Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books (ILAB): Americas
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[PERU]. Peru, nach seinem gegenwärtigen Zustande dargestellt aus dem Mercurio Peruano. Two volumes in one. Weimar 1807 & 1808.
. Pp. xiv, 574 + xxviii, 380. With 2 folding maps. Modern boards. Library stamps on front paste down. A German version of a collection of articles taken from the "El Mercurio Peruano", a newspaper which appeared twice a week from January 1791 - April 1794 in Lima. The articles deal with natural history, minearology, commerce, geography, topography, etc and travels of the missionaries (Franciscans) in the mountainous regions of Peru. Volume one contains a German translation of Joseph Skinner's "The Present State of Peru...", London 1805, translated by Ch. Weyland and published by F.I. Bertruch. Volume two contains a translation of the last 6 volumes of the "Mercurio Peruano", which was never translated into English. Here translated from the original Spanish by E.A. Schmidt and published by F.I. Bertruch. Another German edition (Hamburg 1806) contains only the first part. (see Palau 315565). Cf Abbey, Travel 723. Cf Colas 2751. Palau 315566 (M. Sobreviela). Sabin 61153.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 14385
€  750.00 [Appr.: US$ 823.61 | £UK 628 | JP¥ 122493]
Catalogue: Americas
Keywords: Americas, america, americas, travel, travels, explore, exploring, voyage, south america, peru, peruano, lima, amerika, americana,

Reise nach der Insel Martinique. Weimar 1805.
. Pp. 64. With one engraved map. Modern boards. St.o.t. Some marginal light staining. Translated from the French. ('Bibl. d. neuesten u. wichtigsten Reisebeschr. XIX'). Engelmann p.101.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 14283
€  160.00 [Appr.: US$ 175.7 | £UK 134 | JP¥ 26132]
Catalogue: Americas
Keywords: Americas, america, south america, martinique, travels, voyages, exploration, explore, explorations, expéditions, viajes, viaggio, reisen, südamerika, amerique du sud, west indies, westindes, caraibes, westindische inseln, caribbean

Beskrifning om de swenska församlingarnas forna och närwarande tilstånd, uti det så kallade Nya Swerige, sedan Nya Nederland, men nu för tiden Pensylvanien, samt nästliggande orter wid älfwen De la Ware, Wäst-Yersey och New-Castle County uti Norra America. Stockholm, Harberg & Hesselberg, 1759.
. 4to. Pp. (xx), 170, 172-173, 175-194, 193-447, 449, 479-533 (1). Some light marginal staining. Last leaf with two tears (repaired) but no text is missing. Contemporary half calf, spine with five raised bands and title label, restored. Later endpapers. Bookplate and old ownership signatures on front paste-down. First edition of one of the most important works about the history of the Swedish settlements on the Delaware river. It deals with political and ecclesiastical history, customs and manners, mines, commerce, housekeeping, natural resources etc. Acrelius, a Swedish clergyman, was sent in 1749 to be Provost of the Swedish congregations in New Sweden (Pennsylvania). He served for seven years before he had to return to Sweden due to bad health. This work was translated into English in 1874. Howes A34. Larson 3.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 32087
€  1500.00 [Appr.: US$ 1647.22 | £UK 1255.75 | JP¥ 244987]
Catalogue: Americas
Keywords: Americas, america, americana, amerika, travel, exploration,

AMERICA. Några wälmenta råd och upplysningar för swenska utwandrare till Amerikanska staterna. Falun, F.E. Schmidt, 1869.
. Small 8vo. Pp. 60. With one large folding map. Sewn as issued. Original printed wrappers with a very light stamp on front cover. A very nice copy. Third, enlarged edition. Contains information and advice to Swedish emigrants leaving for America.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 28017
€  240.00 [Appr.: US$ 263.56 | £UK 201 | JP¥ 39198]
Catalogue: Americas
Keywords: Americas, americas,north america, travels, voyages, explore, exploration, explorations, expéditions, viajes, viaggio, reisen, nordamerika, amerique du nord

Resa i Central-Amerika 1881-1883. 2 parts in one volume. Upsala, Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri, 1887.
. Pp. xii, 275; xii, pp. 276-483. With front, 6 maps (including coloured maps on Talamanca, Nicarauga and Costa Rica, and Zapatera), 18 fullpage plates and many more illustrations throughout the text. Modern half cloth. First edition of Bovallius' narrative of his journey to Central America. Carl Bovallius (1849-1907), Swedish biologist, visited Panama, the islands of Perlas, Costa Rica, Talamanca, Nicauraga and Zapatera.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99630
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 219.63 | £UK 167.5 | JP¥ 32665]
Catalogue: Americas
Keywords: Americas, central america, panama, nicarauga, costa rica, talamanca, travel, exploration

 BRASSEY, LADY ANNA (ANNIE):, En sjöresa i tropikerna. Stockholm 1885.
En sjöresa i tropikerna. Stockholm 1885.
. Pp. 451, (1), iv. With one folding map and numerous illustrations in the text. Publisher's pictorial cloth, printed in silver and gilt, some minor wear to covers. A Swedish version of Lady Brassey's narrative about a voyage to the West Indies in 1883 (First London 1885). Translated by Dr. Anton Blomberg. This voyage went to Trinidad, Venezuela, Jamaica, the Bahamas and the Bermudas. Robinson p. 202.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 44003
€  130.00 [Appr.: US$ 142.76 | £UK 109 | JP¥ 21232]
Catalogue: Americas
Keywords: Americas, west indies, trinidad, venezuela, jamaica, bermuda, travel, exploration, voyage, south america,, lady traveller,

 BREMER, FREDRIKA:, Hemmen i den nya verlden. En dagbok i bref, skrifna under tvenne års resor i Norra America och på Cuba. Three volumes. Stockholm 1853-4.
Hemmen i den nya verlden. En dagbok i bref, skrifna under tvenne års resor i Norra America och på Cuba. Three volumes. Stockholm 1853-4.
. Pp. xii, 468; (ii), 519; (ii), 531. With three engraved plates. Occasionally some minor staining. Contemporary half calf, spines decorated and lettered in gilt. Old ownership signature on front paste downs. First edition.Fredrika Bremer (1891-65) was a famous Swedish novelist and influential feminist of her time. She received a gold medal from the Swedish Academy. This work is devoted to her travels in America between 1850 and 1851. Bremer wanted to study American society in general and women's conditions in particular. She travelled to the north to visit the Indians and to the south along the Mississippi to meet slave-owners. She also visited Quakers, Swedish settlements, prisoners, slum quarters of New York, etc. She met with Washington Irving, Lowell, Hawthorne, Emerson and other American literary colleagues. Clark considered her account to be one of the most important travel books by a foreigner of this period. This work was published in English in the same year, translated by Mary Howitt. Clark iii, 450 (3). Howes B745. Larson 109. Cf Sabin 7709.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121285
€  580.00 [Appr.: US$ 636.92 | £UK 485.5 | JP¥ 94728]
Catalogue: Americas
Keywords: Americas, america, north america, cuba, amerika, americana, travel, exploration, travels, voyage, women, feminism, lady traveller,

Sex månader i Westindien, år 1825. Linköping, Axel Petre, 1835.
. Pp. (viii), 214, (1). Remains of original blue wrapper on inner margin of title. Printed ownership name on title. Contemporary or somewhat later half calf, spine richly gilt, slightly rubbed. Scarce Swedish edition. In 1825 Henry Nelson Coleridge accompanied his uncle, William Hart Coleridge (the bishop of Barbados) to the West Indies. In addition to Barbados they visited Trinidad, Grenada, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Martinique, St. Christopher, Antigua, etc. His vivid account was published anonymously the following year. Includes a description of the Madeira Islands from where the journey started. The translation into Swedish was made by C.A. Carlsson, vicar of the Swedish parish in St Barthélemy between 1830 and 1833. He has added many interesting comments to the text. Cf Sabin 14318.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99495
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 494.17 | £UK 376.75 | JP¥ 73496]
Catalogue: Americas
Keywords: Americas, america, americas, americana, travels, exploring, voyage, west indies, south america, amerika, virgin islands

Traité complet dela prononciation anglaise; suivi d'exercices pratiques, ... Paris, Baudry, 1828.
. 12mo. pp.viii, 248. Contemporary half calf, spine with five raised bands, blindstamed and decorated in gilt. Signed by the author. Cumberworth was tutor to the children of the Duc D'Orléans.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 28036
€  170.00 [Appr.: US$ 186.68 | £UK 142.5 | JP¥ 27765]
Catalogue: Americas
Keywords: Americas, english, linguistics, languages, americas, america, linguistique, language, langue, sprachen, sprache, linguistica, sprachwissenschaft, amerika

Herrarne von Humboldts och Bonplands resa till wändkretsarne åren 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 och 1804. Ett utdrag ur deras memoirer. Örebro, Nils Magnus Lindh, 1808.
. Small 8vo. Pp. 63. Contemporary half calf, rubbed and spine restored. Old signature and annotations on front paste down. A Swedish abridgment of Delametherie's "Notice d'un voyage aux tropiques, exécuté par M.M. Humboldt et Bonpland ... " Translated from the German by E.W. Djurström. Scarce.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100290
€  280.00 [Appr.: US$ 307.48 | £UK 234.5 | JP¥ 45731]
Catalogue: Americas
Keywords: Americas, south america, smerika, americana, travel, exploration

 EUPHRASÉN, BENGT ANDERS:,  Beskrifning öfver svenska vestindiska ön St. Bathelemi, samt öarne St. Eustache och St. Christopher. Stockholm, A.Zetterberg, 1795.
Beskrifning öfver svenska vestindiska ön St. Bathelemi, samt öarne St. Eustache och St. Christopher. Stockholm, A.Zetterberg, 1795.
. Pp. (viii), 207. With one folding engraved map of St.Barthélemy by Gjörwell and one folding engraved plate. Contemporary half calf, spine somewhat faded with five raised bands, ruled in gilt and with title label. A few old marginal annotations. First three leaves with brown spots at outer corners, otherwise a lovely, crisp copy. Copy of Ericsberg. First scarce edition. Bengt Anders Euphrasén was a Swedish natural historian who in 1788 travelled to St. Barthélemy to study its natural history. He was sponsored by the Swedish Academy of Sciences. His narrative is mainly devoted to the fauna, fishes and animals of the island. He also writes about the inhabitants, climate, slaves, etc. At the end he gives an account of the visit to the islands Saint Eustace (Sint Eustatius) and Saint Christopher (Saint Kitts). The map was first issued in Dahlman's account of St. Barthélemy in 1786. A German edition was published in 1798 (without plates). Bell E 161. See Sabin 23107.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100283
€  2900.00 [Appr.: US$ 3184.62 | £UK 2427.5 | JP¥ 473641]
Catalogue: Americas
Keywords: Americas, st barthelemy, Saint Barts, west indies, Saint kitts, Sint Eustatius, travel, exploration, travels, south america, americana, amerique, västindien,

Bland oleander och liljor. Minnen från en sommar på Bermuda eller Somers öar. Stockholm, Central Tryckeriet, 1895.
. Pp. (viii), 122. With one map and 15 full page plates made from photographs protected by tissue guards. Contemporary half calf on marbled boards, flat spine decorated in gilt and with green title label. First edition. Carl Forsstrand, a Swedish zoologist, visited the Bermuda or Somers Islands during the summer of 1889. His account covers the history, geography, natural history and literature. Includes a comprehensive bibliography of books about the Bermudas.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100118
€  350.00 [Appr.: US$ 384.35 | £UK 293 | JP¥ 57164]
Catalogue: Americas
Keywords: Americas, bermuda, americas, america, american, travel, exploration

Fregatten Norrköpings Expedition 1861-1862. Göteborg, C.F. Arwidsson, 1862.
. Pp. (iv, 476. Contemporary half calf, flat spine ruled in gilt, rubbed. Bookplate. First and last few leaves with some browning. A narrative of a Swedish expedition to North America and the West Indies to protect Swedish trading ships during the American Civil War. Govenius was the shipÕs minister on the voyage. He stayed in Boston with Swedish Americans where he very much enjoyed the theatrical and musical atmosphere. ÒExellent chapters on Boston and on American women and family lifeÓ (Larson). A very good copy. Larson 262. Not in Sabin.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100124
€  300.00 [Appr.: US$ 329.44 | £UK 251.25 | JP¥ 48997]
Catalogue: Americas
Keywords: Americas, americana, amerika, america, americas, navy, naval, north america, u.s.a., usa, travels, travel, voyages, explore, exploration

Fregatten Norrkoepings Expedition 1861-1862. Goeteborg, C.F. Arwidsson, 1862.
. Pp. (iv), 476. Contemporary half cloth, rubbed. Some staining. This frigate was sent out on a one year expedition to the North American waters to protect Swedish trading ships. Larson 262.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 15090
€  120.00 [Appr.: US$ 131.78 | £UK 100.5 | JP¥ 19599]
Catalogue: Americas
Keywords: Americas, americana, amerika, america, americas, navy, naval, north america, u.s.a., usa, travels, voyages, explore, exploration, norrkoping, norrkoeping, explorations, expéditions, viajes, viaggio, reisen, nordamerika, amerique du nord

West Indian Yarns by 'X. Beke'. Demerara, J. Thomson, publisher, Georgetown, 1884.
. Pp. (iv), 137. With some staining. Contemporary half calf, printed title on upper cover and title label on spine, rubbed and stained. First edition in book-form. A collection of humorous stories by a British colonial administrator of British Guiana 1881-99. Demerara is a historical region in the Guianas, today part of Guyana. Previously published in the newspaper Argosy. Scarce.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121279
€  320.00 [Appr.: US$ 351.41 | £UK 268 | JP¥ 52264]
Catalogue: Americas
Keywords: Americas, west indies, guyana, the guianas, south america, americana, travel, exploration, humour, literature,

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