A voyage to Guinea, Brazil, & the West Indies; in His Majesty's ships the Swallow and Weymouth. Describing the several islands and settlements, viz: Madeira, the Canaries, Cape de Verde, Sierra Leone, Sesthos, Cape Apollonia, Cabo Corfo, and others on the Guinea Coast; Barbadoes, Jamaica, &c. in the West Indies.... With remarks on the gold, ivory, and slave trade.
London, Frank Cass, 1970. (New impression of the or. ed. of 1735). (V)+XXV+266+(8) pp. Hardcover. Or.cloth. VG/--. Cass Library of African Studies, Travels and Narratives, 55.

Charbo's Antiquariaat
Professional sellerBook number: 43594
€ 60.00 [Appr.: US$ 61.98 | £UK 50 | JP¥ 9387]
Keywords: logs journals. Slavery British English colonies colonial. Ocean. Mid Atlantic. Barbados Caribbean African lands. 1720 1735