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 PORTER, ROBERT KER:, Travelling Sketches in Russia and Sweden, during the Years 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808. Two volumes in one. London, R. Phillips, 1809.
Travelling Sketches in Russia and Sweden, during the Years 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808. Two volumes in one. London, R. Phillips, 1809.
. 4to. Pp. vi, 303; viii, 296. Contents to volume one (4 pages) missing. Half-title to volume two present. Last quire starting to loosen. With 28 hand-coloured aquatint costume plates, 12 sepia-tinted aquatint plates of views and one etching of Gustav Vasa. Some offsettting from plates as often. Contemporary half calf, spine rubbed and hinges cracked. Bookplate. First edition. Porter was an English diplomat and he became the historical painter to the czar of Russia in 1804. The beautiful plates are from drawings by the author made during his travels in Russia, Finland and Sweden, engraved by Stadler. A few pages at beginning and end with minor marginal stain o/w a great copy. Abbey Travel 13. Bring 381. Cat. Russica P1036. Colas 2407. Lipperheide 11346. Tooley 383.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 14386
€  1800.00 [Appr.: US$ 1954.3 | £UK 1519 | JP„ 300554]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, europa, europe, russia, sweden, finland, travel, travels, exploration, exploring, european, russian, swedish, nordic, finnish, voyage, costumes,colour illustration

Skazka o rybake i rybke (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish). Moscow & Leningrad, Detizdat, 1936.
. 4to. Pp. 16. With colour illustrations. Publisher's pictorial boards, rubbed. Old inscriptions on front end paper and old library marking on title. Second edition (first 1922) of this famous Russian children book illustrated by Konashevich. It was written by Pushkin in 1833, and published multiple times.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120990
€  180.00 [Appr.: US$ 195.43 | £UK 152 | JP„ 30055]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, russia, russian, russe, children, barnbok, juvenalia, illustrated,

The White Peninsula, A Journey in Russian Lapland and Karelia. London, John Murray, 1881.
. Pp. xviii, 347. With one folding coloured map in rear pocket and 15 woodcut illustrations and 12 lovely etchings by the author. Publisher's blue pictorial cloth stamped in gilt, front hinge weak. Ex. library copy. A clean and fresh copy. First edition of a charming and informative travelogue from the far north of Russia and Finland. The journey starts at North Cape (Norway) and continues around the Kola Peninsula and Karelia. Includes tables of birds and flowers found in the area and a vocabulary of Samoyede, Russian Lapp and Russian. Schiötz 838.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100090
€  460.00 [Appr.: US$ 499.43 | £UK 388.25 | JP„ 76808]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, russia, russian, russe, finland, finnish, karelia, lapland, lappland, europe, european, white sea, ishavet, travel, exploration,

Russlands älteste Beziehungen zu Scandinavien und Constantinopel. Berlin, W. Besser, 1847.
. PP. 53. Old boards, faded, top of spine chipped. Bookplate (Count Carl Trolle-Bonde). Kurd von Schözer (1822-94), a German diplomat and historian.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 14275
€  120.00 [Appr.: US$ 130.29 | £UK 101.5 | JP„ 20037]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, europe, europa, russia, russe, russian, constantinople, turkey, turkish, travel, exploration, history, historical3

Vollstaendiges russisch-deutsches und deutsch-russisches Woerterbuch zum Gebrauch beider Nationen. Zweite gaenzlich umgearbeitete Stereotyp-Ausgabe. Two parts in one volume. Leipzig no date.
. Pp. (viii), 522; (iv, 515. Titles and preface in Russian and German. Text in three columns. Contemporary boards, rebacked with flat calf spines, lettered and ruled in gilt. The first edition was published in Leipzig 1844. Cf Zaunmüller p. 326. (ed. Leipzig 1901).
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 32125
€  220.00 [Appr.: US$ 238.86 | £UK 185.75 | JP„ 36734]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, europe, europa, russia, russian, russie, ryssland, language, langue, sprachen, linguistics, languages, langue, sprache, linguistique, linguistica, sprachwissenschaft, russland

Sewerzow's Erforschung des Thian-Schan-Gebirgs-Systems 1867. Nebst Kartographischer Darstellung desselben Gebietes und der See'nzone des Balkasch-Alakul und Siebenstromlandes nach den Originalen und Offiziellen russischen Aufnahmen. 2 volumes. Gotha, Justus Perthes, 1875.
. 4to. Pp. vi, 50; (ii), 102. With two large folding lithographed maps: "Originalkarte des centralen theiles des Thianschan-Gebirgssystems zur Übersicht von N.A. Sewerzoff's Reisen 1864/8 nach den Messtisch - Aufnahmen der westsibirischen Militärtopographen 1856/8 ... " and "Nördliche fortsetzung der originalkarte centralen theiles des Thianschan-Gebirgssystems, umfassend die Seezone des Balkasch-Alakul & das Siebenstromland umfassend die Seenzone des Balkasch - Alakul & Das Siebenstromland". Included in Petermann's 'Geographischen Mittheilungen' (parts 42-43). Survey of the north western border region between China and Russia undertaken by the Western Siberian Toptographical corps in 1859. Yakushi (1984) S153.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 32047
€  300.00 [Appr.: US$ 325.72 | £UK 253.25 | JP„ 50092]
Catalogue: East Asia
Keywords: East Asia, siberia, siberian, russia, russian, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, map, maps,

Histoire du royaume de la Chersonese Taurique. St. Petersburg, le l'Imprimerie de l'Académie Impériale Russie, 1824.
. 4to. Pp. (vi), 433. With two large folding engraved maps of Scythica (Pontic steppe) and "La Tauride" (Crimea), and two small engraved plates. Uncut copy in original wrappers, spine partly gone, back cover detached, chipped at edges, loose in binding. Housed in a specially made paper-covered box. Second enlarged edition, first 1800 (Brunswick). This is an historical account of Tauric Chersonese which is the ancient name for Crimea. Stanislaw Siestrzéncewicz de Bohusz (1731-1826), Polish Catholic, prominent member of the Russian Academy and the first metropolitan Archbishop of Mogilev in present-day Belarus. Rare. Brunet v, 377. Graesse vii, 401.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99744
€  2000.00 [Appr.: US$ 2171.45 | £UK 1687.75 | JP„ 333949]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, russia, russian, russe, travel, exploration, history, historical, crimea, krimea, tauride, scythica, pontic steppe, caspian,

Genom Siberien på spaning efter Andrée. (Through Siberia searching for Andrée). Stockholm, Albert Bonnier, 1901.
. Pp. (iv), 326. With numerous illustrations after photographs taken by the author. Contemporay green cloth, original front wrapper withbound. Jonas Stadling (1847-1935) was a Swedish preacher and journalist. He participated in Andrée's expedition in 1897, and the year after he travelled to the northern part of Siberia to, if possible, collect information about the missing expedition. He made interesting botanical discoveries but found no trace of Andrée and his team. First edition. Hulth 135.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100211
€  60.00 [Appr.: US$ 65.14 | £UK 50.75 | JP„ 10018]
Catalogue: East Asia
Keywords: East Asia, polar, arctic, travel, exploration, andrée, russia, russian, siberia, siberian,

Resa i Grekland, Turkiet, Ryssland och Polen. Two volumes in one. Stockholm, L.J. Hierta, 1842.
. Pp. (ii), 277, (1); (ii), 365, (1). Contemporary half calf, spine decorated and stamped in gilt, hinges weak and top of spine chipped. Bookplates. A nice copy. A Swedish translation of "Incidents of travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland" published in 1838.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 32015
€  350.00 [Appr.: US$ 380 | £UK 295.5 | JP„ 58441]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, greece, turkey, russia, poland, europe, european, travel, voyage, travels, exploration, levant

Evertebratfaunan i Sibiriens ishaf. Förelöpande studier grundade på de zoologiska undersökningarna under prof. A.E. Nordenskiölds Ishafsexpedition 1878-79. [The invertebrates of the Siberian sea. Preliminary studies, based upon the zool. investigations during Nordenskiöld's exped. of 1878-79]. Meddeladt den 12 november 1879. Stockholm 1880.
. Pp. 76. With one large folding map. Wrappers, front wrapper detached. Offprint. (Bihang till K. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handlingar Band 5. No. 22).
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100130
€  100.00 [Appr.: US$ 108.57 | £UK 84.5 | JP„ 16697]
Catalogue: East Asia
Keywords: East Asia, russia, russe, ryssland, russian, siberia, siberian, fauna, botany, zoology, zoological

Baba-Yaga [A Folk Tale]. Paris, YMCA Press, 1932.
. 4to. Pp. (24). Text in Russian. With lovely coloured illustrations. Original lithographed wrappers with some wear. Resewn, spine restored with cloth, loss of corners to front wrapper, last leaf with tear restored and some remains of old tape at inner margin. But still a likeable copy. First edition.Baba-Yaga is a folklore tale about a a frightening witch-like old woman living in the forest. There are many illustrated versions about her in Russian folklore. Teffi was a renowned humanist writer in pre-Revolutionary Russia and Nathalie Parain, Ukrainian-born artist who illustrated many popular children's books. Both settled in Paris in the 1920s.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120993
€  340.00 [Appr.: US$ 369.15 | £UK 287 | JP„ 56771]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, russia, russian, russe, children, juvenile, illustrated, avant-garde

Terry's guide to the Japanese Empire including Korea and Formosa with chapters on Manchuria, the Trans-Siberian railway, and the chief ocean routes to Japan. A handbook for travelers. Boston & New York 1920.
. 12mo. Pp. cclxxxiii, 799, adv, 77. With 28 maps and plans (of which 8 folding and 8 double-page). One map and 2 lvs of text loose. Some underlinings and annotations. Orginal red cloth. Bookplate.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 17064
€  220.00 [Appr.: US$ 238.86 | £UK 185.75 | JP„ 36734]
Catalogue: East Asia
Keywords: East Asia, asia, asien, asie, orient, east, far east, japan, nihon, nippon, korea, corea, formosa, taiwan, manchuria, siberia, russia, travels, voyages, explore, exploration, japon, coree, japon, russie, explorations, expéditions, viajes, viaggio, reisen,

Anteckningar från Rysk-turkiska kriget 1877-1878. (Från en härfärd i Turkiet 1877-1878). Helsingfors, Hufvudstadsbladets Tryckeri, 1878.
. Pp. (x), 228. With 11 maps (of which one large coloured map and 10 hand coloured maps), one hand coloured plate and 50 woodcut illustrations in the text. Original half cloth, somewhat rubbed and spine faded. Bookplate. A narrative about the Russian-Turkish war 1877-78 by a Finnish battalion doctor.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 15012
€  300.00 [Appr.: US$ 325.72 | £UK 253.25 | JP„ 50092]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, turkey, turkish, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, russia, russian, travel, exploration, war, history, historical, near east, eastern, levant,

 WREECH, CURT FRIEDRICH VON:,  Wahrhaffte und umständliche Historie von denen schwedischen Gefangenen in Russland und Siberien, welchergestalt dieselbe nach dem A. 1709. bey Pultawa in der Ukraine mit denen Russen gehaltenen unglücklichen Treffen, in ihrer Gefangenschafft, zum Theil von Gott kräfftig zur Busse erwecket worden, ... Sorau, J.G. Rothe, 1725.
Wahrhaffte und umständliche Historie von denen schwedischen Gefangenen in Russland und Siberien, welchergestalt dieselbe nach dem A. 1709. bey Pultawa in der Ukraine mit denen Russen gehaltenen unglücklichen Treffen, in ihrer Gefangenschafft, zum Theil von Gott kräfftig zur Busse erwecket worden, ... Sorau, J.G. Rothe, 1725.
. Thick 8vo. Pp. (xl), 480, 471-861, (21). With title in red and black. Contemporary calf, spine blindstamped with four raised bands, rubbed, hinges weak. With old ownership signature on front endpaper. One leaf (p. 839) with small repair (no loss). First edition. Curt Friedrich von Wreech, born in Germany, served as dragon captain in the Swedish army at Poltava and was imprisoned by the Russians in 1709 together with several other Swedes. This is his account of the 12 years' imprisonment in Tobolsk, Siberia, and about his religious awakening. Wreech started to study the Bible and delivered the sermon among his revival fellow-prisoners. He was also the initiator of a school in Tobolsk for children based on a school ordinance of the Halle pattern. See Ward: "The Protestant Evangelical Awakening" pp. 83-85. A second edition was issued in 1728, enlarged with an appendix and one plate. Cat. Russica 907. Warmholtz 6076.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100074
€  900.00 [Appr.: US$ 977.15 | £UK 759.5 | JP„ 150277]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, russia, siberia, russian, ryssland, europe, european , history, historical, exploration,

Det Asiatiska Ryssland. Sthlm 1821.
. 12mo. (IV), 313, (1) pp. With 3 engr. plates. Cont. half calf, top of spine broken. Deals with the Asian part of Russia. ("Jorden och dess invćnare IX").
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 15130
€  110.00 [Appr.: US$ 119.43 | £UK 93 | JP„ 18367]
Catalogue: East Asia
Keywords: East Asia, asia, asien, asie, orient, east, far east, east asia, russia, russie, ferne osten, extreme orient, extreme-orient, russland, ferner osten

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