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[AZERBAIJANI] - , (A practical guide to the Turkish-Tatar Aderbaidzhan]. Moscva, at the University Printing House, 1857.
. Tall 8vo. Pp. (iv), xiii, 278, vi (index). Text written in Perso-Arabic Nastaliq and Russian Cyrillic. Occasionally some small staining, parts of text browned due to the paper quality. Contemporary half cloth on marbled paper boards, spine faded. Library stamps to the title page (Vienna University library). First edition and the first printed work about the Azerbaijani language. Budagov (1812-79), Armenian-born in Astrakhan, studied in Moscow and Kasan and served as professor of Turkish and Persian at the University of St. Petersburg. Very rare. Not in Zaunmüller.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121465
€  1600.00 [Appr.: US$ 1770.53 | £UK 1348.75 | JP¥ 258634]
Catalogue: Central Asia
Keywords: Central Asia, azerbaijani, azeri turkic, russia, turkish, tatar, language, langue, linguistic,

Geografiskt Bibliotek för ungdom, eller en samling af intressanta resebeskrifningar, till den uppväxande ungdomens nytta och nöje. Parts i-ii (of 16) in one volume. Stockholm, C.F. Marquard, 1804.
. 12mo. Pp. (xx), 172; (viii), 182. With one large folding map in colour and 2 engraved plates of "Samojeder". Contemporary half calf, spine ruled in gilt and with title printed in gilt, slightly rubbed. A Swedish edition, translated from the German by D. Krutmejer. Contains: 'Resa till Spetsbergen och Nova Zemla'; 'Vasco de Gamas resa till Ostindien and'; 'Resa till Ostindien åren 1618 och 1619 af Wilhelm Bontekou'. Klingberg p.182. Cf Artic Bibl. 2684.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 26093
€  170.00 [Appr.: US$ 188.12 | £UK 143.5 | JP¥ 27480]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, europe, europa, Spitsbergen, Russia, East India, inde, russie

 CASTRÉN, MATTHIAS ALEXANDER:, Elementa grammatices syrjaenae. Helsingfors, ex officina typographica heredum SimeliI, 1844.
Elementa grammatices syrjaenae. Helsingfors, ex officina typographica heredum SimeliI, 1844.
. Pp. (ii), viii, 166, (3). Uncut copy as issued in grey wrappers, some minor discolouration. Castrén, a Finnish renowned philologist who made several journeys to Siberia for linguistic and ethnographical studies. Between 1841 and 1843 he made a journey beyond the Ural as far as Obdorsk, and on his return he published this grammar of Syrjaenian (Komi Syrjaenian). Cat. Russica C 214. Vater p. 467.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120943
€  180.00 [Appr.: US$ 199.19 | £UK 151.75 | JP¥ 29096]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, russian, russia, siberia, komi syrjaenian, komi, syrjaenian, language, linguistic, langue, sprache, sprachwissenschaft

 CASTRÉN, MATTHIAS ALEXANDER:, Grundzüge einer tungusischen Sprachlehre nebst kurzem Wörterverzeichniss. Herausgegeben von Anton Schiefner. St. Petersburg, Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1856.
Grundzüge einer tungusischen Sprachlehre nebst kurzem Wörterverzeichniss. Herausgegeben von Anton Schiefner. St. Petersburg, Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1856.
. Pp. xvi, (iv), 140. Contemporary half cloth, original green printed wrappers withbound. Library stamps. A few leaves with some spotting. First edition. Castrén, renowned Finnish linguist, made several journeys to Siberia, Russia and Lapland for linguistic and ethnographical studies. His scientific works were published after his death by Schiefner supported by the Scientific Academy in Petersburg under the series title "Nordische reisen und Forschungen" (1853-62). Important work dealing with the Tungusic languages spoken in Eastern Siberia and Manchuria. Löwendahl Supplement 1786. Zaunmüller p. 125.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120956
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 497.96 | £UK 379.5 | JP¥ 72741]
Catalogue: Asia general
Keywords: Asia general, tungusic, tungus, siberia, siberian, language, langue, linguistic, russia, china, chine, chinese, kina,

Versuch einer jenissei-ostjakischen und kottischen Sprachlehre nebst Wörterverzeichnissen aus den genannten Sprachen. Im Auftrage der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften herausgegeben von Anton Schiefner. St. Petersburg 1858. AND: Versuch einer koibalischen und karagassischen Sprachlehre nebst Wörterverzeichnissen aus den tartarischen Mundarten des Minussinschen Kreises. Herausgegeben von Anton Schiefner. St. Petersburg 1857.
. Tall 8vo. Pp. xix, (v), 264 + xix, (v), 210. Contemporary boards, calf spine with title printed in gilt, slightly rubbed. Between the years 1845 and 1849 the renowned Finnish linguist Castrén made his fourth and longest journey, supported by the Scientific Academy in Petersburg, to study the languages in different parts of Siberia. It resulted in several works of which many were completed and published after Castrén's death. ("Nordische Reisen und Forschungen. xii."). Bibl. Russica C 226. Zaunmüller p. 293.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 28122
€  350.00 [Appr.: US$ 387.3 | £UK 295 | JP¥ 56576]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, siberia, siberian, russia, language, langue, linguistic, russianm russe, jenissei, ostjakischen, kottischen

Fussreise durch Russland und die sibirische Tartarei, und von der chinesischen Gränze nach dem Eismeer und Kamtschatka. Weimar 1825.
. Pp. iv, 496, (2). Without endpapers. Foxed throughout. Contemporary half calf, very worn, remains of old title label. A German translation of "Narrative of a pedestrian journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary..." (London 1824). Captain John Dundas Cochrane was a nephew of the famous Lord Cochrane, and after the peace, being turned down for further naval service, set out on foot to tour the world. The Russian Government gave him travelling facilities and he travelled, mainly by foot, across Siberia to Kamsckatka. This account contains observations from the expeditions of Otto von Kotebue, Vasilieff and Baron Ferdinand Vrangel. Includes descriptions of the native people, their social and economic conditions. Cf Artic Bibl. 350. Cf Howes C528.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 14374
€  380.00 [Appr.: US$ 420.5 | £UK 320.5 | JP¥ 61426]
Catalogue: East Asia
Keywords: East Asia, asia, asie, asien, orient, east, asiatica, india, central asia, east india, south asia, indien, travels, explore, exploring, voyage, russia, siberia, tartary, kamchatka, Kamtschatka, china, asia, asie, asien

Resa genom Pålen och Ryssland, åren 1778 och följande. I sammandrag från engelskan. 2 parts in one volume. Stockholm 1789.
. Pp. (viii), 90; (iv), 256. Contemporary half calf, worn. Old ownership signature on title page and front paste down. A Swedish abridgement translated from the English (first London 1784). Cf Cox i, 185. Cf Cat. Russica M1 322.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 29011
€  120.00 [Appr.: US$ 132.79 | £UK 101.25 | JP¥ 19398]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, europe, europa, russia, poland, travels, voyages, exploration, explore, russian, polish, travel,

 DEMIDOFF, PAUL GRIGORYEVICH & FORSTER, JOHANN REINHOLD:,  [Two papers on Tatar (Tartar) antiquities read at the Society of Antiquaries, London]. London 1767.
[Two papers on Tatar (Tartar) antiquities read at the Society of Antiquaries, London]. London 1767.
. Comprises two papers: 1. Some Account of certain Tartarian Antiquities. In a letter from Paul Demidoff, Esquire, at Petersburg, to Mr. Peter Collinson, dated September 17, 1764. Read at the Society of Antiquaries, Feb. 5, 1767. 4to. Pp. 222-6. With a large folding engraved plate of Tatar sepulchres (burial chambers) and four engraved plates depicting various objects found in the graves.2.Observations on some Tartarian Antiquities, Described in the preceding Article. By Reinhold Forster, F.A.S. Read at the Society of Antiquaries. Feb. 26, 1767. 4to. Pp. 227-35. With two engraved plates depicting Tatar idols. Bound in modern quarter calf on marbled paper covered boards. Some minor browning. Paper is brittle, some tears at margins, and inner margins of the plates have been strengthened. First edition of these scarce papers on the tumuli or tombs of the Tatars. Demidoff's letter refers to the works of Strahlenberg and Bell and further describes the discoveries made by a Russian expedition sent out to open some of the tombs. The five plates are engraved from original drawings made during the expedition and published here for the first time. Forster's account is devoted to the writing and literature of the Tatars; various burial ceremonies; dating of the graves, etc. Paul Demidoff was a Russian traveller and patron of scientific education. Johann Forster was a German explorer and scientist.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100058
€  2200.00 [Appr.: US$ 2434.48 | £UK 1854.5 | JP¥ 355621]
Catalogue: East Asia
Keywords: East Asia, tartary, tartariet, tartarian, tatar, russia, russian, asia, asiatic, asien, travel, exploration, art, arts, illustration

ELMÉN, CARL (Editor):
Några underrättelser om kossakerna. Stockholm, Carl Delén, 1810.
. Pp. (iv), 76. Somewhat later half calf, spine gilt. Occasionally some minor staining. A Swedish work about the Cossacks, people of all sorts of nationalities living in the southern steppe region of Eastern Europe and Asiatic Russia.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 29080
€  100.00 [Appr.: US$ 110.66 | £UK 84.5 | JP¥ 16165]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, europe, europa, russia, travel, exploration, voyage, russian

 FRÄHN, CHRISTIAN MARTIN:, De numorum Bulgharicorum forte antiquissimo commentationis critico-philologico-historicae. Liber secundus. Catalogue Praelectionum in Universitate Caesarea litterarum Casanensi (1816/1817). Casani, Universitatis officina typographica, F. Bockelmann, 1816.
De numorum Bulgharicorum forte antiquissimo commentationis critico-philologico-historicae. Liber secundus. Catalogue Praelectionum in Universitate Caesarea litterarum Casanensi (1816/1817). Casani, Universitatis officina typographica, F. Bockelmann, 1816.
. 4to. Pp.(ii), 62, 6. With text in Latin and Arabic. Disbound. Stamp and library number from Biblioteka Nakryska Strawinskego. First edition, rare. (Later the same year, it came out as a separate edition).Christian Martin Frähn (1782-1851), celebrated German and Russian numismatist and historian. He was the head of the oriental languages department of Kazan University and later director of the Asiatic Museum in St. Petersburg. He produced more than 150 works on the study of oriental languages and numismatics. These include the discovery and publication of new material on the history of Russia, the Slavs and the peoples who lived, past and present, in the Russian Empire (Bulgarians, Tatars, Khazars, etc). This extensive work is devoted to the Turkic languages in Central Asia with references to Uyghur, Persian, Arabic, etc.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121338
€  700.00 [Appr.: US$ 774.61 | £UK 590 | JP¥ 113152]
Catalogue: Language general
Keywords: Language general, kazan, khazar, russia, tatarstan, language, linguistic, langue, bulgaria, bulgarian, uighur, tatar, mongolia,

[TATAR]. [Russian title] Bukvar' tatarskago i arabskogo pis'ma (Primer of Tatar and Arabic). St. Petersburg, Imperatorskoi Akademi Nauk, 1802.
. 4to. Pp. 66. With text in Cyrillic and Arabic types. Later grey paper wrappers. Stamp on title page. Ownership signature (E. Henderson) on front pastedown. First edition of the first primer of the Tatar language, a Turkic language mainly spoken in modern Tatarstan (European Russia) and Siberia. (Not to be confused with Crimean Tatar or Siberian Tatar which are closely related but belong to different subgroups of the Kipchak languages). Rare. Compiled by Niyat Bka Atnometev a Siberian Tatar under the guidance of the priest Iosif Ivanovich Giganov (1764-1800?). Giganov was a teacher at the Tobolsk Seminar and is considered the founder of the modern Tatar dialectology school. He compiled the first Tatar grammar and Russian-Tatar dictionary, published in 1801 and 1804 respectively, posthumously. Provenance: We assume it has belonged to Ebenezer Henderson (1784-1858), Scottish minister and linguist who in 1822 was invited to assist the Russian Bible Society in translations of the Bible into different languages spoken in the Russian empire). Not in Loewenthal, The Turkic Languages of Central Asia.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121068
€  3800.00 [Appr.: US$ 4205.02 | £UK 3203 | JP¥ 614255]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, tatar, tatarstan, kazan, turkic language, language, langue, linguistic, russia, siberia, tartar, russia, russian,

 GOLLERBACH, ERIKH F.:,  La porcelaine de la manufacture d'état. Moscou 1922.
La porcelaine de la manufacture d'état. Moscou 1922.
. Large 4to. Pp. 56 + eight leaves, each with tipped-in colour plate. Many b/w illustrations in the text. Contemporary half calf on marbled boards, spine with five raised bands and title labels, lightly rubbed. Bookplate. Old inscription on front endpaper. Original printed wrappers withbound. First edition, limited to 750 copies.Interesting documentation of the Soviet State Porcelain Factory, previously the Russian Imperial Porcelain Factory (before 1917). Published under the direction of Jean Lazarevsky. Vignettes and the front wrapper is designed by Sergei Chekhonin and J. Roehrberg. The illustrations depict works of art by Natalja J. Danko, Sergey Tchehonine, Constantin Kousnetzoff, Alexandra Shchekotikhina, etc. Scarce. >>
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121155
€  600.00 [Appr.: US$ 663.95 | £UK 505.75 | JP¥ 96988]
Catalogue: Design
Keywords: Design, russia, russian, russe, porcelain, design,

 [BAL RUSSE - ENTRANCE TICKET] GONTCHAROVA, NATALIA (Ill.):,  Bal Banal. Salle Bullier, 31 Avenue de l'Observatoire Vendredi le 14 Mars 1923.
Bal Banal. Salle Bullier, 31 Avenue de l'Observatoire Vendredi le 14 Mars 1923.
. Original woodcut-printed entrance ticket to the traditional ball of Russian artists living in Paris at the Salle Bullier. Size: 22.4 x 15.8 cm. Printed in two colours, signed by Natalia Gontcharova (1881-1962). With stamped ticket number and stamp of the Union des Artistes Russes. Mint condition. Cf. Dok. Bibl. Vi, 713.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120901
€  680.00 [Appr.: US$ 752.48 | £UK 573.25 | JP¥ 109919]
Keywords: , russia, russian, russe, ryssland, ticket

Goldisch-deutsches Wörterverzeichniss mit vergleichender Berücksichtung der übrigen tungusischen Dialekte. St. Petersburg, der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1900.
. Folio. Pp. x, 147. With the author's signature and stamp on title page. Modern half calf on marbled boards. Original printed wrappers with bound. Bookplate (Staffan Rosén, professor of Korean, Stockholm). Rare work devoted to the Nanai language, the southern branch of the Manchu-Tungusic language group. Each entry has reference to different sources, for example works by Klaproth, Castrén, Czekanowski, Maximowicz, Schrenck, etc. Manchu-Tungusic (sometimes Tungus) is an endangered language family comprising about twenty languages spoken in Siberia and northern China. Wilhelm Grube, German sinologist and ethnographer. Zaunmüller p. 276 (Nanajisch). (Included in Leopold von Schrenck's Reisen und Forschungen im Amur-Lande. Anhang II zum III Bande zweite lieferung. Linguistische Ergebnisse. II).
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121378
€  500.00 [Appr.: US$ 553.29 | £UK 421.5 | JP¥ 80823]
Catalogue: East Asia
Keywords: East Asia, tungusic, tungus, goldisch, nanajisch, nanai, amur, manchu-tungus, chinese, china, kina, chine, siberia, russia, language, linguistic, langue, sprachwissenschaft,

 HAMMER-PURGSTALL, JOSEPH VON:, Geschichte der Goldenen Horde in Kiptschak, das ist: Der Mongolen in Russland. Pesth, C.A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1840.
Geschichte der Goldenen Horde in Kiptschak, das ist: Der Mongolen in Russland. Pesth, C.A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1840.
. Thick 8vo. Pp. (iv), lii, 683, (2). With one folding table (printed on both sides). Traces of old library stamp on title. Contemporary half cloth, flat spine lettered in gilt, slightly shaken. First edition of this comprehensive study of the history of the Golden Horde or Western Kipchaks, a Mongol and later Turkic Khanate established in the 13th century. The territory of the Golden Horde at it's peak included most of Eastern Europe from the Urals to the right banks of the Danube River, extending east deep into Siberia. Cat. Russica 130.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100577
€  1250.00 [Appr.: US$ 1383.23 | £UK 1053.75 | JP¥ 202058]
Catalogue: East Asia
Keywords: East Asia, russia, mongolen, tatar, tatars, kipchaks, travel, exploration, russe,

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