Charbo's Antiquariaat: Q. Religion
gevonden: 120 boeken op 8 pagina's. Dit is pagina 5
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 KRIEGER, MICHAELA (Einführung),,  Gotische Bilderbibel. Faksimile der Handschrift Cod. Ser. N. 2611, fol.1-22 der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Wien. (Facsimile & text vol.).
Gotische Bilderbibel. Faksimile der Handschrift Cod. Ser. N. 2611, fol.1-22 der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Wien. (Facsimile & text vol.).
Stgt., Müller & Schindler, 1988. 2 vols. in box. 8vo. (38);78 pp. With 2 col. facs. text pages & 14 col. and gilt plates; 9 plts. (incl. 1 col.) in text vol. Bibliogr. Hardcover. Full leather (facs.) & cloth (text vol.), in black cloth box with gilt metal medaillon on front. Fine/fine.
¶ Very fine facsimile reprint of a 13th century Paris manuscript with 84 biblical scenes on 14 plates in the form of Gothic cathedral windows. - 850 copies printed (this copy is # 304).
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 52433
€  550.00
Catalogus: Q. Religion
Trefwoorden: Religions christian bible biblical Middle Ages medieval Middeleeuwen Paris France 1200 1250

 LECOMTE, GERARD,,  Le traité des divergences du Hadit d'Ibn Qutayba (mort en 276/889). Traduction annotée du Kitab Ta'wil Muhtalif Al-Hadit.
Le traité des divergences du Hadit d'Ibn Qutayba (mort en 276/889). Traduction annotée du Kitab Ta'wil Muhtalif Al-Hadit.
Damas, Institut Francais, 1962. Large 8vo. XLVIII+461 pp. + errata lf. Bibliogr., indexes. Softcover. Or.wrp. (Unopened copy). Fine.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 43357
€  65.00
Catalogus: Q. Religion
Trefwoorden: Islam Near Middle East Southwest Asia ibn 850 889

LEQUEUX, CLAUDE (attributed to),
Le verbe incarné, ou instructions, pratiques et priéres, pour se renouveler dans les sentimens de la piété envers Jesus-Christ, pendant le temps principalement que l'Eglise consacre à la memoire du Mystére de l'ncarnation. Bound with: Réflexions Chrétiennes sur la priere appellée Rorate, que lón chante dans plusieurs Eglises pendant l'Advent; et Paraphrase en forme de méditation sur l'hymne des matines de Noel.
Paris, Herissant, 1776. Nouvelle édition. 12mo. XII+359;62 pp. Hardcover. Contemp. full leather, with gilt spine & borders. (Split of 3 cm in top of frontjoint). VG.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 58803
€  85.00
Catalogus: Q. Religion
Trefwoorden: Religions christian roman catholicism France 1776

 LIGUORI, ALPHONSUS,,  Bezoekingen voor alle de dagen des maends van het Alderheyligste Sacrament des autaers, en van d'alderheyligste Maegd Maria.
Bezoekingen voor alle de dagen des maends van het Alderheyligste Sacrament des autaers, en van d'alderheyligste Maegd Maria.
Mechelen, Hanicq, z.j. [ca. 1785]. Zevensten druk. 12mo. 364 pp. Met titelplaat (houtgravure). Gebonden. Leren band uit de tijd. (Band wat beschadigd/gekrast; schutbladen verwijderd; titel, plaat & laatste paar pag. wat smoezelig). Redelijk ex.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 61148
€  30.00
Catalogus: Q. Religion
Trefwoorden: Religions christian roman catholicism 1785

 LIMBORCH, PHILIPPI A,,  Theologia Christiana ad praxin pietatis ac promotionem pacis Christianae unice directa.
Theologia Christiana ad praxin pietatis ac promotionem pacis Christianae unice directa.
Hagae Comitum, Petrus de Hondt, 1736. Editio quinta. Folio. (XXII)+866+31+(24) pp. With engr. frontisp. (portrait). Index. Hardcover. Contemp. quarter calf. (Covers sl. rubbed, front cover damaged with some loss of leather near spine and showing boards along fore and lower edges; occas. light waterst. in inner margins, few index pages a bit soiled in margins. Binding fair, contents good).
¶ Provenance: inscr. on endp. & title by Du Four, 1755.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 57977
€  195.00
Catalogus: Q. Religion
Trefwoorden: Kerkgesch. protestantisme Remonstrants. Nederland Netherlands Holland Dutch ph. van 1736

 LOUVET, LOUIS-EUGENE,,  Les missions catholiques aux XIXme siècle.
Les missions catholiques aux XIXme siècle.
Lille, etc., Desclée de Brouwer, etc., (1892). Large 8vo. XVI+543+46 pp. With over 200 wood-engr.ills.(views & portr.). Hardcover. Or.half red morocco, gilt spine, marbled boards & endp. (Spine ends sl.rubbed;; else VG tight copy).
¶ Heavy item, requires extra shipping costs for destinations outside EU.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 26395
€  95.00
Catalogus: Q. Religion
Trefwoorden: Mission christian missionaries. French colonies colonial. General world global louis eugene 1800 1890

 LUDOVISIO, ALLESANDRO (anon. publ.),,  Officium Sancti Petronii episcopi et patroni civitatis Bonon. Anno Dom. 1573. ab eminentiis & reverendiss Gabriele Card. Palaeoto ejusdem civit. episc. ac principe restitutum.
Officium Sancti Petronii episcopi et patroni civitatis Bonon. Anno Dom. 1573. ab eminentiis & reverendiss Gabriele Card. Palaeoto ejusdem civit. episc. ac principe restitutum.
Bologna, Benati, (1743). 12mo. 240+(11) pp. + 6 additional pages in old handwriting. With 8 wood-engr. plates. Hardcover. Contemp. full vellum. (Old inscr. on pastedown, endp. sl. waterst.). VG.
¶ First publ. in 1616. - Alessandro Ludovisio (1554-1623), later Pope Gregory XV (1621-1623).
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 58814
€  250.00
Catalogus: Q. Religion
Trefwoorden: Religions christian roman catholicism Northern Italy gregorius paus gregory xv pope 1743

Homes and haunts of the Pilgrim Fathers.
London, Religious Tract Society, 1899. 4to. 200+(4) pp. With col.frontisp. & 93 b/w drawings & photogr. by Charles Whymper. Hardcover. Or.gilt blue cloth, top edge gilt. (Spine ends & corners sl.bumped, light foxing to endpapers; else VG copy).
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 39824
€  30.00
Catalogus: Q. Religion
Trefwoorden: British English colonies colonial. Migration immigration emigration. Religions christian Puritans. Northern Atlantic States New England Nederland Netherlands Holland Dutch whymper charles 1600 1630

Examina scripturistica un quatuor Evangelia, et in acta apostolorum, quorum dilucidationes ac resolutiones compendiosè ex S.S. Patribus, nec non ex praecipuis S. Scripturae interpretibus sunt desumtae.
Gandavi, De Goesin, 1764. Small 8vo. (VIII)+399 pp. Index. Hardcover. Contemp. full calf, gilt decor. spine with raised bands and title label. (Top of spine sl. dam.; owner's name stamp on endp.; paper occas. browned). VG.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 58123
€  60.00
Catalogus: Q. Religion
Trefwoorden: Religions christian bible biblical Israel Palestine a 0 100

The Leyden Pilgrim Messenger, No. 1, May 1922. An international journal, ed. by The Leyden Pilgrim Fathers Society and by the Trustees of the William the Silent Fund.
Leyden, Brill, 1922. 96 pp. With facs. letter of William Bradford, Leyden, Dec. 11, 1649. Hardcover. Later cloth-backed boards, with or. printed front cover pasted down. Good/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 48494
€  30.00
Catalogus: Q. Religion
Trefwoorden: Religions christian Puritans. Migration immigration emigration. Leiden 1922

 MICHAELIS, JOHAN DAVID,,  Verhandeling over de huwelyks-wetten van Moses, die de huwelyken in de naaste bloedverwantschap verbieden. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald.
Verhandeling over de huwelyks-wetten van Moses, die de huwelyken in de naaste bloedverwantschap verbieden. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald.
Leyden, Luchtmans, 1764. (XII)+417 pp. Hardcover. Contemp. full vellum. (Small label on frontcover; few pages sl. browned/foxed). VG/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 51248
€  125.00
Catalogus: Q. Religion
Trefwoorden: Judaica Jewish history Religions christian bible biblical Israel Palestine 1764

 MOLFESIO, ANDREAS,,  Additionum ad quaestiones usuales, seu ad primum volumen Commentariorum Constuetudinum Neapolitanarum. Tomus secundus.
Additionum ad quaestiones usuales, seu ad primum volumen Commentariorum Constuetudinum Neapolitanarum. Tomus secundus.
Neapoli, Scoriggius, 1616. 2 vols. in 1. Folio. (IV)+302;168+(68) pp. With engr. printer's device on title. Index. Hardcover. Later half leather. (Old inscr. on 1st blank; worm holes in title & 1st text leaf, affecting some letters; occas. browning). Good.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 61114
€  295.00
Catalogus: Q. Religion
Trefwoorden: Religions christian roman catholicism Italy 1616

 MOLL, W., VETH, P.J. & DOMELA NIEUWENHUIS, F.J.,,  Bijbelsch woordenboek voor het Christelijk gezin.
Bijbelsch woordenboek voor het Christelijk gezin.
Amsterdam, Van Kampen, 1852-1859. 3 delen. XII+629;VII+663;VIII+684 pp. Gebonden. Linnen uit de tijd, ruggen verguld. (Enkele lichte gebruikssporen). Goed ex.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 60353
€  75.00
Catalogus: Q. Religion
Trefwoorden: Reference books naslagwerken Religions christian bible biblical Israel . p. f.j. 1852 1859

 MONTALTIUS, LUDOVICUS [ps. of PASCAL, BLAISE],,  Litterae provinciales, de morali & politica Jesuitarum disciplina. A Willelmo Wendrockio (...) e Gallicâ in Latinam linguam translatae.
Litterae provinciales, de morali & politica Jesuitarum disciplina. A Willelmo Wendrockio (...) e Gallicâ in Latinam linguam translatae.
Coloniae [i.e. Leyden], Nicolaus Schouten [i.e. Elsevier], 1658. (XXXII)+608 pp. Index. Hardcover. Contemp. full calf. (Binding rubbed/dam., spine ends sl. dam., title on spine missing; typed text glued to pastedown. Binding fair, contents VG).
¶ Willems, 829. - 1st Latin ed. of the Lettres Provinciales, translated by Pierre Nicole. - Copy without the 4 pages "Addenda", also not mentioned in Willems.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 60329
€  450.00
Catalogus: Q. Religion
Trefwoorden: Religions christian jansenism France 1656 1658

Rapports de la papauté avec le royaume d'Italie depuis 1870.
Paris, Librairie du Recueil Sirey, 1936. Large 8vo. 158 pp. Bibliogr. Thesis Université de Paris. French text. Softcover. Or. wrp. (Edges of covers sl. browned). VG.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 48855
€  30.00
Catalogus: Q. Religion
Trefwoorden: Religions christian roman catholicism Italy montesquiou fezensac 1870 1936

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