Charbo's Antiquariaat: H. Topography, ethnography
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 AARDBOL.,  De Aardbol. Magazijn van hedendaagsche land- en volkenkunde. Eerste deel: Portugal, Spanje en Frankrijk.
De Aardbol. Magazijn van hedendaagsche land- en volkenkunde. Eerste deel: Portugal, Spanje en Frankrijk.
Amsterdam, Laarman, 1839. 4to. 463 pp. Met 4 kaarten & talr. houtgravures. Reg. Gebonden. (Rug vernieuwd; eerste 72 pagnina's verbruind). Redelijk/goed ex.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 60984
€  65.00 [Appr.: US$ 71.38 | £UK 54.5 | JP¥ 10616]
Keywords: description of country people France Iberian Peninsula Spain 1839

 ADDISON, FRANK,,  Jebel Moya. Text & plates. (2 vol.set). With a chapter by A.D. Lacaille.
Jebel Moya. Text & plates. (2 vol.set). With a chapter by A.D. Lacaille.
London, Oxford University Press 1949. (1st ed., not stated). 2 vols. Large 4to. XIV+399 pp. (text vol.) + 116 plts. (incl. few in col., in plate vol.); 123 figs. in text vol. Reg. of graves. Hardcover. Or.brown cloth, in (sl.chipped) dustj. VG/good. The Wellcome Excavations in the Sudan, I-II.
¶ Heavy item, requires extra shipping costs for destinations outside EU.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 41907
€  65.00 [Appr.: US$ 71.38 | £UK 54.5 | JP¥ 10616]
Keywords: Archeology. ethnology anthropology. Sudan North Central Africa. 750 500

A brief history of the Hawaiian people.
New York, American Book Cy., 1899. (2nd ed.). 357 pp. With 7 col.maps (incl. 5 double-page) & 33 b/w ills. Index. Hardcover. cloth with black decor. & gilt lettering, marbled edges. (Binding sl.rubbed, spine ends & corners sl.bumped/dam.; light foxing to endp.). Good/--.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 42054
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 32.94 | £UK 25.25 | JP¥ 4900]
Keywords: description country Culture cultural . Hawaii Sandwich Islands Pacific US.. w.d. 9999 1890

 ALVAREZ DE COLMENAR, JUAN  (AA, PIETER VAN DER, ed./transl.),,  Beschryving van Spanjen en Portugal; Waar in, op het naauwkeurigste, al het geene, dat, zoo ten opzigte van hunnen ouden, als tegenwoordigen staat, aanmerkens-waardig, noodig en vermaakelijk om te weeten is, verhaald en door kunstigen Print-verbeeldingen en Land-kaarten aangeweezen werd; Dienende daar-en-boven (...) tot een duydelijke Weg-wijzer, om alle der zelver Landschappen, Grenspaalen, Steeden,  Vlekken en Dorpen, op het kortste, veyligste en gemakkelijkste, te bereyzen.
Beschryving van Spanjen en Portugal; Waar in, op het naauwkeurigste, al het geene, dat, zoo ten opzigte van hunnen ouden, als tegenwoordigen staat, aanmerkens-waardig, noodig en vermaakelijk om te weeten is, verhaald en door kunstigen Print-verbeeldingen en Land-kaarten aangeweezen werd; Dienende daar-en-boven (...) tot een duydelijke Weg-wijzer, om alle der zelver Landschappen, Grenspaalen, Steeden, Vlekken en Dorpen, op het kortste, veyligste en gemakkelijkste, te bereyzen.
Leiden, P.van der Aa, 1707. 5 parts in 1 vol. Folio. (XVI)+80+ 84+128+52+ 56+(64)p. With frontisp., title-vignette, dedic. plate, fold. map of the area, 31 (mainly halfpage) maps/plans, 133 (mainly halfpage) views and plates, tail-piece, all engr. Index. Hardcover. Contemp. blind-stamped vellum with raised bands and red letterpiece on spine. (Occas. light foxing/browning, old label to paste-down; lacks folded panorama of Barcelona; else very well preserved copy).
¶ Tiele 123 (p. 30). Enlarged Dutch translation of Les délices de l'Espagne et du Portugal by D. Juan Alvarez de Colmenar, publ. by Van der Aa in the same year.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 42208
€  2500.00 [Appr.: US$ 2745.37 | £UK 2092.75 | JP¥ 408311]
Keywords: description of country people Travel travelling Iberian Peninsula Spain 1707

La ville de Kristiania, son commerce, sa navigation et son industrie. Resumé historique.
Kristiania, Nationaltrykkeri, 1900. V+180 pp. With b/w photogr.plts. Hardcover. Cloth-backed marbled boards. (Edges rubbed; lib.stamp & mark on title). Good/--.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 41696
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 32.94 | £UK 25.25 | JP¥ 4900]
Keywords: local . Economics economic history Norway . 1624 1900

 ANDRADE, JOSE IGNACIO,,  Cartas escriptas da India e da China nos annos de 1815 a 1835.
Cartas escriptas da India e da China nos annos de 1815 a 1835.
Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1847. Segunda edicao. 2 vols. in 1. Large 8vo. (XXIV+283+(2);(IX)+269+(20) pp. With 12 lithogr. portraits & 1 wood-engr. vignette. Hardcover. Modern 3/4 dark blue calf with marbled boards, spine richly gilt; very fine binding. (Some foxing to most plates). VG/--.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 53864
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 494.17 | £UK 376.75 | JP¥ 73496]
Keywords: description of country people Travel travelling 1815 1835

Arqueología y antropología cultural de la margen derecha de la ría de Pontevedra.
Pontevedra, EXCMA, 1989. 236+(2) pp. With maps & ills. Bibliogr. Softcover. Or. pict. wrp. VG.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 55868
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 32.94 | £UK 25.25 | JP¥ 4900]
Keywords: Archeology. ethnology anthropology. Spain 1989

Israel. Introduction Robert Aron. Commentaires A. Ginsbourg.
Paris, Editions des Deux-Mondes, 1964. 4to. 138 pp. With 115 photogr. plts. (incl. 5 in col.). French text. Hardcover. Or. boards/dustj. VG/VG.
¶ Copy with autograph dedication, signed by Arielli (Jan. 1964).
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 54636
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 32.94 | £UK 25.25 | JP¥ 4900]
Keywords: Photos photographs photography books description of country people Palestine 1964

Sweden - ancient and modern.
Stockholm, 1938. (1st ed.). 246 pp. With sketch maps & c.120 b/w photogr. Hardcover. Or.cloth backed boards. (Foot of spine sl.stained). VG/--.
¶ #105/150 of the bibliophile edition.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 41635
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 32.94 | £UK 25.25 | JP¥ 4900]
Keywords: description of country people National history. 0 1938

Apontamentos para a bibliografia da Lingua tupi-guarani .
Sao Paulo (Brazil), Universidade de Sao Paulo, 1954. 2a ed. revista e atualizada. 261 pp. Softcover. Or. wrp. (Ex-lib. copy: shelf number on top of spine, stamps (incl. cancel) on title). Good.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 47641
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 32.94 | £UK 25.25 | JP¥ 4900]
Keywords: Bibliography Linguistics dictionaries philology. native Americans Indians. 1954

 BARETTI, JOSEPH,,  De zeden en gewoonten van Italien beschouwd. Benevens deszelfs aanmerkingen op de misvattingen van sommige reizigers met betrekking tot dat land. (In twee delen). Uit het Engels vertaald. Bound with: SHARP, SAMUEL, Brieven over Italien. Betreffende deszelfs grond, regeering, godsdienst, wyze van bestaan, zeden, gebruiken, zeldzaamheden, konsten, enz. Met een berigt wegens den overtogt over het Alpische gebergte. Geschreeven in de jaaren 1765 en 1766. Naar de derde uitgaave uit het Engelsch vertaald.
De zeden en gewoonten van Italien beschouwd. Benevens deszelfs aanmerkingen op de misvattingen van sommige reizigers met betrekking tot dat land. (In twee delen). Uit het Engels vertaald. Bound with: SHARP, SAMUEL, Brieven over Italien. Betreffende deszelfs grond, regeering, godsdienst, wyze van bestaan, zeden, gebruiken, zeldzaamheden, konsten, enz. Met een berigt wegens den overtogt over het Alpische gebergte. Geschreeven in de jaaren 1765 en 1766. Naar de derde uitgaave uit het Engelsch vertaald.
Amsterdam, Van der Kroe/Yntema & Tieboel, 1770;1768. 3 vols. in 1. (VI)+277;VIII+223;(II)+220 pp. Hardcover. Contemp. half calf with raised bands, gilt black compartments & gilt lettered brown title label on spine. (Covers & edges sl. rubbed; occas. light foxing). VG.
¶ Rare Dutch translation of Baretti's Account of the manners and customs of Italy & of Samuel Sharp's Letters from Italy describing the customs and manners of that country in the years 1765 and1766.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 58032
€  575.00 [Appr.: US$ 631.43 | £UK 481.5 | JP¥ 93912]
Keywords: Travel travelling Culture cultural history. description of country people Italy 1765 1766

 BARNES, JOHN,,  A tour throughout the whole of France; or, new topographical and historical sketch of all its most important and interesting cities, towns, forts, castles, palaces...interspersed with curious and illustrative anecdotes of the manners, custons, dress, etc.
A tour throughout the whole of France; or, new topographical and historical sketch of all its most important and interesting cities, towns, forts, castles, palaces...interspersed with curious and illustrative anecdotes of the manners, custons, dress, etc.
London, William Darton, 1815. Small 8vo. 112+3 pp. + publisher's ads (4 pp.). With fold. map, col. in outline & 20 hand col. ills. on 12 plts. (4 coaches, 16 costumes of merchants and workers. Index. Hardcover. Later 3/4 red leather, marbled endp., gilt paper edges. (Tear in map closed). VG/--.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 49564
€  195.00 [Appr.: US$ 214.14 | £UK 163.25 | JP¥ 31848]
Keywords: Travel guides description country people 1815

BARRES, MAURICE (préface),
Les provinces captives: L'Alsace et la Lorraine.
Toulouse/Paris, Sirven, 1917. Large 4to. 328 pp. With 16 tipped-in col.plts., hundreds of photogr. & drawings, printed in black or brown. Hardcover. Or. 3/4 cloth with marbled boards; top edge gilt. (Spine ends weak/frayed, corners sl. dam., joints a bit weak). Good/--.
¶ Heavy item, requires extra shipping costs for destinations outside EU.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 44705
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 54.91 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8166]
Keywords: First World War description of country people Alsace Strassbourg Nancy France 1917

Londres et les Anglais.
Paris, Barba, [1862]. 4to. 379 pp. With title vign. & 23 (of 24) wood engr.plts. by Gavarni. Contemp. 3/4 morocco. (Corners & joints sl.rubbed; occas. light foxing.; lacks 1 plate). Good/--.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 5737
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 49.42 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7350]
Keywords: description of country people local . National history. London England . gavarni 1860 1865

La case du Père Tom ou Vie des nègres en Amerique. Traduction de La Bedollière.
Paris, Gustave Barba, n.d. [1853]. Nouvelle édition augmentée d'une notice de George Sand. 4to. 112+(2) pp. With title vignette & 49 ills. from woodcuts. Softcover. Contemp. marbled limp boards. (Spine sl. dam.; some light foxing/waterst. throughout, top corners sl. dog-eared). Fair.
Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 46501
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 43.93 | £UK 33.5 | JP¥ 6533]
Keywords: Fiction literature. Afro Americans blacks. United States of America USA 1853

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