Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books (ILAB): Near East
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Arabernas seder och lefnadssätt. Upsala, J. Edman, 1783.
. 12mo. Pp. xii, 203. Wrappers. Some minor staining. An abridged Swedish edition of d'Arvieux's description of the customs of the bedouins. (First Paris 1717). Translated and published by Samuel Ödmann and with additional comments by him. Laurent d'Arvieux was a French diplomat who travelled extensively in the Middle East.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99488
€  220.00 [Appr.: US$ 241.59 | £UK 184.25 | JP¥ 35931]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, arabia, arabic, near east, middle east, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, orient, oriental, islam

Arabia, seu Arabum vicina: rumqz gentium orientalium leges, ritus, sacri et profani mores, instituta et historia: Accedunt praeterea varia per Arabiam itinera, in quibus multa notatu digna, enarrantur. Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1633.
. 16mo. Pp. 297 (pages 270-79 omitted in pag. but text is complete). With engraved title. Old annotation on title. Some light waterstain to last few leaves. Contemporary vellum, slightly rubbed and one corner chipped. First edition of this charming pocket guide to the Arabic world. It covers Mecca, Baghdad, Aleppo, Damascus and Jerusalem. It's a compilation of various acccounts devoted to geograhy, history, culture, science, etc. Includes at end "Historia Arabum" by Wolfgang Drechsler and an appendix about the Arabic calender. De la Faye p. 10. Gay 3452. Smitskamp PO 188.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 20007
€  550.00 [Appr.: US$ 603.98 | £UK 460.5 | JP¥ 89828]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, arabia, arabic, arabien, travel, exploration, explore, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, east, eastern,

Badr al-Din Muhammad & Jamal al-Din Muhammad Ibn 'Abdullah Ibn Malik Sharh Badr al-Din 'ala qasida walidihi al-'ulama Ibn Malik al-mashura bi-lamiyat al-af'al. Helinski, F. Liewendal, 1851.
. 12mo. Pp. (1), 41. With lithographed naskh script, 17 lines on each page within a black border. Stab-sewn as issued. A rare edition of the Lamiyat al-Af'al' by the renowned Arab grammarian Ibn Malik together with a commentary by his son Badr al-Din. Edited by Georg Wallin, acclaimed Finnish orientalist and Arabian scholar. Lamiyat al-Af'al' is a metrical work of ilm al-sarf (the science of morphology) in Arabic grammar. Ibn Malik (Abu 'Abd Allah Jamal al-Din Muhammad) (1204-74) was born in Andalusia and moved East to study in Aleppo. He finally settled in Damascus where he taught language, literature, Koranic recitation etc. He is mainly known for his versification of textbooks, the most famous being a poem titled al-Alfiya. Ibn Malik's grammatical works were core texts in a traditional Islamic curriculum, particularly in Egypt, where Wallin spent eighteen months living as a Muslim in 1844-5. This text was presumably lithographed because of lack of Arabic types in Helsinki. We have only found one listed library copy, at British Library. See Encyclopedia of Arabic literature, p. 347. Zenker BO II, 121.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121116
€  2000.00 [Appr.: US$ 2196.29 | £UK 1674.25 | JP¥ 326649]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, Arabic, syria, syrian, grammar, language langue, literature, prose,

Bref om Caucasus och Georgien, jemte beskrifning öfwer en resa till Persien år 1812. Stockholm 1818.
. Pp. (vi), 288. Contemporary half calf on marbled boards, spine gilt, slightly rubbed. Neat old hand-written notes on front endpaper. Scarce Swedish version of "Lettres sur le Caucase et la Géorgie" (1816). Frederika Afanasyevna von Freygang (1790-1863) was born in Vienna and in 1808 married Wilhelm von Freygang, Russian diplomat and linguist. This work contains Frederika's letters to a friend in St. Petersburg written during her journey to Moscow, Caucasia and Georgia. Followed by Wilhelm von Freygang's account of his journey from Georgia to Tauris in Persia in 1812 and an Appendix with an abridgement of the history of Persia from the time of Nadir-Schack. Cat Russica F761. Cf Atabey 464. Cf Diba p. 32 (Danish ed.).
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100867
€  350.00 [Appr.: US$ 384.35 | £UK 293 | JP¥ 57164]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, persia, perse, persien, caucasia, russia, russian, georgien, georgia, asi, asie, asie, asiatic, travel, exploration, lady traveller

[Collection of three works] DE PERCEVAL, ARMAND-PIERRE CAUSSIN: Grammaire arabe vulgaire, pour les dialectes d'Orient et de Barbarie. Paris, Dondey-Dupré, 1833.
. Pp. xvi, 172, (12) with Arabic text. Second edition (first 1824). De Perceval, at age twenty went to Constantinople as a translator. He visited Turkey and Lebanon before settling in Aleppo appointed as a dragoman. Upon his return to Paris he was appointed professor of Arabic at the College de France and later entering the Academy of Inscriptions in 1849. Gay 3389. Zenker, BO i, 254. Vater p. 28. BOUND WITH: BLED DE BRAINE, J.F.: Cours synthétique, analytique et pratique de langue arabe, arrangé a l'usage des colléges et des écoles, ou les dialectes vulgaires africains d'Alger, de Maroc, de Tunis et d'Égypte, ... Ouvrage divisé en 12 lecons ... Paris, Théophile Barrois, 1846. Pp. xxii, (2), 536. The author was director of the Arab schools in Algiers. Ibrahim Hilmy I, p.76. AND WITH: HÉLOT, LEON & HENRI: Fables de Lokman, surnommé le Sage, en arabe et en français, ... de notes et d'une traduction français au net par L. et H. Hélot. Paris, Théophile Barrois, 1847. (iv), iv, 102 , (2). Lambrecht 854, 879 & 1497. Bound together in contemporary boards, flat calf spine with title printed in gilt, somewhat rubbed. Bookplate. The French translation of the work is arranged by its juxtaposition against the corresponding Arabic words, meaning it creates a somewhat helpful and useful literal, linear arrangement of words against each word contained in the many famous fables, helping the reader recognize Arabic words, understand their meanings, enjoy the text of a fable, all at the same time, while gradually advancing in the study of the Arabic language. Luqman (also known as Luqman The Wise, Luqmaan, Lukman, and Luqman al-Hakeem Arabic: ) was a wise man for whom Surat Luqman (Arabic: ), the thirty-first sura (chapter) of the Qur'an, was named. Luqman (c. 1100 BC) is believed to be from Ethiopia in Africa.[1][2] There are many stories about Luqman in Arabic and Turkish literature and the primary historical sources are the Tafsir ibn Kathir and Stories of the Qur'an by Ibn Kathir.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 27019
€  650.00 [Appr.: US$ 713.79 | £UK 544.25 | JP¥ 106161]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, arabic, arabia, middle east, near east, language, linguistic, langue,

 [KOLCZYCKI, JERZY FRANCISZEK (KOLTSCHITZKY, FRANZ GEORG)]:,  [Head title] Curiosa relatione del viaggio fatto da quel coraggioso Soldato che portae fuori di Vienna le Lettere à S.A. di Lorena, e riportae le risposte, con tutto ciae che gli è successo in quello. Tradotta fedelmente sa una stampata in lingua tedesca. Venetia, per il Boso, 1683.
[Head title] Curiosa relatione del viaggio fatto da quel coraggioso Soldato che portae fuori di Vienna le Lettere à S.A. di Lorena, e riportae le risposte, con tutto ciae che gli è successo in quello. Tradotta fedelmente sa una stampata in lingua tedesca. Venetia, per il Boso, 1683.
. Small 4to. Pp. (8). With engraved plate depicting a portrait of the author in his Turkish disguise and with the city of Vienna in the background. Contemporary limp vellum, covers ruled and decorated in gilt with fleur-de-lis. Bookplate (Paul de Fleury). Originally published in Vienna 1683.A scarce news pamphlet which tells the story of Kulczycki (1640-94), a Polish Lithuanian nobleman who was considered a hero for his actions during the Battle of Vienna in 1683. He volunteered as courier of Prince Starhemberg, the commanadant of Vienna, to make contact with the forces of Duke Charles of Lorraine. Disguised as a Turkish soldier Kulczycki left Vienna and managed to cross the enemy lines to meet the Duke, and then return to Vienna with a promise of imminent relief. Because of his message the defenders held out until the allied armies relieved the city on September 12 1683. The text follows with information about Kulczycki's dealings with coffee. According to a legend Kulczycki, as a reward, was allowed to keep large quantities of coffee beans left behind by the beaten Turks as personal booty. He was the founder of the first coffee house in Vienna called "Hof zur Blauen Flasche". Hünersdorff, Coffee Bibl., pp 815-6 (a copy with slightly different engraved portrait; also forming the title).
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100800
€  2000.00 [Appr.: US$ 2196.29 | £UK 1674.25 | JP¥ 326649]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, turkey, turkish, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, explroation, coffee, vienna, history, historical, histoire,

Histoire d'Assyrie, ou histoire des monarchies de Ninive, de Babylone, et d'Ecbatane. Two volumes. Paris, avec approbation & privilegie de Roi, 1780.
. Pp. xlviii, 332, (4); 300. Text within woodcut border. With one folding engraved map, four folding engraved plates and two folding engraved tables. Contemporary full calf, gilt spines with five raised bands, worn, hinges weak, spine ends chipped, marbled endpapers and edges. Rare first edition. Delisle de Sale (1741-1816) was a controversial French philosopher renowned for his "De la philosophie de la nature". Interesting work on the Assyrian empire with attractive engravings of Babylon and the Kaaba in Mecca. The two large tables are titled: "Chronologie des souverains de Ninive, de Babylone et d'Ecbatane" and " Tableau des variations entre les anciens historiens ... de l'Assyrie, depuis Ninus jusqu'à la Mort d'Astiage". A second edition was published in 1782 with a slightly different title ("Histoire de l'empire Assyrien"). Barbier i, 655.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100511
€  1800.00 [Appr.: US$ 1976.66 | £UK 1506.75 | JP¥ 293984]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, assyria, assyrian empire, babylon, iraq, syria, syrien, syrian, jordan, turkey, babylonian, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, history, historical, travel, exploration,

 [LANCELIN DE LAVAL = LEFEBVRE, PHILIPPE]:, Histoire secrette du prophete des turcs. Traduite de l'Arabe. Constantinople, chez Ibrahim Muley, (i.e. Paris, Laurent-Charles d'Houry) 1754.
Histoire secrette du prophete des turcs. Traduite de l'Arabe. Constantinople, chez Ibrahim Muley, (i.e. Paris, Laurent-Charles d'Houry) 1754.
. 12mo. Pp. 274. Contemporary calf, spine decorated in gilt and with red title label, marbled endpapers. The binding is worn with weak hinges. First exceedingly rare edition of a controversial work on Muhammad's life. It is a different work from "Les amours de Mahomet" 1750. This work was published anonymously but attributed to Lancelin de Laval according to Barbier. But according to "Chambre syndicate de la librairie et imprimerie de Paris" the author is Philippe Le Febvre (in the printer's declaration). A second edition was published in 1761, a reprint of the text but with a slightly different title illustrated with the prophet surrounded by naked women. Two more editions in 1755 were issued. See Barbier II, 833. Cf. Chauvin, Bibliographie des ouvrages arabes", XI, no. 800.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121508
€  4500.00 [Appr.: US$ 4941.66 | £UK 3766.75 | JP¥ 734960]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, muhammad, islam, muslim, literature, turkish, religion, middle east, novel

 [MARCEL, JEAN JOSEPH] / [SABBAGH, MICHEL]:, Hommage au Grand-Juge Ministre de la Justice, visitant l'Imprimerie de la Republique le 23 Messidor an XI (= Oct. 9 1803). [Paris 1803].
Hommage au Grand-Juge Ministre de la Justice, visitant l'Imprimerie de la Republique le 23 Messidor an XI (= Oct. 9 1803). [Paris 1803].
. Folio. Pp. (12). Comprising title, a three pages dedication by Marcel, one page "Insigne typici musaei attributum", and an "Ode Arabe, à son excellence le Grand-Juge Ministre la Justice" in Arabic and with a French translation. Text printed within wood cut decorated border. Contemporary boards, worn. Inscriptions on front paste down: "ex libris D' Marcel" and the signature Belin, dated 1831.A typographical "Tour de force". According to Schnurrer the author is Michael Sabbagh. Jean Joseph Marcel was in charge of the Imprimerie Nationale at the time and superintendent the production of an "Oratio Dominica" including numerous exotic types cut by himself. Schnurrer, Bibl. Arabica, p. 493.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100585
€  2500.00 [Appr.: US$ 2745.37 | £UK 2092.75 | JP¥ 408311]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, arabic, arabia, language, langue, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, linguistic, typespecimen

Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M--y W--y M---e: Written, During her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, to Persons of Distinction, Men of Letters, &c. in Different Parts of Europe. ... Three volumes. London, printed for T. Becket & P.A. De Hondt, 1769.
. Small 8vo. Pp. xii, adv. (iv), 180; (iv), 195; (iv), 230. Contemporary calf, spines richly gilt and with title labels. Binding worn and some marginal wormholes to the first and third volumes. Some old annotations. Bookplates. Lady Wortley Montagu was the first lady to travel abroad for mere curiosity's sake. When her husband was appointed British ambassador to the Porte in 1716, she decided to join him. They settled in a hilltop palace at Pera, which became their home for 18 months. Lady Mary's letters first published after her death (1763) became enormously popular and reissued many times. She became a great admirer of Turkish culture and her work includes insights that were exceptional for their time. Robinson p.32. Cf Atabey 829. Weber 477.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121275
€  325.00 [Appr.: US$ 356.9 | £UK 272.25 | JP¥ 53080]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, turkey, turkish, levant, asia, asie, asien, travel, exploration, near east, east, eastern, ottoman, lady traveller,

[PROMÉ, JEAN (Edit.)]:
[LEVANT, BALTIC STATES, RUSSIA, ETC.] Les voyages de Monsieur Des Hayes, baron de Courmesvin, en Dannemarc. Enrichis d'annotations. BOUND WITH: Les voyages de M. Quiclet a Constantinople par terre. Enrichis d'annotations. Paris, Pierre Bienfait, 1664.
. 12mo. Pp. (viii), 284, (4); (viii), 246. Contemporary calf, spine with four raised bands, decorated in gilt, rubbed, sprinkled edges. Old ownership signature on title. First edition.The first work is written as a diary dealing with Louis Des Hayes' stay in Denmark and his preparations for a diplomatic mission to Moscow regarding a commercial treaty for the Baltic Sea trade. Includes descriptions of various parts of Denmark, Schleswig-Holstein and the Baltic countries. The second work recounts the journey of Quiclet to the Levant in 1658. He visited the cities of Ragusa, Sarajevo, Belgrad and Andrianople (Edirne). At end a description of Constantinople. It was published posthumously by Jean Promé. Blackmer 1360. Weber 317 (Quiclet).
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100520
€  1600.00 [Appr.: US$ 1757.03 | £UK 1339.5 | JP¥ 261319]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, levant, europe, constantinople, turkey, turkish, turque, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, oriental, travel, exploration, russia, russe, commerce, trade, bosnia, dubrovnik, dalmatia, serbia, denmark, scandinavia,

Linguae syriacae grammatica et chrestomathiola cum glossario scholis accommodata. Auctore H.G.S.J. Berythi Phoeniciorum, typographia Pp. Soc. Jesu, 1890.
. Pp. 88 (4); 54 (5); 36, (2). Comprising three parts; grammatica, chrestomathia and glossarium. Contemporary half vellum, title label on spine, rubbed, short split to upper part of front hinge. Mission stamp on title. A scarce work on the Syriac language published by the Jesuits in Beirut, probably at St. Joseph's University.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 38031
€  650.00 [Appr.: US$ 713.79 | £UK 544.25 | JP¥ 106161]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, syria, syriac, language, langue, linguistic, near east, east, eastern, asia, asiatic, asie, asien,

Mémoires turcs, ou histoire galante de deux turcs, pendant leur séjour en France. Par un auteur turc de toutes les Académies Mahométanes, licencié en droit turc, & Maître-ès-Arts de l'Université de Constantinople. Two parts in one volume. Francfort, chez la veuve Knoch & J.G. Eslinger, 1765.
. 12mo. Pp. (Iv), 160; (iv), 234. Contemporary calf, spine gilt with five raised bands and title label, worn and hinges weak, spine ends chipped. First edition was published in 1743. It's a novel about Paris seen through the eyes of an observant Turkish man written in the new literary genre developed at this time. Cf Atabey 508. Gay v, 49. Cf Hayn-Got. v, 273.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 23117
€  480.00 [Appr.: US$ 527.11 | £UK 402 | JP¥ 78396]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, turkey, turkish, near east, east, eastern, levant, ottoman, travel, exploration, asia, asie, asien, asiatic

 [ARMENIAN BIBLE]., The Old and New Testament. Constantinople 1915.
The Old and New Testament. Constantinople 1915.
. Folio. Size: 21 x 28,7 cm. Pp. (iv), 875; (ii), 273 + content (1) + pp. 9 index. Text in Turkish with Armenian script. Contemporary black cloth. Old ownership signature in ink on front endpaper.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100901
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 219.63 | £UK 167.5 | JP¥ 32665]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, turkey, turkish, turque, armenian, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, religion, bible, religious,

Persian literature. Comprising the Shâh Nâhem, the Rubâi'yât, the Divan and the Gulistan. With a special introduction by Richard J.H. Gottheil, Ph.d. AND: Japanese literature. Including selections from Genji monogatari and classical poetry and drama of Japan. With critical and biographical sketches by Epiphanius Wilson. Revised ed. Two volumes. London & New York, The Colonial Press, 1900.
. Pp. xvi, 410; (ii),125 + iv, 296 pp. First querie of volume one starting to loosen. With 4 plates of fac-similes from interesting rare works. Uncut, crisp copy in publisher's cloth.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 15044
€  160.00 [Appr.: US$ 175.7 | £UK 134 | JP¥ 26132]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, persia, japan, persian, japanese, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, literature, language, langue

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