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Franske sjö-officeraren La Salles besynnerliga resor och öden i Nigritien och på afrikanska kusten. Two volumes in one. Stockholm, Johan Dahl & Kumblinska tryckeriet, 1797-1798.
. Pp. iv, 180; 138. Contemporary half calf, flat spine ruled in gilt and with title-label, somewhat rubbed. Bookplate. A Swedish translation of La Salle's travels in North Africa.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 14293
€  180.00 [Appr.: US$ 199.19 | £UK 151.75 | JP¥ 29096]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, afrika, africana, afrika, afrique, travel, travels, voyages, exploration, explore, sudan,

 SAN JUAN DEL PUERTO, FRANCISCUS DE:, Mission historical de Marruecos, en que se trata de los martirios, persecuciones, y trabajos, que han padecido los Missionarios, y frutos que han cogido las Missiones, que desde sus principios tuvo la Orden Seraphica en el Imperio de Marruecos, y continúa la Provincia de San Diego de Franciscos Descalcos de Andalucia en el mismo Imperio ... Séville, F. Garay, 1708.
Mission historical de Marruecos, en que se trata de los martirios, persecuciones, y trabajos, que han padecido los Missionarios, y frutos que han cogido las Missiones, que desde sus principios tuvo la Orden Seraphica en el Imperio de Marruecos, y continúa la Provincia de San Diego de Franciscos Descalcos de Andalucia en el mismo Imperio ... Séville, F. Garay, 1708.
. Folio. Pp. (xliv), 377, 380-829, (1), tables (18). With engraved frontispiece (narrowly cut) by Jo. Carlous Allet after design by Pietro de Pietri. Title printed in red and black within a decorative border, many woodcut initials and vignettes throughout. A few leaves with upper marginal staining and some minor spotting at end. Stamp from a Catholic mission in Tetuân. Contemporary or slightly later calf, flat spine gilt and with red title-label, rubbed. Bookplate. First edition of this historical account of the Franciscan mission in Morocco which commenced in 1234 in connection with the appointment of Father Angelo as Bishop. Dedicated to Luis Manuel, bishop of Palestrine and archebishop of Toledo. Comprises: 1. De la descripcion de el imperio de Marruecos. Religion, govierno, y costumbre de los Moros; 2. En que se trata de la antiguedad de la iglesia de Marruecos. Origen de la Mission, y primeros Missionarios; 3. De los primeros missionarios de nuestra provincia de San Diego, que passaron a el Africa; 4. En que se prosiguen las persecusiones de los dos Companeros; Castigos, que Dios hizo à Marruecos, y establecimiento de nuestra Mission; 5. En que se trata da la fundacion de el Convento de Marruecos; Missioneros; que han passado; frutos, y alteraciones de la Mission, hasta la expulsion de los Religiosos; 6. En que se trata de la restauracion de las Missiones, frutos, martirios, y cassos hasta el estado presente. Gay 1276. Palau 293854. Playfair 324.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 28131
€  2900.00 [Appr.: US$ 3209.09 | £UK 2444.5 | JP¥ 468774]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, morocco, marocco, africa, afrique, afrika, african, franciscan, missionaries, religious, travel, exploration

 SARMENTO, AUGUSTO CESAR RODRIQUES (Signed) / (MACHADO, JOAQUIM JOSÉ]., [MOZAMBIQUE IMPRINT].  O Governador Geral da Provincia de Moçambique e as conferencias do engenheiro Machado na Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Mocambique, Imprensa Nacional, 1881.
[MOZAMBIQUE IMPRINT]. O Governador Geral da Provincia de Moçambique e as conferencias do engenheiro Machado na Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. Mocambique, Imprensa Nacional, 1881.
. Pp. 29, xxii. Loose in binding. Original printed wrappers, chipped at edges, a small hole on front wrapper without any loss of text. Old inscription on front wrapper. Joaquim José Machado (1857-1925), a military officer, engineer and a Portuguese politician who was appointed Director of Public Works in MoZambique 1877.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 40033
€  360.00 [Appr.: US$ 398.37 | £UK 303.5 | JP¥ 58193]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, mocambique, mozambique, east africa, africa, afrika, african, africana, travel, exploration, explore, travels, portugese, commerce, public works,

Lettres sur l'Egypt, ou l'on offre le parallele des moeurs anciennes & modernes e ses habitans; oú l'on décrit l' état, le commerce, l'agriculture, le gouvernement, l'ancienne religion du pays, & la descente de St. Louis à Damiette, tirée de Joinville & des auteurs arabes; avec des cartes géographiques. Three volumes. Amsterdam, Leiden, Rotterdam et Utrecht, 1787.
. 12mo. Pp. viii, 339; (ii), 252; (ii), 248. With two folding engraved maps and one folding engraved plate. Contemporary half calf, spines richly gilt and with title-labels, rubbed, corners chipped. Volume two has some water stain at the beginning. Savary visited Egypt 1776 to 1779. His knowledge of Arabic served him well in his travels at a time when there were many difficulties for the European explorer in Egypt. Blackmer 977. Cf Ciroanescu 59673-4. (first 1785-86). Hilmy ii, 214. Wilbour 660.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 26065
€  400.00 [Appr.: US$ 442.63 | £UK 337.25 | JP¥ 64658]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, egypt, afrika, afrique, africana, travel, voyages, travels, exploration, explore,, egyptian,

Nubische texte im dialekte der Kunûzi (mundart von Abuhôr). Berlin, Verlag der Königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1917.
. 4to. Pp. 289. + Sonderabdruck aus der "Zeitschrift für Kolonialsprachen". pp. 255-264. Contemporary half cloth. Some waterstain to margins.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37051
€  60.00 [Appr.: US$ 66.4 | £UK 50.75 | JP¥ 9699]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, african, afrika, nubia, nubien, nubia,

[ZULU]. Grammatik for Zulu-sproget. Med fortale og anmaerkningar af Christoph Andreas Holmboe. Christiania, W.C. Fabritius, 1850.
. Pp. viii, 88. Text in Norwegian. Modern boards. The paper is very brittle and three leaves are strengthened. First edition of the first complete grammar of the Zulu language. Schreuder was the first permanent missionary in Zululand in South Africa where he started Norwegian mission stations in the mid 19th century. Mendelssohn ii, pp. 286-87. Not in Vater.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 24060
€  400.00 [Appr.: US$ 442.63 | £UK 337.25 | JP¥ 64658]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, africana, afrique, linguistics, languages, grammar, zulu, south africa, langue, afrika

 SELOUS, FREDERICK COURTENEY:, Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia Being a Narrative of Events in Matabeleland both Before and During the Recent Native Insurrection up to the Date of the Disbandment of the Bulawayo Field Force. London, Rowland Ward & Co., 1896.
Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia Being a Narrative of Events in Matabeleland both Before and During the Recent Native Insurrection up to the Date of the Disbandment of the Bulawayo Field Force. London, Rowland Ward & Co., 1896.
. Pp. xxix, 290. With frontispiece, one map, eight photogravure plates and a few text illustrations. Half morocco. Second edition (first the same year). Mendelssohn II, p. 302.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121016
€  280.00 [Appr.: US$ 309.84 | £UK 236 | JP¥ 45261]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, african, afrique, afrika, travel, exploration, southern africa, rhodesia, zimbabwe,

 SELOUS, FREDERICK COURTENEY:, Travel and Adventure in South-East Africa. Being the Narrative of the last Eleven Years spent by the Author of the Zambesi and its Tributaries; with an Account of the Colonisation of Mashunaland and the Progress of the Gold Industry in that Country. London, Rowland Ward and Co., 1893.
Travel and Adventure in South-East Africa. Being the Narrative of the last Eleven Years spent by the Author of the Zambesi and its Tributaries; with an Account of the Colonisation of Mashunaland and the Progress of the Gold Industry in that Country. London, Rowland Ward and Co., 1893.
. Large 8vo. Pp. xviii, 503, adv. (4). With one folding map and numerous text illustrations. Modern half morocco. First edition. A handsome copy. The narrative describes his experiences with the Boers and the natives while engaging in his hunting expeditions. "Selous describes numerous adventures with lions and leopards, particularly near the Zambesi, Zweswi, and Manyami rivers, with additional sport after rhinoceros, eland antelope, and hartebeest. After returning to the Transvaal, he linked with Montague Kerr and traveled into Matabeleland." Czech p.146. Mendelssohn II, p. 300.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121015
€  350.00 [Appr.: US$ 387.3 | £UK 295 | JP¥ 56576]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, zambesi, mashonaland, zimbabwe, afrika, afrique, africa, african, travel, exploration, game, hunting,

Travels or Observations Relating to Several Parts of Barbary and the Levant. Oxford, printed at the Theatre, 1738.
. Folio. Pp, (viii), xvi, 442; (11), 60 + index (8). With 11 engraved maps and plans (of which 3 double page and 6 folding) and 21 engraved plates, of which one folding table. Title printed in red and black and with engraved vignette. Many engraved head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, decorated in blind, corners nicely restored, rebacked with five raised bands and title label. First edition. Thomas Shawn was chaplain to the English factory at Algiers from 1722 to 1733. During this period he travelled to Egypt, Palestine, Cyprus and around North Africa. "These travels have been universally esteemed, not only for their accuracy and fidelity, but on account of the illustrations they contain of natural history, of the classic authors, and especially of the Scriptures." (Lowndes). A supplement was published in 1746. Blackmer 1533. Lowndes ii,2372. Paulitschke 725. Röhricht 1352. Tobler p. 123.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 32119
€  2000.00 [Appr.: US$ 2213.17 | £UK 1685.75 | JP¥ 323292]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, algier, tunis, syria, egypt, holy land, arabia, travel, exploration, africa, afrique, afrika, african,

Afrika. Eine allgemeine Landeskunde. Lpz & Wien 1891.
. Large 8vo. Pp. viii, 468 + (4). With 12 coloured maps, 16 full page plates (of which 6 chromolithographic) and 154 woodcut ills in the text. Contemporary half calf, gilt. Bookplate.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 15108
€  160.00 [Appr.: US$ 177.05 | £UK 135 | JP¥ 25863]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, afrika, afrique, africana

 SKERTCHLY, J. ALFRED:, Dahomey as it is; being a Narrative of Eight Months' Residence in that Country, ... Also an Appendix on Ashantee. London, Chapman and Hall, 1874.
Dahomey as it is; being a Narrative of Eight Months' Residence in that Country, ... Also an Appendix on Ashantee. London, Chapman and Hall, 1874.
. Pp. xxii, 524. With a coloured lithographed frontispiece, one folding map, eight lithographed full page plates (of which three coloured) and woodcut illustrations in the text. This copy has one additional coloured plate "The Gun Custom" not included in the list of illustrations. Publisher's pictorial cloth, stamped in gilt and black. Extremities slightly chipped, top of front hinge with small hole. First edition of a scarce title devoted to Dahomey (Benin today), its people and customs. The plates are made after sketches by the author. Skertchley was an English entomologist who participated in a zoological expedition to the West Coast of Africa in 1871. During a short visit to Abomey, the capital of Dahomey, he was captured (but shown great hospitality) by the king for eight months, during which he was unable to collect specimens. Some light offsetting to the title from the frontispiece, otherwise a crisp and clean copy. Cardinall 1102.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120998
€  1250.00 [Appr.: US$ 1383.23 | £UK 1053.75 | JP¥ 202058]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, afrique, afrika, african, travel, exploration, dahomey, ashantee, benin, west africa,

 SMITH, EDWIN, WILLIAM:, The Ila-Speaking Peoples of Northern Rhodesia. Two volumes. London, Macmillan and Co., 1920.
The Ila-Speaking Peoples of Northern Rhodesia. Two volumes. London, Macmillan and Co., 1920.
. Pp. xxviii, 423; xvi, 433. With one folding map and many illustrations throughout. Modern half calf, spine richly gilt. Some light foxing at the beginning of the first volume. First edition. A comprehensive work of the Ila speaking people living in Rhodesia devoted to the history, handicrafts, medicine, customs and manners, marriages, divinities, language, etc.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121014
€  120.00 [Appr.: US$ 132.79 | £UK 101.25 | JP¥ 19398]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, afrique, afrika, africa, travel, exploration, southern africa, rhodesia, zimbabwe

 SMITHES, MARION F.:,  Children of the Desert. With Photographs by W.H. Edgar. Kensington, Curtis & Davidson, 1910.
Children of the Desert. With Photographs by W.H. Edgar. Kensington, Curtis & Davidson, 1910.
. Pp. (viii), 56. Missing front endpaper. With eight plates, of which seven made from photographs. Original brown paper boards, cloth spine, printed in black, and an image of a camel on upper cover. Initially and at end a little browned. First edition. A very charming work, probably privately printed, which tells us stories about life among the Arabs and Berbers around Biskra in the Algerian Sahara. Rare.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120661
€  500.00 [Appr.: US$ 553.29 | £UK 421.5 | JP¥ 80823]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, north africa, algeria, afrique, african, arabian, arabic, desert, travel, exploration, youth

 SPARRMAN, ANDERS:, Voyage au Cap de Bonne-Espérance, et autour du monde avec le capitaine Cook, et principalement dans le pays des Hottentots et des Caffres. Three volumes. Paris 1787.
Voyage au Cap de Bonne-Espérance, et autour du monde avec le capitaine Cook, et principalement dans le pays des Hottentots et des Caffres. Three volumes. Paris 1787.
. Pp. iii-xxxi, 390; (iv), 366, (5); (iv), 366, (1). Half-title to volume one missing. With one folding engraved map (with tear) and sixteen engraved plates (mostly folding). Some staining. Contemporary speckled calf, spine richly gilt with five raised bands and title-labels, somewhat rubbed. Marbled end papers, r.e. French edition of Sparrman's travels in South Africa translated from the English version by Le Tourneur. In 1772 Anders Sparrman, a Swedish naturalist, travelled around the Cape Province for several years and in this account he reports about the plants, animals and inhabitants of the country. While he was there he was invited to participate in Cook's second voyage in the Resolution as assistant to the Forsters, the botanists on the expedition. An interesting account of the voyage is here included. Du Rietz, Bibl. Polynesiana 1223. Hill p. 279. Mendelsohn ii, p. 361.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 111118
€  1200.00 [Appr.: US$ 1327.9 | £UK 1011.5 | JP¥ 193975]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, south africa, africana, afrique, afrika, africa, travel, travels, voyage, exploration, explore, the cape colony, cape, botany, botanical, zoology, flora, fauna,

Coomassie och Magdala. Skildring af två brittiska fälttåg. Parts i-ii in four volumes. Stockholm 1874-75.
. Pp. 285; 264, (8). With 2 folding maps, 4 portraits, 13 full page plates and some textual illustrations. Uncut, partly unopened copy in original illustrated wrappers. Front cover to part three loose, otherwise a fine set. A Swedish edition, translated by C.G. Jungberg.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 111121
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 221.32 | £UK 168.75 | JP¥ 32329]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, afrika, africana, afrikana, afrique, travels, explore, exploring, voyage, military, britain, england, army, kumasi, ghana

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