found: 14 books

A Catalogue of Books Sold by H.W. Cave & Co., Amen Corner, Colombo (early 20th century ).
. Pp. (iv), 71. Sewn, original wrappers, chipped. With annotations in pencil. Pages 31-36 comprises a list of "books on Ceylon, new and old".
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99393
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 54.91 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8166]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, ceylon, sri lanka, asia, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration,

History of Ceylon Presented by Captain John Ribeyro to the King of Portugal, in 1685, Translated from the Portuguese, by the Abbe Le Grand. Re-translated from the French edition, with an Appendix, Containing Chapters Illustrative of the Past and Present Condition of the Island, by George Lee. Colombo, printed at the Government Press, 1847.
. Pp. (viii), 278. With four folding maps or plans, and one folding table in the text. Marginal tears to title and second leave. Text browned and some staining. Contemporary cloth, worn and stained. Recased and repairs to endpapers. Ribeiro, a Portuguese captain stationed in India was sent to Ceylon where he served for many years in the Portuguese army against the Dutch. His vivid account was translated into French by Joachim Le Grand and published in 1701 (Paris). A Portuguese edition was first published in 1836. This English version by George Lee has been enlarged with an appendix. Ribeiro's history comprises a general account of Ceylon followed by a part devoted to the war between the Portugese, the natives and the Dutch.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120541
€  480.00 [Appr.: US$ 527.11 | £UK 402 | JP¥ 78396]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, Ceylon, ceylonese, sri lanka, asia, asien, asiatic, asie, travel, exploration, history,

 [CEYLON / TEA], Manuel et catalogue officiels de la section de Ceylan. L'exposition de Paris, 1900. Colombo, George J.A. Skeen, Imprimerie Nationale, Ceylan, 1900.
Manuel et catalogue officiels de la section de Ceylan. L'exposition de Paris, 1900. Colombo, George J.A. Skeen, Imprimerie Nationale, Ceylan, 1900.
. Pp. xxiv, 166. With photogravure frontispiece (after a photo by Henry Cave), two colour lithographic maps, twenty-four plates after photos, numerous illustrations in the text. Original pictorial wrappers, green cloth spine, inside covers illustrated.Attractive and informative guide to the Ceylon Pavilion at the Paris World Fair of 1900. Contains information about the government, agriculture, exports, society, art and natural history, photography, etc. One chapter is devoted to the tea industry in the country. Lavishly illustrated. Rare.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121292
€  560.00 [Appr.: US$ 614.96 | £UK 468.75 | JP¥ 91462]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, ceylon, sri lanka, tea, asia, asie, asiatic, asien, travel, exploration, exhibition,

 [COLOMBO]., The Sixth Report of the Colombo Auxiliary Bible Society M.DCCC.XVIII: With an Appendix, and a list of subscribers and benefactors. Colombo, printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1818.
The Sixth Report of the Colombo Auxiliary Bible Society M.DCCC.XVIII: With an Appendix, and a list of subscribers and benefactors. Colombo, printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1818.
. Pp. 92. Partly with some loss to outer margins. Modern papercovered boards. The Ceylon Bible Society was formed in 1812 and it's main task was to translate the Bible into Cingalese (Sinhala) and making it accessible to the natives. The Wesleyan Press was established in 1815. This is an annual report of the Society's transactions of the year 1817 including information about the translation of the scriptures and religious treatises, and the state of the Society's funds. The appendix comprises many letters about the missionary work in the island.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100656
€  500.00 [Appr.: US$ 549.07 | £UK 418.75 | JP¥ 81662]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, ceylon, sri lanka, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration, religious,

An English and Singhalese Lesson Book on Ollendorff's System; Designed to teach Singhalese through the medium of the English language. Colombo (ca 1880).
. Pp. 167, interleaved copy. First part of the book filled with scholarly annotations on the blank leaves. Contemporary half calf, worn, hinges cracked. Ownership inscription on title page: "Major A. Ewing Colombo". Library stamps. Bookplate. Rare, short useful manual in Sinhalese, comprising 84 lessons followed by an index. It was first published in 1860 by William Skeene at the Government Press. Carter (1828-1914) served as a Baptist missionary in Ceylon for many years. He published an important English-Sinhalese dictionary in 1891.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120929
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 494.17 | £UK 376.75 | JP¥ 73496]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, ceylon, sril lanka, singhalese, sinhalese, language, linguistic, langue, asia, asie, asien, asiatic,

ELVIUS, PEHR the elder (preses) / BACKMARK [BÄCKMARK], PETRUS (resp.):
Disputatio gradualis de Taprobana (Ceylon). Uppsala, Werner, 1713.
. Small 8vo. Pp. (ii), 32, (2). Text in Latin. Later (early 20th century) half calf, flat spine decorated and lettered in gilt (by G. Hedberg). A rare Swedish dissertation about Ceylon or Taprobana as it was called earlier. The name Taprobana became known in Europe through Ptolemy's "Geographia" but was sometimes confused with Sumatra on the early maps.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100855
€  350.00 [Appr.: US$ 384.35 | £UK 293 | JP¥ 57164]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, Ceylon, sri lanka, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration,

Seven years in Ceylon. Stories of mission life. London (ca 1890).
. Small 4to. Pp. viii, 170, 2. With frontispiece, pictorial title page and numerous illustrations throughout the text. Original pictorial boards, cloth spine, slightly rubbed. Floral endpapers. Comprises letters written by two American missionaries living in Ceylon during the years 1880-87.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99070
€  100.00 [Appr.: US$ 109.81 | £UK 83.75 | JP¥ 16332]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, ceylon, sri lanka, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration,

 LIND AF HAGEBY, AXEL REINHOLD FERDINAND LUDVIG:, Minnen från ett tre-årigt vistande i Engelsk Örlogstjenst 1857-59. 2 parts in 1 volume. Stockholm, A. Bonnier, 1860.
Minnen från ett tre-årigt vistande i Engelsk Örlogstjenst 1857-59. 2 parts in 1 volume. Stockholm, A. Bonnier, 1860.
. Large 8vo. Pp. (xii), 214, (ii), 215 - 468 (2). With one engraved front portrait, 26 plates and 4 folding plans and maps. The attractive plates consist of 10 coloured steelengravings after original Hindu drawings and 16 tinted lithographs depicting military subjects and Hindu ceremonies. Contemporary half calf, spine gilt, slightly rubbed. Bookplate. First edition. A narrative of travels in Asia by a Swedish naval officer serving the British naval service for three years (1857-59). Some places visited were the Cap, Singapore, Hong Kong, Calcutta and Ceylon.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99402
€  360.00 [Appr.: US$ 395.33 | £UK 301.5 | JP¥ 58797]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, asia, asie, asien, orient, east, asiatica, far east, east india, travels, voyages, explaration, explore, miltary, navy, naval, hindu, ceremonies, cap, singapore, hong kong, hongkong, calcutta, india, ceylon, sri lanka, south africa

N’ti-Nighanduva; or, The Vocabulary of Law. As it existed in the last days of the Kandyan kingdom. Colombo, William Henry Herbert, 1880.
. Tall 8vo. Pp. xxxix, 120. Interleaved copy. With some annotations. Contemporary half calf, rubbed, spine with red title label and initials F.A.H. in gilt at foot of spine. N’ti-Nighanduva is compiled from the archives of the Court of Kandy and is mainly concerned about laws of marriage and inheritance. Pânabokke Banda, president of Dumbara estate, acquired a copy of the original manuscript, had it transcribed and made a rough translation. In 1876 Le Mesurier got his hands on the ms, retranslated it and recasted it into its present form. The kingdom of Kandy was an independent monarchy in the central portion of the island Ceylon. It was founded in the late 15th century and absorbed into the British empire in 1815.Provenance: Frederic Austin Hayley with his bookplate on front pastedown. Author of " A treatise of the laws and customs of the Sinhalese" Colombo 1823.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100858
€  1300.00 [Appr.: US$ 1427.59 | £UK 1088.25 | JP¥ 212322]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, ceylon, sri lanka, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, explortion, law,

Singalesisk skriftlaere. Kolombo 1821 (1822).
. Pp. 16. As issued, uncut. The title page printed several years later in Copenhagen not present here (but supplied in facsimile). With important provenance: Fredrik Peter Jacob Dahl, Danish linguist. With inscription on first page reading that F.P.J. Dahl received this copy from Rask August 11, 1823. First and only edition of this Sinhalese grammar by the famous Danish linguist Rasmus Rask. In this work Rask compares Sinhalese with Sanskrit, Pali, Tamil, Telugi and other Asian languages. He deals with the phonetics, pronunciation, accentuation and numerals. In the introduction Rask explains that very little was known about the Sinhalese language up to this date and therefore Klaproth did not include anything about it in his "Asia Polyglotta" published a few years earlier. Rask travelled to India to study the relationship between the European and Asian languages, and he visited Ceylon (Sri Lanka) for about nine months in 1821/22. We believe the text was printed at Colombo in 1821 or 1822 but that the title page was not printed until 1828 or later in Copenhagen because the printed text on verso of the title is dated 1828. See Rhodes: "The Spread of Printing" Eastern Hemisphere, India, Burma, Ceylon, Burma and Thailand (1969) p. 76. Vater p. 73. Zenker ii 3019.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121064
€  750.00 [Appr.: US$ 823.61 | £UK 628 | JP¥ 122493]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, singhalese, cingalese, ceylon, sri lanka, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, language, langue, linguistic

[SINHALESE]. [An ancient Sanskrit poem in 101 stanzas, in praise of the Buddha, with an anonymous interverbal translation into Sinhalese]. Edited by A. da Silva Devarakkhita Batuvantudave. Colombo, N.S. Cooray, 1879.
. Pp. 39. Text in Sinhalese. Occasionally some light browning. Third edition, first Colombo 1866. Contemporary full calf, blind-pressed border on covers, rubbed, spine cracked with loss. Bookbinder label: E.A. Philip, Messenger Street no. 66. BOUND WITH: APPUHAMI, T. GUNASEKARA & APPUHAMI, T. KURE: [....] Indraguruluwa [About astrology]. No place, but probably Colombo 1880. Pp. (iv), 30. Text in Sinhalese, with illustrations. Some staining to the title. The Indragurulu method is a very subtle method of astrology.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120531
€  380.00 [Appr.: US$ 417.3 | £UK 318.25 | JP¥ 62063]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, ceylon, sri lanka, sinhalese, religion, religious, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, religious, singalese

Soma and Seitha of Ceylon. Written and Illustrated by Phyllis Thatcher. London, The Zenith Press, ca 1937.
. Small 8vo. Pp. 29, (3). With charming colour illustrations. Original pictorial paper boards, with light wear along edges. Oxidation to staples. A rare children's book that tells the story of Soma and Setha in Sri Lanka (Ceylon). We assume the author was a missionary because of the content of the book.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121476
€  280.00 [Appr.: US$ 307.48 | £UK 234.5 | JP¥ 45731]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, ceylon, sri lanka, asia, asien, asiatic, children, juvenile, travel, exploration, lady traveller,

Resa uti Europa, Africa, Asia, förrättad åren 1770-1779. Four volumes. Upsala, Johan Edman & Joh. Edmans Enka, 1788 - 93.
. Pp. (xxvi), 389, (1); (xxxii), 384; (xiv), 286, 289-389, 400-414; (xxxvi), 285, 288- 341. With engraved vignette of the Cape of Good Hope and ten engraved plates. Contemporary half calf on marbled paper boards, flat spines ruled in gilt with title labels. Bindings somewhat rubbed, head of volume four's spine lightly chipped. Bookplates and old ownership signatures. First edition. Light foxing throughout.Thunberg, pupil of Carl von Linné and known as "the Father of Japanese Botany", wrote this interesting narrative about his voyage to South Africa and Japan between the years 1770 and 1779. He stayed for three years at the Cape before joining a Dutch voyage via Batavia to Japan, arriving in Nagasaki in August 1775. He was confined to Deshima (the Dutch trading post on the artificial island in the bay of Nagasaki) for much of the time but was eventually allowed ashore to make botanical excursions. In the spring of 1776 he participated in a mission to Edo (Tokyo) to meet the emperor. Then he was able to study and collect specimens of local plants and seeds. On the return voyage he visited Java and Ceylon. Later Thunberg succeeded Linné as professor at Upsala. A glossary of Swedish and Japanese, and a vocabulary of the Malay language (called an Arabic dialect) are included. Cordier BJ 445 & BI 1384. Mendelssohn ii, 499. Pritzel 9259.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121109
€  2200.00 [Appr.: US$ 2415.92 | £UK 1841.5 | JP¥ 359314]
Catalogue: East Asia
Keywords: East Asia, asia, asien, asiatic, asie, travel, voyages, exploration, natural history, far east, south africa, japan, japanese, japon, africa, africana, java, ceylon, sri lanka, malay, linneaus, linné

TRIMES, HENRY (Compiler):
A Systematic Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns indigenous to or growing wild in Ceylon. With the vernacular names and with references to Thwaites's "Enumeration". Colombo, George J.A. Skeen, Government Printer, 1885.
. Pp. (iv), 137. Original printed paper boards, cloth spine. Loose in binding. Bookplates. Contains 1071 different species. The vernacular names are given in Sinhalese and Tamil, and in some cases also in English. ("Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for 1885"). Scarce.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121305
€  280.00 [Appr.: US$ 307.48 | £UK 234.5 | JP¥ 45731]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, ceylon, sri lanka, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, botany, botanical, exploration, plants, ferns,

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