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Beschrijving van Lissabon, Hoofdstad van het Koninkryk Portugaal, als mede van des zelfs Koninklyke Gebouwen, Kastelen, Kerken, Kloosters enz. Benevens Een verhaal der schrikkelyke verwoesting van de aardbeeving Waar door den voorn. Stad op den 1. Nov. 1755. als omgekeert, en tot een Puynhoop geworden is, en wat jammerlyke uitwerkzels de Aardbeving in andere Steden en Koninkryke veroorzaakt heeft. Waar agter gevoegt is, Een Echt Relaas van de Zeldzame wen Wonderlyke Water Beweegingen, Die in de meeste Steeden van de Provintien der Vereenigde Nederlanden, als mede in andere Gedeelten van Europa gezien zyn, ...
Leyden, By Hendrik van der Deyster, Boekverkoper op de Breestraat over de Koornbrugsteeg, 1755. 4to. In late 19th c. protective paper covers. [*2, A - C4, D2]. (II (binder's blank), IV, 1 - 27, I (blank) pp.). Description of the devestating effects of the 1755 earthquake that hit Lisbon's churches and castles, monasteries etc. Its effect noticed all over Europe. Also the effects of the ensuing floods that reached the United Provinces also.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 10820
€  225.00 [Appr.: US$ 244.29 | £UK 190 | JP¥ 37569]
Keywords: behandelen W38B

Catalogus ofte Naamlyst der voornaamste zaken, dewelke op de Anatomie-Kamer der Stadt Rotterdam te zien zyn.
Te Rotterdam, Gedrukt by Stefanus Mostert, in de Groenendaal, 1740. 8vo. W. small woodc. vign. on printed tiutle. 19th c. marbled covers. spine discol. and w. some loss of paper. [A8, B5]. (26 pp.). (2 blank lvs after A8].
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 12471
€  675.00 [Appr.: US$ 732.86 | £UK 569.75 | JP¥ 112708]
Keywords: Anatomy exhibition ordner behandelen

ALPHABETUM.- BURMESE.- COMPENDIUM.- Propaganda fidei.- 1776
Compendium Doctrinae Christianiae Idiomate Barmano sive Bomano.
Romae, (Typis Sac. Congregationis de Propaganda Fide), 1776. 8vo. W. woodcut vignet on title, woodc. head piece and initial. Contemp. paper wrapper, frayed and chipped, lower cover some tears and holes. (A-B8, C7 = 23 lvs.). (42 printed pages in Burmese type, lvs. 22 and 23 blank). (Sl. browned, a few spots.). (Inscr. in ink on recto of blank preceding the title 'Ex Libris L.Johannis Romanis ...MDCCLXXVII [1777]'.). Birrell & Garnett, pp. 4 - 6, comp. item 18: 'The congregation de Propaganda Fide. Established in 1626 for propaganda among the Eastern peoples. Ferdinand II presented Illyrian types for a missal, and the Medicean and other Oriental types from the Stamperia Vaticana were added to its stock, while Stefano Paolini engraved others. It continued its existence throughout the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries: Bodoni received his early training there. In 1798 most of the types were taken to Paris ...Much of the type still remains at the Imprimerie Nationale to this day.': Updike, Printing Types, vol. I, pp. 181 - 184: 'The best period of this Office was during the last half of the 18th c. under the directorship of Ruggeri and Amaduzzi. ... the establishment had fonts for 44 languages. Specimens of these ... are important documents in the history of the founding and use of "exotic" fonts.':
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 787
€  850.00 [Appr.: US$ 922.86 | £UK 717.5 | JP¥ 141928]
Keywords: burma linguistics specimen Vilia bdrb

derer Neuen Bücher welche in der Frankfurter und Leipziger Herbstmesse 1786 herausgekommen und nebst vielen andern um billige Preise zu haben sind.
Cleve [Cancel underneath reads: Franckfurt am Mayn], bey J.W. Hannesmann Buchhaendler in Cleve [=cancel impressum], 1786. sm 8vo. Unbound, stab sewn. [A - I4]. (72 pp.). Both a cancelled impressum naming another bookseller named Hannesmann, as well as a cancelled price list on page 72, giving the current prices, taking into account the 5% higher margin for the Book Fair, as well as the higher costs for transport and costs in general.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 9584
€  240.00 [Appr.: US$ 260.57 | £UK 202.75 | JP¥ 40074]
Keywords: ordner catalogue frankfurt

Dictionnaire de chirurgie, contenant la Description Anatomique des parties du corps humain, le Méchanisme des fonctions, le Manuel des Opérations Chirurgicales, avec le détail & les usages des différens Instrumens & Médicamens employés dans le traitement des Maladies du ressort de la Chirurgie. A l'usage des Etudiants en Médecine & en Chirurgie... Tome Premier [Tome Second].
Paris, Chez Lacombe, libraire, Quai de Conti, 1767. 8vo. In 2 Vols. Contemp. full marbled clf., spine w. 2 red mor.spine labels per volume. Spine in 6 compartments with elaborate floral gilttooling in 4 of them (bottom of spine vol. I 2 cm. missing.; corners light rubb.). (VI, 686, II; 695, I (blank) pp.). (Nice original marbled endp.). Barbier I, 959: Dictionary of anatomy, physiology, surgery and surgical instruments: Le Vacher (Hirsch vol. III, p. 761) wrote this state of the art dictionary in cooperation with Moysant and la Macellerie. Good copy w. nice original marbled endpapers.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 7523
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 488.58 | £UK 379.75 | JP¥ 75138]
Keywords: general medicine 18th c French behandelen veilen

PHARMACOPOEIA.- Austria.- 1774
Dispensatorium pharmaceuticum Austriaco - Viennense, in quo hodierna die usualiora medicamenta ... adjuncta est appendix continens plures praeparationes exquisitas tam pharmaceuticas, ... editio altera ... & nova rursus appendice aucta.
Lovanii, J.Fr. van Overbeke, 1774. 8o. Contemp. mottled clf., spine floral gilttooling, in 6 compartments. W. red spine label. (Small part of both outer hinges split/dam.). (VIII, XX, 395, XLV (Index), 26 (appendix), 10 (appendix altera), I (appr.), I (blank) pp.). Kremers/Urdang, pp. 128 - 129: K/U & Sonnedecker, p. 427, 553: 'In 1618, The Pharmacopoea Augustana, ed. of 1613, became the official standard for the Vienna and the Austrian provinces. ... Up to 1722 all subsequent editions of the Augustana remained in force. In 1729 the first Austrian pharmacopoea printed in Austria appeared under the title 'Dispensatorium...' The book lived through 6 further eds.': Van de Wiele, pp. 225, 240 - 242: In 1745 Empress Maria Theresia of Austria decreed that the 'dispensatorium ...Austriaco - Viennense' was to be used in the entire Southern Low Countries. The Brussels Collegium medicum was commissioned with the adaptation. A second edition of this pharmacopoea [here offered] appeared in 1774 in Louvain, this time the appendix is followed by an appendix altera with some thirty formulas mostly drawn from the 'Codex Parisiensis': Ferchl, 409: Comp. Neu, 1176 (1747 ed): Not in Wellcome: Comp. Blake, p. 347:Very good copy
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 3794
€  800.00 [Appr.: US$ 868.58 | £UK 675.25 | JP¥ 133580]
Keywords: pharmacy pharmacology medicine materia medica

Dispensatorium pharmaceuticum Austriaco-Viennense, in quo hodierna die usu aliora medicamenta secundum artis regulas componenda visuntur. Cum S.C. Regiaeque Catholicae Majestatis privilegio.
Vienna, J.T. Edl.v. Trattner, 1770. With 1 finely engr. headpiece. Sm. in folio. (XVI, 202, XVI pp.). (Title sl.soiled and some ll. sl. watersp. in the margins). See van de Wiele pp. 225, 240/2: In 1774 a pharmacopoea Vienn. was published in Leuven.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 4240
€  817.00 [Appr.: US$ 887.04 | £UK 689.5 | JP¥ 136418]
Keywords: pharmacology pharmacy materia medica medicine

Doutes d'un provincial, proposés à MM. les médecins-commissaires, chargé par le roi, de l 'examen du magnétisme animal.
Paris, Prault, 1784. 8vo. In old blue-grey paper covers, spine some imperf. [n4, A - H8, I4]. (n1 and I4 used as blank paste downs.). (IV, 134 pp.) ( Uncut copy). Barbier I, 1117: Quérard III, 267:Caillet 10163: 'Most able and clever defense of magnetism'. Norman Coll. M 143:'This pamphlet is the best of the many attacks published by pro-mesmerists against the report of the first Royal Commission'. Dureau, p.50: Crabtree 111: First ed.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 6017
€  295.00 [Appr.: US$ 320.29 | £UK 249 | JP¥ 49257]
Keywords: experimental medicine history science Toon Vilid bdrb2

PEERLE.- Margarita Evangelica.- 1542.-
Dye groote evangelische Peerle, vol devoter ghebeden, godlijcker oeffeninghen, ende geesteliker leeringen hoe wy dat hoochste goet (dat God is) in onser sielen sullen soecken ende vinden, ende uyt allen onsen crachten liefhebben ende bevatten. Nu ten lesten wel gecorrigeert ende vermeerdert, ende met schoonder letter correct gedruct. Mathei. xiii. Dat rijck Gods is ghelijck eenen mensche die goede peerlen soect, , ende als hy een costelijcke peerle ghevonden heeft, so vercoopt hi al dat hi hevet, ende cooptse.
Gheprint Thantwerpen buyten dye Camerpoorte, inden, gulden Eenhooren, by mi Willem Vorsterman. Int Iaer ons Heeren. M.CCCCC. ende XLII. (1542). W. printed title in red and black, surrounded by 4 woodcuts (2 floriated, 2 architectural (columns). A large number of woodcut floriated and historiated initials in different sizes. Old overlapping vellum, ties missing. (Upper inner hinge weakening). (A-Z8, A-G8, H4; 244 lvs.). (Lvs. A6, 7, 8 a small strip from lower righthand side missing, appr. 1.5 x 6.5 cm, the ENTIRE leaf supplied in photocopy, the original lvs. A6,7,8 preserved and laid in.). (Title and first few lvs. some soiling. Lower part of printed title a name in ink which has been made invisible by black ink.). (Inscr. in ink on front paste down reading 'Joffrou Leanora van Grevenbroeck'). Comp. Nijhoff/Kronenberg Vol. I, 1689 and 1690 (eds. 1537-39) and vol. II, 3683 (ed. 1536), vol. III, 0965 (1531).: Belgica Typographia I, 4636: Machiels I, P164: Comp. STC Dutch p. 72 (Under Nicolaus van Ess, later eds.): Not in Adams.: Auction sale "Chateau de Heeswijk" (Fred. Muller, May 1901), vol. I, item 200 (Ed. 1536, Antwerpen, Symon Cock).: Het Boek vol 28, pp. 209 - 225. Bibliography of 'Peerle' editions on pp. 219 to end. See for this edition item 6 in the bibliography. Of special interest is the entry under number 8 (Antwerpen, Peetersen, 1548) the copy found at Wittem, Redemptoristenklooster. This particular copy has inscriptions in ink by 'Joff. a Leonora van Grevenbroeck', indicating that the book belongs to her and that it was a gift from her brother Jonkheer Jan van Grevenbroeck, March 1629. Leonora also owned and inscribed the book here offered. The article by A. de Wilt S.J. in Het Boek (Nov. 1943) concentrates on a German translation of this 16th century Low Countries mystical publication, which was printed by the Carthusian Dirk Loer van Hoogstraaten, initially in a shortened version (38 of 168 chapters!). In 1538 a complete edition is published and in 1542 Nicolaas van Ess takes over as publisher. Van Ess or Van Essche (1507 - 1578) was a priest and author of another rare mystical work "Vanden Tempel onser sielen" (Antwerpen, 1543). For a long time this precious 'Peerle' (Pearl) remained hidden and not until the 19th c. there are some scattered references. In the twenties and thirties of this century extensive studies begin to appear, especially concentrating on the origin of the 'Peerle' and the enigmatic female mystic responsible for the text. The ed. 1542 has a preface by van Esch (leaf A2) which is the main source for identifying the author. She was from a noble family, from Oisterwijk or Den Bosch, lived with her father, reached the age of 77, died 28 Jan. 1540. Consequently Maria van Oisterwijk, Anna Bijns and Reinalda van Eymere (great aunt of Petrus Canisius) were put forward as author, none of whom fitted the description required. L. Reypens & J. Huyben, 'Nog een vergeten mystieke grootheid', in: Ons Geestelijk Erf, II -IV (1928/30) and Luc. Verschueren, idem VI (1932).: 6th Dutch edition, 3rd complete, of this important mystic work.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 164
€  2950.00 [Appr.: US$ 3202.88 | £UK 2489.5 | JP¥ 492574]
Keywords: mysticism religion theology Brk

L'Ecole de la mignature, dans laquelle on peut aisément apprendre à peindre sans Maitre, ainsi que les secrets de faire les plus belles couleurs; l'Or Bruni, & l'Or en Coquille. Avec la Méthode pour étudier l'Art de la peinture tant à fresque, en Detrempe, & a l 'Huile, que sur le Verre, en Email, Mosaique & Damasquinure: l'éclaircissement sur l'utilité des Estampes: l'Instruction pour la Connoissance des Tableaux: les Sentimens sur la Peinture & sur les différens Goûts des Nations, & un Dictionnaire des Termes les plus usitéz dans l'Art. Receuil fait par M.PIL & autres. Nouvelle édition, augmente'e.
Bruxelles, Chez J. Moris, Imprimeur & Libraire marché aux Trippes à la Bible, 1759. Sm 8vo. Title printed in red and black. Numer. woodc. head- and tailpieces, 2 woodc. ills. (pp. 6, 258). Contemp. mottled clf., spine gilt, top of spine some imperf. [a3, A - S8, T4 [K2 signed I2] (pp. 268 - 283 list of terms]. (VI, 283, XIII (Contents) pp.). (W. green silken 'leeslint' or tassel; all edges red; fine marbled endpapers.). Barbier II, 15: A treatise on miniature painting and on preparing paints, also on painting in general, painting a la fresco, oil-painting, painting on glass and damask. Art history and the understanding / interpretation of paintings. At the end a dictionary of art terms.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 200
€  425.00 [Appr.: US$ 461.43 | £UK 358.75 | JP¥ 70964]
Keywords: Miniatures manuals manual paint glasspainting damasc Vilia

Les élemens des sections coniques, démontrées par synthèse; ouvrage dans lequel on a renfermé le petit traité des sections coniques de N. Delahire.
Paris, Chez Desaint & Saillant, librarires, rue Siant Jean de Bauvias, vis-à-vis le College, 1757. 8vo. W. woodc. vign. on title & 16 engr. fold. pls. Contemp. hlf. clf., over speckled marbled brds., red and green spine label. Nice marbled endp. (top of spine dam., corners a few bumps.). (XXIV, XLVIII, 430 pp.) Barbier Vol. II p. 57: Pogg. Vol II p. 84: Cantor 425-427 ilc. Slip of paper on verso half title which in letterpress of 'François Baron de Landsberg'
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 955
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 488.58 | £UK 379.75 | JP¥ 75138]
Keywords: conics mathematics library Ex Bibliotheca illustrated books French Toon W70

Enchiridion medicum ofte medecijn-boecxken, .... den vyfden druck vermeerdert ende verbetert. Foll. by: (Idem), Eenige remedien die aengaen de chirurgie of uijtwendige gebreken des lichaems. (Idem), Clarius et majus lumen pharmacopaeorum . Dat is: Klaerder en meerder licht der apothekers.
Ghendt, Jan Meyer, op d'Hoog-poorte in 't gekroont Sweirt. n.d. (1722). Contemp. full clf., spine gilt, w. spine label (Some light rubbing.). (205, II pp.). (Ex Libris van der Hoeven; Bookplate on upper paste down endp.). (Inscr. in ink on upper paste down: Á. Ingenhousz 1734'). Van der Aa II, 56: BMN III, 210: Wellcome II, 298 ed. 1723 only: Blake 77, ed. 1724 and 1757 only: 5th ed.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 4113
€  410.00 [Appr.: US$ 445.15 | £UK 346 | JP¥ 68459]
Keywords: pharmacy pharmacology medicine inscribed copy Bibl. Bibliotheca library Virea

Enchiridion medicum ofte medecyn-boeckxken, Waer in verhandelt worden veel seickten, die dagelijckx voor-vallen, daer by de remedien om die te genesen. .... den sesden druck vermeerdert ende verbetert. Foll. by: (Idem), Eenige remedien die aen-gaen de chirurgie ofte uytwendige gebreken des lichaems. AND: (Idem), Clarius et majus lumen pharmacopaeorum . Dat is: Claerder en meerder licht der apothekers, alwaer wordt voor-gestelt eene sekere maniere, hoe dat eenige medicynen moeten bereyt gemaeckt worden, soo Gallenicé, als Chimicé, alles met redenen bewesen dienende tot onderwysinge van de leerlingen.
Antwerpen, By de Weduwe van Ignatius Vander Hey Boeckdrucker ende Boeck-verkooper in de Borssestraet by de Meir, in den H.Geest, 1750. 8vo. 3 parts in 1 vol. W. small woodc. vign. on the 2 printed titles. Rebound and recased in an 18th c. full vellum binding , thong laced; the original endpapers and free endp. preserved. [*8, (XVI, 78, I Contents), I (Blank); IV, 31, I (Contents); 86, II (Contents) pp). (Owner's inscr. in ink on upper paste down; small libr. stamp on verso upper free endp.; printed title righthand side remargined / strenghthened w. japanese paper.). Van der Aa II, 56: BMN vol. I, 8 (eds. 1724, 1725, 1750, 1757): Wellcome II, 298 (ed. 1723 only): Blake 77, ed. 1724 and 1757 only: 6th ed.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 6104
€  360.00 [Appr.: US$ 390.86 | £UK 304 | JP¥ 60111]
Keywords: anatomy pharmacy pharmacology medicine materia medica surgery pharmacopoeia Viree

Errotika biblion.
Rome [?Paris, Neuchâtel], l'Imprimerie du Vatican, 1783. 8vo. W. woodc. vignet on pr. title, some simple woodc. head-pieces. Nice 19th cent. polished hlf .clf., spine in 6 compartments w. gilt floral ornaments. [n2, A-M8]. (IV, 192 pp.). (Top edge gilt.). (Very nice marbled endp.). (Overall some light foxing.). (a few lvs. w. some brown spots.). Rare first ed.: Mirabeau, french revolutionary, offers us here 10 philosophical reflections on the (erotic) mores and customs of ancient times as opposed to those of modern man [i.e. French 18th c.]. One of the most important aspects in the background of these reflections is of course man's curtailed sense of liberty and freedom to act, over the course of hundreds of years. A link with the Revolutionary Movement may well be surmised. Brunet vol. VI (Table), 18010: Barbier II, 172: Hain-Got. vol. IV, 549: Very good copy of this rare booklet. Not many have appeared at auction in the last few decades. A pirated edition Rome 1783 exists, but collates IV, 188 pp. only; a further edition appeared in 1792 and an annotated version in 1833 Brussels.; Weller, 220: Gay, vol. II, 150: Englisch, comp. 460: Kearney, Erotic literature, p. 80: Kearney, Private case 1190:Famous work printed many times. The book was written in prison and '... machte zweifellos nicht nur der Belesenheit und dem Scharfsinn Mirabeaus, sondern auch der Elastizität seines Geistes alle Ehre' [Hain-G]: According to Englisch the first edition exists in three variants. Kearney informs us that the book was written while de Mirabeau was imprisoned in the Castle of Vincennes and that it was attacked with vigour by the authorities, leaving only 14 copies extinct, a figure which (judging by the number of copies offered through the internet) seems quite unlikely. It is said that the entire print run was confiscated by the police in 1796 and destroyed. (This may concern the edition 1792, the year in which the publication was officially put on the index librorum prohibitorum). 'A further edition was ordered to be destroyed in 1826 by the Royal Court of Paris, and for "outrages against public morality and good manners" there were two other prosecutions in, 1856 and 1868' [Kearney]:
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 7739
€  950.00 [Appr.: US$ 1031.44 | £UK 801.75 | JP¥ 158626]
Keywords: libertinism Biblia erotica books classical antiquity press printing history revolution zeden en gewoonten Vilia

De l'esprit. Tome Premier [- Second].
Amsterdam/Leipzig, Arkstee & Merkus, 1759. Sm 8vo. In 2 vols. W. woodc. vigns on titles. Very good contemp. half clf., over speckled marbled brds., spines gilt, w. red titleshields. (marbled covers a few scratches).[n2, *8, 2*4, A-P12, Q3; n2, *2, A-Q12]. (II (half title, verso blank), II [printed title in red and black, verso blank], XXIV, 365; I (blank)pp; II (half title, verso blank), II (pr. title, verso blank), IV (Contents), 383, I (blank) pp.). (Part 1 a few lvs in the beginning a vague watersp.). (Bookplates on upper paste downs 'Büchersammlung von Lastrow zu Kanzlershof'). Barbier II, 178: Biogr. Univ. IX, 247/8: Helvetius was a French writer and philosopher. The first ed. (1758) was burned by the authorities in 1759: Ellenberger, 623/33: 'The idea that the central drive in human nature is the striving for superiority has been expressed often and in many ways. Helvetius held that the mainspring of human action was a wish to be as powerful as possible in order to control others and thus to be alble to gratify one's passions'. Comp. Caillet II, 5046 (does not mention this ed.):
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 6053
€  480.00 [Appr.: US$ 521.15 | £UK 405.25 | JP¥ 80148]
Keywords: philosophy psychology history science Vireg

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