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Arabernas seder och lefnadssätt. Upsala, J. Edman, 1783.
. 12mo. Pp. xii, 203. Wrappers. Some minor staining. An abridged Swedish edition of d'Arvieux's description of the customs of the bedouins. (First Paris 1717). Translated and published by Samuel Ödmann and with additional comments by him. Laurent d'Arvieux was a French diplomat who travelled extensively in the Middle East.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99488
€  220.00 [Appr.: US$ 238.86 | £UK 185.75 | JP¥ 36734]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, arabia, arabic, near east, middle east, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, orient, oriental, islam

Arabia, seu Arabum vicina: rumqz gentium orientalium leges, ritus, sacri et profani mores, instituta et historia: Accedunt praeterea varia per Arabiam itinera, in quibus multa notatu digna, enarrantur. Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1633.
. 16mo. Pp. 297 (pages 270-79 omitted in pag. but text is complete). With engraved title. Old annotation on title. Some light waterstain to last few leaves. Contemporary vellum, slightly rubbed and one corner chipped. First edition of this charming pocket guide to the Arabic world. It covers Mecca, Baghdad, Aleppo, Damascus and Jerusalem. It's a compilation of various acccounts devoted to geograhy, history, culture, science, etc. Includes at end "Historia Arabum" by Wolfgang Drechsler and an appendix about the Arabic calender. De la Faye p. 10. Gay 3452. Smitskamp PO 188.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 20007
€  550.00 [Appr.: US$ 597.15 | £UK 464.25 | JP¥ 91836]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, arabia, arabic, arabien, travel, exploration, explore, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, east, eastern,

Badr al-Din Muhammad & Jamal al-Din Muhammad Ibn 'Abdullah Ibn Malik Sharh Badr al-Din 'ala qasida walidihi al-'ulama Ibn Malik al-mashura bi-lamiyat al-af'al. Helinski, F. Liewendal, 1851.
. 12mo. Pp. (1), 41. With lithographed naskh script, 17 lines on each page within a black border. Stab-sewn as issued. A rare edition of the Lamiyat al-Af'al' by the renowned Arab grammarian Ibn Malik together with a commentary by his son Badr al-Din. Edited by Georg Wallin, acclaimed Finnish orientalist and Arabian scholar. Lamiyat al-Af'al' is a metrical work of ilm al-sarf (the science of morphology) in Arabic grammar. Ibn Malik (Abu 'Abd Allah Jamal al-Din Muhammad) (1204-74) was born in Andalusia and moved East to study in Aleppo. He finally settled in Damascus where he taught language, literature, Koranic recitation etc. He is mainly known for his versification of textbooks, the most famous being a poem titled al-Alfiya. Ibn Malik's grammatical works were core texts in a traditional Islamic curriculum, particularly in Egypt, where Wallin spent eighteen months living as a Muslim in 1844-5. This text was presumably lithographed because of lack of Arabic types in Helsinki. We have only found one listed library copy, at British Library. See Encyclopedia of Arabic literature, p. 347. Zenker BO II, 121.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121116
€  2000.00 [Appr.: US$ 2171.45 | £UK 1687.75 | JP¥ 333949]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, Arabic, syria, syrian, grammar, language langue, literature, prose,

[Collection of three works] DE PERCEVAL, ARMAND-PIERRE CAUSSIN: Grammaire arabe vulgaire, pour les dialectes d'Orient et de Barbarie. Paris, Dondey-Dupré, 1833.
. Pp. xvi, 172, (12) with Arabic text. Second edition (first 1824). De Perceval, at age twenty went to Constantinople as a translator. He visited Turkey and Lebanon before settling in Aleppo appointed as a dragoman. Upon his return to Paris he was appointed professor of Arabic at the College de France and later entering the Academy of Inscriptions in 1849. Gay 3389. Zenker, BO i, 254. Vater p. 28. BOUND WITH: BLED DE BRAINE, J.F.: Cours synthétique, analytique et pratique de langue arabe, arrangé a l'usage des colléges et des écoles, ou les dialectes vulgaires africains d'Alger, de Maroc, de Tunis et d'Égypte, ... Ouvrage divisé en 12 lecons ... Paris, Théophile Barrois, 1846. Pp. xxii, (2), 536. The author was director of the Arab schools in Algiers. Ibrahim Hilmy I, p.76. AND WITH: HÉLOT, LEON & HENRI: Fables de Lokman, surnommé le Sage, en arabe et en français, ... de notes et d'une traduction français au net par L. et H. Hélot. Paris, Théophile Barrois, 1847. (iv), iv, 102 , (2). Lambrecht 854, 879 & 1497. Bound together in contemporary boards, flat calf spine with title printed in gilt, somewhat rubbed. Bookplate. The French translation of the work is arranged by its juxtaposition against the corresponding Arabic words, meaning it creates a somewhat helpful and useful literal, linear arrangement of words against each word contained in the many famous fables, helping the reader recognize Arabic words, understand their meanings, enjoy the text of a fable, all at the same time, while gradually advancing in the study of the Arabic language. Luqman (also known as Luqman The Wise, Luqmaan, Lukman, and Luqman al-Hakeem Arabic: ) was a wise man for whom Surat Luqman (Arabic: ), the thirty-first sura (chapter) of the Qur'an, was named. Luqman (c. 1100 BC) is believed to be from Ethiopia in Africa.[1][2] There are many stories about Luqman in Arabic and Turkish literature and the primary historical sources are the Tafsir ibn Kathir and Stories of the Qur'an by Ibn Kathir.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 27019
€  650.00 [Appr.: US$ 705.72 | £UK 548.75 | JP¥ 108533]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, arabic, arabia, middle east, near east, language, linguistic, langue,

 [MARCEL, JEAN JOSEPH] / [SABBAGH, MICHEL]:, Hommage au Grand-Juge Ministre de la Justice, visitant l'Imprimerie de la Republique le 23 Messidor an XI (= Oct. 9 1803). [Paris 1803].
Hommage au Grand-Juge Ministre de la Justice, visitant l'Imprimerie de la Republique le 23 Messidor an XI (= Oct. 9 1803). [Paris 1803].
. Folio. Pp. (12). Comprising title, a three pages dedication by Marcel, one page "Insigne typici musaei attributum", and an "Ode Arabe, à son excellence le Grand-Juge Ministre la Justice" in Arabic and with a French translation. Text printed within wood cut decorated border. Contemporary boards, worn. Inscriptions on front paste down: "ex libris D' Marcel" and the signature Belin, dated 1831.A typographical "Tour de force". According to Schnurrer the author is Michael Sabbagh. Jean Joseph Marcel was in charge of the Imprimerie Nationale at the time and superintendent the production of an "Oratio Dominica" including numerous exotic types cut by himself. Schnurrer, Bibl. Arabica, p. 493.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100585
€  2500.00 [Appr.: US$ 2714.31 | £UK 2109.75 | JP¥ 417436]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, arabic, arabia, language, langue, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, linguistic, typespecimen

Petit dictionnaire francais - turc - italien - arabe a l'usage du Collège d'Alep et des autres écoles de la custodie franciscaine de Terre-Sainte. Jérusalem, Imprimerie des PP. Franciscains, 1880.
. Pp. (viii), 603, (1). Front endpaper missing. Original printed boards, cloth spine with title label. Some minor browning.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 23100
€  280.00 [Appr.: US$ 304 | £UK 236.5 | JP¥ 46753]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, turkish, arabic, ottoman, french, aleppo, jerusalem, language, langue, linguistic, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, POLYGOT

Relation om herrar Envoyéernas och Cancellie-Rådens Herr Baron v. Höpkens och herr Carlsons hafde audience wid Ottomanniske Porten 8-19 Julii 1740. Stockholm, Kongl. tryckeriet, Pet. Momma, [1740].
. 4to. Pp. (8). Disbound. A report of Höpken and Carelson, Swedish charge d'affaires in Constantinople, of the audience with the Grand Visir regarding the ratification of a defence treaty in 1740 between the countries. Christian Callmer: In Orientem (1985) pp. 38-39.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100018
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 217.14 | £UK 169 | JP¥ 33395]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, asia, asie, asiatica, orient, east, asien, near east, middle east, arabic, arabes, turkey, turkish, travel, exploration, commerce, trade

Samling af de aeldsta folkslagens religions-urkunder oefver deras religionsbegrepp och mysterier. 2 volumes. Stockholm 1820.
. Pp. (xii), 693, (3) + 3-730. Contemporary half calf, gilt lettering on spines, (different bindings). Some staining. A Swedish translation of this collection treating different ancient concept of religion. The first part deals mainly with the old Persian religions a/o mysticism and the second part with the Egyptian, the Chinese, the Hindoos and the Brahmins, the Scandinavian, the Jewish, Islam, etc.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 14257
€  280.00 [Appr.: US$ 304 | £UK 236.5 | JP¥ 46753]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, near east, middle east, arabia, arabic, asia, asie, asiatica, asien, east, orient, arab, persia, egypt, religion, china, hindu, islam, naher osten

Grammaire arabe (idiome d'Algérie) a l'usage de l'armée et des employés civils de l'Algérie; ouvrage publié avec l'approbation de M. le Ministre de la Guerre, sur le rapport d'une commission spéciale. Paris & Alger 1850.
. Pp. (iv), vii, (1), 196. Uncut copy in original printed wrappers, chipped at spine and edges, with some loss. Some minor staining. First edition, reissued several times. Playfair 1723. Zenker BO ii, 193.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 32082
€  320.00 [Appr.: US$ 347.43 | £UK 270.25 | JP¥ 53432]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, arabic, algerie, language, langue, linguistic, travel, exploration, africa, africana, afrika, afrique, army,

Cours synthétique, analytique et practique de langue arabe, arrangé a l'usage des colléges et des écoles, ou les dialectes vulgaires africains d'Alger, de Maroc, de Tunis et d'Egypte, enseignés sans maitre. Ouvrage divisé en douze lecons. Paris, Théophile Barrois, 1846.
. Pp. xxii, 536. Original cloth, spine damaged and back cover loose. First edition. Zenker BO ii, 194.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 29091
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 217.14 | £UK 169 | JP¥ 33395]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, , linguistics, languages, asia, asien, asie, asiatica, orient, near east, near india, middle east, arabic, arab, arabia, egypt, algeria, maroc, morocco, tunisia, first edition, egypte, inde, moyen orient, linguistique, language, langue, sprache

Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates. Edited, with a Preface and Some Account of the Arabs and Their Horses, by W(ilfrid) S(cawen) B(lunt). Two volumes. London, John Murray, 1879.
. Pp. xviii, (3), 346; vii, (3), 283, adv. pp. 33. With one coloured folding map (two small tears in margin), twelve engraved plates and a folding chart of Arabian thoroughbreds. Contemporary half red cloth decorated in gilt and black, rebacked with red morocco, spines ruled in gilt with five raised bands and title-labels. Recased with new end-papers. Occasionally some staining and a few leaves with dog-ears. First edition.Lady Anne Blunt was the granddaughter of Lord Byron and the wife of the famous Arab scholar and poet Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. The couple travelled extensively in Arabia and the Middle East from the late 1870s normally mainly without guides or the usual caravans. During this period Lady Anne became fluent in Arabic and she gained insights into the people and their customs. Her journals give a comprehensive view of desert life. Robinson p. 6.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120621
€  1400.00 [Appr.: US$ 1520.01 | £UK 1181.5 | JP¥ 233764]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, arabia, arabic, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration, lady traveller,

Dictionnaire francais-arabe. Revue et augmenté par A. Caussin de Perceval. Troisième édition. Paris, Didot Frères, 1864.
. Large 8vo. Pp. (iv), iv, 867. Slightly later half calf, spine with five raised bands and gilt monogram, lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, upper edges gilt. Copy of Arconti-Visconti, wellknown Italian orientalist and traveller in the 19th century. Binding somewhat rubbed. Some light staining at beginning and end. The author, an Egyptian copt, became professor of Arabic at the Royal Library in Paris. Gay 3384. Zenker BOi, 59. (first edition 1828).
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 34115
€  600.00 [Appr.: US$ 651.43 | £UK 506.5 | JP¥ 100185]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, arabic, arabia, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, language, langue, linguistic

Dictionnaire français-arabe. Revue et augmenté par A. Caussin de Perceval. Two volumes in one. Paris, Firmin Didot, 1828-29.
. 4to. Pp. viii, 461, (1); (iv), 435. Text browned throughout, partly some marginal staining. Some scribbling to the front end-paper. Numerous marginal annotations in French and Arabic by a scholar. Contemporary marbled boards, new calf spine with old title label (worn) preserved. Scarce first edition of the first proper French- Arabic (Vulgar) dictionary compiled by two renowned Orientalists. Ellious Bocthor was an Egyptian Copt who left Egypt with the French army at the end of the Napoleon Bonaparte expedition (1798-1801) and became professor of Vulgar Arabic at the Royal Library in Paris. Bocthor died in 1821 at the young age of thirty-seven before the dictionary was finalised. It was completed by Caussin de Perceval, Bocthor's successor at the School of Modern Oriental Languages. Cf. Gay 3384 (third edition 1864). Bibl. de Silvestre de Sacy, no. 2859. Vater p. 457. Zenker BO i, 59.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 38055
€  1750.00 [Appr.: US$ 1900.02 | £UK 1476.75 | JP¥ 292205]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, arabic, arabia, language, langue, linguistic, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, dictionary, dictionnaire,

Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo, during the Autumn of 1823, while on His Third Voyage to Africa; by the Late T. Edward Bowdich, esq. To which is added by Mrs. Bowdich, 1. A narrative of the continuance of the voyage to its completion, ... ; 2. A description of the English settlements on the river Gambia ... ; 3. Appendix, containing zoological and botanical descriptions, and translations from the Arabic. London, George B. Whittaker, 1825.
. 4to. Pp. xii, 278. With four hand-coloured lithographs by C. Hullmandel after S. Bowdich and eighteen monochrome engraved plates, of which ten devoted to natural history specimens, seven about fish and one linguistic plate. Contemporary half calf, rebacked with original spine preserved, rubbed. Old signature on title. Two small holes on title without any text loss. Bookplate. Some browning and staining throughout. First edition of this interesting work on Madeira and the Cape Verde Islands mainly devoted to geology, zoology and botany. Bowdich, born in 1791, participated in several voyages to Africa but died on this mission only 33 years old at Bathurst (Banjul) when he was about to undertake a trigonometric survey of the Gambia region. This work was published posthumously by his widow and travel companion Sarah Bowdich. Abbey Travel 194. Colas 418. Gay 2983.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99106
€  1800.00 [Appr.: US$ 1954.3 | £UK 1519 | JP¥ 300554]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, madeira, africa, ashantee, cape verde, travel, travels, exploration, exploring, afrique, afrika, african,

An Authentick Narrative of the Shipwreck and Sufferings of Mrs. Eliza Bradley, Wife of James Bradley, of Liverpool, Commander of the Ship Sally, which was Wrecked on the Coast of Barbary, in June 1818. Boston, George Clarck, 1821.
. Small 8vo. Pp. 108. With one folding plate of Eliza Bradley on a camel brought into captivity, and one more plate in the text. Modern paper wrappers. According to the narrative Eliza Bradley set sail with her husband in the ship Sally, heading for Teneriffe in the spring of 1818. About five weeks later the ship was lost on the coast of Morocco. Mrs. Bradley was separated from her husband and held captive for six months by the Arabs before ransomed by the British consul. Most likely a fictive account and partly influenced by James Riley's account of life among the Arabs. First published in 1820, reprinted many times. Robinson, Wayward Women, pp. 276-77.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 45012
€  300.00 [Appr.: US$ 325.72 | £UK 253.25 | JP¥ 50092]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, afrika, africana, travel, travels, exploration, afrique, barbary, arab. arabs, arabic

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