Recueil de planches pour la nouvelle édition du Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, avec leur explication. Tome second.
Lausanne & Berne, Sociétés Typographiques, 1781. Small 4to. Half title, title + 174 engraved plates, following the numbering on the plates (incl. fold./double-page). NO TEXT ("EXPLICATION") INCLUDED. Hardcover. Contemp. half calf with red title lable on gilt spine, marbled boards. (Edges of binding sl. rubbed; front endpaper a bit creased). VG.
¶ Plate vol. 2 (of 3), incl. 34 plates on anatomy, 64 on architecture, 23 on chemistry, 36 on surgery, 17 on music.
Charbo's Antiquariaat
Professional sellerBook number: 58693
€ 495.00 [Appr.: US$ 509.58 | £UK 417.75 | JP¥ 80151]
Keywords: Reference books naslagwerken Medical anatomy Architecture building. chemistry France alembert d' 1781