomes of Egypt, symbolized by 21 pairs of wings topped with the red crown of Lower Egypt and the white tiara of Upper Egypt. The Pyramids at Memphis The Giza Plateau, near Memphis, is home to three of the most famous Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, the tombs of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, Pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty (2620-2500 BC). The experts of the Institut, hurrying to Memphis, explored the plateau and made numerous views of these majestic pyramids, towering over inhabitants and mounted figures. They also made minutely detailed views of the epigraphs on the tombs adjacent to the pyramids, as well as views of the Sphinx of Gaza near the Pyramid of Khafre. Views of Alexandria A plate taken from a set of view of Alexandria as it was found by Napoleon's army in June 1798. Embarking in Toulon on the 14th May, his troops disembarked at Alexandria a month later and explored this port city before heading towards Cairo to take the capital.
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CONTE & BERTHAULT (sculpsit)
DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE. Alexandrie. Vue du Port Neuf prise du rivage, du côté du sud-est. (ETAT MODERNE, volume II, planche 86)
Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 71x53,5cm, une feuille. Gravure originale à l'eau-forte in plano, non rognée, extraite de l'édition dite « Impériale » de la Description de l'Égypte ou Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand. Réalisée entre février 1802 et 1829 sur ordre de Napoléon Bonaparte et publiée à partir de 1809 [en réalité 1810], elle fut tirée à 1000 exemplaires sur Vergé filigrané « Égypte ancienne et moderne » et offerte aux institutions. Infimes et marginales rousseurs avec discrète atteinte à la gravure, sinon très bel état de fraîcheur et de conservation. VUES D'ALEXANDRIE : Planche issue d'un ensemble de vues d'Alexandrie telle qu'elle fut découverte par l'armée de Bonaparte en juin 1798. Les savants immortalisent artisans au travail, maisons particulières, vestiges de l'Antiquité, mais aussi églises et mosquées. Parties le 14 mai 1798 de Toulon, les troupes de l'armée d'Orient débarquèrent à Alexandrie un mois plus tard et découvrent cette ville portuaire avant de se diriger vers le Caire pour conquérir la capitale. Volume ETAT MODERNE, II : Le génie des savants de l'Institut se révèle particulièrement à travers les planches de la section dite Egypte Moderne. Architecture, industrie, structures sociales, état sanitaire, régime des eaux, musique, artisanat, sont exposés avec une précision et une qualité graphique exceptionnelle. L'esprit de L'Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert reste sous-jacent dans la démarche des dessinateurs de la Description de L'Egypte, qui accompagnent les volumes de textes de nombreuses planches détaillées, s'employant à dresser un portrait des populations empreint de beauté et de respect. Riches pachas ou simples artisans potiers sont représentés avec sensibilité, vaquant à leurs occupations au milieu de compositions esthétiques, sans pour autant tomber dans l'idéalisme ou la caricature. LA DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE, édition IMPERIALE (1809-1829) : La Description de l'Egypte est un des chefs d'œuvre de l'édition française et le point de départ d'une nouvelle science : l'égyptologie. Titanesque exposé de l'Egypte au temps des conquêtes de Bonaparte entre 1798 et 1799, elle est répartie en 23 volumes dont 13 volumes de gravures rassemblant près de 1000 planches en noir et 72 en couleur. Les 6 volumes de planches intitulées Antiquités sont consacrés aux splendeurs de l'Egypte pharaonique. L'Histoire naturelle est répartie en 3 volumes de gravures. Un volume est consacré aux Cartes géographiques et topographiques tandis que les 3 volumes : Etat Moderne dressent un portrait saisissant de l'Egypte copte et islamique telle qu'elle était vue par les armées d'Orient de Bonaparte. La « campagne d'Egypte », désastre militaire, dévoile à travers les gravures de la Description de l'Egypte la réussite scientifique qu'elle est devenue, grâce aux quelques 167 savants membres de la Commission des sciences et des arts de l'Institut d'Egypte qui suivaient l'armée de Napoléon. L'Institut a réuni en Egypte le mathématicien Monge, le chimiste Berthollet, le naturaliste Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ainsi que de nombreux artistes, ingénieurs, architectes, médecins... Ils eurent la charge de redécouvrir l'Egypte moderne et antique, d'en montrer les richesses naturelles, et le savoir-faire de ses habitants. L'édition originale, dite « Impériale », de la Description de l'Egypte fut réalisée sur quatre formats de grande taille, deux d'entre eux spécialement créés pour elle et baptisés formats « Moyen-Egypte » et « Grand-Egypte ». On construisit une presse spécifique pour son impression, qui s'étala sur vingt ans, entre 1809 et 1829. L'édition Impériale s'avéra si populaire qu'une deuxième édition en 37 volumes entièrement en noir et sans le filigrane « Egypte ancienne et moderne », dite édition « Panckoucke », fut publiée à partir de 1821 par l'imprimerie C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). La réalisation de ce monument d'érudition doit beaucoup au baron Dominique Vivant Denon, illustrateur, diplomate, collectionneur et par la suite directeur du musée Napoléon du Louvre qui accompagna Napoléon en Egypte avec de nombreux autres savants mais décida seul de s'aventurer dans le Sud du pays, alors que les autres scientifiques conviés restaient confinés dans la région du Caire. Les fabuleux croquis rapportés par Denon lors de sa romanesque chevauchée donnèrent l'idée à Bonaparte d'y envoyer les autres membres de l'Institut et ainsi dresser un portrait fidèle et complet du territoire. A la suite de Denon, ce sont donc les plus grands scientifiques et artistes français qui s'aventurèrent le long du Nil jusqu'en Nubie. Parmi eux, le peintre au muséum d'histoire naturelle H.J. Redouté (frère de Pierre-Joseph Redouté, auteur des Roses), le minéralogiste Dolomieu, le dessinateur Joly, et les ingénieurs Fourier et Costaz, chargés de l'étude scientifique des vestiges antiques de Haute-Egypte. Sans doute pour la première fois réunie dans une telle expédition, l'élite scientifique et artistique française, composée de plus de 160 « savants » dont près de 50 artistes, étudie méthodiquement l'Egypte pendant trois ans. Ils réalisent alors, sous l'égide et à la gloire de Napoléon, la plus vaste analyse historique, géographique, scientifique, économique et ethnologique jamais réalisée sur un pays. Mais ce sont peut-être les gravures qui constituèrent le défi technique majeur de cette Description de l'Egypte, comme en témoigne Yves Laissus, commissaire de l'exposition organisée en 2009 par la RMN et le Musée de l'Armée aux Invalides : « L'illustration, 836 planches dont une soixantaine en couleurs, gravées à l'eau forte et au burin dans des formats jusqu'alors inusités (le plus grand couvre près d'un mètre carré), a nécessité la construction de nouvelles formes et cuves pour la fabrication du papier, justifié l'invention, par Nicolas Conté, d'une machine destinée à alléger la besogne des graveurs, et exigé la réalisation de nouvelles presses capables d'imprimer ces images immenses. Certaines d'entre elles ont demandé deux années de travail. Près de 200 graveurs ont reproduit sur le cuivre les œuvres de 62 dessinateurs dont 46 ont participé à l'expédition. » Rare et superbe gravure originale d'une exceptionnelle facture et qualité graphique, témoignage d'une des plus ambitieuses aventures éditoriales françaises. - Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 71x53,5cm, une feuille. [ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOLLOWS] Original, unshaved, full-page etching from the ""Imperial edition"" of the Description de l'Égypte, or 'Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand [A Collection of the observations and research carried out in Egypt during the French expedition, published on the orders of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon the Great]'. Produced between February 1802 and 1830 on the orders of Naopleon Bonaparte and published between 1809 and 1828, 1,000 copies were printed and distributed to institutions, on vergé paper with an 'Égypte ancienne et moderne' watermark, visible when held up to the light. Light marginal spotting not touching image, otherwise in very fresh, fine condition. An engraving from the Description de l'Egypte, one of the masterpieces of French printing and the birth of a new field: Egyptology. A gigantic survey of Egypt at the time of Bonaparte's conquests in 1798 and 1799, the work is divided into 13 volumes of engravings making up 892 plates, of which 72 colored, as well as presenting the splendors of the Egypt of the Pharaohs in 9 volumes. The other volumes discuss natural history and present a fascinating portrait of Coptic and Islamic Egypt as it was seen by Bonaparte's Eastern Armies. The 'Egyptian campaign', militarily a disaster, demonstrates, through the engravings of the Description d'Egypte, the scientific success it nonetheless became thanks to the 167 expert members of the Commission of the Sciences and Arts of the Institut d'Egypte [Egyptian Institute] who followed Napoleon's army. The Institut gathered together in Egypt the mathematician Monge, the chemist Berthollet, the naturalist Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire as well as numerous artists, engineers, architects and doctors. They were tasked with re-discovering modern and ancient Egypt and displaying its natural treasures as well as the know-how of its inhabitants. This edition, the so-called ""Imperial"" edition of the plates for the Description de l'Egypte was printed in four large formats, two of which were specially created for it and christened ""Moyen-Egypte"" and ""Grand-Egypte"". A special press was built to print it, the process extending over 20 years, from 1809 to 1829. The ""Imperial"" edition proved so popular that a second edition, this time in black and white and without the ""Egypte ancienne et moderne"" watermark - known as the ""Royal Edition"" - was published during the Restoration by the printing house of C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). The engravings of the Description d'Egypte owe a great deal to Baron Dominique-Vivant Denon, illustrator, diplomat, collector and later Director of the Musée Napoléon (the Louvre). His exploration of the South of Egypt gave Bonaparte the idea of sending the experts of the Institut there, thus creating a faithful and complete portrait of the area. This was the research gathered together from 1802 in the mammoth Description de L'Egypte. Denon embarked on this story of archeological exploration at the age of 51, reaching first Alexandria and then Cairo before exploring Upper Egypt. Along with the members of the Institut d'Egypte, the Natural History Museum's painter H.J. Redouté (brother of Pierre-Joseph Redouté, author of Roses), the mineralogist Dolomiue, and the draughtsman Joly, Denon then explored the Nile Delta and Lower Egypt. When, however, he joined the 21st Light Infantry Regiment as it marched across Upper Egypt in pursuit of the retreating Mameluks in November 1798, he found himself the only civilian. In the very midst of the battle itself, he reeled off sketches of the works of art that peppered his path right up to the threshold of the Sudan. He said that he had crossed ""a country that is, apart from its name, entirely unknown to Europeans, and therefore everything was worth describing"" (Voyages dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte en 1798 et 1799, 1817). On his return to Cairo, the great general, spellbound by Denon's accounts and drawings ordered two commissions to be set up, led by the engineers Fourier and Costaz. They were tasked with the scientific study of the ancient remains in Upper Egypt; research that proved a significant contribution to the monumental Description d'Egypte, from which this plate is taken. ANCIENT EGYPT These engravings therefore represent a unique body of material that contributed to Jean-François Champollion's deciphering of hieroglyphics, and which mark the beginning of the line of Mariette, Maspero and Carter, who would reshape the face of Ancient Egypt. They also started a craze that gave birth to the phenomenon of Egyptomania and the Orientalism of Delacroix, Fromentin, Marilhat, Decamps and Théophile Gautier. Financiers, politicians, merchants and all kinds of treasure-hunters made their way to the banks of the Nile in search of riches, following this rediscovery of Egypt. The originators of Egyptology, these plates were to have a hugely influential afterlife. NATURAL HISTORY These engravings show the scientific genius of the French experts then working on the ground in Egypt, laying the foundations for its becoming a French colony. This colonizing project, which had been mooted since the reign of Louis XIV, was now accompanied - with Bonaparte's arrival - by an in-depth study of the country's fauna and flora thanks to the work of the most eminent naturalists, mineralogists, and entomologists of the day. The Description de l'Egypte shows all of this immense scientific undertaking through its engravings, which were done after drawings by members of the Academy of Science, including Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire, Alire Raffenau-Delile and Henri-Joseph Redouté. In the words of Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ""We have gathered the material for the greatest work that a nation could hope to undertake. In mourning the fate of so many brave soldiers who - after so many glorious exploits - fell in Egypt, we shall be able to console ourselves that such precious works came into being."" MODERN EGYPT The genius of the experts of the Institut d'Egypte is revealed in the plates of the section known as ""Modern Egypte"". Architecture, industry, social organization, conditions of health, irrigation, music, and crafts, are all presented with exceptional precision and powers of description. The spirit of Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie runs through the work of the draughtsmen of the Description de L'Egypte, who accompanied the text volumes with numerous detailed plates, undertaking to produce a portrait of the local population that was imbued with both beauty and respect. Wealthy Pashas and simple artisan potters are sensitively represented here, going about their business in beautifully composed images that nonetheless do not fall into the traps of idealism or caricature. ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE (the ""Cairo"" plates) The set of engravings to which this plate belongs constitutes one of the first complete studies of the monuments of Islamic Egypt in Cairo, bringing together maps, sections and elevations of mosques, mausoleums and fortifications, from the Tulunid era in the 9th century up to the Mameluk constructions contemporaneous with the arrival of the Bonapartist troops. At the same time, the architects and engineers of the Institut d'Egypte also made a big series of plates dedicated to civilian housing and edifices in Cairo, including both grander and more modest constructions, providing a precious picture of life in Cairo at the end of the 19th century. BAB AL FOUTOUH Bab el-Foutouh, "" The Conquest Gate"" marks the northern limit of Fatimid old Cairo. Rebuilt in 1087, it is highly defensive in nature owing to the turbulent climate in 11th Century Cairo, which saw a number of popular uprisings. An imposing gate, it has two semicircular towers with low-slung arches made of heavy blocks of stone anchored within the ramparts. The sizeable passage through the gate (4.85m wide by 6.79m high) has a shallow dome. BAB EL NASR Bab el-Nasr, ""The Victory Gate"" is on the northern wall of the Fatimid fortress in Cairo. Its two enormous rectangular towers were rebuilt in 1087 after a long period of popular uprisings. On this highly attractive frontal image signed Protain, one can admire the sculpted shields in the corners of the gate and on the towers, symbolizing victory and protection against invaders. After taking Cairo, Napoleon named all the towers along the wall of the fortress after the officers assigned to guard them. Their names are still engraved on the upper parts of the walls of the gate. SULTAN HASSAN MOSQUE The massive architectural complex constructed by Sultan Hassan at the foot of the citadel in Cairo was built in the ostentatious style so characteristic of Mameluk architecture. Completed in 1356, the Sultan Hassan Mosque has a monumental gate and a 57m high minaret. This group of buildings, comprising a mausoleum that was never put to use, was strategically built on the site of a square that saw the start of a number of popular uprisings. The mosque was heavily inspired by Iranian models. Philae This plate is taken from a set of engravings dedicated to the Temple of Isis on the island of Philae. The final bastion of the worship of the ancient Egyptian gods, the temple of Isis was the last pagan temple to be in use before it was closed in the 6th century A.D. under Justinian. Construction on the temple began under the Ptolemies, a period of growth for the Isis cult. Isis was the sister and wife of Osiris and mother to Horus. Kom Ombo (Ombos) The Kom Ombo site, 40 kilometers from Aswan, is home to one of the best preserved ancient Egyptian temples, dedicated to Sobek, a crocodile god and Haroeris, a form of Horus. Built in the Ptolemaic era, it was actually founded during the XVIIIth Dynasty. Its massive Composite capitals and highly accomplished reliefs are captured accurately by the draughtsmen of the Institut d'Egypte, Jollois, Balzac and Cécile. The dual aspect of its design, intended for worship of two different divine triads - those of Sobek and Haroeris - is reproduced in great detail by the architects and engineers of the Egyptian campaign through this set of prints, which preceded the first archeological digs in the building by Auguste Mariette in 1828. Edfu This plate is taken from a series of views of the great temple at Edfu and the various buildings in its cultic complex. The temple of Horus, a jewel of Ptolemaic architecture and exceptionally well-preserved, is made up of a majestic entry gate and a hypostyle chamber, which are both extensively documented thanks to the engravings by the experts of the Institut d'Egypte. Begun in 237 BC by Ptolemy III and completed 180 years later under Tiberius, it proved an extraordinary sight for the draughtsmen come to explore the left bank of the Nile. Esna and its environs The town of Esna (Esneh or Latopolis in Bonaparte's time), lies fifty kilometers to the south of Luxor. The experts from the Institut de l'Egypte documented their discovery of its temple, dedicated to Khnum, one of the gods of creation who worked with clay and had the head of a ram; he controlled the life-giving flooding of the Nile, the source of fertility. He was associated with Nebt-uu, the mistress of the countryside and Menhyt, a goddess with the head of a lion. This temple, partially rebuilt during the Ptolemaic era, was added to right up to the reign of Tiberius. The draughtsmen also produced a number of views of the neighboring temples, most notably the less well-preserved temple of Contra-Latopolis to the north of Esna. Thebes Medinet-Habu Close to Thebes and Luxor on the left bank of the Nile, the city of Medinet-Habu is home to one of the most attractive temples of New Kingdom period Egypt, the mortuary temple of Ramses III. This dates from the middle of the 12th century BC, and is based on the famous Ramesseum of his predecessor, which it surpasses in size. A funerary temple celebrating the Pharaoh, the experts of the Institut d'Egypte set about creating cross-sections, plans and elevations, and most especially capturing its numerous bas-reliefs. The architects and draughtsmen also focused on the Royal Palace and its internal peristyle within the 12-metre fortress that encircles the religious complex, including the Temple of Amon, located at the south-east of the site and begun in the reign of Hatshepsut at the end of the 15th Century BC. Memnonium The Memnonium, a name used by visitors to the Valley of the Kings from 1750 to 1850, refers to a set of three royal buildings constructed during the New Kingdom: the Ramesseum, the Temple of Amenhotep III and the Temple of Sethi I. The draughtsmen and architects of Bonaparte's Institut, sent out on expedition across Upper Egypt from 1799 documented Thebes and the Valley of the Kings, even attempting to reconstruct some of the buildings on the basis of descriptions by Classical authors. The tomb of Ozymandias (one of the numerous names of Ramses II), in a very poor state, thus became the subject of very thorough study and an attempt to fill in its missing bits on the basis of the writings of Diodurus Siculus. This Greek historian of the Augustine period stayed in the valley of the Nile from 60-57 BC and his visit to the tomb of Ramses II is recounted in his monumental Bibliotheca Historica (Book I, XLVII-XLIX). At the same time, the experts also made extremely detailed studies and views of the Colossi of Memnon, all that remains of a huge memorial temple to Amenhotep III built on the road to the necropolis in the Valley of the Kings. These colossi were located at the entrance to the temple in front of a preliminary pylon made of brick. These two statues represent King Amenhotep III framed to the right by the great Royal Consort Tiy and to the left by the Queen Mother Mutemwiya. Hypogea and Biban el Moluk This plate is taken from a series of engravings of the hypogea in the Valley of the Kings (Biban el Moluk) in Thebes. Some are in color to show the vivid hues of the sarcophaguses and mysterious murals whose secret had yet to be broken by Jean-François Champollion. The draughtsmen of the Institut, including the famous Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, sent by Napoleon to cover Upper Egypt in 1799, capture with élan the royal mummies and the artifacts that accompanied the dead in their journey to the netherworld: urns, furniture, weapons, idols and the mummies of numerous mammals and birds. Karnak This plate is from a set on the Great Temple at Karnak, built during the New Kingdom at the time of Ramses III. This enormous complex is divided into three parts and is dedicated to the Theban Triad of gods, Amun, Mut and Khonsu. Its sculptures, internal bas-reliefs and sunken reliefs on the external facades are intricately captured by the engineers of the Institut, while the architects worked out the complex groundplan of this edifice, which was divided into facades, colonnaded halls and sacral spaces reserved for the temple priests. The alley of the monumental sphinx which links the site to the Luxor site was also the subject of a plate by Lepère, an architect from the Institut who took part in the expedition across Upper Egypt. Dendera The experts executed views and drawings of the temples of Dendera (or Tentyra), a city in Upper Egypt 60km to the north of Luxor. They have captured, with an exceptional degree of graphic artistry, the thick, round nature of the sculpted reliefs of the great Temple of Hathor, built under the Ptolemies in the first half of the 1st century BC. They also produced interesting views of the neighboring temples as well as a selection of reliefs of the ""Dendera Zodiac"", a chapel dedicated to Osiris and located beneath the temple of Hathor. Its famous astronomical relief was discovered by the French General Desaix - stationed in Upper Egypt by Bonaparte from 1798 - and taken back to France in 1821 by Claude Lelorrain; it is now on display in the Louvre. Another astronomical and cosmological relief on the ceiling of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Hathor is the subject of a magnificent plate by Jollois and Devilliers. This covers seven soffit coffers of the ceiling and is an immense allegorical image showing several levels of consciousness: that of cosmogony, the constellations and their effect on the Earth, the creation of Man, and the Nomes of Egypt, symbolized by 21 pairs of wings topped with the red crown of Lower Egypt and the white tiara of Upper Egypt. The Pyramids at Memphis The Giza Plateau, near Memphis, is home to three of the most famous Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, the tombs of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, Pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty (2620-2500 BC). The experts of the Institut, hurrying to Memphis, explored the plateau and made numerous views of these majestic pyramids, towering over inhabitants and mounted figures. They also made minutely detailed views of the epigraphs on the tombs adjacent to the pyramids, as well as views of the Sphinx of Gaza near the Pyramid of Khafre. Views of Alexandria A plate taken from a set of view of Alexandria as it was found by Napoleon's army in June 1798. Embarking in Toulon on the 14th May, his troops disembarked at Alexandria a month later and explored this port city before heading towards Cairo to take the capital.
Librairie Le Feu FolletProfessional seller
Book number: 26294
€  300.00 [Appr.: US$ 323.34 | £UK 249.5 | JP¥ 49403]

CONTE & BERTHAULT (sculpsit)
DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE. Alexandrie. Vue de la place des tombeaux, Vue des terrasses d'une partie de la ville. (ETAT MODERNE, volume II, planche 95)
Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 53,5x71cm, une feuille. Gravure originale à l'eau-forte in plano, non rognée, extraite de l'édition dite « Impériale » de la Description de l'Égypte ou Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand. Réalisée entre février 1802 et 1829 sur ordre de Napoléon Bonaparte et publiée à partir de 1809 [en réalité 1810], elle fut tirée à 1000 exemplaires sur Vergé filigrané « Égypte ancienne et moderne » et offerte aux institutions. Légères et marginales rousseurs sans atteinte à la gravure, sinon très bel état de fraîcheur et de conservation. VUES D'ALEXANDRIE : Planche issue d'un ensemble de vues d'Alexandrie telle qu'elle fut découverte par l'armée de Bonaparte en juin 1798. Les savants immortalisent artisans au travail, maisons particulières, vestiges de l'Antiquité, mais aussi églises et mosquées. Parties le 14 mai 1798 de Toulon, les troupes de l'armée d'Orient débarquèrent à Alexandrie un mois plus tard et découvrent cette ville portuaire avant de se diriger vers le Caire pour conquérir la capitale. Volume ETAT MODERNE, II : Le génie des savants de l'Institut se révèle particulièrement à travers les planches de la section dite Egypte Moderne. Architecture, industrie, structures sociales, état sanitaire, régime des eaux, musique, artisanat, sont exposés avec une précision et une qualité graphique exceptionnelle. L'esprit de L'Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert reste sous-jacent dans la démarche des dessinateurs de la Description de L'Egypte, qui accompagnent les volumes de textes de nombreuses planches détaillées, s'employant à dresser un portrait des populations empreint de beauté et de respect. Riches pachas ou simples artisans potiers sont représentés avec sensibilité, vaquant à leurs occupations au milieu de compositions esthétiques, sans pour autant tomber dans l'idéalisme ou la caricature. LA DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE, édition IMPERIALE (1809-1829) : La Description de l'Egypte est un des chefs d'œuvre de l'édition française et le point de départ d'une nouvelle science : l'égyptologie. Titanesque exposé de l'Egypte au temps des conquêtes de Bonaparte entre 1798 et 1799, elle est répartie en 23 volumes dont 13 volumes de gravures rassemblant près de 1000 planches en noir et 72 en couleur. Les 6 volumes de planches intitulées Antiquités sont consacrés aux splendeurs de l'Egypte pharaonique. L'Histoire naturelle est répartie en 3 volumes de gravures. Un volume est consacré aux Cartes géographiques et topographiques tandis que les 3 volumes : Etat Moderne dressent un portrait saisissant de l'Egypte copte et islamique telle qu'elle était vue par les armées d'Orient de Bonaparte. La « campagne d'Egypte », désastre militaire, dévoile à travers les gravures de la Description de l'Egypte la réussite scientifique qu'elle est devenue, grâce aux quelques 167 savants membres de la Commission des sciences et des arts de l'Institut d'Egypte qui suivaient l'armée de Napoléon. L'Institut a réuni en Egypte le mathématicien Monge, le chimiste Berthollet, le naturaliste Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ainsi que de nombreux artistes, ingénieurs, architectes, médecins... Ils eurent la charge de redécouvrir l'Egypte moderne et antique, d'en montrer les richesses naturelles, et le savoir-faire de ses habitants. L'édition originale, dite « Impériale », de la Description de l'Egypte fut réalisée sur quatre formats de grande taille, deux d'entre eux spécialement créés pour elle et baptisés formats « Moyen-Egypte » et « Grand-Egypte ». On construisit une presse spécifique pour son impression, qui s'étala sur vingt ans, entre 1809 et 1829. L'édition Impériale s'avéra si populaire qu'une deuxième édition en 37 volumes entièrement en noir et sans le filigrane « Egypte ancienne et moderne », dite édition « Panckoucke », fut publiée à partir de 1821 par l'imprimerie C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). La réalisation de ce monument d'érudition doit beaucoup au baron Dominique Vivant Denon, illustrateur, diplomate, collectionneur et par la suite directeur du musée Napoléon du Louvre qui accompagna Napoléon en Egypte avec de nombreux autres savants mais décida seul de s'aventurer dans le Sud du pays, alors que les autres scientifiques conviés restaient confinés dans la région du Caire. Les fabuleux croquis rapportés par Denon lors de sa romanesque chevauchée donnèrent l'idée à Bonaparte d'y envoyer les autres membres de l'Institut et ainsi dresser un portrait fidèle et complet du territoire. A la suite de Denon, ce sont donc les plus grands scientifiques et artistes français qui s'aventurèrent le long du Nil jusqu'en Nubie. Parmi eux, le peintre au muséum d'histoire naturelle H.J. Redouté (frère de Pierre-Joseph Redouté, auteur des Roses), le minéralogiste Dolomieu, le dessinateur Joly, et les ingénieurs Fourier et Costaz, chargés de l'étude scientifique des vestiges antiques de Haute-Egypte. Sans doute pour la première fois réunie dans une telle expédition, l'élite scientifique et artistique française, composée de plus de 160 « savants » dont près de 50 artistes, étudie méthodiquement l'Egypte pendant trois ans. Ils réalisent alors, sous l'égide et à la gloire de Napoléon, la plus vaste analyse historique, géographique, scientifique, économique et ethnologique jamais réalisée sur un pays. Mais ce sont peut-être les gravures qui constituèrent le défi technique majeur de cette Description de l'Egypte, comme en témoigne Yves Laissus, commissaire de l'exposition organisée en 2009 par la RMN et le Musée de l'Armée aux Invalides : « L'illustration, 836 planches dont une soixantaine en couleurs, gravées à l'eau forte et au burin dans des formats jusqu'alors inusités (le plus grand couvre près d'un mètre carré), a nécessité la construction de nouvelles formes et cuves pour la fabrication du papier, justifié l'invention, par Nicolas Conté, d'une machine destinée à alléger la besogne des graveurs, et exigé la réalisation de nouvelles presses capables d'imprimer ces images immenses. Certaines d'entre elles ont demandé deux années de travail. Près de 200 graveurs ont reproduit sur le cuivre les œuvres de 62 dessinateurs dont 46 ont participé à l'expédition. » Rare et superbe gravure originale d'une exceptionnelle facture et qualité graphique, témoignage d'une des plus ambitieuses aventures éditoriales françaises. - Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 53,5x71cm, une feuille. [ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOLLOWS] Original, unshaved, full-page etching from the ""Imperial edition"" of the Description de l'Égypte, or 'Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand [A Collection of the observations and research carried out in Egypt during the French expedition, published on the orders of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon the Great]'. Produced between February 1802 and 1830 on the orders of Naopleon Bonaparte and published between 1809 and 1828, 1,000 copies were printed and distributed to institutions, on vergé paper with an 'Égypte ancienne et moderne' watermark, visible when held up to the light. Light marginal spotting not touching image, otherwise in very fresh, fine condition. An engraving from the Description de l'Egypte, one of the masterpieces of French printing and the birth of a new field: Egyptology. A gigantic survey of Egypt at the time of Bonaparte's conquests in 1798 and 1799, the work is divided into 13 volumes of engravings making up 892 plates, of which 72 colored, as well as presenting the splendors of the Egypt of the Pharaohs in 9 volumes. The other volumes discuss natural history and present a fascinating portrait of Coptic and Islamic Egypt as it was seen by Bonaparte's Eastern Armies. The 'Egyptian campaign', militarily a disaster, demonstrates, through the engravings of the Description d'Egypte, the scientific success it nonetheless became thanks to the 167 expert members of the Commission of the Sciences and Arts of the Institut d'Egypte [Egyptian Institute] who followed Napoleon's army. The Institut gathered together in Egypt the mathematician Monge, the chemist Berthollet, the naturalist Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire as well as numerous artists, engineers, architects and doctors. They were tasked with re-discovering modern and ancient Egypt and displaying its natural treasures as well as the know-how of its inhabitants. This edition, the so-called ""Imperial"" edition of the plates for the Description de l'Egypte was printed in four large formats, two of which were specially created for it and christened ""Moyen-Egypte"" and ""Grand-Egypte"". A special press was built to print it, the process extending over 20 years, from 1809 to 1829. The ""Imperial"" edition proved so popular that a second edition, this time in black and white and without the ""Egypte ancienne et moderne"" watermark - known as the ""Royal Edition"" - was published during the Restoration by the printing house of C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). The engravings of the Description d'Egypte owe a great deal to Baron Dominique-Vivant Denon, illustrator, diplomat, collector and later Director of the Musée Napoléon (the Louvre). His exploration of the South of Egypt gave Bonaparte the idea of sending the experts of the Institut there, thus creating a faithful and complete portrait of the area. This was the research gathered together from 1802 in the mammoth Description de L'Egypte. Denon embarked on this story of archeological exploration at the age of 51, reaching first Alexandria and then Cairo before exploring Upper Egypt. Along with the members of the Institut d'Egypte, the Natural History Museum's painter H.J. Redouté (brother of Pierre-Joseph Redouté, author of Roses), the mineralogist Dolomiue, and the draughtsman Joly, Denon then explored the Nile Delta and Lower Egypt. When, however, he joined the 21st Light Infantry Regiment as it marched across Upper Egypt in pursuit of the retreating Mameluks in November 1798, he found himself the only civilian. In the very midst of the battle itself, he reeled off sketches of the works of art that peppered his path right up to the threshold of the Sudan. He said that he had crossed ""a country that is, apart from its name, entirely unknown to Europeans, and therefore everything was worth describing"" (Voyages dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte en 1798 et 1799, 1817). On his return to Cairo, the great general, spellbound by Denon's accounts and drawings ordered two commissions to be set up, led by the engineers Fourier and Costaz. They were tasked with the scientific study of the ancient remains in Upper Egypt; research that proved a significant contribution to the monumental Description d'Egypte, from which this plate is taken. ANCIENT EGYPT These engravings therefore represent a unique body of material that contributed to Jean-François Champollion's deciphering of hieroglyphics, and which mark the beginning of the line of Mariette, Maspero and Carter, who would reshape the face of Ancient Egypt. They also started a craze that gave birth to the phenomenon of Egyptomania and the Orientalism of Delacroix, Fromentin, Marilhat, Decamps and Théophile Gautier. Financiers, politicians, merchants and all kinds of treasure-hunters made their way to the banks of the Nile in search of riches, following this rediscovery of Egypt. The originators of Egyptology, these plates were to have a hugely influential afterlife. NATURAL HISTORY These engravings show the scientific genius of the French experts then working on the ground in Egypt, laying the foundations for its becoming a French colony. This colonizing project, which had been mooted since the reign of Louis XIV, was now accompanied - with Bonaparte's arrival - by an in-depth study of the country's fauna and flora thanks to the work of the most eminent naturalists, mineralogists, and entomologists of the day. The Description de l'Egypte shows all of this immense scientific undertaking through its engravings, which were done after drawings by members of the Academy of Science, including Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire, Alire Raffenau-Delile and Henri-Joseph Redouté. In the words of Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ""We have gathered the material for the greatest work that a nation could hope to undertake. In mourning the fate of so many brave soldiers who - after so many glorious exploits - fell in Egypt, we shall be able to console ourselves that such precious works came into being."" MODERN EGYPT The genius of the experts of the Institut d'Egypte is revealed in the plates of the section known as ""Modern Egypte"". Architecture, industry, social organization, conditions of health, irrigation, music, and crafts, are all presented with exceptional precision and powers of description. The spirit of Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie runs through the work of the draughtsmen of the Description de L'Egypte, who accompanied the text volumes with numerous detailed plates, undertaking to produce a portrait of the local population that was imbued with both beauty and respect. Wealthy Pashas and simple artisan potters are sensitively represented here, going about their business in beautifully composed images that nonetheless do not fall into the traps of idealism or caricature. ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE (the ""Cairo"" plates) The set of engravings to which this plate belongs constitutes one of the first complete studies of the monuments of Islamic Egypt in Cairo, bringing together maps, sections and elevations of mosques, mausoleums and fortifications, from the Tulunid era in the 9th century up to the Mameluk constructions contemporaneous with the arrival of the Bonapartist troops. At the same time, the architects and engineers of the Institut d'Egypte also made a big series of plates dedicated to civilian housing and edifices in Cairo, including both grander and more modest constructions, providing a precious picture of life in Cairo at the end of the 19th century. BAB AL FOUTOUH Bab el-Foutouh, "" The Conquest Gate"" marks the northern limit of Fatimid old Cairo. Rebuilt in 1087, it is highly defensive in nature owing to the turbulent climate in 11th Century Cairo, which saw a number of popular uprisings. An imposing gate, it has two semicircular towers with low-slung arches made of heavy blocks of stone anchored within the ramparts. The sizeable passage through the gate (4.85m wide by 6.79m high) has a shallow dome. BAB EL NASR Bab el-Nasr, ""The Victory Gate"" is on the northern wall of the Fatimid fortress in Cairo. Its two enormous rectangular towers were rebuilt in 1087 after a long period of popular uprisings. On this highly attractive frontal image signed Protain, one can admire the sculpted shields in the corners of the gate and on the towers, symbolizing victory and protection against invaders. After taking Cairo, Napoleon named all the towers along the wall of the fortress after the officers assigned to guard them. Their names are still engraved on the upper parts of the walls of the gate. SULTAN HASSAN MOSQUE The massive architectural complex constructed by Sultan Hassan at the foot of the citadel in Cairo was built in the ostentatious style so characteristic of Mameluk architecture. Completed in 1356, the Sultan Hassan Mosque has a monumental gate and a 57m high minaret. This group of buildings, comprising a mausoleum that was never put to use, was strategically built on the site of a square that saw the start of a number of popular uprisings. The mosque was heavily inspired by Iranian models. Philae This plate is taken from a set of engravings dedicated to the Temple of Isis on the island of Philae. The final bastion of the worship of the ancient Egyptian gods, the temple of Isis was the last pagan temple to be in use before it was closed in the 6th century A.D. under Justinian. Construction on the temple began under the Ptolemies, a period of growth for the Isis cult. Isis was the sister and wife of Osiris and mother to Horus. Kom Ombo (Ombos) The Kom Ombo site, 40 kilometers from Aswan, is home to one of the best preserved ancient Egyptian temples, dedicated to Sobek, a crocodile god and Haroeris, a form of Horus. Built in the Ptolemaic era, it was actually founded during the XVIIIth Dynasty. Its massive Composite capitals and highly accomplished reliefs are captured accurately by the draughtsmen of the Institut d'Egypte, Jollois, Balzac and Cécile. The dual aspect of its design, intended for worship of two different divine triads - those of Sobek and Haroeris - is reproduced in great detail by the architects and engineers of the Egyptian campaign through this set of prints, which preceded the first archeological digs in the building by Auguste Mariette in 1828. Edfu This plate is taken from a series of views of the great temple at Edfu and the various buildings in its cultic complex. The temple of Horus, a jewel of Ptolemaic architecture and exceptionally well-preserved, is made up of a majestic entry gate and a hypostyle chamber, which are both extensively documented thanks to the engravings by the experts of the Institut d'Egypte. Begun in 237 BC by Ptolemy III and completed 180 years later under Tiberius, it proved an extraordinary sight for the draughtsmen come to explore the left bank of the Nile. Esna and its environs The town of Esna (Esneh or Latopolis in Bonaparte's time), lies fifty kilometers to the south of Luxor. The experts from the Institut de l'Egypte documented their discovery of its temple, dedicated to Khnum, one of the gods of creation who worked with clay and had the head of a ram; he controlled the life-giving flooding of the Nile, the source of fertility. He was associated with Nebt-uu, the mistress of the countryside and Menhyt, a goddess with the head of a lion. This temple, partially rebuilt during the Ptolemaic era, was added to right up to the reign of Tiberius. The draughtsmen also produced a number of views of the neighboring temples, most notably the less well-preserved temple of Contra-Latopolis to the north of Esna. Thebes Medinet-Habu Close to Thebes and Luxor on the left bank of the Nile, the city of Medinet-Habu is home to one of the most attractive temples of New Kingdom period Egypt, the mortuary temple of Ramses III. This dates from the middle of the 12th century BC, and is based on the famous Ramesseum of his predecessor, which it surpasses in size. A funerary temple celebrating the Pharaoh, the experts of the Institut d'Egypte set about creating cross-sections, plans and elevations, and most especially capturing its numerous bas-reliefs. The architects and draughtsmen also focused on the Royal Palace and its internal peristyle within the 12-metre fortress that encircles the religious complex, including the Temple of Amon, located at the south-east of the site and begun in the reign of Hatshepsut at the end of the 15th Century BC. Memnonium The Memnonium, a name used by visitors to the Valley of the Kings from 1750 to 1850, refers to a set of three royal buildings constructed during the New Kingdom: the Ramesseum, the Temple of Amenhotep III and the Temple of Sethi I. The draughtsmen and architects of Bonaparte's Institut, sent out on expedition across Upper Egypt from 1799 documented Thebes and the Valley of the Kings, even attempting to reconstruct some of the buildings on the basis of descriptions by Classical authors. The tomb of Ozymandias (one of the numerous names of Ramses II), in a very poor state, thus became the subject of very thorough study and an attempt to fill in its missing bits on the basis of the writings of Diodurus Siculus. This Greek historian of the Augustine period stayed in the valley of the Nile from 60-57 BC and his visit to the tomb of Ramses II is recounted in his monumental Bibliotheca Historica (Book I, XLVII-XLIX). At the same time, the experts also made extremely detailed studies and views of the Colossi of Memnon, all that remains of a huge memorial temple to Amenhotep III built on the road to the necropolis in the Valley of the Kings. These colossi were located at the entrance to the temple in front of a preliminary pylon made of brick. These two statues represent King Amenhotep III framed to the right by the great Royal Consort Tiy and to the left by the Queen Mother Mutemwiya. Hypogea and Biban el Moluk This plate is taken from a series of engravings of the hypogea in the Valley of the Kings (Biban el Moluk) in Thebes. Some are in color to show the vivid hues of the sarcophaguses and mysterious murals whose secret had yet to be broken by Jean-François Champollion. The draughtsmen of the Institut, including the famous Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, sent by Napoleon to cover Upper Egypt in 1799, capture with élan the royal mummies and the artifacts that accompanied the dead in their journey to the netherworld: urns, furniture, weapons, idols and the mummies of numerous mammals and birds. Karnak This plate is from a set on the Great Temple at Karnak, built during the New Kingdom at the time of Ramses III. This enormous complex is divided into three parts and is dedicated to the Theban Triad of gods, Amun, Mut and Khonsu. Its sculptures, internal bas-reliefs and sunken reliefs on the external facades are intricately captured by the engineers of the Institut, while the architects worked out the complex groundplan of this edifice, which was divided into facades, colonnaded halls and sacral spaces reserved for the temple priests. The alley of the monumental sphinx which links the site to the Luxor site was also the subject of a plate by Lepère, an architect from the Institut who took part in the expedition across Upper Egypt. Dendera The experts executed views and drawings of the temples of Dendera (or Tentyra), a city in Upper Egypt 60km to the north of Luxor. They have captured, with an exceptional degree of graphic artistry, the thick, round nature of the sculpted reliefs of the great Temple of Hathor, built under the Ptolemies in the first half of the 1st century BC. They also produced interesting views of the neighboring temples as well as a selection of reliefs of the ""Dendera Zodiac"", a chapel dedicated to Osiris and located beneath the temple of Hathor. Its famous astronomical relief was discovered by the French General Desaix - stationed in Upper Egypt by Bonaparte from 1798 - and taken back to France in 1821 by Claude Lelorrain; it is now on display in the Louvre. Another astronomical and cosmological relief on the ceiling of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Hathor is the subject of a magnificent plate by Jollois and Devilliers. This covers seven soffit coffers of the ceiling and is an immense allegorical image showing several levels of consciousness: that of cosmogony, the constellations and their effect on the Earth, the creation of Man, and the Nomes of Egypt, symbolized by 21 pairs of wings topped with the red crown of Lower Egypt and the white tiara of Upper Egypt. The Pyramids at Memphis The Giza Plateau, near Memphis, is home to three of the most famous Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, the tombs of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, Pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty (2620-2500 BC). The experts of the Institut, hurrying to Memphis, explored the plateau and made numerous views of these majestic pyramids, towering over inhabitants and mounted figures. They also made minutely detailed views of the epigraphs on the tombs adjacent to the pyramids, as well as views of the Sphinx of Gaza near the Pyramid of Khafre. Views of Alexandria A plate taken from a set of view of Alexandria as it was found by Napoleon's army in June 1798. Embarking in Toulon on the 14th May, his troops disembarked at Alexandria a month later and explored this port city before heading towards Cairo to take the capital.
Librairie Le Feu FolletProfessional seller
Book number: 26302
€  180.00 [Appr.: US$ 194 | £UK 149.75 | JP¥ 29642]

BALZAC Charles-Louis & BERTHAULT (sculpsit)
DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE. Alexandrie. Vue du pont de l'aqueduc sur le canal d'Alexandrie, Vue du débarquement de l'Armée française en Égypte à la tour dite du Marabou. (ETAT MODERNE, volume II, planche 99)
Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 53,5x71cm, une feuille. Gravure originale à l'eau-forte in plano, non rognée, extraite de l'édition dite « Impériale » de la Description de l'Égypte ou Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand. Réalisée entre février 1802 et 1829 sur ordre de Napoléon Bonaparte et publiée à partir de 1809 [en réalité 1810], elle fut tirée à 1000 exemplaires sur Vergé filigrané « Égypte ancienne et moderne » et offerte aux institutions. Infimes et marginales rousseurs sans atteinte à la gravure, un petit manque sans conséquence en bordure de la marge droite, sinon très bel état de fraîcheur et de conservation. VUES D'ALEXANDRIE : Planche issue d'un ensemble de vues d'Alexandrie telle qu'elle fut découverte par l'armée de Bonaparte en juin 1798. Les savants immortalisent artisans au travail, maisons particulières, vestiges de l'Antiquité, mais aussi églises et mosquées. Parties le 14 mai 1798 de Toulon, les troupes de l'armée d'Orient débarquèrent à Alexandrie un mois plus tard et découvrent cette ville portuaire avant de se diriger vers le Caire pour conquérir la capitale. Volume ETAT MODERNE, II : Le génie des savants de l'Institut se révèle particulièrement à travers les planches de la section dite Egypte Moderne. Architecture, industrie, structures sociales, état sanitaire, régime des eaux, musique, artisanat, sont exposés avec une précision et une qualité graphique exceptionnelle. L'esprit de L'Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert reste sous-jacent dans la démarche des dessinateurs de la Description de L'Egypte, qui accompagnent les volumes de textes de nombreuses planches détaillées, s'employant à dresser un portrait des populations empreint de beauté et de respect. Riches pachas ou simples artisans potiers sont représentés avec sensibilité, vaquant à leurs occupations au milieu de compositions esthétiques, sans pour autant tomber dans l'idéalisme ou la caricature. LA DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE, édition IMPERIALE (1809-1829) : La Description de l'Egypte est un des chefs d'œuvre de l'édition française et le point de départ d'une nouvelle science : l'égyptologie. Titanesque exposé de l'Egypte au temps des conquêtes de Bonaparte entre 1798 et 1799, elle est répartie en 23 volumes dont 13 volumes de gravures rassemblant près de 1000 planches en noir et 72 en couleur. Les 6 volumes de planches intitulées Antiquités sont consacrés aux splendeurs de l'Egypte pharaonique. L'Histoire naturelle est répartie en 3 volumes de gravures. Un volume est consacré aux Cartes géographiques et topographiques tandis que les 3 volumes : Etat Moderne dressent un portrait saisissant de l'Egypte copte et islamique telle qu'elle était vue par les armées d'Orient de Bonaparte. La « campagne d'Egypte », désastre militaire, dévoile à travers les gravures de la Description de l'Egypte la réussite scientifique qu'elle est devenue, grâce aux quelques 167 savants membres de la Commission des sciences et des arts de l'Institut d'Egypte qui suivaient l'armée de Napoléon. L'Institut a réuni en Egypte le mathématicien Monge, le chimiste Berthollet, le naturaliste Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ainsi que de nombreux artistes, ingénieurs, architectes, médecins... Ils eurent la charge de redécouvrir l'Egypte moderne et antique, d'en montrer les richesses naturelles, et le savoir-faire de ses habitants. L'édition originale, dite « Impériale », de la Description de l'Egypte fut réalisée sur quatre formats de grande taille, deux d'entre eux spécialement créés pour elle et baptisés formats « Moyen-Egypte » et « Grand-Egypte ». On construisit une presse spécifique pour son impression, qui s'étala sur vingt ans, entre 1809 et 1829. L'édition Impériale s'avéra si populaire qu'une deuxième édition en 37 volumes entièrement en noir et sans le filigrane « Egypte ancienne et moderne », dite édition « Panckoucke », fut publiée à partir de 1821 par l'imprimerie C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). La réalisation de ce monument d'érudition doit beaucoup au baron Dominique Vivant Denon, illustrateur, diplomate, collectionneur et par la suite directeur du musée Napoléon du Louvre qui accompagna Napoléon en Egypte avec de nombreux autres savants mais décida seul de s'aventurer dans le Sud du pays, alors que les autres scientifiques conviés restaient confinés dans la région du Caire. Les fabuleux croquis rapportés par Denon lors de sa romanesque chevauchée donnèrent l'idée à Bonaparte d'y envoyer les autres membres de l'Institut et ainsi dresser un portrait fidèle et complet du territoire. A la suite de Denon, ce sont donc les plus grands scientifiques et artistes français qui s'aventurèrent le long du Nil jusqu'en Nubie. Parmi eux, le peintre au muséum d'histoire naturelle H.J. Redouté (frère de Pierre-Joseph Redouté, auteur des Roses), le minéralogiste Dolomieu, le dessinateur Joly, et les ingénieurs Fourier et Costaz, chargés de l'étude scientifique des vestiges antiques de Haute-Egypte. Sans doute pour la première fois réunie dans une telle expédition, l'élite scientifique et artistique française, composée de plus de 160 « savants » dont près de 50 artistes, étudie méthodiquement l'Egypte pendant trois ans. Ils réalisent alors, sous l'égide et à la gloire de Napoléon, la plus vaste analyse historique, géographique, scientifique, économique et ethnologique jamais réalisée sur un pays. Mais ce sont peut-être les gravures qui constituèrent le défi technique majeur de cette Description de l'Egypte, comme en témoigne Yves Laissus, commissaire de l'exposition organisée en 2009 par la RMN et le Musée de l'Armée aux Invalides : « L'illustration, 836 planches dont une soixantaine en couleurs, gravées à l'eau forte et au burin dans des formats jusqu'alors inusités (le plus grand couvre près d'un mètre carré), a nécessité la construction de nouvelles formes et cuves pour la fabrication du papier, justifié l'invention, par Nicolas Conté, d'une machine destinée à alléger la besogne des graveurs, et exigé la réalisation de nouvelles presses capables d'imprimer ces images immenses. Certaines d'entre elles ont demandé deux années de travail. Près de 200 graveurs ont reproduit sur le cuivre les œuvres de 62 dessinateurs dont 46 ont participé à l'expédition. » Rare et superbe gravure originale d'une exceptionnelle facture et qualité graphique, témoignage d'une des plus ambitieuses aventures éditoriales françaises. - Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 53,5x71cm, une feuille. [ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOLLOWS] Original, unshaved, full-page etching from the ""Imperial edition"" of the Description de l'Égypte, or 'Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand [A Collection of the observations and research carried out in Egypt during the French expedition, published on the orders of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon the Great]'. Produced between February 1802 and 1830 on the orders of Naopleon Bonaparte and published between 1809 and 1828, 1,000 copies were printed and distributed to institutions, on vergé paper with an 'Égypte ancienne et moderne' watermark, visible when held up to the light. Light marginal spotting not touching image, otherwise in very fresh, fine condition. An engraving from the Description de l'Egypte, one of the masterpieces of French printing and the birth of a new field: Egyptology. A gigantic survey of Egypt at the time of Bonaparte's conquests in 1798 and 1799, the work is divided into 13 volumes of engravings making up 892 plates, of which 72 colored, as well as presenting the splendors of the Egypt of the Pharaohs in 9 volumes. The other volumes discuss natural history and present a fascinating portrait of Coptic and Islamic Egypt as it was seen by Bonaparte's Eastern Armies. The 'Egyptian campaign', militarily a disaster, demonstrates, through the engravings of the Description d'Egypte, the scientific success it nonetheless became thanks to the 167 expert members of the Commission of the Sciences and Arts of the Institut d'Egypte [Egyptian Institute] who followed Napoleon's army. The Institut gathered together in Egypt the mathematician Monge, the chemist Berthollet, the naturalist Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire as well as numerous artists, engineers, architects and doctors. They were tasked with re-discovering modern and ancient Egypt and displaying its natural treasures as well as the know-how of its inhabitants. This edition, the so-called ""Imperial"" edition of the plates for the Description de l'Egypte was printed in four large formats, two of which were specially created for it and christened ""Moyen-Egypte"" and ""Grand-Egypte"". A special press was built to print it, the process extending over 20 years, from 1809 to 1829. The ""Imperial"" edition proved so popular that a second edition, this time in black and white and without the ""Egypte ancienne et moderne"" watermark - known as the ""Royal Edition"" - was published during the Restoration by the printing house of C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). The engravings of the Description d'Egypte owe a great deal to Baron Dominique-Vivant Denon, illustrator, diplomat, collector and later Director of the Musée Napoléon (the Louvre). His exploration of the South of Egypt gave Bonaparte the idea of sending the experts of the Institut there, thus creating a faithful and complete portrait of the area. This was the research gathered together from 1802 in the mammoth Description de L'Egypte. Denon embarked on this story of archeological exploration at the age of 51, reaching first Alexandria and then Cairo before exploring Upper Egypt. Along with the members of the Institut d'Egypte, the Natural History Museum's painter H.J. Redouté (brother of Pierre-Joseph Redouté, author of Roses), the mineralogist Dolomiue, and the draughtsman Joly, Denon then explored the Nile Delta and Lower Egypt. When, however, he joined the 21st Light Infantry Regiment as it marched across Upper Egypt in pursuit of the retreating Mameluks in November 1798, he found himself the only civilian. In the very midst of the battle itself, he reeled off sketches of the works of art that peppered his path right up to the threshold of the Sudan. He said that he had crossed ""a country that is, apart from its name, entirely unknown to Europeans, and therefore everything was worth describing"" (Voyages dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte en 1798 et 1799, 1817). On his return to Cairo, the great general, spellbound by Denon's accounts and drawings ordered two commissions to be set up, led by the engineers Fourier and Costaz. They were tasked with the scientific study of the ancient remains in Upper Egypt; research that proved a significant contribution to the monumental Description d'Egypte, from which this plate is taken. ANCIENT EGYPT These engravings therefore represent a unique body of material that contributed to Jean-François Champollion's deciphering of hieroglyphics, and which mark the beginning of the line of Mariette, Maspero and Carter, who would reshape the face of Ancient Egypt. They also started a craze that gave birth to the phenomenon of Egyptomania and the Orientalism of Delacroix, Fromentin, Marilhat, Decamps and Théophile Gautier. Financiers, politicians, merchants and all kinds of treasure-hunters made their way to the banks of the Nile in search of riches, following this rediscovery of Egypt. The originators of Egyptology, these plates were to have a hugely influential afterlife. NATURAL HISTORY These engravings show the scientific genius of the French experts then working on the ground in Egypt, laying the foundations for its becoming a French colony. This colonizing project, which had been mooted since the reign of Louis XIV, was now accompanied - with Bonaparte's arrival - by an in-depth study of the country's fauna and flora thanks to the work of the most eminent naturalists, mineralogists, and entomologists of the day. The Description de l'Egypte shows all of this immense scientific undertaking through its engravings, which were done after drawings by members of the Academy of Science, including Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire, Alire Raffenau-Delile and Henri-Joseph Redouté. In the words of Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ""We have gathered the material for the greatest work that a nation could hope to undertake. In mourning the fate of so many brave soldiers who - after so many glorious exploits - fell in Egypt, we shall be able to console ourselves that such precious works came into being."" MODERN EGYPT The genius of the experts of the Institut d'Egypte is revealed in the plates of the section known as ""Modern Egypte"". Architecture, industry, social organization, conditions of health, irrigation, music, and crafts, are all presented with exceptional precision and powers of description. The spirit of Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie runs through the work of the draughtsmen of the Description de L'Egypte, who accompanied the text volumes with numerous detailed plates, undertaking to produce a portrait of the local population that was imbued with both beauty and respect. Wealthy Pashas and simple artisan potters are sensitively represented here, going about their business in beautifully composed images that nonetheless do not fall into the traps of idealism or caricature. ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE (the ""Cairo"" plates) The set of engravings to which this plate belongs constitutes one of the first complete studies of the monuments of Islamic Egypt in Cairo, bringing together maps, sections and elevations of mosques, mausoleums and fortifications, from the Tulunid era in the 9th century up to the Mameluk constructions contemporaneous with the arrival of the Bonapartist troops. At the same time, the architects and engineers of the Institut d'Egypte also made a big series of plates dedicated to civilian housing and edifices in Cairo, including both grander and more modest constructions, providing a precious picture of life in Cairo at the end of the 19th century. BAB AL FOUTOUH Bab el-Foutouh, "" The Conquest Gate"" marks the northern limit of Fatimid old Cairo. Rebuilt in 1087, it is highly defensive in nature owing to the turbulent climate in 11th Century Cairo, which saw a number of popular uprisings. An imposing gate, it has two semicircular towers with low-slung arches made of heavy blocks of stone anchored within the ramparts. The sizeable passage through the gate (4.85m wide by 6.79m high) has a shallow dome. BAB EL NASR Bab el-Nasr, ""The Victory Gate"" is on the northern wall of the Fatimid fortress in Cairo. Its two enormous rectangular towers were rebuilt in 1087 after a long period of popular uprisings. On this highly attractive frontal image signed Protain, one can admire the sculpted shields in the corners of the gate and on the towers, symbolizing victory and protection against invaders. After taking Cairo, Napoleon named all the towers along the wall of the fortress after the officers assigned to guard them. Their names are still engraved on the upper parts of the walls of the gate. SULTAN HASSAN MOSQUE The massive architectural complex constructed by Sultan Hassan at the foot of the citadel in Cairo was built in the ostentatious style so characteristic of Mameluk architecture. Completed in 1356, the Sultan Hassan Mosque has a monumental gate and a 57m high minaret. This group of buildings, comprising a mausoleum that was never put to use, was strategically built on the site of a square that saw the start of a number of popular uprisings. The mosque was heavily inspired by Iranian models. Philae This plate is taken from a set of engravings dedicated to the Temple of Isis on the island of Philae. The final bastion of the worship of the ancient Egyptian gods, the temple of Isis was the last pagan temple to be in use before it was closed in the 6th century A.D. under Justinian. Construction on the temple began under the Ptolemies, a period of growth for the Isis cult. Isis was the sister and wife of Osiris and mother to Horus. Kom Ombo (Ombos) The Kom Ombo site, 40 kilometers from Aswan, is home to one of the best preserved ancient Egyptian temples, dedicated to Sobek, a crocodile god and Haroeris, a form of Horus. Built in the Ptolemaic era, it was actually founded during the XVIIIth Dynasty. Its massive Composite capitals and highly accomplished reliefs are captured accurately by the draughtsmen of the Institut d'Egypte, Jollois, Balzac and Cécile. The dual aspect of its design, intended for worship of two different divine triads - those of Sobek and Haroeris - is reproduced in great detail by the architects and engineers of the Egyptian campaign through this set of prints, which preceded the first archeological digs in the building by Auguste Mariette in 1828. Edfu This plate is taken from a series of views of the great temple at Edfu and the various buildings in its cultic complex. The temple of Horus, a jewel of Ptolemaic architecture and exceptionally well-preserved, is made up of a majestic entry gate and a hypostyle chamber, which are both extensively documented thanks to the engravings by the experts of the Institut d'Egypte. Begun in 237 BC by Ptolemy III and completed 180 years later under Tiberius, it proved an extraordinary sight for the draughtsmen come to explore the left bank of the Nile. Esna and its environs The town of Esna (Esneh or Latopolis in Bonaparte's time), lies fifty kilometers to the south of Luxor. The experts from the Institut de l'Egypte documented their discovery of its temple, dedicated to Khnum, one of the gods of creation who worked with clay and had the head of a ram; he controlled the life-giving flooding of the Nile, the source of fertility. He was associated with Nebt-uu, the mistress of the countryside and Menhyt, a goddess with the head of a lion. This temple, partially rebuilt during the Ptolemaic era, was added to right up to the reign of Tiberius. The draughtsmen also produced a number of views of the neighboring temples, most notably the less well-preserved temple of Contra-Latopolis to the north of Esna. Thebes Medinet-Habu Close to Thebes and Luxor on the left bank of the Nile, the city of Medinet-Habu is home to one of the most attractive temples of New Kingdom period Egypt, the mortuary temple of Ramses III. This dates from the middle of the 12th century BC, and is based on the famous Ramesseum of his predecessor, which it surpasses in size. A funerary temple celebrating the Pharaoh, the experts of the Institut d'Egypte set about creating cross-sections, plans and elevations, and most especially capturing its numerous bas-reliefs. The architects and draughtsmen also focused on the Royal Palace and its internal peristyle within the 12-metre fortress that encircles the religious complex, including the Temple of Amon, located at the south-east of the site and begun in the reign of Hatshepsut at the end of the 15th Century BC. Memnonium The Memnonium, a name used by visitors to the Valley of the Kings from 1750 to 1850, refers to a set of three royal buildings constructed during the New Kingdom: the Ramesseum, the Temple of Amenhotep III and the Temple of Sethi I. The draughtsmen and architects of Bonaparte's Institut, sent out on expedition across Upper Egypt from 1799 documented Thebes and the Valley of the Kings, even attempting to reconstruct some of the buildings on the basis of descriptions by Classical authors. The tomb of Ozymandias (one of the numerous names of Ramses II), in a very poor state, thus became the subject of very thorough study and an attempt to fill in its missing bits on the basis of the writings of Diodurus Siculus. This Greek historian of the Augustine period stayed in the valley of the Nile from 60-57 BC and his visit to the tomb of Ramses II is recounted in his monumental Bibliotheca Historica (Book I, XLVII-XLIX). At the same time, the experts also made extremely detailed studies and views of the Colossi of Memnon, all that remains of a huge memorial temple to Amenhotep III built on the road to the necropolis in the Valley of the Kings. These colossi were located at the entrance to the temple in front of a preliminary pylon made of brick. These two statues represent King Amenhotep III framed to the right by the great Royal Consort Tiy and to the left by the Queen Mother Mutemwiya. Hypogea and Biban el Moluk This plate is taken from a series of engravings of the hypogea in the Valley of the Kings (Biban el Moluk) in Thebes. Some are in color to show the vivid hues of the sarcophaguses and mysterious murals whose secret had yet to be broken by Jean-François Champollion. The draughtsmen of the Institut, including the famous Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, sent by Napoleon to cover Upper Egypt in 1799, capture with élan the royal mummies and the artifacts that accompanied the dead in their journey to the netherworld: urns, furniture, weapons, idols and the mummies of numerous mammals and birds. Karnak This plate is from a set on the Great Temple at Karnak, built during the New Kingdom at the time of Ramses III. This enormous complex is divided into three parts and is dedicated to the Theban Triad of gods, Amun, Mut and Khonsu. Its sculptures, internal bas-reliefs and sunken reliefs on the external facades are intricately captured by the engineers of the Institut, while the architects worked out the complex groundplan of this edifice, which was divided into facades, colonnaded halls and sacral spaces reserved for the temple priests. The alley of the monumental sphinx which links the site to the Luxor site was also the subject of a plate by Lepère, an architect from the Institut who took part in the expedition across Upper Egypt. Dendera The experts executed views and drawings of the temples of Dendera (or Tentyra), a city in Upper Egypt 60km to the north of Luxor. They have captured, with an exceptional degree of graphic artistry, the thick, round nature of the sculpted reliefs of the great Temple of Hathor, built under the Ptolemies in the first half of the 1st century BC. They also produced interesting views of the neighboring temples as well as a selection of reliefs of the ""Dendera Zodiac"", a chapel dedicated to Osiris and located beneath the temple of Hathor. Its famous astronomical relief was discovered by the French General Desaix - stationed in Upper Egypt by Bonaparte from 1798 - and taken back to France in 1821 by Claude Lelorrain; it is now on display in the Louvre. Another astronomical and cosmological relief on the ceiling of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Hathor is the subject of a magnificent plate by Jollois and Devilliers. This covers seven soffit coffers of the ceiling and is an immense allegorical image showing several levels of consciousness: that of cosmogony, the constellations and their effect on the Earth, the creation of Man, and the Nomes of Egypt, symbolized by 21 pairs of wings topped with the red crown of Lower Egypt and the white tiara of Upper Egypt. The Pyramids at Memphis The Giza Plateau, near Memphis, is home to three of the most famous Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, the tombs of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, Pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty (2620-2500 BC). The experts of the Institut, hurrying to Memphis, explored the plateau and made numerous views of these majestic pyramids, towering over inhabitants and mounted figures. They also made minutely detailed views of the epigraphs on the tombs adjacent to the pyramids, as well as views of the Sphinx of Gaza near the Pyramid of Khafre. Views of Alexandria A plate taken from a set of view of Alexandria as it was found by Napoleon's army in June 1798. Embarking in Toulon on the 14th May, his troops disembarked at Alexandria a month later and explored this port city before heading towards Cairo to take the capital.
Librairie Le Feu FolletProfessional seller
Book number: 26308
€  180.00 [Appr.: US$ 194 | £UK 149.75 | JP¥ 29642]

CONTE & BERTHAULT (sculpsit)
DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE. Arts et métiers. Plan, coupe et détails de la roue à pots ou machine à arroser. (ETAT MODERNE, volume II, planche IV)
Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 71x53,5cm, une feuille. Gravure originale à l'eau-forte in plano, non rognée, extraite de l'édition dite « Impériale » de la Description de l'Égypte ou Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand. Réalisée entre février 1802 et 1829 sur ordre de Napoléon Bonaparte et publiée à partir de 1809 [en réalité 1810], elle fut tirée à 1000 exemplaires sur Vergé filigrané « Égypte ancienne et moderne » et offerte aux institutions. Légères et marginales rousseurs sans atteinte à la gravure, sinon très bel état de fraîcheur et de conservation. Volume ETAT MODERNE, II : Le génie des savants de l'Institut se révèle particulièrement à travers les planches de la section dite Egypte Moderne. Architecture, industrie, structures sociales, état sanitaire, régime des eaux, musique, artisanat, sont exposés avec une précision et une qualité graphique exceptionnelle. L'esprit de L'Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert reste sous-jacent dans la démarche des dessinateurs de la Description de L'Egypte, qui accompagnent les volumes de textes de nombreuses planches détaillées, s'employant à dresser un portrait des populations empreint de beauté et de respect. Riches pachas ou simples artisans potiers sont représentés avec sensibilité, vaquant à leurs occupations au milieu de compositions esthétiques, sans pour autant tomber dans l'idéalisme ou la caricature. LA DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE, édition IMPERIALE (1809-1829) : La Description de l'Egypte est un des chefs d'œuvre de l'édition française et le point de départ d'une nouvelle science : l'égyptologie. Titanesque exposé de l'Egypte au temps des conquêtes de Bonaparte entre 1798 et 1799, elle est répartie en 23 volumes dont 13 volumes de gravures rassemblant près de 1000 planches en noir et 72 en couleur. Les 6 volumes de planches intitulées Antiquités sont consacrés aux splendeurs de l'Egypte pharaonique. L'Histoire naturelle est répartie en 3 volumes de gravures. Un volume est consacré aux Cartes géographiques et topographiques tandis que les 3 volumes : Etat Moderne dressent un portrait saisissant de l'Egypte copte et islamique telle qu'elle était vue par les armées d'Orient de Bonaparte. La « campagne d'Egypte », désastre militaire, dévoile à travers les gravures de la Description de l'Egypte la réussite scientifique qu'elle est devenue, grâce aux quelques 167 savants membres de la Commission des sciences et des arts de l'Institut d'Egypte qui suivaient l'armée de Napoléon. L'Institut a réuni en Egypte le mathématicien Monge, le chimiste Berthollet, le naturaliste Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ainsi que de nombreux artistes, ingénieurs, architectes, médecins... Ils eurent la charge de redécouvrir l'Egypte moderne et antique, d'en montrer les richesses naturelles, et le savoir-faire de ses habitants. L'édition originale, dite « Impériale », de la Description de l'Egypte fut réalisée sur quatre formats de grande taille, deux d'entre eux spécialement créés pour elle et baptisés formats « Moyen-Egypte » et « Grand-Egypte ». On construisit une presse spécifique pour son impression, qui s'étala sur vingt ans, entre 1809 et 1829. L'édition Impériale s'avéra si populaire qu'une deuxième édition en 37 volumes entièrement en noir et sans le filigrane « Egypte ancienne et moderne », dite édition « Panckoucke », fut publiée à partir de 1821 par l'imprimerie C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). La réalisation de ce monument d'érudition doit beaucoup au baron Dominique Vivant Denon, illustrateur, diplomate, collectionneur et par la suite directeur du musée Napoléon du Louvre qui accompagna Napoléon en Egypte avec de nombreux autres savants mais décida seul de s'aventurer dans le Sud du pays, alors que les autres scientifiques conviés restaient confinés dans la région du Caire. Les fabuleux croquis rapportés par Denon lors de sa romanesque chevauchée donnèrent l'idée à Bonaparte d'y envoyer les autres membres de l'Institut et ainsi dresser un portrait fidèle et complet du territoire. A la suite de Denon, ce sont donc les plus grands scientifiques et artistes français qui s'aventurèrent le long du Nil jusqu'en Nubie. Parmi eux, le peintre au muséum d'histoire naturelle H.J. Redouté (frère de Pierre-Joseph Redouté, auteur des Roses), le minéralogiste Dolomieu, le dessinateur Joly, et les ingénieurs Fourier et Costaz, chargés de l'étude scientifique des vestiges antiques de Haute-Egypte. Sans doute pour la première fois réunie dans une telle expédition, l'élite scientifique et artistique française, composée de plus de 160 « savants » dont près de 50 artistes, étudie méthodiquement l'Egypte pendant trois ans. Ils réalisent alors, sous l'égide et à la gloire de Napoléon, la plus vaste analyse historique, géographique, scientifique, économique et ethnologique jamais réalisée sur un pays. Mais ce sont peut-être les gravures qui constituèrent le défi technique majeur de cette Description de l'Egypte, comme en témoigne Yves Laissus, commissaire de l'exposition organisée en 2009 par la RMN et le Musée de l'Armée aux Invalides : « L'illustration, 836 planches dont une soixantaine en couleurs, gravées à l'eau forte et au burin dans des formats jusqu'alors inusités (le plus grand couvre près d'un mètre carré), a nécessité la construction de nouvelles formes et cuves pour la fabrication du papier, justifié l'invention, par Nicolas Conté, d'une machine destinée à alléger la besogne des graveurs, et exigé la réalisation de nouvelles presses capables d'imprimer ces images immenses. Certaines d'entre elles ont demandé deux années de travail. Près de 200 graveurs ont reproduit sur le cuivre les œuvres de 62 dessinateurs dont 46 ont participé à l'expédition. » Rare et superbe gravure originale d'une exceptionnelle facture et qualité graphique, témoignage d'une des plus ambitieuses aventures éditoriales françaises. - Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 71x53,5cm, une feuille. [ENGLISH DESCRIPTION ON DEMAND]
Librairie Le Feu FolletProfessional seller
Book number: 26319
€  100.00 [Appr.: US$ 107.78 | £UK 83.25 | JP¥ 16468]

VIVANT DENON Dominique & BERTHAULT (sculpsit)
Voyage dans la Basse et Haute Egypte : Vues des Pyramides de Djyzéh. (Planche 19).<br />
Didot, Paris 1803, 40,5x54cm, une feuille. Gravure originale in folio non rognée, extraite du Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte de Vivant Denon. Planche composée de 5 vues ainsi décrites par l'auteur : N° 1 , 2, 3, et 4. Vues des pyramides, d'aussi loin qu'on puisse les appercevoir en remontant le Nil. N° 5. Vue de la ville du Caire, Boulac, Forstath, qui ne forment qu'un seul ensemble à l'instant que l'on vient à les découvrir en remontant le Nil ; la montagne que l'on apperçoit derriere est le Mokattam, contre lequel est appuyée cette ville. Légères et discrètes rousseurs, sinon bel état de conservation. Publié pour la première fois en deux volumes, dont un atlas de gravures, chez Didot, en 1802, le 'Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Égypte' connut un tel succès qu'il fut traduit dès 1803 en Anglais et en Allemand, puis quelques années plus tard en Hollandais et en Italien, notamment. Presque toutes les planches sont dessinées par Denon, qui en a aussi gravé lui-même un petit nombre, notamment des portraits d'habitants d'Egypte, qui ont encore gardée toute la fraîcheur d'esquisses prises sur le vif (nos 104-111). Une bonne vingtaine de graveurs ont également collaboré à la création des eaux-fortes dont Baltard, Galien, Réville et d'autres. Dominique Vivant, baron Denon, dit Vivant Denon, né à Givry le 4 janvier 1747 et mort à Paris le 27 avril 1825, est un graveur, écrivain, diplomate et administrateur français. A l'invitation de Bonaparte, il se joint à l'expédition d'Egypte en embarquant dès le 14 mai 1798 sur la frégate "" La Junon "". Protégé par les troupes françaises, il a l'opportunité de parcourir le pays dans tous les sens, afin de rassembler le matériau qui servit de base à son travail artistique et littéraire le plus important. Il accompagne en particulier le général Desaix en Haute Egypte, dont il rapporte de très nombreux croquis, lavis à l'encre et autres dessins à la plume, à la pierre noire, ou à la sanguine. Il dessine sans relâche, le plus souvent sur son genou, debout ou même à cheval, et parfois jusque sous le feu de l'ennemi. A l'issue d'un voyage de 13 mois durant lesquels il dessine plusieurs milliers de croquis, Vivant Denon rentre en France avec Bonaparte, et devient le premier artiste à publier le récit de cette expédition. Les 141 planches qui accompagnent son Journal retracent l'ensemble de son voyage, depuis les côtes de la Corse jusqu'aux monuments pharaoniques de la Haute Egypte. Bonaparte le nomme ensuite directeur général du musée central de la République, qui devient le musée Napoléon, puis le musée royal du Louvre et administrateur des arts. En 1805, Vivant Denon relance le projet de la colonne Vendôme, qui avait été suspendu en 1803. Il organise ensuite des expéditions dans toute l'Europe impériale pour amasser les objets d'art, qui sont pillés pour être emportés au Louvre. En 1814, Louis XVIII le confirme à la tête du Louvre, dont une aile porte encore son nom aujourd'hui. Il est considéré comme un grand précurseur de la muséologie, de l'histoire de l'art et de l'égyptologie. - Didot, Paris 1803, 40,5x54cm, une feuille. [ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOLLOWS] Original, unshaved, full-page etching from the ""Imperial edition"" of the Description de l'Égypte, or 'Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand [A Collection of the observations and research carried out in Egypt during the French expedition, published on the orders of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon the Great]'. Produced between February 1802 and 1830 on the orders of Naopleon Bonaparte and published between 1809 and 1828, 1,000 copies were printed and distributed to institutions, on vergé paper with an 'Égypte ancienne et moderne' watermark, visible when held up to the light. Light marginal spotting not touching image, otherwise in very fresh, fine condition. An engraving from the Description de l'Egypte, one of the masterpieces of French printing and the birth of a new field: Egyptology. A gigantic survey of Egypt at the time of Bonaparte's conquests in 1798 and 1799, the work is divided into 13 volumes of engravings making up 892 plates, of which 72 colored, as well as presenting the splendors of the Egypt of the Pharaohs in 9 volumes. The other volumes discuss natural history and present a fascinating portrait of Coptic and Islamic Egypt as it was seen by Bonaparte's Eastern Armies. The 'Egyptian campaign', militarily a disaster, demonstrates, through the engravings of the Description d'Egypte, the scientific success it nonetheless became thanks to the 167 expert members of the Commission of the Sciences and Arts of the Institut d'Egypte [Egyptian Institute] who followed Napoleon's army. The Institut gathered together in Egypt the mathematician Monge, the chemist Berthollet, the naturalist Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire as well as numerous artists, engineers, architects and doctors. They were tasked with re-discovering modern and ancient Egypt and displaying its natural treasures as well as the know-how of its inhabitants. This edition, the so-called ""Imperial"" edition of the plates for the Description de l'Egypte was printed in four large formats, two of which were specially created for it and christened ""Moyen-Egypte"" and ""Grand-Egypte"". A special press was built to print it, the process extending over 20 years, from 1809 to 1829. The ""Imperial"" edition proved so popular that a second edition, this time in black and white and without the ""Egypte ancienne et moderne"" watermark - known as the ""Royal Edition"" - was published during the Restoration by the printing house of C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). The engravings of the Description d'Egypte owe a great deal to Baron Dominique-Vivant Denon, illustrator, diplomat, collector and later Director of the Musée Napoléon (the Louvre). His exploration of the South of Egypt gave Bonaparte the idea of sending the experts of the Institut there, thus creating a faithful and complete portrait of the area. This was the research gathered together from 1802 in the mammoth Description de L'Egypte. Denon embarked on this story of archeological exploration at the age of 51, reaching first Alexandria and then Cairo before exploring Upper Egypt. Along with the members of the Institut d'Egypte, the Natural History Museum's painter H.J. Redouté (brother of Pierre-Joseph Redouté, author of Roses), the mineralogist Dolomiue, and the draughtsman Joly, Denon then explored the Nile Delta and Lower Egypt. When, however, he joined the 21st Light Infantry Regiment as it marched across Upper Egypt in pursuit of the retreating Mameluks in November 1798, he found himself the only civilian. In the very midst of the battle itself, he reeled off sketches of the works of art that peppered his path right up to the threshold of the Sudan. He said that he had crossed ""a country that is, apart from its name, entirely unknown to Europeans, and therefore everything was worth describing"" (Voyages dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte en 1798 et 1799, 1817). On his return to Cairo, the great general, spellbound by Denon's accounts and drawings ordered two commissions to be set up, led by the engineers Fourier and Costaz. They were tasked with the scientific study of the ancient remains in Upper Egypt; research that proved a significant contribution to the monumental Description d'Egypte, from which this plate is taken. ANCIENT EGYPT These engravings therefore represent a unique body of material that contributed to Jean-François Champollion's deciphering of hieroglyphics, and which mark the beginning of the line of Mariette, Maspero and Carter, who would reshape the face of Ancient Egypt. They also started a craze that gave birth to the phenomenon of Egyptomania and the Orientalism of Delacroix, Fromentin, Marilhat, Decamps and Théophile Gautier. Financiers, politicians, merchants and all kinds of treasure-hunters made their way to the banks of the Nile in search of riches, following this rediscovery of Egypt. The originators of Egyptology, these plates were to have a hugely influential afterlife. NATURAL HISTORY These engravings show the scientific genius of the French experts then working on the ground in Egypt, laying the foundations for its becoming a French colony. This colonizing project, which had been mooted since the reign of Louis XIV, was now accompanied - with Bonaparte's arrival - by an in-depth study of the country's fauna and flora thanks to the work of the most eminent naturalists, mineralogists, and entomologists of the day. The Description de l'Egypte shows all of this immense scientific undertaking through its engravings, which were done after drawings by members of the Academy of Science, including Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire, Alire Raffenau-Delile and Henri-Joseph Redouté. In the words of Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ""We have gathered the material for the greatest work that a nation could hope to undertake. In mourning the fate of so many brave soldiers who - after so many glorious exploits - fell in Egypt, we shall be able to console ourselves that such precious works came into being."" MODERN EGYPT The genius of the experts of the Institut d'Egypte is revealed in the plates of the section known as ""Modern Egypte"". Architecture, industry, social organization, conditions of health, irrigation, music, and crafts, are all presented with exceptional precision and powers of description. The spirit of Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie runs through the work of the draughtsmen of the Description de L'Egypte, who accompanied the text volumes with numerous detailed plates, undertaking to produce a portrait of the local population that was imbued with both beauty and respect. Wealthy Pashas and simple artisan potters are sensitively represented here, going about their business in beautifully composed images that nonetheless do not fall into the traps of idealism or caricature. ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE (the ""Cairo"" plates) The set of engravings to which this plate belongs constitutes one of the first complete studies of the monuments of Islamic Egypt in Cairo, bringing together maps, sections and elevations of mosques, mausoleums and fortifications, from the Tulunid era in the 9th century up to the Mameluk constructions contemporaneous with the arrival of the Bonapartist troops. At the same time, the architects and engineers of the Institut d'Egypte also made a big series of plates dedicated to civilian housing and edifices in Cairo, including both grander and more modest constructions, providing a precious picture of life in Cairo at the end of the 19th century. BAB AL FOUTOUH Bab el-Foutouh, "" The Conquest Gate"" marks the northern limit of Fatimid old Cairo. Rebuilt in 1087, it is highly defensive in nature owing to the turbulent climate in 11th Century Cairo, which saw a number of popular uprisings. An imposing gate, it has two semicircular towers with low-slung arches made of heavy blocks of stone anchored within the ramparts. The sizeable passage through the gate (4.85m wide by 6.79m high) has a shallow dome. BAB EL NASR Bab el-Nasr, ""The Victory Gate"" is on the northern wall of the Fatimid fortress in Cairo. Its two enormous rectangular towers were rebuilt in 1087 after a long period of popular uprisings. On this highly attractive frontal image signed Protain, one can admire the sculpted shields in the corners of the gate and on the towers, symbolizing victory and protection against invaders. After taking Cairo, Napoleon named all the towers along the wall of the fortress after the officers assigned to guard them. Their names are still engraved on the upper parts of the walls of the gate. SULTAN HASSAN MOSQUE The massive architectural complex constructed by Sultan Hassan at the foot of the citadel in Cairo was built in the ostentatious style so characteristic of Mameluk architecture. Completed in 1356, the Sultan Hassan Mosque has a monumental gate and a 57m high minaret. This group of buildings, comprising a mausoleum that was never put to use, was strategically built on the site of a square that saw the start of a number of popular uprisings. The mosque was heavily inspired by Iranian models. Philae This plate is taken from a set of engravings dedicated to the Temple of Isis on the island of Philae. The final bastion of the worship of the ancient Egyptian gods, the temple of Isis was the last pagan temple to be in use before it was closed in the 6th century A.D. under Justinian. Construction on the temple began under the Ptolemies, a period of growth for the Isis cult. Isis was the sister and wife of Osiris and mother to Horus. Kom Ombo (Ombos) The Kom Ombo site, 40 kilometers from Aswan, is home to one of the best preserved ancient Egyptian temples, dedicated to Sobek, a crocodile god and Haroeris, a form of Horus. Built in the Ptolemaic era, it was actually founded during the XVIIIth Dynasty. Its massive Composite capitals and highly accomplished reliefs are captured accurately by the draughtsmen of the Institut d'Egypte, Jollois, Balzac and Cécile. The dual aspect of its design, intended for worship of two different divine triads - those of Sobek and Haroeris - is reproduced in great detail by the architects and engineers of the Egyptian campaign through this set of prints, which preceded the first archeological digs in the building by Auguste Mariette in 1828. Edfu This plate is taken from a series of views of the great temple at Edfu and the various buildings in its cultic complex. The temple of Horus, a jewel of Ptolemaic architecture and exceptionally well-preserved, is made up of a majestic entry gate and a hypostyle chamber, which are both extensively documented thanks to the engravings by the experts of the Institut d'Egypte. Begun in 237 BC by Ptolemy III and completed 180 years later under Tiberius, it proved an extraordinary sight for the draughtsmen come to explore the left bank of the Nile. Esna and its environs The town of Esna (Esneh or Latopolis in Bonaparte's time), lies fifty kilometers to the south of Luxor. The experts from the Institut de l'Egypte documented their discovery of its temple, dedicated to Khnum, one of the gods of creation who worked with clay and had the head of a ram; he controlled the life-giving flooding of the Nile, the source of fertility. He was associated with Nebt-uu, the mistress of the countryside and Menhyt, a goddess with the head of a lion. This temple, partially rebuilt during the Ptolemaic era, was added to right up to the reign of Tiberius. The draughtsmen also produced a number of views of the neighboring temples, most notably the less well-preserved temple of Contra-Latopolis to the north of Esna. Thebes Medinet-Habu Close to Thebes and Luxor on the left bank of the Nile, the city of Medinet-Habu is home to one of the most attractive temples of New Kingdom period Egypt, the mortuary temple of Ramses III. This dates from the middle of the 12th century BC, and is based on the famous Ramesseum of his predecessor, which it surpasses in size. A funerary temple celebrating the Pharaoh, the experts of the Institut d'Egypte set about creating cross-sections, plans and elevations, and most especially capturing its numerous bas-reliefs. The architects and draughtsmen also focused on the Royal Palace and its internal peristyle within the 12-metre fortress that encircles the religious complex, including the Temple of Amon, located at the south-east of the site and begun in the reign of Hatshepsut at the end of the 15th Century BC. Memnonium The Memnonium, a name used by visitors to the Valley of the Kings from 1750 to 1850, refers to a set of three royal buildings constructed during the New Kingdom: the Ramesseum, the Temple of Amenhotep III and the Temple of Sethi I. The draughtsmen and architects of Bonaparte's Institut, sent out on expedition across Upper Egypt from 1799 documented Thebes and the Valley of the Kings, even attempting to reconstruct some of the buildings on the basis of descriptions by Classical authors. The tomb of Ozymandias (one of the numerous names of Ramses II), in a very poor state, thus became the subject of very thorough study and an attempt to fill in its missing bits on the basis of the writings of Diodurus Siculus. This Greek historian of the Augustine period stayed in the valley of the Nile from 60-57 BC and his visit to the tomb of Ramses II is recounted in his monumental Bibliotheca Historica (Book I, XLVII-XLIX). At the same time, the experts also made extremely detailed studies and views of the Colossi of Memnon, all that remains of a huge memorial temple to Amenhotep III built on the road to the necropolis in the Valley of the Kings. These colossi were located at the entrance to the temple in front of a preliminary pylon made of brick. These two statues represent King Amenhotep III framed to the right by the great Royal Consort Tiy and to the left by the Queen Mother Mutemwiya. Hypogea and Biban el Moluk This plate is taken from a series of engravings of the hypogea in the Valley of the Kings (Biban el Moluk) in Thebes. Some are in color to show the vivid hues of the sarcophaguses and mysterious murals whose secret had yet to be broken by Jean-François Champollion. The draughtsmen of the Institut, including the famous Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, sent by Napoleon to cover Upper Egypt in 1799, capture with élan the royal mummies and the artifacts that accompanied the dead in their journey to the netherworld: urns, furniture, weapons, idols and the mummies of numerous mammals and birds. Karnak This plate is from a set on the Great Temple at Karnak, built during the New Kingdom at the time of Ramses III. This enormous complex is divided into three parts and is dedicated to the Theban Triad of gods, Amun, Mut and Khonsu. Its sculptures, internal bas-reliefs and sunken reliefs on the external facades are intricately captured by the engineers of the Institut, while the architects worked out the complex groundplan of this edifice, which was divided into facades, colonnaded halls and sacral spaces reserved for the temple priests. The alley of the monumental sphinx which links the site to the Luxor site was also the subject of a plate by Lepère, an architect from the Institut who took part in the expedition across Upper Egypt. Dendera The experts executed views and drawings of the temples of Dendera (or Tentyra), a city in Upper Egypt 60km to the north of Luxor. They have captured, with an exceptional degree of graphic artistry, the thick, round nature of the sculpted reliefs of the great Temple of Hathor, built under the Ptolemies in the first half of the 1st century BC. They also produced interesting views of the neighboring temples as well as a selection of reliefs of the ""Dendera Zodiac"", a chapel dedicated to Osiris and located beneath the temple of Hathor. Its famous astronomical relief was discovered by the French General Desaix - stationed in Upper Egypt by Bonaparte from 1798 - and taken back to France in 1821 by Claude Lelorrain; it is now on display in the Louvre. Another astronomical and cosmological relief on the ceiling of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Hathor is the subject of a magnificent plate by Jollois and Devilliers. This covers seven soffit coffers of the ceiling and is an immense allegorical image showing several levels of consciousness: that of cosmogony, the constellations and their effect on the Earth, the creation of Man, and the Nomes of Egypt, symbolized by 21 pairs of wings topped with the red crown of Lower Egypt and the white tiara of Upper Egypt. The Pyramids at Memphis The Giza Plateau, near Memphis, is home to three of the most famous Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, the tombs of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, Pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty (2620-2500 BC). The experts of the Institut, hurrying to Memphis, explored the plateau and made numerous views of these majestic pyramids, towering over inhabitants and mounted figures. They also made minutely detailed views of the epigraphs on the tombs adjacent to the pyramids, as well as views of the Sphinx of Gaza near the Pyramid of Khafre. Views of Alexandria A plate taken from a set of view of Alexandria as it was found by Napoleon's army in June 1798. Embarking in Toulon on the 14th May, his troops disembarked at Alexandria a month later and explored this port city before heading towards Cairo to take the capital.
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VIVANT DENON Dominique & BERTHAULT (sculpsit)
Voyage dans la Basse et Haute Egypte : 1. Pyramide d'Ellahoun. 2. Vue de la Pyramide de Méïdoum. 3. Pyramide de Méïdoum. 4. Pyramide de Ssakarah. (Planche 26).<br />
Didot, Paris 1803, 40,5x54cm, une feuille. Gravure originale in folio, extraite du Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte de Vivant Denon. Planche composée de 4 vues ainsi décrites par l'auteur : N° 1. Vue de la pyramide d'Ellahoun, à l'entrée de la province du Fayoum, à l'extrémité du Bark Jusef; c'étoit peut-être la pyramide de Mendes, si le lac Bathen étoit le Mœris : cette suite de rochers taillés à pic, que l'on voit dans le dernier plan, recevoit peut-être les efforts du Nil, si autrefois, par le fleuve sans eau, il alloit se jeter à la mer par le Maréotis. Cette pyramide est bâtie en briques non cuites; une construction en pierres calcaires lui servoit de noyau. N° 2. La pyramide de Méidoum, prise du Nil, entre les villages de Rega à droite, et Cafr-êl-Rych à gauche. N° 3. Autre vue de la même pyramide, à une demi-lieue de distance. Voyez le journal, tom. 1, pag. 224. N° 4. Les pyramides de Ssakarah, comme en les voit du Nil. Légères rousseurs, sinon bel état de conservation. Publié pour la première fois en deux volumes, dont un atlas de gravures, chez Didot, en 1802, le 'Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Égypte' connut un tel succès qu'il fut traduit dès 1803 en Anglais et en Allemand, puis quelques années plus tard en Hollandais et en Italien, notamment. Presque toutes les planches sont dessinées par Denon, qui en a aussi gravé lui-même un petit nombre, notamment des portraits d'habitants d'Egypte, qui ont encore gardée toute la fraîcheur d'esquisses prises sur le vif (nos 104-111). Une bonne vingtaine de graveurs ont également collaboré à la création des eaux-fortes dont Baltard, Galien, Réville et d'autres. Dominique Vivant, baron Denon, dit Vivant Denon, né à Givry le 4 janvier 1747 et mort à Paris le 27 avril 1825, est un graveur, écrivain, diplomate et administrateur français. A l'invitation de Bonaparte, il se joint à l'expédition d'Egypte en embarquant dès le 14 mai 1798 sur la frégate "" La Junon "". Protégé par les troupes françaises, il a l'opportunité de parcourir le pays dans tous les sens, afin de rassembler le matériau qui servit de base à son travail artistique et littéraire le plus important. Il accompagne en particulier le général Desaix en Haute Egypte, dont il rapporte de très nombreux croquis, lavis à l'encre et autres dessins à la plume, à la pierre noire, ou à la sanguine. Il dessine sans relâche, le plus souvent sur son genou, debout ou même à cheval, et parfois jusque sous le feu de l'ennemi. A l'issue d'un voyage de 13 mois durant lesquels il dessine plusieurs milliers de croquis, Vivant Denon rentre en France avec Bonaparte, et devient le premier artiste à publier le récit de cette expédition. Les 141 planches qui accompagnent son Journal retracent l'ensemble de son voyage, depuis les côtes de la Corse jusqu'aux monuments pharaoniques de la Haute Egypte. Bonaparte le nomme ensuite directeur général du musée central de la République, qui devient le musée Napoléon, puis le musée royal du Louvre et administrateur des arts. En 1805, Vivant Denon relance le projet de la colonne Vendôme, qui avait été suspendu en 1803. Il organise ensuite des expéditions dans toute l'Europe impériale pour amasser les objets d'art, qui sont pillés pour être emportés au Louvre. En 1814, Louis XVIII le confirme à la tête du Louvre, dont une aile porte encore son nom aujourd'hui. Il est considéré comme un grand précurseur de la muséologie, de l'histoire de l'art et de l'égyptologie. - Didot, Paris 1803, 40,5x54cm, une feuille. [ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOLLOWS] Original, unshaved, full-page etching from the ""Imperial edition"" of the Description de l'Égypte, or 'Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand [A Collection of the observations and research carried out in Egypt during the French expedition, published on the orders of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon the Great]'. Produced between February 1802 and 1830 on the orders of Naopleon Bonaparte and published between 1809 and 1828, 1,000 copies were printed and distributed to institutions, on vergé paper with an 'Égypte ancienne et moderne' watermark, visible when held up to the light. Light marginal spotting not touching image, otherwise in very fresh, fine condition. An engraving from the Description de l'Egypte, one of the masterpieces of French printing and the birth of a new field: Egyptology. A gigantic survey of Egypt at the time of Bonaparte's conquests in 1798 and 1799, the work is divided into 13 volumes of engravings making up 892 plates, of which 72 colored, as well as presenting the splendors of the Egypt of the Pharaohs in 9 volumes. The other volumes discuss natural history and present a fascinating portrait of Coptic and Islamic Egypt as it was seen by Bonaparte's Eastern Armies. The 'Egyptian campaign', militarily a disaster, demonstrates, through the engravings of the Description d'Egypte, the scientific success it nonetheless became thanks to the 167 expert members of the Commission of the Sciences and Arts of the Institut d'Egypte [Egyptian Institute] who followed Napoleon's army. The Institut gathered together in Egypt the mathematician Monge, the chemist Berthollet, the naturalist Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire as well as numerous artists, engineers, architects and doctors. They were tasked with re-discovering modern and ancient Egypt and displaying its natural treasures as well as the know-how of its inhabitants. This edition, the so-called ""Imperial"" edition of the plates for the Description de l'Egypte was printed in four large formats, two of which were specially created for it and christened ""Moyen-Egypte"" and ""Grand-Egypte"". A special press was built to print it, the process extending over 20 years, from 1809 to 1829. The ""Imperial"" edition proved so popular that a second edition, this time in black and white and without the ""Egypte ancienne et moderne"" watermark - known as the ""Royal Edition"" - was published during the Restoration by the printing house of C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). The engravings of the Description d'Egypte owe a great deal to Baron Dominique-Vivant Denon, illustrator, diplomat, collector and later Director of the Musée Napoléon (the Louvre). His exploration of the South of Egypt gave Bonaparte the idea of sending the experts of the Institut there, thus creating a faithful and complete portrait of the area. This was the research gathered together from 1802 in the mammoth Description de L'Egypte. Denon embarked on this story of archeological exploration at the age of 51, reaching first Alexandria and then Cairo before exploring Upper Egypt. Along with the members of the Institut d'Egypte, the Natural History Museum's painter H.J. Redouté (brother of Pierre-Joseph Redouté, author of Roses), the mineralogist Dolomiue, and the draughtsman Joly, Denon then explored the Nile Delta and Lower Egypt. When, however, he joined the 21st Light Infantry Regiment as it marched across Upper Egypt in pursuit of the retreating Mameluks in November 1798, he found himself the only civilian. In the very midst of the battle itself, he reeled off sketches of the works of art that peppered his path right up to the threshold of the Sudan. He said that he had crossed ""a country that is, apart from its name, entirely unknown to Europeans, and therefore everything was worth describing"" (Voyages dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte en 1798 et 1799, 1817). On his return to Cairo, the great general, spellbound by Denon's accounts and drawings ordered two commissions to be set up, led by the engineers Fourier and Costaz. They were tasked with the scientific study of the ancient remains in Upper Egypt; research that proved a significant contribution to the monumental Description d'Egypte, from which this plate is taken. ANCIENT EGYPT These engravings therefore represent a unique body of material that contributed to Jean-François Champollion's deciphering of hieroglyphics, and which mark the beginning of the line of Mariette, Maspero and Carter, who would reshape the face of Ancient Egypt. They also started a craze that gave birth to the phenomenon of Egyptomania and the Orientalism of Delacroix, Fromentin, Marilhat, Decamps and Théophile Gautier. Financiers, politicians, merchants and all kinds of treasure-hunters made their way to the banks of the Nile in search of riches, following this rediscovery of Egypt. The originators of Egyptology, these plates were to have a hugely influential afterlife. NATURAL HISTORY These engravings show the scientific genius of the French experts then working on the ground in Egypt, laying the foundations for its becoming a French colony. This colonizing project, which had been mooted since the reign of Louis XIV, was now accompanied - with Bonaparte's arrival - by an in-depth study of the country's fauna and flora thanks to the work of the most eminent naturalists, mineralogists, and entomologists of the day. The Description de l'Egypte shows all of this immense scientific undertaking through its engravings, which were done after drawings by members of the Academy of Science, including Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire, Alire Raffenau-Delile and Henri-Joseph Redouté. In the words of Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ""We have gathered the material for the greatest work that a nation could hope to undertake. In mourning the fate of so many brave soldiers who - after so many glorious exploits - fell in Egypt, we shall be able to console ourselves that such precious works came into being."" MODERN EGYPT The genius of the experts of the Institut d'Egypte is revealed in the plates of the section known as ""Modern Egypte"". Architecture, industry, social organization, conditions of health, irrigation, music, and crafts, are all presented with exceptional precision and powers of description. The spirit of Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie runs through the work of the draughtsmen of the Description de L'Egypte, who accompanied the text volumes with numerous detailed plates, undertaking to produce a portrait of the local population that was imbued with both beauty and respect. Wealthy Pashas and simple artisan potters are sensitively represented here, going about their business in beautifully composed images that nonetheless do not fall into the traps of idealism or caricature. ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE (the ""Cairo"" plates) The set of engravings to which this plate belongs constitutes one of the first complete studies of the monuments of Islamic Egypt in Cairo, bringing together maps, sections and elevations of mosques, mausoleums and fortifications, from the Tulunid era in the 9th century up to the Mameluk constructions contemporaneous with the arrival of the Bonapartist troops. At the same time, the architects and engineers of the Institut d'Egypte also made a big series of plates dedicated to civilian housing and edifices in Cairo, including both grander and more modest constructions, providing a precious picture of life in Cairo at the end of the 19th century. BAB AL FOUTOUH Bab el-Foutouh, "" The Conquest Gate"" marks the northern limit of Fatimid old Cairo. Rebuilt in 1087, it is highly defensive in nature owing to the turbulent climate in 11th Century Cairo, which saw a number of popular uprisings. An imposing gate, it has two semicircular towers with low-slung arches made of heavy blocks of stone anchored within the ramparts. The sizeable passage through the gate (4.85m wide by 6.79m high) has a shallow dome. BAB EL NASR Bab el-Nasr, ""The Victory Gate"" is on the northern wall of the Fatimid fortress in Cairo. Its two enormous rectangular towers were rebuilt in 1087 after a long period of popular uprisings. On this highly attractive frontal image signed Protain, one can admire the sculpted shields in the corners of the gate and on the towers, symbolizing victory and protection against invaders. After taking Cairo, Napoleon named all the towers along the wall of the fortress after the officers assigned to guard them. Their names are still engraved on the upper parts of the walls of the gate. SULTAN HASSAN MOSQUE The massive architectural complex constructed by Sultan Hassan at the foot of the citadel in Cairo was built in the ostentatious style so characteristic of Mameluk architecture. Completed in 1356, the Sultan Hassan Mosque has a monumental gate and a 57m high minaret. This group of buildings, comprising a mausoleum that was never put to use, was strategically built on the site of a square that saw the start of a number of popular uprisings. The mosque was heavily inspired by Iranian models. Philae This plate is taken from a set of engravings dedicated to the Temple of Isis on the island of Philae. The final bastion of the worship of the ancient Egyptian gods, the temple of Isis was the last pagan temple to be in use before it was closed in the 6th century A.D. under Justinian. Construction on the temple began under the Ptolemies, a period of growth for the Isis cult. Isis was the sister and wife of Osiris and mother to Horus. Kom Ombo (Ombos) The Kom Ombo site, 40 kilometers from Aswan, is home to one of the best preserved ancient Egyptian temples, dedicated to Sobek, a crocodile god and Haroeris, a form of Horus. Built in the Ptolemaic era, it was actually founded during the XVIIIth Dynasty. Its massive Composite capitals and highly accomplished reliefs are captured accurately by the draughtsmen of the Institut d'Egypte, Jollois, Balzac and Cécile. The dual aspect of its design, intended for worship of two different divine triads - those of Sobek and Haroeris - is reproduced in great detail by the architects and engineers of the Egyptian campaign through this set of prints, which preceded the first archeological digs in the building by Auguste Mariette in 1828. Edfu This plate is taken from a series of views of the great temple at Edfu and the various buildings in its cultic complex. The temple of Horus, a jewel of Ptolemaic architecture and exceptionally well-preserved, is made up of a majestic entry gate and a hypostyle chamber, which are both extensively documented thanks to the engravings by the experts of the Institut d'Egypte. Begun in 237 BC by Ptolemy III and completed 180 years later under Tiberius, it proved an extraordinary sight for the draughtsmen come to explore the left bank of the Nile. Esna and its environs The town of Esna (Esneh or Latopolis in Bonaparte's time), lies fifty kilometers to the south of Luxor. The experts from the Institut de l'Egypte documented their discovery of its temple, dedicated to Khnum, one of the gods of creation who worked with clay and had the head of a ram; he controlled the life-giving flooding of the Nile, the source of fertility. He was associated with Nebt-uu, the mistress of the countryside and Menhyt, a goddess with the head of a lion. This temple, partially rebuilt during the Ptolemaic era, was added to right up to the reign of Tiberius. The draughtsmen also produced a number of views of the neighboring temples, most notably the less well-preserved temple of Contra-Latopolis to the north of Esna. Thebes Medinet-Habu Close to Thebes and Luxor on the left bank of the Nile, the city of Medinet-Habu is home to one of the most attractive temples of New Kingdom period Egypt, the mortuary temple of Ramses III. This dates from the middle of the 12th century BC, and is based on the famous Ramesseum of his predecessor, which it surpasses in size. A funerary temple celebrating the Pharaoh, the experts of the Institut d'Egypte set about creating cross-sections, plans and elevations, and most especially capturing its numerous bas-reliefs. The architects and draughtsmen also focused on the Royal Palace and its internal peristyle within the 12-metre fortress that encircles the religious complex, including the Temple of Amon, located at the south-east of the site and begun in the reign of Hatshepsut at the end of the 15th Century BC. Memnonium The Memnonium, a name used by visitors to the Valley of the Kings from 1750 to 1850, refers to a set of three royal buildings constructed during the New Kingdom: the Ramesseum, the Temple of Amenhotep III and the Temple of Sethi I. The draughtsmen and architects of Bonaparte's Institut, sent out on expedition across Upper Egypt from 1799 documented Thebes and the Valley of the Kings, even attempting to reconstruct some of the buildings on the basis of descriptions by Classical authors. The tomb of Ozymandias (one of the numerous names of Ramses II), in a very poor state, thus became the subject of very thorough study and an attempt to fill in its missing bits on the basis of the writings of Diodurus Siculus. This Greek historian of the Augustine period stayed in the valley of the Nile from 60-57 BC and his visit to the tomb of Ramses II is recounted in his monumental Bibliotheca Historica (Book I, XLVII-XLIX). At the same time, the experts also made extremely detailed studies and views of the Colossi of Memnon, all that remains of a huge memorial temple to Amenhotep III built on the road to the necropolis in the Valley of the Kings. These colossi were located at the entrance to the temple in front of a preliminary pylon made of brick. These two statues represent King Amenhotep III framed to the right by the great Royal Consort Tiy and to the left by the Queen Mother Mutemwiya. Hypogea and Biban el Moluk This plate is taken from a series of engravings of the hypogea in the Valley of the Kings (Biban el Moluk) in Thebes. Some are in color to show the vivid hues of the sarcophaguses and mysterious murals whose secret had yet to be broken by Jean-François Champollion. The draughtsmen of the Institut, including the famous Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, sent by Napoleon to cover Upper Egypt in 1799, capture with élan the royal mummies and the artifacts that accompanied the dead in their journey to the netherworld: urns, furniture, weapons, idols and the mummies of numerous mammals and birds. Karnak This plate is from a set on the Great Temple at Karnak, built during the New Kingdom at the time of Ramses III. This enormous complex is divided into three parts and is dedicated to the Theban Triad of gods, Amun, Mut and Khonsu. Its sculptures, internal bas-reliefs and sunken reliefs on the external facades are intricately captured by the engineers of the Institut, while the architects worked out the complex groundplan of this edifice, which was divided into facades, colonnaded halls and sacral spaces reserved for the temple priests. The alley of the monumental sphinx which links the site to the Luxor site was also the subject of a plate by Lepère, an architect from the Institut who took part in the expedition across Upper Egypt. Dendera The experts executed views and drawings of the temples of Dendera (or Tentyra), a city in Upper Egypt 60km to the north of Luxor. They have captured, with an exceptional degree of graphic artistry, the thick, round nature of the sculpted reliefs of the great Temple of Hathor, built under the Ptolemies in the first half of the 1st century BC. They also produced interesting views of the neighboring temples as well as a selection of reliefs of the ""Dendera Zodiac"", a chapel dedicated to Osiris and located beneath the temple of Hathor. Its famous astronomical relief was discovered by the French General Desaix - stationed in Upper Egypt by Bonaparte from 1798 - and taken back to France in 1821 by Claude Lelorrain; it is now on display in the Louvre. Another astronomical and cosmological relief on the ceiling of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Hathor is the subject of a magnificent plate by Jollois and Devilliers. This covers seven soffit coffers of the ceiling and is an immense allegorical image showing several levels of consciousness: that of cosmogony, the constellations and their effect on the Earth, the creation of Man, and the Nomes of Egypt, symbolized by 21 pairs of wings topped with the red crown of Lower Egypt and the white tiara of Upper Egypt. The Pyramids at Memphis The Giza Plateau, near Memphis, is home to three of the most famous Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, the tombs of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, Pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty (2620-2500 BC). The experts of the Institut, hurrying to Memphis, explored the plateau and made numerous views of these majestic pyramids, towering over inhabitants and mounted figures. They also made minutely detailed views of the epigraphs on the tombs adjacent to the pyramids, as well as views of the Sphinx of Gaza near the Pyramid of Khafre. Views of Alexandria A plate taken from a set of view of Alexandria as it was found by Napoleon's army in June 1798. Embarking in Toulon on the 14th May, his troops disembarked at Alexandria a month later and explored this port city before heading towards Cairo to take the capital.
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VIVANT DENON Dominique & BERTHAULT (sculpsit)
Voyage dans la Basse et Haute Egypte : 2. Un des tombeaux des rois à Thèbes. 4. Nécropolis de Thèbes. 5. Le Memnonium à Thèbes. (Planche 42).<br />
Didot, Paris 1803, 40,5x54cm, une feuille. Gravure originale in folio non rognée, extraite du Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte de Vivant Denon. Planche composée de 5 vues ainsi décrites par l'auteur : N° 1. Plan d'un des tombeaux des rois à Thebes, le premier que l'on rencontre à droite, dans la vallée des morts, à l'ouest de cette ville. A, l'entrée, dont on voit la vue, même planche, n° 2 , creusée dans le rocher ; les parois en sont revêtues en stucs décorés de peintures ; le plafond est une voûte dont la ligne est surbaissée ; les trois repos, dans cette premiere galerie, peuvent avoir appuyé des portes ; les especes de tribunes, marquées B, doivent avoir servi à déposer, ou des corps, ou des figures, ou des offrandes, d'autant qu'il y a une espece de soubassement à hauteur d'appui ; les lettres CC sont des especes de niches au même usage; DD, d'autres niches plus grandes pour y placer peut-être de la musique dans les cérémonies, car j'en ai trouvé de peinte dans des pompes funebres; E, la chambre sépulcrale avec le sarcophage de granit de 8 pieds de longueur, sur 6 de hauteur, et 5 de largeur ; sur le couvercle une figure en haut relief, couchée à plat, coiffée et vêtue en habit sacerdotal, qui, selon toute apparence, étoit le costume de cérémonie des initiés ; le sarcophage est ouvert, et le couvercle rompu ; la piece F paroît avoir eu une porte particuliere, et avoir été un sanctuaire ; celle marquée G, qui semble aussi avoir été fermée, est terminée par une espece d'autel qui tient tout le fond de la piece, et paroît avoir été destiné à poser des offrandes ou des figures sacrées ; trois lectisternes sont peints sur la paroi contre laquelle est appuyé cet autel. N° 2. Ouverture du rocher qui sert d'entrée au tombeau, dont le plan vient d'être décrit ; cette entrée paroit prise au hasard, et laissée à toute sa rusticité: étoit-ce dans le dessein d'y apposer des rochers et de perdre ainsi la trace de l'existence de ces monuments pour les consacrer par l'oubli à un éternel repos? mais alors pourquoi cette pompe intérieure ? pourquoi cette vallée consacrée à cet usage ? Avec la vue d'une de ces ouvertures on a l'image de toutes les autres ; car il y a peu de différence entre elles, ou ces différences ne sont d'aucune importance; les portes se ressemblent toutes, elles sont toutes décorées du même bas-relief en forme d'attique ( voyez planche CXXII, n° 10). N° 3. Plan d'un autre tombeau à deux issues : le sarcophage, qui est brisé, étoit dans la pièce B, entre quatre piliers qui portent le plafond ; c'est à la lettre D que sont situées les petites chambres que j'ai décrites, planche CXXXV, dans lesquelles sont peints chacun à part les attibuts des sciences, des arts, et des métiers. N° 4. Nécropolis de Thebes, situé au nord-ouest de cette ville, sur un plateau de la partie basse de la chaîne libyque : cette partie déserte et aride étoit par sa nature dévolue au silence de la mort. En taillant le rocher sur un plan incliné, trois côtes ont offert tout naturellement des escarpements, dans lesquels on a creusé des doubles galeries, et derriere, des chambres sépulcrales ; ces excavations sont innombrables, et occupent un espace de plus d'une demi-lieue carrée ; ils servent à présent de logement aux habitants du village de Kournou, et à leurs nombreux troupeaux. Il seroit très intéressant d'observer les détails de ces tombeaux : mais la premiere fois que je les vis, j'y entrai avec Desaix, et nous pensâmes y être tués à coups de piques par les habitants qui s'y étoient cachés ; la seconde fois on nous y tira des coups de fusils ; la derniere fois nous y étions allés pour faire la guerre aux habitants, et, la paix faite, on ne voulut pas les tourmenter par une visite domiciliaire. N° 5. Vue de ce que l'on est convenu d'appeler le Memnonium sur la rive gauche du Nil ( voyez le plan, planche XCIII, n° 5 ). A gauche de la vue est la ruine d'une grande porte, couverte de bas-reliefs barbarement composés, représentant une bataille ; entre cette grande porte et une autre est un colosse renversé, dont les fragments de la ruine ressemblent au chantier d'une carriere ; la totalité de ce monument se dirige d'orient en occident, et arrivoit presque jusqu'à la base de la chaîne libyque : les arbres que l'on voit sont des palmiers doum ; et au-dessous des arbres est le pied de la statue, que l'on auroit pu apporter en Europe, et qui auroit pu donner une idée de la proportion colossale de ces especes de monuments égyptiens. Légères rousseurs, 4 petites restaurations marginales à l'aide de morceaux de filmoplast, sinon bel état de conservation. Publié pour la première fois en deux volumes, dont un atlas de gravures, chez Didot, en 1802, le 'Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Égypte' connut un tel succès qu'il fut traduit dès 1803 en Anglais et en Allemand, puis quelques années plus tard en Hollandais et en Italien, notamment. Presque toutes les planches sont dessinées par Denon, qui en a aussi gravé lui-même un petit nombre, notamment des portraits d'habitants d'Egypte, qui ont encore gardée toute la fraîcheur d'esquisses prises sur le vif (nos 104-111). Une bonne vingtaine de graveurs ont également collaboré à la création des eaux-fortes dont Baltard, Galien, Réville et d'autres.Dominique Vivant, baron Denon, dit Vivant Denon, né à Givry le 4 janvier 1747 et mort à Paris le 27 avril 1825, est un graveur, écrivain, diplomate et administrateur français. A l'invitation de Bonaparte, il se joint à l'expédition d'Egypte en embarquant dès le 14 mai 1798 sur la frégate "" La Junon "". Protégé par les troupes françaises, il a l'opportunité de parcourir le pays dans tous les sens, afin de rassembler le matériau qui servit de base à son travail artistique et littéraire le plus important. Il accompagne en particulier le général Desaix en Haute Egypte, dont il rapporte de très nombreux croquis, lavis à l'encre et autres dessins à la plume, à la pierre noire, ou à la sanguine. Il dessine sans relâche, le plus souvent sur son genou, debout ou même à cheval, et parfois jusque sous le feu de l'ennemi. A l'issue d'un voyage de 13 mois durant lesquels il dessine plusieurs milliers de croquis, Vivant Denon rentre en France avec Bonaparte, et devient le premier artiste à publier le récit de cette expédition. Les 141 planches qui accompagnent son Journal retracent l'ensemble de son voyage, depuis les côtes de la Corse jusqu'aux monuments pharaoniques de la Haute Egypte. Bonaparte le nomme ensuite directeur général du musée central de la République, qui devient le musée Napoléon, puis le musée royal du Louvre et administrateur des arts. En 1805, Vivant Denon relance le projet de la colonne Vendôme, qui avait été suspendu en 1803. Il organise ensuite des expéditions dans toute l'Europe impériale pour amasser les objets d'art, qui sont pillés pour être emportés au Louvre. En 1814, Louis XVIII le confirme à la tête du Louvre, dont une aile porte encore son nom aujourd'hui. Il est considéré comme un grand précurseur de la muséologie, de l'histoire de l'art et de l'égyptologie. - Didot, Paris 1803, 40,5x54cm, une feuille. [ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOLLOWS] Original, unshaved, full-page etching from the ""Imperial edition"" of the Description de l'Égypte, or 'Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand [A Collection of the observations and research carried out in Egypt during the French expedition, published on the orders of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon the Great]'. Produced between February 1802 and 1830 on the orders of Naopleon Bonaparte and published between 1809 and 1828, 1,000 copies were printed and distributed to institutions, on vergé paper with an 'Égypte ancienne et moderne' watermark, visible when held up to the light. Light marginal spotting not touching image, otherwise in very fresh, fine condition. An engraving from the Description de l'Egypte, one of the masterpieces of French printing and the birth of a new field: Egyptology. A gigantic survey of Egypt at the time of Bonaparte's conquests in 1798 and 1799, the work is divided into 13 volumes of engravings making up 892 plates, of which 72 colored, as well as presenting the splendors of the Egypt of the Pharaohs in 9 volumes. The other volumes discuss natural history and present a fascinating portrait of Coptic and Islamic Egypt as it was seen by Bonaparte's Eastern Armies. The 'Egyptian campaign', militarily a disaster, demonstrates, through the engravings of the Description d'Egypte, the scientific success it nonetheless became thanks to the 167 expert members of the Commission of the Sciences and Arts of the Institut d'Egypte [Egyptian Institute] who followed Napoleon's army. The Institut gathered together in Egypt the mathematician Monge, the chemist Berthollet, the naturalist Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire as well as numerous artists, engineers, architects and doctors. They were tasked with re-discovering modern and ancient Egypt and displaying its natural treasures as well as the know-how of its inhabitants. This edition, the so-called ""Imperial"" edition of the plates for the Description de l'Egypte was printed in four large formats, two of which were specially created for it and christened ""Moyen-Egypte"" and ""Grand-Egypte"". A special press was built to print it, the process extending over 20 years, from 1809 to 1829. The ""Imperial"" edition proved so popular that a second edition, this time in black and white and without the ""Egypte ancienne et moderne"" watermark - known as the ""Royal Edition"" - was published during the Restoration by the printing house of C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). The engravings of the Description d'Egypte owe a great deal to Baron Dominique-Vivant Denon, illustrator, diplomat, collector and later Director of the Musée Napoléon (the Louvre). His exploration of the South of Egypt gave Bonaparte the idea of sending the experts of the Institut there, thus creating a faithful and complete portrait of the area. This was the research gathered together from 1802 in the mammoth Description de L'Egypte. Denon embarked on this story of archeological exploration at the age of 51, reaching first Alexandria and then Cairo before exploring Upper Egypt. Along with the members of the Institut d'Egypte, the Natural History Museum's painter H.J. Redouté (brother of Pierre-Joseph Redouté, author of Roses), the mineralogist Dolomiue, and the draughtsman Joly, Denon then explored the Nile Delta and Lower Egypt. When, however, he joined the 21st Light Infantry Regiment as it marched across Upper Egypt in pursuit of the retreating Mameluks in November 1798, he found himself the only civilian. In the very midst of the battle itself, he reeled off sketches of the works of art that peppered his path right up to the threshold of the Sudan. He said that he had crossed ""a country that is, apart from its name, entirely unknown to Europeans, and therefore everything was worth describing"" (Voyages dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte en 1798 et 1799, 1817). On his return to Cairo, the great general, spellbound by Denon's accounts and drawings ordered two commissions to be set up, led by the engineers Fourier and Costaz. They were tasked with the scientific study of the ancient remains in Upper Egypt; research that proved a significant contribution to the monumental Description d'Egypte, from which this plate is taken. ANCIENT EGYPT These engravings therefore represent a unique body of material that contributed to Jean-François Champollion's deciphering of hieroglyphics, and which mark the beginning of the line of Mariette, Maspero and Carter, who would reshape the face of Ancient Egypt. They also started a craze that gave birth to the phenomenon of Egyptomania and the Orientalism of Delacroix, Fromentin, Marilhat, Decamps and Théophile Gautier. Financiers, politicians, merchants and all kinds of treasure-hunters made their way to the banks of the Nile in search of riches, following this rediscovery of Egypt. The originators of Egyptology, these plates were to have a hugely influential afterlife. NATURAL HISTORY These engravings show the scientific genius of the French experts then working on the ground in Egypt, laying the foundations for its becoming a French colony. This colonizing project, which had been mooted since the reign of Louis XIV, was now accompanied - with Bonaparte's arrival - by an in-depth study of the country's fauna and flora thanks to the work of the most eminent naturalists, mineralogists, and entomologists of the day. The Description de l'Egypte shows all of this immense scientific undertaking through its engravings, which were done after drawings by members of the Academy of Science, including Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire, Alire Raffenau-Delile and Henri-Joseph Redouté. In the words of Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ""We have gathered the material for the greatest work that a nation could hope to undertake. In mourning the fate of so many brave soldiers who - after so many glorious exploits - fell in Egypt, we shall be able to console ourselves that such precious works came into being."" MODERN EGYPT The genius of the experts of the Institut d'Egypte is revealed in the plates of the section known as ""Modern Egypte"". Architecture, industry, social organization, conditions of health, irrigation, music, and crafts, are all presented with exceptional precision and powers of description. The spirit of Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie runs through the work of the draughtsmen of the Description de L'Egypte, who accompanied the text volumes with numerous detailed plates, undertaking to produce a portrait of the local population that was imbued with both beauty and respect. Wealthy Pashas and simple artisan potters are sensitively represented here, going about their business in beautifully composed images that nonetheless do not fall into the traps of idealism or caricature. ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE (the ""Cairo"" plates) The set of engravings to which this plate belongs constitutes one of the first complete studies of the monuments of Islamic Egypt in Cairo, bringing together maps, sections and elevations of mosques, mausoleums and fortifications, from the Tulunid era in the 9th century up to the Mameluk constructions contemporaneous with the arrival of the Bonapartist troops. At the same time, the architects and engineers of the Institut d'Egypte also made a big series of plates dedicated to civilian housing and edifices in Cairo, including both grander and more modest constructions, providing a precious picture of life in Cairo at the end of the 19th century. BAB AL FOUTOUH Bab el-Foutouh, "" The Conquest Gate"" marks the northern limit of Fatimid old Cairo. Rebuilt in 1087, it is highly defensive in nature owing to the turbulent climate in 11th Century Cairo, which saw a number of popular uprisings. An imposing gate, it has two semicircular towers with low-slung arches made of heavy blocks of stone anchored within the ramparts. The sizeable passage through the gate (4.85m wide by 6.79m high) has a shallow dome. BAB EL NASR Bab el-Nasr, ""The Victory Gate"" is on the northern wall of the Fatimid fortress in Cairo. Its two enormous rectangular towers were rebuilt in 1087 after a long period of popular uprisings. On this highly attractive frontal image signed Protain, one can admire the sculpted shields in the corners of the gate and on the towers, symbolizing victory and protection against invaders. After taking Cairo, Napoleon named all the towers along the wall of the fortress after the officers assigned to guard them. Their names are still engraved on the upper parts of the walls of the gate. SULTAN HASSAN MOSQUE The massive architectural complex constructed by Sultan Hassan at the foot of the citadel in Cairo was built in the ostentatious style so characteristic of Mameluk architecture. Completed in 1356, the Sultan Hassan Mosque has a monumental gate and a 57m high minaret. This group of buildings, comprising a mausoleum that was never put to use, was strategically built on the site of a square that saw the start of a number of popular uprisings. The mosque was heavily inspired by Iranian models. Philae This plate is taken from a set of engravings dedicated to the Temple of Isis on the island of Philae. The final bastion of the worship of the ancient Egyptian gods, the temple of Isis was the last pagan temple to be in use before it was closed in the 6th century A.D. under Justinian. Construction on the temple began under the Ptolemies, a period of growth for the Isis cult. Isis was the sister and wife of Osiris and mother to Horus. Kom Ombo (Ombos) The Kom Ombo site, 40 kilometers from Aswan, is home to one of the best preserved ancient Egyptian temples, dedicated to Sobek, a crocodile god and Haroeris, a form of Horus. Built in the Ptolemaic era, it was actually founded during the XVIIIth Dynasty. Its massive Composite capitals and highly accomplished reliefs are captured accurately by the draughtsmen of the Institut d'Egypte, Jollois, Balzac and Cécile. The dual aspect of its design, intended for worship of two different divine triads - those of Sobek and Haroeris - is reproduced in great detail by the architects and engineers of the Egyptian campaign through this set of prints, which preceded the first archeological digs in the building by Auguste Mariette in 1828. Edfu This plate is taken from a series of views of the great temple at Edfu and the various buildings in its cultic complex. The temple of Horus, a jewel of Ptolemaic architecture and exceptionally well-preserved, is made up of a majestic entry gate and a hypostyle chamber, which are both extensively documented thanks to the engravings by the experts of the Institut d'Egypte. Begun in 237 BC by Ptolemy III and completed 180 years later under Tiberius, it proved an extraordinary sight for the draughtsmen come to explore the left bank of the Nile. Esna and its environs The town of Esna (Esneh or Latopolis in Bonaparte's time), lies fifty kilometers to the south of Luxor. The experts from the Institut de l'Egypte documented their discovery of its temple, dedicated to Khnum, one of the gods of creation who worked with clay and had the head of a ram; he controlled the life-giving flooding of the Nile, the source of fertility. He was associated with Nebt-uu, the mistress of the countryside and Menhyt, a goddess with the head of a lion. This temple, partially rebuilt during the Ptolemaic era, was added to right up to the reign of Tiberius. The draughtsmen also produced a number of views of the neighboring temples, most notably the less well-preserved temple of Contra-Latopolis to the north of Esna. Thebes Medinet-Habu Close to Thebes and Luxor on the left bank of the Nile, the city of Medinet-Habu is home to one of the most attractive temples of New Kingdom period Egypt, the mortuary temple of Ramses III. This dates from the middle of the 12th century BC, and is based on the famous Ramesseum of his predecessor, which it surpasses in size. A funerary temple celebrating the Pharaoh, the experts of the Institut d'Egypte set about creating cross-sections, plans and elevations, and most especially capturing its numerous bas-reliefs. The architects and draughtsmen also focused on the Royal Palace and its internal peristyle within the 12-metre fortress that encircles the religious complex, including the Temple of Amon, located at the south-east of the site and begun in the reign of Hatshepsut at the end of the 15th Century BC. Memnonium The Memnonium, a name used by visitors to the Valley of the Kings from 1750 to 1850, refers to a set of three royal buildings constructed during the New Kingdom: the Ramesseum, the Temple of Amenhotep III and the Temple of Sethi I. The draughtsmen and architects of Bonaparte's Institut, sent out on expedition across Upper Egypt from 1799 documented Thebes and the Valley of the Kings, even attempting to reconstruct some of the buildings on the basis of descriptions by Classical authors. The tomb of Ozymandias (one of the numerous names of Ramses II), in a very poor state, thus became the subject of very thorough study and an attempt to fill in its missing bits on the basis of the writings of Diodurus Siculus. This Greek historian of the Augustine period stayed in the valley of the Nile from 60-57 BC and his visit to the tomb of Ramses II is recounted in his monumental Bibliotheca Historica (Book I, XLVII-XLIX). At the same time, the experts also made extremely detailed studies and views of the Colossi of Memnon, all that remains of a huge memorial temple to Amenhotep III built on the road to the necropolis in the Valley of the Kings. These colossi were located at the entrance to the temple in front of a preliminary pylon made of brick. These two statues represent King Amenhotep III framed to the right by the great Royal Consort Tiy and to the left by the Queen Mother Mutemwiya. Hypogea and Biban el Moluk This plate is taken from a series of engravings of the hypogea in the Valley of the Kings (Biban el Moluk) in Thebes. Some are in color to show the vivid hues of the sarcophaguses and mysterious murals whose secret had yet to be broken by Jean-François Champollion. The draughtsmen of the Institut, including the famous Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, sent by Napoleon to cover Upper Egypt in 1799, capture with élan the royal mummies and the artifacts that accompanied the dead in their journey to the netherworld: urns, furniture, weapons, idols and the mummies of numerous mammals and birds. Karnak This plate is from a set on the Great Temple at Karnak, built during the New Kingdom at the time of Ramses III. This enormous complex is divided into three parts and is dedicated to the Theban Triad of gods, Amun, Mut and Khonsu. Its sculptures, internal bas-reliefs and sunken reliefs on the external facades are intricately captured by the engineers of the Institut, while the architects worked out the complex groundplan of this edifice, which was divided into facades, colonnaded halls and sacral spaces reserved for the temple priests. The alley of the monumental sphinx which links the site to the Luxor site was also the subject of a plate by Lepère, an architect from the Institut who took part in the expedition across Upper Egypt. Dendera The experts executed views and drawings of the temples of Dendera (or Tentyra), a city in Upper Egypt 60km to the north of Luxor. They have captured, with an exceptional degree of graphic artistry, the thick, round nature of the sculpted reliefs of the great Temple of Hathor, built under the Ptolemies in the first half of the 1st century BC. They also produced interesting views of the neighboring temples as well as a selection of reliefs of the ""Dendera Zodiac"", a chapel dedicated to Osiris and located beneath the temple of Hathor. Its famous astronomical relief was discovered by the French General Desaix - stationed in Upper Egypt by Bonaparte from 1798 - and taken back to France in 1821 by Claude Lelorrain; it is now on display in the Louvre. Another astronomical and cosmological relief on the ceiling of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Hathor is the subject of a magnificent plate by Jollois and Devilliers. This covers seven soffit coffers of the ceiling and is an immense allegorical image showing several levels of consciousness: that of cosmogony, the constellations and their effect on the Earth, the creation of Man, and the Nomes of Egypt, symbolized by 21 pairs of wings topped with the red crown of Lower Egypt and the white tiara of Upper Egypt. The Pyramids at Memphis The Giza Plateau, near Memphis, is home to three of the most famous Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, the tombs of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, Pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty (2620-2500 BC). The experts of the Institut, hurrying to Memphis, explored the plateau and made numerous views of these majestic pyramids, towering over inhabitants and mounted figures. They also made minutely detailed views of the epigraphs on the tombs adjacent to the pyramids, as well as views of the Sphinx of Gaza near the Pyramid of Khafre. Views of Alexandria A plate taken from a set of view of Alexandria as it was found by Napoleon's army in June 1798. Embarking in Toulon on the 14th May, his troops disembarked at Alexandria a month later and explored this port city before heading towards Cairo to take the capital.
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Voyage dans la Basse et Haute Egypte : Planche 124. (Figures de divinités et autres bas-reliefs).<br />
Didot, Paris 1803, 40x54cm, une feuille. Gravure originale in folio non rognée, extraite du Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte de Vivant Denon. Planche ornée d'une gravure subdivisée en 9 figures, ainsi décrites par l'auteur : N° 1. Figure que je crois celle d'Orus ou de la terre, fils d'Isis ou d'Osiris ; je l'ai vue le plus souvent avec l'une et l'autre de ces divinités, ou leur faisant une offrande, toujours avec une figure jeune et d'une taille plus petite que les autres : j'ai trouvé celle-ci sur une des colonnes du portique de Tintyra ; elle étoit recouverte en stuc, et peinte : le stuc, en partie écaillé, me laissa voir des lignes tracées comme avec de la sanguine ; la curiosité me fit achever d'enlever le stuc, et je trouvai le trait de la figure tracé avec des repentirs de dessin, une division en vingt-deux parties, le départ des cuisses partageant la grandeur totale de la figure, et la tête en formant un peu moins de la septieme partie ; les Egyptiens avoient donc un type, un mode, un canon? ils avoient donc un art avec des principes fixes ? Ce qui me parut singulier, ce fut de trouver, tout auprès de cette figure si réguliere, des traits tracés deux ou trois mille ans après et par les mêmes catholiques des premiers siecles, qui détruisoient si soigneusement les sculptures du culte égyptien, et qui, avec toute la gaucherie de la barbarie la plus inepte, s'étoient efforcés de dessiner la figure d'un de leurs évéques avec la mitre et la croix : sans partialité pour l'histoire de l'art, j'ai tout pris avec la même exactitude , et j'en ai conservé la comparaison telle qu'elle m'a frappé. N° 2. J'ai trouvé ce groupe très souvent répété dans les peintures qui décorent les tombeaux des rois de Thebes ; la figure attachée au poteau, terminée par une tête de loup ou de chakal, et qui a la tête coupée, est toujours noire avec le caractere negre, et celui qui tient le coutelas est toujours rouge. Il y avoit donc des sacrifices humains ? le poteau sacré indiqueroit que c'est une fonction religieuse, et non un suplice ; que c'étoit une victime, et non un coupable ; que c'étoit un captif et non un criminel ; que le rouge étoit la couleur nationale, et le noir la couleur étrangere. On trouve chez tous les peuples des divinités qui veulent du sang, parceque les hommes qui se sont fait des divinités les ont créées à leur image, et leur ont donné toutes leurs passions et tous leurs vices. N° 3. Cette figure, qui réunit de grandes curiosités, m'a été communiquée par le général Dugua ; elle a été dessinée d'après un fragment de granit près de Souès, et si naïvement, que je ne puis soupconner la main qui en a fait le dessin d'être capable de la malice d'un faux. L'écriture persépolitaine, jointe au caractere bien prononcé de la tête d'un mage, telle qu'on la voit sur les médailles antiques de Perse, et le signe égyptien du globe ailé, ce rapprochement d'époques, ce mélange des arts de deux nations rivales, que je n'ai jamais rencontré qu'ici m'a fait penser que, malgré la loi que je me suis faite de ne présenter à mes lecteurs que ce que j'aurois vu ou dessiné moi-même, je ne pouvois me dispenser d'offrir ce fragment à la curiosité des observateurs. N° 4. C'est une espece de chapelle ou d'ex-voto, ou temple votif et portatif, d'une seule pierre de grès : celui-ci a été trouvé à Saccarah ; il est du double de la grandeur du dessin ; il a été apporté en France par le citoyen Descotil, qui a bien voulu me le communiquer. Les n° 5 et 6 sont les côtés ; il falloit sans doute qu'il fût appuyé contre quelque chose, car il n'y a rien de sculpté derriere : la figure du milieu est la tête d'une divinité sur un corps de serpent ; aux deux côtés sont un homme et une femme faisant des offrandes. N° 7. Ce tableau d'un genre particulier m'a paru être un jeu, et la représentation de tours de force que l'on fait faire à des ânes, dont je n'ai trouvé la figure dans aucun tableau hiéroglyphique ; ceux-ci sont sculptés dans une grotte à mi-côte de la montagne libyque, à l'ouest de Thebes. Ce tableau, travaillé sur le massif de la roche, sur la pierre calcaire, est si fin et si recherché pour le travail, qu'il ressemble plutôt à de la ciselure d'orfèvrerie qu'à de la sculpture ; ce sujet d'un genre tout-à-fait particulier a plus de souplesse dans les contours et plus de grace dans la pose qu'on n'en trouve ordinairement dans les bas-reliefs égyptiens. Ils avoient donc une école, et un style à part exempt des inconséquences des figures hiéroglyphiques. L'usage existe encore dans le pays de lever dans la même attitude les ânes qui viennent de faire une course, afin de les délasser et de leur déroidir les membres. N° 8. Ce tableau est de même nature que le précédent, il existe dans la même grotte ; il est encore plus évidemment un jeu : la figure du milieu va sauter sur la corde ; elle a toute la naïveté de ce mouvement ; les autres ne sont pas moins bien dans l'action, et prouvent que, lorsqu'ils en avoient une à exprimer, ils savoient prendre la nature sur le fait et en rendre l'expression. La roche sur laquelle tout cela est sculpté est friable, et s'est effeuillée d'elle-même, ce qui a fragmenté tout naturellement cette petite collection particuliere et très précieuse : j'en aurois dessiné tout ce qui en reste de détails, si je ne l'eusse découvert le soir et à l'instant où j'étois obligé de quitter ce lieu pour toujours. N° 9. J'ai joint le développement de ce petit cippe persépolitain pour servir de comparaison avec l'écriture à clou du n° 3. Quelques rousseurs principalement marginales, sinon bel état de conservation. Publié pour la première fois en deux volumes, dont un atlas de gravures, chez Didot, en 1802, le 'Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Égypte' connut un tel succès qu'il fut traduit dès 1803 en Anglais et en Allemand, puis quelques années plus tard en Hollandais et en Italien, notamment. Presque toutes les planches sont dessinées par Denon, qui en a aussi gravé lui-même un petit nombre, notamment des portraits d'habitants d'Egypte, qui ont encore gardée toute la fraîcheur d'esquisses prises sur le vif (nos 104-111). Une bonne vingtaine de graveurs ont également collaboré à la création des eaux-fortes dont Baltard, Galien, Réville et d'autres. Dominique Vivant, baron Denon, dit Vivant Denon, né à Givry le 4 janvier 1747 et mort à Paris le 27 avril 1825, est un graveur, écrivain, diplomate et administrateur français. A l'invitation de Bonaparte, il se joint à l'expédition d'Egypte en embarquant dès le 14 mai 1798 sur la frégate "" La Junon "". Protégé par les troupes françaises, il a l'opportunité de parcourir le pays dans tous les sens, afin de rassembler le matériau qui servit de base à son travail artistique et littéraire le plus important. Il accompagne en particulier le général Desaix en Haute Egypte, dont il rapporte de très nombreux croquis, lavis à l'encre et autres dessins à la plume, à la pierre noire, ou à la sanguine. Il dessine sans relâche, le plus souvent sur son genou, debout ou même à cheval, et parfois jusque sous le feu de l'ennemi. A l'issue d'un voyage de 13 mois durant lesquels il dessine plusieurs milliers de croquis, Vivant Denon rentre en France avec Bonaparte, et devient le premier artiste à publier le récit de cette expédition. Les 141 planches qui accompagnent son Journal retracent l'ensemble de son voyage, depuis les côtes de la Corse jusqu'aux monuments pharaoniques de la Haute Egypte. Bonaparte le nomme ensuite directeur général du musée central de la République, qui devient le musée Napoléon, puis le musée royal du Louvre et administrateur des arts. En 1805, Vivant Denon relance le projet de la colonne Vendôme, qui avait été suspendu en 1803. Il organise ensuite des expéditions dans toute l'Europe impériale pour amasser les objets d'art, qui sont pillés pour être emportés au Louvre. En 1814, Louis XVIII le confirme à la tête du Louvre, dont une aile porte encore son nom aujourd'hui. Il est considéré comme un grand précurseur de la muséologie, de l'histoire de l'art et de l'égyptologie. - Didot, Paris 1803, 40x54cm, une feuille. [ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOLLOWS] Original, unshaved, full-page etching from the ""Imperial edition"" of the Description de l'Égypte, or 'Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand [A Collection of the observations and research carried out in Egypt during the French expedition, published on the orders of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon the Great]'. Produced between February 1802 and 1830 on the orders of Naopleon Bonaparte and published between 1809 and 1828, 1,000 copies were printed and distributed to institutions, on vergé paper with an 'Égypte ancienne et moderne' watermark, visible when held up to the light. Light marginal spotting not touching image, otherwise in very fresh, fine condition. An engraving from the Description de l'Egypte, one of the masterpieces of French printing and the birth of a new field: Egyptology. A gigantic survey of Egypt at the time of Bonaparte's conquests in 1798 and 1799, the work is divided into 13 volumes of engravings making up 892 plates, of which 72 colored, as well as presenting the splendors of the Egypt of the Pharaohs in 9 volumes. The other volumes discuss natural history and present a fascinating portrait of Coptic and Islamic Egypt as it was seen by Bonaparte's Eastern Armies. The 'Egyptian campaign', militarily a disaster, demonstrates, through the engravings of the Description d'Egypte, the scientific success it nonetheless became thanks to the 167 expert members of the Commission of the Sciences and Arts of the Institut d'Egypte [Egyptian Institute] who followed Napoleon's army. The Institut gathered together in Egypt the mathematician Monge, the chemist Berthollet, the naturalist Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire as well as numerous artists, engineers, architects and doctors. They were tasked with re-discovering modern and ancient Egypt and displaying its natural treasures as well as the know-how of its inhabitants. This edition, the so-called ""Imperial"" edition of the plates for the Description de l'Egypte was printed in four large formats, two of which were specially created for it and christened ""Moyen-Egypte"" and ""Grand-Egypte"". A special press was built to print it, the process extending over 20 years, from 1809 to 1829. The ""Imperial"" edition proved so popular that a second edition, this time in black and white and without the ""Egypte ancienne et moderne"" watermark - known as the ""Royal Edition"" - was published during the Restoration by the printing house of C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). The engravings of the Description d'Egypte owe a great deal to Baron Dominique-Vivant Denon, illustrator, diplomat, collector and later Director of the Musée Napoléon (the Louvre). His exploration of the South of Egypt gave Bonaparte the idea of sending the experts of the Institut there, thus creating a faithful and complete portrait of the area. This was the research gathered together from 1802 in the mammoth Description de L'Egypte. Denon embarked on this story of archeological exploration at the age of 51, reaching first Alexandria and then Cairo before exploring Upper Egypt. Along with the members of the Institut d'Egypte, the Natural History Museum's painter H.J. Redouté (brother of Pierre-Joseph Redouté, author of Roses), the mineralogist Dolomiue, and the draughtsman Joly, Denon then explored the Nile Delta and Lower Egypt. When, however, he joined the 21st Light Infantry Regiment as it marched across Upper Egypt in pursuit of the retreating Mameluks in November 1798, he found himself the only civilian. In the very midst of the battle itself, he reeled off sketches of the works of art that peppered his path right up to the threshold of the Sudan. He said that he had crossed ""a country that is, apart from its name, entirely unknown to Europeans, and therefore everything was worth describing"" (Voyages dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte en 1798 et 1799, 1817). On his return to Cairo, the great general, spellbound by Denon's accounts and drawings ordered two commissions to be set up, led by the engineers Fourier and Costaz. They were tasked with the scientific study of the ancient remains in Upper Egypt; research that proved a significant contribution to the monumental Description d'Egypte, from which this plate is taken. ANCIENT EGYPT These engravings therefore represent a unique body of material that contributed to Jean-François Champollion's deciphering of hieroglyphics, and which mark the beginning of the line of Mariette, Maspero and Carter, who would reshape the face of Ancient Egypt. They also started a craze that gave birth to the phenomenon of Egyptomania and the Orientalism of Delacroix, Fromentin, Marilhat, Decamps and Théophile Gautier. Financiers, politicians, merchants and all kinds of treasure-hunters made their way to the banks of the Nile in search of riches, following this rediscovery of Egypt. The originators of Egyptology, these plates were to have a hugely influential afterlife. NATURAL HISTORY These engravings show the scientific genius of the French experts then working on the ground in Egypt, laying the foundations for its becoming a French colony. This colonizing project, which had been mooted since the reign of Louis XIV, was now accompanied - with Bonaparte's arrival - by an in-depth study of the country's fauna and flora thanks to the work of the most eminent naturalists, mineralogists, and entomologists of the day. The Description de l'Egypte shows all of this immense scientific undertaking through its engravings, which were done after drawings by members of the Academy of Science, including Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire, Alire Raffenau-Delile and Henri-Joseph Redouté. In the words of Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ""We have gathered the material for the greatest work that a nation could hope to undertake. In mourning the fate of so many brave soldiers who - after so many glorious exploits - fell in Egypt, we shall be able to console ourselves that such precious works came into being."" MODERN EGYPT The genius of the experts of the Institut d'Egypte is revealed in the plates of the section known as ""Modern Egypte"". Architecture, industry, social organization, conditions of health, irrigation, music, and crafts, are all presented with exceptional precision and powers of description. The spirit of Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie runs through the work of the draughtsmen of the Description de L'Egypte, who accompanied the text volumes with numerous detailed plates, undertaking to produce a portrait of the local population that was imbued with both beauty and respect. Wealthy Pashas and simple artisan potters are sensitively represented here, going about their business in beautifully composed images that nonetheless do not fall into the traps of idealism or caricature. ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE (the ""Cairo"" plates) The set of engravings to which this plate belongs constitutes one of the first complete studies of the monuments of Islamic Egypt in Cairo, bringing together maps, sections and elevations of mosques, mausoleums and fortifications, from the Tulunid era in the 9th century up to the Mameluk constructions contemporaneous with the arrival of the Bonapartist troops. At the same time, the architects and engineers of the Institut d'Egypte also made a big series of plates dedicated to civilian housing and edifices in Cairo, including both grander and more modest constructions, providing a precious picture of life in Cairo at the end of the 19th century. BAB AL FOUTOUH Bab el-Foutouh, "" The Conquest Gate"" marks the northern limit of Fatimid old Cairo. Rebuilt in 1087, it is highly defensive in nature owing to the turbulent climate in 11th Century Cairo, which saw a number of popular uprisings. An imposing gate, it has two semicircular towers with low-slung arches made of heavy blocks of stone anchored within the ramparts. The sizeable passage through the gate (4.85m wide by 6.79m high) has a shallow dome. BAB EL NASR Bab el-Nasr, ""The Victory Gate"" is on the northern wall of the Fatimid fortress in Cairo. Its two enormous rectangular towers were rebuilt in 1087 after a long period of popular uprisings. On this highly attractive frontal image signed Protain, one can admire the sculpted shields in the corners of the gate and on the towers, symbolizing victory and protection against invaders. After taking Cairo, Napoleon named all the towers along the wall of the fortress after the officers assigned to guard them. Their names are still engraved on the upper parts of the walls of the gate. SULTAN HASSAN MOSQUE The massive architectural complex constructed by Sultan Hassan at the foot of the citadel in Cairo was built in the ostentatious style so characteristic of Mameluk architecture. Completed in 1356, the Sultan Hassan Mosque has a monumental gate and a 57m high minaret. This group of buildings, comprising a mausoleum that was never put to use, was strategically built on the site of a square that saw the start of a number of popular uprisings. The mosque was heavily inspired by Iranian models. Philae This plate is taken from a set of engravings dedicated to the Temple of Isis on the island of Philae. The final bastion of the worship of the ancient Egyptian gods, the temple of Isis was the last pagan temple to be in use before it was closed in the 6th century A.D. under Justinian. Construction on the temple began under the Ptolemies, a period of growth for the Isis cult. Isis was the sister and wife of Osiris and mother to Horus. Kom Ombo (Ombos) The Kom Ombo site, 40 kilometers from Aswan, is home to one of the best preserved ancient Egyptian temples, dedicated to Sobek, a crocodile god and Haroeris, a form of Horus. Built in the Ptolemaic era, it was actually founded during the XVIIIth Dynasty. Its massive Composite capitals and highly accomplished reliefs are captured accurately by the draughtsmen of the Institut d'Egypte, Jollois, Balzac and Cécile. The dual aspect of its design, intended for worship of two different divine triads - those of Sobek and Haroeris - is reproduced in great detail by the architects and engineers of the Egyptian campaign through this set of prints, which preceded the first archeological digs in the building by Auguste Mariette in 1828. Edfu This plate is taken from a series of views of the great temple at Edfu and the various buildings in its cultic complex. The temple of Horus, a jewel of Ptolemaic architecture and exceptionally well-preserved, is made up of a majestic entry gate and a hypostyle chamber, which are both extensively documented thanks to the engravings by the experts of the Institut d'Egypte. Begun in 237 BC by Ptolemy III and completed 180 years later under Tiberius, it proved an extraordinary sight for the draughtsmen come to explore the left bank of the Nile. Esna and its environs The town of Esna (Esneh or Latopolis in Bonaparte's time), lies fifty kilometers to the south of Luxor. The experts from the Institut de l'Egypte documented their discovery of its temple, dedicated to Khnum, one of the gods of creation who worked with clay and had the head of a ram; he controlled the life-giving flooding of the Nile, the source of fertility. He was associated with Nebt-uu, the mistress of the countryside and Menhyt, a goddess with the head of a lion. This temple, partially rebuilt during the Ptolemaic era, was added to right up to the reign of Tiberius. The draughtsmen also produced a number of views of the neighboring temples, most notably the less well-preserved temple of Contra-Latopolis to the north of Esna. Thebes Medinet-Habu Close to Thebes and Luxor on the left bank of the Nile, the city of Medinet-Habu is home to one of the most attractive temples of New Kingdom period Egypt, the mortuary temple of Ramses III. This dates from the middle of the 12th century BC, and is based on the famous Ramesseum of his predecessor, which it surpasses in size. A funerary temple celebrating the Pharaoh, the experts of the Institut d'Egypte set about creating cross-sections, plans and elevations, and most especially capturing its numerous bas-reliefs. The architects and draughtsmen also focused on the Royal Palace and its internal peristyle within the 12-metre fortress that encircles the religious complex, including the Temple of Amon, located at the south-east of the site and begun in the reign of Hatshepsut at the end of the 15th Century BC. Memnonium The Memnonium, a name used by visitors to the Valley of the Kings from 1750 to 1850, refers to a set of three royal buildings constructed during the New Kingdom: the Ramesseum, the Temple of Amenhotep III and the Temple of Sethi I. The draughtsmen and architects of Bonaparte's Institut, sent out on expedition across Upper Egypt from 1799 documented Thebes and the Valley of the Kings, even attempting to reconstruct some of the buildings on the basis of descriptions by Classical authors. The tomb of Ozymandias (one of the numerous names of Ramses II), in a very poor state, thus became the subject of very thorough study and an attempt to fill in its missing bits on the basis of the writings of Diodurus Siculus. This Greek historian of the Augustine period stayed in the valley of the Nile from 60-57 BC and his visit to the tomb of Ramses II is recounted in his monumental Bibliotheca Historica (Book I, XLVII-XLIX). At the same time, the experts also made extremely detailed studies and views of the Colossi of Memnon, all that remains of a huge memorial temple to Amenhotep III built on the road to the necropolis in the Valley of the Kings. These colossi were located at the entrance to the temple in front of a preliminary pylon made of brick. These two statues represent King Amenhotep III framed to the right by the great Royal Consort Tiy and to the left by the Queen Mother Mutemwiya. Hypogea and Biban el Moluk This plate is taken from a series of engravings of the hypogea in the Valley of the Kings (Biban el Moluk) in Thebes. Some are in color to show the vivid hues of the sarcophaguses and mysterious murals whose secret had yet to be broken by Jean-François Champollion. The draughtsmen of the Institut, including the famous Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, sent by Napoleon to cover Upper Egypt in 1799, capture with élan the royal mummies and the artifacts that accompanied the dead in their journey to the netherworld: urns, furniture, weapons, idols and the mummies of numerous mammals and birds. Karnak This plate is from a set on the Great Temple at Karnak, built during the New Kingdom at the time of Ramses III. This enormous complex is divided into three parts and is dedicated to the Theban Triad of gods, Amun, Mut and Khonsu. Its sculptures, internal bas-reliefs and sunken reliefs on the external facades are intricately captured by the engineers of the Institut, while the architects worked out the complex groundplan of this edifice, which was divided into facades, colonnaded halls and sacral spaces reserved for the temple priests. The alley of the monumental sphinx which links the site to the Luxor site was also the subject of a plate by Lepère, an architect from the Institut who took part in the expedition across Upper Egypt. Dendera The experts executed views and drawings of the temples of Dendera (or Tentyra), a city in Upper Egypt 60km to the north of Luxor. They have captured, with an exceptional degree of graphic artistry, the thick, round nature of the sculpted reliefs of the great Temple of Hathor, built under the Ptolemies in the first half of the 1st century BC. They also produced interesting views of the neighboring temples as well as a selection of reliefs of the ""Dendera Zodiac"", a chapel dedicated to Osiris and located beneath the temple of Hathor. Its famous astronomical relief was discovered by the French General Desaix - stationed in Upper Egypt by Bonaparte from 1798 - and taken back to France in 1821 by Claude Lelorrain; it is now on display in the Louvre. Another astronomical and cosmological relief on the ceiling of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Hathor is the subject of a magnificent plate by Jollois and Devilliers. This covers seven soffit coffers of the ceiling and is an immense allegorical image showing several levels of consciousness: that of cosmogony, the constellations and their effect on the Earth, the creation of Man, and the Nomes of Egypt, symbolized by 21 pairs of wings topped with the red crown of Lower Egypt and the white tiara of Upper Egypt. The Pyramids at Memphis The Giza Plateau, near Memphis, is home to three of the most famous Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, the tombs of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, Pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty (2620-2500 BC). The experts of the Institut, hurrying to Memphis, explored the plateau and made numerous views of these majestic pyramids, towering over inhabitants and mounted figures. They also made minutely detailed views of the epigraphs on the tombs adjacent to the pyramids, as well as views of the Sphinx of Gaza near the Pyramid of Khafre. Views of Alexandria A plate taken from a set of view of Alexandria as it was found by Napoleon's army in June 1798. Embarking in Toulon on the 14th May, his troops disembarked at Alexandria a month later and explored this port city before heading towards Cairo to take the capital.
Librairie Le Feu FolletProfessional seller
Book number: 29788
€  120.00 [Appr.: US$ 129.34 | £UK 99.75 | JP¥ 19761]

Mémoires d'un mormon
E. Dentu, Paris s.d. (1862), 12x19cm, broché. Edition originale. Déchirure recollée sans manque affectant le dos, petits manques angulaires sur le premier plat de couverture. Rare exemplaire. - E. Dentu, Paris s.d. (1862), 12x19cm, broché. [ENGLISH DESCRIPTION ON DEMAND]
Librairie Le Feu FolletProfessional seller
Book number: 4935
€  300.00 [Appr.: US$ 323.34 | £UK 249.5 | JP¥ 49403]

Les imans et les derviches. Pratiques, superstitions et moeurs des Turcs
E. Dentu, Paris 1881, 12x18,5cm, broché. Edition originale. Dos cassé et comportant des manques angulaires, mouillures en marges des derniers feuillets, taches sur les plats. En l'état. - E. Dentu, Paris 1881, 12x18,5cm, broché. [ENGLISH DESCRIPTION ON DEMAND]
Librairie Le Feu FolletProfessional seller
Book number: 67384
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 32.33 | £UK 25 | JP¥ 4940]

JOMARD Edme-François & BIGANT (sculpsit)
DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE. Environs de Babylone. Le Kaire [Le Caire]. Intérieur d'un sarcophage en granit, trouvé à Qala't el Kabch, sous la mosquée de Touloun. (ANTIQUITES, volume V, planche 25)
Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 53,5x71cm, une feuille. Gravure originale à l'eau-forte in plano, non rognée, extraite de l'édition dite « Impériale » de la Description de l'Égypte ou Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand. Réalisée entre février 1802 et 1829 sur ordre de Napoléon Bonaparte et publiée à partir de 1809 [en réalité 1810], elle fut tirée à 1000 exemplaires sur Vergé filigrané « Égypte ancienne et moderne » et offerte aux institutions. Légères et marginales rousseurs sans aucune atteinte à la gravure, sinon très bel état de fraîcheur et de conservation. ARCHITECTURE ISLAMIQUE DU CAIRE : L'ensemble de gravures auquel cette planche appartient constitue une des premières études raisonnées des monuments de l'Egypte islamique au Caire, rassemblant plans, coupes et élévations de mosquées, de mausolées et de fortifications, depuis le IXe siècle tulunide jusqu'aux constructions mameloukes contemporaines de l'arrivée des troupes de Bonaparte. Par ailleurs, les architectes et ingénieurs de l'Institut d'Egypte ont réalisé une large série de planches consacrées aux habitations et constructions civiles, qu'elles soient de grande ou plus modeste facture, apportant de précieux témoignages sur la vie des Cairotes de la fin du XIXe siècle. Les quelques vestiges antiques restant dans la ville furent également immortalisés par les savants de l'Institut, qui avaient établi leurs quartiers dans la capitale. Volume ANTIQUITES, V : Ces gravures fournissent à Jean-François Champollion une documentation épigraphique fondamentale pour le déchiffrage des hiéroglyphes et inspirent une lignée d'archéologues comme Mariette, Maspero et Carter qui donnent un nouveau visage à l'Egypte ancienne. Elles suscitent un engouement tel qu'elles donnent naissance au phénomène de l'égyptomanie et à l'orientalisme de Delacroix, Fromentin, Marilhat, Decamps mais aussi Théophile Gautier... Financiers, politiciens, marchands, et fouilleurs de tous ordres se presseront sur les rives du Nil en quête de bonnes affaires à la suite de cette redécouverte de l'Egypte. A l'origine de l'égyptologie, ces planches connaîtront une postérité immense. LA DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE, édition IMPERIALE (1809-1829) : La Description de l'Egypte est un des chefs d'œuvre de l'édition française et le point de départ d'une nouvelle science : l'égyptologie. Titanesque exposé de l'Egypte au temps des conquêtes de Bonaparte entre 1798 et 1799, elle est répartie en 23 volumes dont 13 volumes de gravures rassemblant près de 1000 planches en noir et 72 en couleur. Les 6 volumes de planches intitulées Antiquités sont consacrés aux splendeurs de l'Egypte pharaonique. L'Histoire naturelle est répartie en 3 volumes de gravures. Un volume est consacré aux Cartes géographiques et topographiques tandis que les 3 volumes : Etat Moderne dressent un portrait saisissant de l'Egypte copte et islamique telle qu'elle était vue par les armées d'Orient de Bonaparte. La « campagne d'Egypte », désastre militaire, dévoile à travers les gravures de la Description de l'Egypte la réussite scientifique qu'elle est devenue, grâce aux quelques 167 savants membres de la Commission des sciences et des arts de l'Institut d'Egypte qui suivaient l'armée de Napoléon. L'Institut a réuni en Egypte le mathématicien Monge, le chimiste Berthollet, le naturaliste Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ainsi que de nombreux artistes, ingénieurs, architectes, médecins... Ils eurent la charge de redécouvrir l'Egypte moderne et antique, d'en montrer les richesses naturelles, et le savoir-faire de ses habitants. L'édition originale, dite « Impériale », de la Description de l'Egypte fut réalisée sur quatre formats de grande taille, deux d'entre eux spécialement créés pour elle et baptisés formats « Moyen-Egypte » et « Grand-Egypte ». On construisit une presse spécifique pour son impression, qui s'étala sur vingt ans, entre 1809 et 1829. L'édition Impériale s'avéra si populaire qu'une deuxième édition en 37 volumes entièrement en noir et sans le filigrane « Egypte ancienne et moderne », dite édition « Panckoucke », fut publiée à partir de 1821 par l'imprimerie C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). La réalisation de ce monument d'érudition doit beaucoup au baron Dominique Vivant Denon, illustrateur, diplomate, collectionneur et par la suite directeur du musée Napoléon du Louvre qui accompagna Napoléon en Egypte avec de nombreux autres savants mais décida seul de s'aventurer dans le Sud du pays, alors que les autres scientifiques conviés restaient confinés dans la région du Caire. Les fabuleux croquis rapportés par Denon lors de sa romanesque chevauchée donnèrent l'idée à Bonaparte d'y envoyer les autres membres de l'Institut et ainsi dresser un portrait fidèle et complet du territoire. A la suite de Denon, ce sont donc les plus grands scientifiques et artistes français qui s'aventurèrent le long du Nil jusqu'en Nubie. Parmi eux, le peintre au muséum d'histoire naturelle H.J. Redouté (frère de Pierre-Joseph Redouté, auteur des Roses), le minéralogiste Dolomieu, le dessinateur Joly, et les ingénieurs Fourier et Costaz, chargés de l'étude scientifique des vestiges antiques de Haute-Egypte. Sans doute pour la première fois réunie dans une telle expédition, l'élite scientifique et artistique française, composée de plus de 160 « savants » dont près de 50 artistes, étudie méthodiquement l'Egypte pendant trois ans. Ils réalisent alors, sous l'égide et à la gloire de Napoléon, la plus vaste analyse historique, géographique, scientifique, économique et ethnologique jamais réalisée sur un pays. Mais ce sont peut-être les gravures qui constituèrent le défi technique majeur de cette Description de l'Egypte, comme en témoigne Yves Laissus, commissaire de l'exposition organisée en 2009 par la RMN et le Musée de l'Armée aux Invalides : « L'illustration, 836 planches dont une soixantaine en couleurs, gravées à l'eau forte et au burin dans des formats jusqu'alors inusités (le plus grand couvre près d'un mètre carré), a nécessité la construction de nouvelles formes et cuves pour la fabrication du papier, justifié l'invention, par Nicolas Conté, d'une machine destinée à alléger la besogne des graveurs, et exigé la réalisation de nouvelles presses capables d'imprimer ces images immenses. Certaines d'entre elles ont demandé deux années de travail. Près de 200 graveurs ont reproduit sur le cuivre les œuvres de 62 dessinateurs dont 46 ont participé à l'expédition. » Rare et superbe gravure originale d'une exceptionnelle facture et qualité graphique, témoignage d'une des plus ambitieuses aventures éditoriales françaises. - Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 53,5x71cm, une feuille. [ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOLLOWS] Original, unshaved, full-page etching from the ""Imperial edition"" of the Description de l'Égypte, or 'Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand [A Collection of the observations and research carried out in Egypt during the French expedition, published on the orders of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon the Great]'. Produced between February 1802 and 1830 on the orders of Naopleon Bonaparte and published between 1809 and 1828, 1,000 copies were printed and distributed to institutions, on vergé paper with an 'Égypte ancienne et moderne' watermark, visible when held up to the light. Light marginal spotting not touching image, otherwise in very fresh, fine condition. An engraving from the Description de l'Egypte, one of the masterpieces of French printing and the birth of a new field: Egyptology. A gigantic survey of Egypt at the time of Bonaparte's conquests in 1798 and 1799, the work is divided into 13 volumes of engravings making up 892 plates, of which 72 colored, as well as presenting the splendors of the Egypt of the Pharaohs in 9 volumes. The other volumes discuss natural history and present a fascinating portrait of Coptic and Islamic Egypt as it was seen by Bonaparte's Eastern Armies. The 'Egyptian campaign', militarily a disaster, demonstrates, through the engravings of the Description d'Egypte, the scientific success it nonetheless became thanks to the 167 expert members of the Commission of the Sciences and Arts of the Institut d'Egypte [Egyptian Institute] who followed Napoleon's army. The Institut gathered together in Egypt the mathematician Monge, the chemist Berthollet, the naturalist Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire as well as numerous artists, engineers, architects and doctors. They were tasked with re-discovering modern and ancient Egypt and displaying its natural treasures as well as the know-how of its inhabitants. This edition, the so-called ""Imperial"" edition of the plates for the Description de l'Egypte was printed in four large formats, two of which were specially created for it and christened ""Moyen-Egypte"" and ""Grand-Egypte"". A special press was built to print it, the process extending over 20 years, from 1809 to 1829. The ""Imperial"" edition proved so popular that a second edition, this time in black and white and without the ""Egypte ancienne et moderne"" watermark - known as the ""Royal Edition"" - was published during the Restoration by the printing house of C.-L.-F. Panckoucke (Paris). The engravings of the Description d'Egypte owe a great deal to Baron Dominique-Vivant Denon, illustrator, diplomat, collector and later Director of the Musée Napoléon (the Louvre). His exploration of the South of Egypt gave Bonaparte the idea of sending the experts of the Institut there, thus creating a faithful and complete portrait of the area. This was the research gathered together from 1802 in the mammoth Description de L'Egypte. Denon embarked on this story of archeological exploration at the age of 51, reaching first Alexandria and then Cairo before exploring Upper Egypt. Along with the members of the Institut d'Egypte, the Natural History Museum's painter H.J. Redouté (brother of Pierre-Joseph Redouté, author of Roses), the mineralogist Dolomiue, and the draughtsman Joly, Denon then explored the Nile Delta and Lower Egypt. When, however, he joined the 21st Light Infantry Regiment as it marched across Upper Egypt in pursuit of the retreating Mameluks in November 1798, he found himself the only civilian. In the very midst of the battle itself, he reeled off sketches of the works of art that peppered his path right up to the threshold of the Sudan. He said that he had crossed ""a country that is, apart from its name, entirely unknown to Europeans, and therefore everything was worth describing"" (Voyages dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte en 1798 et 1799, 1817). On his return to Cairo, the great general, spellbound by Denon's accounts and drawings ordered two commissions to be set up, led by the engineers Fourier and Costaz. They were tasked with the scientific study of the ancient remains in Upper Egypt; research that proved a significant contribution to the monumental Description d'Egypte, from which this plate is taken. ANCIENT EGYPT These engravings therefore represent a unique body of material that contributed to Jean-François Champollion's deciphering of hieroglyphics, and which mark the beginning of the line of Mariette, Maspero and Carter, who would reshape the face of Ancient Egypt. They also started a craze that gave birth to the phenomenon of Egyptomania and the Orientalism of Delacroix, Fromentin, Marilhat, Decamps and Théophile Gautier. Financiers, politicians, merchants and all kinds of treasure-hunters made their way to the banks of the Nile in search of riches, following this rediscovery of Egypt. The originators of Egyptology, these plates were to have a hugely influential afterlife. NATURAL HISTORY These engravings show the scientific genius of the French experts then working on the ground in Egypt, laying the foundations for its becoming a French colony. This colonizing project, which had been mooted since the reign of Louis XIV, was now accompanied - with Bonaparte's arrival - by an in-depth study of the country's fauna and flora thanks to the work of the most eminent naturalists, mineralogists, and entomologists of the day. The Description de l'Egypte shows all of this immense scientific undertaking through its engravings, which were done after drawings by members of the Academy of Science, including Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hillaire, Alire Raffenau-Delile and Henri-Joseph Redouté. In the words of Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, ""We have gathered the material for the greatest work that a nation could hope to undertake. In mourning the fate of so many brave soldiers who - after so many glorious exploits - fell in Egypt, we shall be able to console ourselves that such precious works came into being."" MODERN EGYPT The genius of the experts of the Institut d'Egypte is revealed in the plates of the section known as ""Modern Egypte"". Architecture, industry, social organization, conditions of health, irrigation, music, and crafts, are all presented with exceptional precision and powers of description. The spirit of Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie runs through the work of the draughtsmen of the Description de L'Egypte, who accompanied the text volumes with numerous detailed plates, undertaking to produce a portrait of the local population that was imbued with both beauty and respect. Wealthy Pashas and simple artisan potters are sensitively represented here, going about their business in beautifully composed images that nonetheless do not fall into the traps of idealism or caricature. ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE (the ""Cairo"" plates) The set of engravings to which this plate belongs constitutes one of the first complete studies of the monuments of Islamic Egypt in Cairo, bringing together maps, sections and elevations of mosques, mausoleums and fortifications, from the Tulunid era in the 9th century up to the Mameluk constructions contemporaneous with the arrival of the Bonapartist troops. At the same time, the architects and engineers of the Institut d'Egypte also made a big series of plates dedicated to civilian housing and edifices in Cairo, including both grander and more modest constructions, providing a precious picture of life in Cairo at the end of the 19th century. BAB AL FOUTOUH Bab el-Foutouh, "" The Conquest Gate"" marks the northern limit of Fatimid old Cairo. Rebuilt in 1087, it is highly defensive in nature owing to the turbulent climate in 11th Century Cairo, which saw a number of popular uprisings. An imposing gate, it has two semicircular towers with low-slung arches made of heavy blocks of stone anchored within the ramparts. The sizeable passage through the gate (4.85m wide by 6.79m high) has a shallow dome. BAB EL NASR Bab el-Nasr, ""The Victory Gate"" is on the northern wall of the Fatimid fortress in Cairo. Its two enormous rectangular towers were rebuilt in 1087 after a long period of popular uprisings. On this highly attractive frontal image signed Protain, one can admire the sculpted shields in the corners of the gate and on the towers, symbolizing victory and protection against invaders. After taking Cairo, Napoleon named all the towers along the wall of the fortress after the officers assigned to guard them. Their names are still engraved on the upper parts of the walls of the gate. SULTAN HASSAN MOSQUE The massive architectural complex constructed by Sultan Hassan at the foot of the citadel in Cairo was built in the ostentatious style so characteristic of Mameluk architecture. Completed in 1356, the Sultan Hassan Mosque has a monumental gate and a 57m high minaret. This group of buildings, comprising a mausoleum that was never put to use, was strategically built on the site of a square that saw the start of a number of popular uprisings. The mosque was heavily inspired by Iranian models. Philae This plate is taken from a set of engravings dedicated to the Temple of Isis on the island of Philae. The final bastion of the worship of the ancient Egyptian gods, the temple of Isis was the last pagan temple to be in use before it was closed in the 6th century A.D. under Justinian. Construction on the temple began under the Ptolemies, a period of growth for the Isis cult. Isis was the sister and wife of Osiris and mother to Horus. Kom Ombo (Ombos) The Kom Ombo site, 40 kilometers from Aswan, is home to one of the best preserved ancient Egyptian temples, dedicated to Sobek, a crocodile god and Haroeris, a form of Horus. Built in the Ptolemaic era, it was actually founded during the XVIIIth Dynasty. Its massive Composite capitals and highly accomplished reliefs are captured accurately by the draughtsmen of the Institut d'Egypte, Jollois, Balzac and Cécile. The dual aspect of its design, intended for worship of two different divine triads - those of Sobek and Haroeris - is reproduced in great detail by the architects and engineers of the Egyptian campaign through this set of prints, which preceded the first archeological digs in the building by Auguste Mariette in 1828. Edfu This plate is taken from a series of views of the great temple at Edfu and the various buildings in its cultic complex. The temple of Horus, a jewel of Ptolemaic architecture and exceptionally well-preserved, is made up of a majestic entry gate and a hypostyle chamber, which are both extensively documented thanks to the engravings by the experts of the Institut d'Egypte. Begun in 237 BC by Ptolemy III and completed 180 years later under Tiberius, it proved an extraordinary sight for the draughtsmen come to explore the left bank of the Nile. Esna and its environs The town of Esna (Esneh or Latopolis in Bonaparte's time), lies fifty kilometers to the south of Luxor. The experts from the Institut de l'Egypte documented their discovery of its temple, dedicated to Khnum, one of the gods of creation who worked with clay and had the head of a ram; he controlled the life-giving flooding of the Nile, the source of fertility. He was associated with Nebt-uu, the mistress of the countryside and Menhyt, a goddess with the head of a lion. This temple, partially rebuilt during the Ptolemaic era, was added to right up to the reign of Tiberius. The draughtsmen also produced a number of views of the neighboring temples, most notably the less well-preserved temple of Contra-Latopolis to the north of Esna. Thebes Medinet-Habu Close to Thebes and Luxor on the left bank of the Nile, the city of Medinet-Habu is home to one of the most attractive temples of New Kingdom period Egypt, the mortuary temple of Ramses III. This dates from the middle of the 12th century BC, and is based on the famous Ramesseum of his predecessor, which it surpasses in size. A funerary temple celebrating the Pharaoh, the experts of the Institut d'Egypte set about creating cross-sections, plans and elevations, and most especially capturing its numerous bas-reliefs. The architects and draughtsmen also focused on the Royal Palace and its internal peristyle within the 12-metre fortress that encircles the religious complex, including the Temple of Amon, located at the south-east of the site and begun in the reign of Hatshepsut at the end of the 15th Century BC. Memnonium The Memnonium, a name used by visitors to the Valley of the Kings from 1750 to 1850, refers to a set of three royal buildings constructed during the New Kingdom: the Ramesseum, the Temple of Amenhotep III and the Temple of Sethi I. The draughtsmen and architects of Bonaparte's Institut, sent out on expedition across Upper Egypt from 1799 documented Thebes and the Valley of the Kings, even attempting to reconstruct some of the buildings on the basis of descriptions by Classical authors. The tomb of Ozymandias (one of the numerous names of Ramses II), in a very poor state, thus became the subject of very thorough study and an attempt to fill in its missing bits on the basis of the writings of Diodurus Siculus. This Greek historian of the Augustine period stayed in the valley of the Nile from 60-57 BC and his visit to the tomb of Ramses II is recounted in his monumental Bibliotheca Historica (Book I, XLVII-XLIX). At the same time, the experts also made extremely detailed studies and views of the Colossi of Memnon, all that remains of a huge memorial temple to Amenhotep III built on the road to the necropolis in the Valley of the Kings. These colossi were located at the entrance to the temple in front of a preliminary pylon made of brick. These two statues represent King Amenhotep III framed to the right by the great Royal Consort Tiy and to the left by the Queen Mother Mutemwiya. Hypogea and Biban el Moluk This plate is taken from a series of engravings of the hypogea in the Valley of the Kings (Biban el Moluk) in Thebes. Some are in color to show the vivid hues of the sarcophaguses and mysterious murals whose secret had yet to be broken by Jean-François Champollion. The draughtsmen of the Institut, including the famous Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, sent by Napoleon to cover Upper Egypt in 1799, capture with élan the royal mummies and the artifacts that accompanied the dead in their journey to the netherworld: urns, furniture, weapons, idols and the mummies of numerous mammals and birds. Karnak This plate is from a set on the Great Temple at Karnak, built during the New Kingdom at the time of Ramses III. This enormous complex is divided into three parts and is dedicated to the Theban Triad of gods, Amun, Mut and Khonsu. Its sculptures, internal bas-reliefs and sunken reliefs on the external facades are intricately captured by the engineers of the Institut, while the architects worked out the complex groundplan of this edifice, which was divided into facades, colonnaded halls and sacral spaces reserved for the temple priests. The alley of the monumental sphinx which links the site to the Luxor site was also the subject of a plate by Lepère, an architect from the Institut who took part in the expedition across Upper Egypt. Dendera The experts executed views and drawings of the temples of Dendera (or Tentyra), a city in Upper Egypt 60km to the north of Luxor. They have captured, with an exceptional degree of graphic artistry, the thick, round nature of the sculpted reliefs of the great Temple of Hathor, built under the Ptolemies in the first half of the 1st century BC. They also produced interesting views of the neighboring temples as well as a selection of reliefs of the ""Dendera Zodiac"", a chapel dedicated to Osiris and located beneath the temple of Hathor. Its famous astronomical relief was discovered by the French General Desaix - stationed in Upper Egypt by Bonaparte from 1798 - and taken back to France in 1821 by Claude Lelorrain; it is now on display in the Louvre. Another astronomical and cosmological relief on the ceiling of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Hathor is the subject of a magnificent plate by Jollois and Devilliers. This covers seven soffit coffers of the ceiling and is an immense allegorical image showing several levels of consciousness: that of cosmogony, the constellations and their effect on the Earth, the creation of Man, and the Nomes of Egypt, symbolized by 21 pairs of wings topped with the red crown of Lower Egypt and the white tiara of Upper Egypt. The Pyramids at Memphis The Giza Plateau, near Memphis, is home to three of the most famous Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, the tombs of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, Pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty (2620-2500 BC). The experts of the Institut, hurrying to Memphis, explored the plateau and made numerous views of these majestic pyramids, towering over inhabitants and mounted figures. They also made minutely detailed views of the epigraphs on the tombs adjacent to the pyramids, as well as views of the Sphinx of Gaza near the Pyramid of Khafre. Views of Alexandria A plate taken from a set of view of Alexandria as it was found by Napoleon's army in June 1798. Embarking in Toulon on the 14th May, his troops disembarked at Alexandria a month later and explored this port city before heading towards Cairo to take the capital.
Librairie Le Feu FolletProfessional seller
Book number: 26200
€  80.00 [Appr.: US$ 86.22 | £UK 66.5 | JP¥ 13174]

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