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An Authentick Narrative of the Shipwreck and Sufferings of Mrs. Eliza Bradley, Wife of James Bradley, of Liverpool, Commander of the Ship Sally, which was Wrecked on the Coast of Barbary, in June 1818. Boston, George Clarck, 1821.
. Small 8vo. Pp. 108. With one folding plate of Eliza Bradley on a camel brought into captivity, and one more plate in the text. Modern paper wrappers. According to the narrative Eliza Bradley set sail with her husband in the ship Sally, heading for Teneriffe in the spring of 1818. About five weeks later the ship was lost on the coast of Morocco. Mrs. Bradley was separated from her husband and held captive for six months by the Arabs before ransomed by the British consul. Most likely a fictive account and partly influenced by James Riley's account of life among the Arabs. First published in 1820, reprinted many times. Robinson, Wayward Women, pp. 276-77.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 45012
€  300.00 [Appr.: US$ 331.98 | £UK 253 | JP„ 48494]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, afrika, africana, travel, travels, exploration, afrique, barbary, arab. arabs, arabic

Om och ur den arabiske geografen Idrîsî. Akademisk afhandling. Uppsala 1894.
. Pp. (iv), vi, 40, 32 (Arabic text), 114. Contemporary half calf, spine gilt. Inscription by the author to his father. A dissertation in Swedish about the famous Muslim geographer al-Idrīsī and his momentous work "Nuzhat-al-mustaq" composed in 1154. He was born in Ceuta (north Africa) in 1099. As young he travelled extensively in Africa, Spain and Asia Minor before he settled down in Sicily and collaborated with king Roger II.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 43024
€  220.00 [Appr.: US$ 243.45 | £UK 185.5 | JP„ 35562]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, arabia, arabic, arabien, geography, geographical, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, cartography,

Beskrifning öfver en äventyrlig resa til och ifrån Ost-Indien, Södra America, och en del af Europa, åren 1755, 56, och 57. Upsala, Tryckt i Kongl. Acad. Tryckeriet, 1758.
. Pp. (xii), 144, (6). Contemporary paper covered boards, later rebacked with calf spine with title lettered in gilt, somewhat rubbed. Old ownership inscription. [M.G. Wallenstråle (1733-1807), Swedish bishop of Gothenburg]. Book label. First edition of an adventurous voyage in the service of the Swedish East India Company to the East Indies and China between the years 1755 and 1757. The expedition sailed via Cadiz and Java arriving in Chinese waters in August 1755. The ship stayed at Canton for a few months before it returned via the Cape, St. Helena, and Ascension Island. Brelin's account vividly describes Canton with its people, housing and customs. Borba de Moraes p. 124. Holmberg pp. 43-44. Löwendahl 492.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99884
€  2000.00 [Appr.: US$ 2213.17 | £UK 1685.75 | JP„ 323292]
Catalogue: East Asia
Keywords: East Asia, asia, east, orient, asiatica, asie, far east, east india, travels, explore, exploring, voyage, china, chine, kina, chinese, south america, americas, europe, cape, south africa, esta india company

Franske Officern Herr de Brissons skeppsbrott och fångenskap; med de nyaste underrättelser om Africas öknar, ifrån Senegal til Marocco jämte dess inwånarres lefnadssätt och seder, m.m. Stockholm, J.C.Holmberg, 1790.
. Pp. 132 . Slightly later marbled wrappers, small part of spine damaged. Light staining. A Swedish version, anonymously translated from the French. An account of the fate of a sailor shipwrecked on the Coast of Senegal and enslaved for sixty-six days by his Arabian master. In the introduction de Brisson describes a meeting with the two Swedes, Sparrman and Wadström, pupils of Linné. Cf Gay 1522. Cf Playfair 441.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 13091
€  180.00 [Appr.: US$ 199.19 | £UK 151.75 | JP„ 29096]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, senegal, morocco, marocco, africa, north africa, afrique, afrika

 BROCKLEHURST, HENRY COURTNEY:, Game Animals of the Sudan. Their Habits and Distribution. A Handbook for Hunters and Naturalists. London, Gurney and Jackson, 1931.
Game Animals of the Sudan. Their Habits and Distribution. A Handbook for Hunters and Naturalists. London, Gurney and Jackson, 1931.
. Pp. xx, 170. With one folding map, twelve coloured plates by W.H. Riddell protected with tissue guards, twenty-four black and white plates, mostly made from photographs, and forty-five textual illustrations. Original cloth with gilt lion on upper cover, u.e.g., others uncut, light wear to hinges. First edition of an informative guide to Sudanese game animals including early wildlife conservation as well as hunting techniques and efficient skinning methods. Colonel Brocklehurst served as the game warden to the Sudanese government for several years.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100412
€  500.00 [Appr.: US$ 553.29 | £UK 421.5 | JP„ 80823]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, sudan, sudanese, africa, afrika, afrique, african, travel, exploration, hunting,

Afrika och dess upptaecktshistoria. 2 volumes. Goeteborg 1897.
. Pp. (vi), 3-552; (iv), 400. With numerous ills in the text. Contemporary half cloth, somewhat worn. One joint of volume two weak. A Swedish translation from the original English edition of 1892, by Jean Fr. Rossander. Cf Mendelssohn i,200.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 18068
€  90.00 [Appr.: US$ 99.59 | £UK 76 | JP„ 14548]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, africana, afrique

Among the Bantu Nomads. A record of forty years spent among the Bechuana, a numerous & famous branch of the Central South African Bantu, with the first full description of their ancient customs, manners & beliefs. London 1926.
. Pp. 272, adv. (24). With one map and 17 illustrations made from photographs. Publisher's orange cloth, spine slightly faded. Ownership signature (Sture Lagercrantz). First edition.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99602
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 221.32 | £UK 168.75 | JP„ 32329]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, bantu, africa, african, afrika, afrique, travel, voyage, exploration

A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome. With Notices of the so called "Amazons", the Grand Customs, the Yearly Customs, the Human Sacrifices, the Present State of the Slave Trade, and the Negro's Place in Nature. Two volumes. London, Tinsley Brothers, 1864.
. Pp. ii-xvii, (3), 7-386; vi, 413, (1). Half title to volume one is missing. With two frontispieces. Narrowly cut in modern cloth. Second edition of Burton's account of his last major expedition to West Africa in 1863. Burton travelled to Dahomey (Benin) for the purpose of establishing trade relations and to persuade the King Gelele to abandon his practices of slave-trading and human sacrifice. However, it was an unsuccessful mission. Casada 47. Penzer 72-3.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121018
€  850.00 [Appr.: US$ 940.6 | £UK 716.5 | JP„ 137399]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, afrika, afrique, african, dahomey, travel, exploration, benin, western africa, slave trade,

 CAMPBELL, JOHN:, Travels in South Africa. Undertaken at the Request of the Missionary Society. London, Printed for the Black, Parry & Co., 1815.
Travels in South Africa. Undertaken at the Request of the Missionary Society. London, Printed for the Black, Parry & Co., 1815.
. Pp. xvi, 400. With one folding map, engraved frontispiece and eight engraved plates protected by tissue guards. Some light foxing and some discolouration from plates. contemporary calf rebacked with new spine, title labels printed in gilt. Second amended edition (first 1815).Campbell was a Scottish missionary who was sent to South Africa in 1812 to inspect the mission stations there after the death of John Theodosius van der Kemp, Governor of Bethelsdorp. Campbell travelled extensively throughout the country for nine months to visit the different settlements. He came in contact with various tribes, many previously unreached, and the Boer settlers. He returned to England in 1814 with his report and recommendations for the colony together with maps of the outposts. Howgego II, pp. 105-6. Mendelssohn I, p. 254 (third ed.).
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121010
€  500.00 [Appr.: US$ 553.29 | £UK 421.5 | JP„ 80823]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, afrika, afrique, african, travel, exploration, south africa,

Manuale Tigrè-Italiano. Con due dizionarietti Italiano-Tigrè e Tigrè-Italiano e cartina dimonstrativa degli idiomi parlati in Eritrea. Milano, Ulrico Hoepli, 1894.
. 12mo. (ii), 177 + adv. (2), 32. With one map. Publisher's red cloth, printed in black. First edition. Not in Zaunmüller.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121314
€  180.00 [Appr.: US$ 199.19 | £UK 151.75 | JP„ 29096]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, afirca, africana, afrique, tigré, tigrinja, tigrč, eritrea, language, langue, linguistic,

 CASALIS, EUGéNE:, The Basutos; or Twenty-Three Years in South Africa. London, James Nisbet & Co., 1861.
The Basutos; or Twenty-Three Years in South Africa. London, James Nisbet & Co., 1861.
. Pp. xx, 355, 8 adv. With eight engraved plates and several illustrations in the text. Rebound in paper covered boards, calf spine with title label. Bound with one folding coloured map (dated 1861) which doesn't belong to the work. One leaf (pp.167-8) restored without loss. First edition of an interesting account of the Basutos describing habits, social and domestic life, government, religious ideas, superstitions, literature and music. Eugčne Casalis, French Protestant missionary who spent 23 years in Southern Africa. He arrived at Cape Town in 1833 and participated in establishing a French Protestant Mission in Moriah, Lesotho. Casalis settled in Thaba-Bosis near Mohesh (Lesotho). Mendelssohn I, p. 307.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121005
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 497.96 | £UK 379.5 | JP„ 72741]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, african, afrika, afrique, south africa, lesotho, travel, exploration, missionary, Basutu, Basutland, Basuto, Lesotho,

 DU CHAILLU, PAUL BELLONI:, Explorations & Adventures in Equatorial Africa; with Accounts of the Manners and Customs of the People, and of the Chace of the Gorilla, Leopard, Elephant, Hippotamus, and other Animals. London, John Murray, 1861.
Explorations & Adventures in Equatorial Africa; with Accounts of the Manners and Customs of the People, and of the Chace of the Gorilla, Leopard, Elephant, Hippotamus, and other Animals. London, John Murray, 1861.
. Pp. xviii, 479. With folding frontispiece of a gorilla, one folding map (of Western Equatorial Africa), twenty-seven full page plates and many more illustrations in the text. Occasionally a few small stains to margin, otherwise a crisp and clean copy. Modern half calf, spine richly gilt in compartments with different animals and title labels. First edition of this famous account of the gorilla ("the monstrous and ferocious ape"). Paul Du Chaillu spent four years (1856-59) on his first expedition into Central Africa, to an area previously unexplored by Europeans. He made several important discoveries regarding the rivers of the region, the natives and unusual animals and fauna. He collected a vast number of specimens of birds, animals and fauna. The famous engraving of the gorilla was the first published illustration of the animal. Czech pp. 52-3. Gay 2756. Kainbacher p. 43. Ibrahim-Hilmy i, p. 194.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121002
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 497.96 | £UK 379.5 | JP„ 72741]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, african, afrika, afrique, gorilla, ape, travel, exploration, central africa, equatorial africa

 DU CHAILLU, PAUL BELLONI:, A Journey to Ashango-land: and Further Penetration into Equatorial Africa. London, John Murray, 1867.
A Journey to Ashango-land: and Further Penetration into Equatorial Africa. London, John Murray, 1867.
. Large 8vo. Pp. xxiv, 502. With front, one folding map and eighteen plates, and some more illustrations. Later half calf, spine lettered in gilt. First edition. Du Chaillu became famous for his discoveries of the gorilla during his first expedition to Central Africa. This account covers Du Chaillu's second expedition from 1863 to 1865 which took him to the delta of the Ogooue River (today Gabon). He was able to continue his studies of the gorilla with improved scientific instruments and support from the Royal Geographical Society. He also made valuable discoveries of the indigenous people of the area, the Fang people. Hosken p. 63.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121013
€  350.00 [Appr.: US$ 387.3 | £UK 295 | JP„ 56576]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, african, afrique, afrika, travel, exploration, central africa, equatorial africa, gabon, gorilla

Une ambassade au Maroc. Deuxième édition. Paris, Calmann Lévy, éditeur, 1887.
. Pp. (iv), iv, 343, (3). Decorative paper covered boards. Charmes participated in a mission headed by M. Féraud, French Ambassador to the Sultan at Fez. This narrative was originally published in the "Rev. des Deux Mondes" in June 1886. Playfair 1760.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 27012
€  320.00 [Appr.: US$ 354.11 | £UK 269.75 | JP„ 51727]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, afrika, africana, afrikana, maroc, morocco, marocko, fez, marocco, afrique, travel, travels, exploration, exploring

 CRUICKSHANK, BRODIE:, Eighteen Years on the Gold Coast of Africa. Including an Account of the Native Tribes, and their Intercourse with Europeans. Two volumes. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1853.
Eighteen Years on the Gold Coast of Africa. Including an Account of the Native Tribes, and their Intercourse with Europeans. Two volumes. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1853.
. Pp. viii, 345, adv. (1) 16; vi, 335, adv. (1), 8. Publisher's blind-stamped cloth, spines lettered in gilt, faded, extremities lightly rubbed. First edition.Interesting account of the Gold Coast of Africa (Southern Ghana) based on Cruickshank's long experience in the country. He was a Scotsman who became a member of the Legislative Council of the Gold Coast when it was set up in 1850. He spent many years at Cape Coast Castle and had continuous contact with the natives on issues such as law and custom. Scarce. Gay 2865.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121003
€  950.00 [Appr.: US$ 1051.25 | £UK 800.75 | JP„ 153564]
Catalogue: Africa
Keywords: Africa, africa, afrika, african, afrique, west africa, travel, exploration, ghana, gold coast,

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