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 Bax, M., C. Blotkamp, L. Tibbe, M. Groot:, In het diepst van mijn gedachtenÉ Symbolisme in Nederland, 1890-1935.
Bax, M., C. Blotkamp, L. Tibbe, M. Groot:
In het diepst van mijn gedachtenÉ Symbolisme in Nederland, 1890-1935.
Assen/ Zwolle 2004, (24,5 x 30,6 cm), 112 pp. Dutch text, 177 ills. (colour & b/w.), clothb./d-jacket.
¶ 'In het diepst van mijn gedachten... Symbolisme in Nederland, 1890-1935 biedt een overzicht van het verloop van de symbolistische beweging in Nederland (1890-1900) en de doorwerking daarvan in de Nederlandse kunst en kunstnijverheid in het begin van de 20ste eeuw. Aan de hand van enkele zelfstandige hoofdstukken van vooraanstaande au-teurs wordt inzichtelijk gemaakt hoe het symbolistische oeuvre van Toorop en Thorn Prikker en de gemeenschapskunst van Derkinderen en Roland Holst weerklank vonden in het vrije, toegepaste en monumentale werk van tijdgenoten, leerlingen en navolgers.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 3335
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 27.03 | £UK 21.5 | JP¥ 4245]

 Bayard, Emile:, L'Art de Reconnaître les Bijoux Anciens. Pierres Précieuses, Métal Précieux
Bayard, Emile:
L'Art de Reconnaître les Bijoux Anciens. Pierres Précieuses, Métal Précieux
Paris 1924, (12 x 18 cm), 318 pp. French text, 115 plates, paperback
¶ Ouvrage illustré de 115 planches et gravures d'après la Collection Georges Chapsal. Guides Pratiques de l' Amateur et du Collectionneur d'Art.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 6500
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 16.22 | £UK 13 | JP¥ 2547]

 LALIQUE -  Bayer, Patricia & Mark Waller, foreword Marie-Claude Lalique:, The Art of Rene Lalique.
LALIQUE - Bayer, Patricia & Mark Waller, foreword Marie-Claude Lalique:
The Art of Rene Lalique.
1988 (24,5 x 33,5 cm), 192 pp. English text, ca. 350 colour ills., clothbound/ dustwrappers
¶ A detailed study of many of the most stunning pieces. An examinantion of Laliques glassmaking techniques with respect to their effect on his work. Fine copy.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 4350
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 48.65 | £UK 38.5 | JP¥ 7642]
Catalogue: Glas / Glass

 GERICAULT -  Bazin, Germain:, Théodore Géricault. Étude Critique, Documents et Catalogue Raisonné (7 vols.).
GERICAULT - Bazin, Germain:
Théodore Géricault. Étude Critique, Documents et Catalogue Raisonné (7 vols.).
Catalogue Raisonné. Wildenstein Institute, 1987-1997, (26.9 x 32.6 cm.) 7 volumes, 2111 pp. French text, numerous ills, clothbound and dustacket.
¶ BOOKSALE. Now 325,00 euro ((instead of 1400,00). Catalogue Raissonné, vol.1. Géricault. L'Homme. 1987. French. 234 pages, numerous ills. (9782850470165). Ce premier volume, consacré à l'artiste lui-même, est plus qu'une biographie. Dans la partie documents et témoignages, l'auteur rassemble 463 pièces (actes authentiques, correspondances, extraits de presse...); mais Germain Bazin ne se borne pas à cette énumération de faits, il essaie de cerner la personnalité du peintre et étudie les influences de son milieu social et familial. Catalogue Raissonné, vol.2 L'Îuvre: Période De Formation. French. 530 pages, numerous ills.(9782850470189). Ce second volume débute par la publication d'un carnet inédit de dessins que Géricault a réalisés dans sa prime jeunesse et se poursuit par l'étude de son oeuvre. Catalogue Raissonné, vol.3. La Gloire de l'Empire et la Première Restauration. 1989, French. 271 pages, numerous ills. (9782850470332). Après avoir décrit Géricault en tant qu'homme et artiste dans son premier volume, après avoir consacré son deuxième volume à ses débuts alors que celui-ci était encore sous l'influence des maîtres, Germain Bazin étudie dans ce troisième volume du Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre de Géricault une période allant d'environ 1810 à 1814 au cours de laquelle le peintre trouve déjà son identité artistique. Catalogue Raisonné, vol. 4. Le Voyage en Italie. 1990. French. 242 pages, numerous ills.(9782850471537). Avec ce quatrième volume, Germain Bazin aborde la période italienne de Géricault. Catalogue Raisonné, vol. 5 Le Retour à Paris: Synthese D'Expériences Plastiques. Bibliothèque des Arts 1992. French. 334 pages, numerous ills. (9782850471674). 1818. Géricault est de retour à Paris, après un séjour en Italie qui lui a apporté la maturité artistique. L'entourage immédiat de la rue des Martyrs lui inspire des portraits de ses amis, le monde du travail, mais aussi le contexte politique car il se sert de la lithographie pour exprimer les douleurs des soldats des armées de Napoléon, de grands paysages orientaux... Ce cinquième tome analyse les oeuvres relatives à cette période particulièrement féconde par la variété des sujets et des styles et par l'exploration de nouvelles techniques: Lithographie et sculpture. Catalogue Raisonné, vol. 6. Le Radeau de la Méduse et les Monomanes. Bibliothèque des Arts 1994. French. 198 pages, numerous ills., (9782850472473). Le Tome 6 se rapporte à la période de la plus accomplie et la plus connue de l'oeuvre de Géricault. Après la naissance de son fils, qui fit découvrir sa liaison amoureuse avec sa tante Alexandrine-Modeste Caruel, et la passion déchirante qui s'ensuivit, Géricault se jeta à corps perdu dans la réalisation d'une oeuvre magistrale: Le Radeau de la Méduse. Germain Bazin avait rédigé l'intégralité de l'étude critique de l'oeuvre de Géricault. La partie catalogue tient compte des derniers articles et ouvrages publiés. Catalogue Raisonné, vol. 7. Regard Social et Politique: Le Séjour Anglais et les Heures de Souffrance. 1997. French. 302 pages, numerous ills.(9782884530316). Voici le septième et dernier tome du travail de Germain Bazin consacré à Théodore Géricault. Il est consacré au séjour en Angleterre et aux dernières années de la vie de Géricault.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7206
€  425.00 [Appr.: US$ 459.46 | £UK 362.25 | JP¥ 72172]

 Beatrice, Luca & Willy Montini:, Around Zero.
Beatrice, Luca & Willy Montini:
Around Zero.
December 2014, (30 x 30 cm), 204 pp. English text, 130 colour ills., paperback.
¶ Exhibition on Zero art in Venezia, Padiglione delle Arti Marcon, (10-10-2014 till 30-11-2014. Presenting the following artists Nobuya Abe, Yacoov Agam, Getulio Alviani, Giovanni Anceschi, Arman , Bernard Aubertin, Hermann Bartels, Alberto Biasi, Hans Bischoffshausen, Hajo Bleckert, Agostino Bonalumi, Giuseppe Capogrossi, Enrico Castellani, Gianni Colombo, Toni Costa, Franco Costalonga, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Dadamaino. Gabriele Devecchi, Piero Dorazio, Agenore Fabbri, Lucio Fontana, Gencay Kasapç_, Raymond Hains, Oskar Holweck, Edoardo Landi, Walter Leblanc, Adolf Luther, Tsuyoshi Maekawa, Heinz Mack, Piero Manzoni, Enzo Mari, Manfredo Massironi, François Morellet, Bruno Munari, Herbert Oehm, Paolo Patelli, Otto Piene, Arnaldo Pomodoro, Arnulf Rainer, Tomas Rajlich, Mimmo Rotella, Pasquale(Nin“) Santoro, Paolo Scheggi, Jan Schoonhoven, Shozo Shimamoto, Turi Simeti, Jesùs Rafael Soto, Ferdinand Spindel, Daniel Spoerri, Atsuko Tanaka e Akira Kanayama, Jean Tinguely, Luis Tomasello, Günther Uecker, Paul Van Hoeydonck, Grazia Varisco, Victor Vasarely, Nanda Vigo, Herman de Vries.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 6554
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 43.24 | £UK 34.25 | JP¥ 6793]

 TUBKE -  Beauchamp, Eduard & Ralph Keuning & Annika Michalski:, Werner Tübke. Meesterschilder tussen Oost en West.
TUBKE - Beauchamp, Eduard & Ralph Keuning & Annika Michalski:
Werner Tübke. Meesterschilder tussen Oost en West.
February 2017, (24 x 27 cm), 128 pp. Dutch text, 110 ills. (colour & b/w., paperback.
¶ Uitgave n.a.v. de eerste grote overzichtstentoonstelling buiten Duitsland van Werner Tübke (1929-2004), met zijn virtuoze, theatrale oeuvre. Door het DDR-regime werd Tübke aanvankelijk kritisch gevolgd, maar vanaf de jaren 70 kreeg hij meer vrijheid. Zijn eerste staatsopdrachten kreeg hij al in de jaren 50. Toch was hij geen propagandakunstenaar. Door actuele onderwerpen te vertalen naar tijdloze allegorieën, geschilderd in een renaissancistische of maniëristische stijl, tilde hij zijn kunst boven de politiek uit. In 1976 ontving Tübke zijn grootste staatsopdracht: om in Bad Frankenhausen een monumentaal panorama te schilderen, 123 meter lang en 14 meter hoog, over de Duitse Boerenoorlog van 1524-1526. In deze volksopstand zag de DDR een voorafspiegeling van de eigen heilstaat. Samen met Wolfgang Mattheuer en Bernhard Heisig stond Tübke vanaf het midden van de jaren 60 aan de basis van de zogeheten Leipziger Schule, die voortaan het gezicht van de kunst in de DDR zou bepalen. Nadat hij in de jaren 60 bekritiseerd werd omdat zijn werk niet beantwoordde aan het socialistisch realisme lukte het hem gaandeweg meer artistieke armslag te creëren. In 1977 nam hij deel aan de Documenta in Kassel. Zijn monumentale panorama in Bad Frankenhausen wordt ook wel de Sixtijnse kapel van het Noorden genoemd. Het onderwerp (de Duitse Boerenoorlog) is in Tübke's verbeelding van de gebeurtenissen allerminst een politiek pamflet. Hij schilderde een universeel menselijk drama, het ontluisterende einde van een utopisch ideaal.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 6759
€  22.50 [Appr.: US$ 24.32 | £UK 19.25 | JP¥ 3821]

 LORWALD - Beaugrand, Andreas & Stephan Mann:, Markus Lörwald. Magdalena's Laundry. Arbeiten auf Leinwadend und Papier 2002-2003.
LORWALD - Beaugrand, Andreas & Stephan Mann:
Markus Lörwald. Magdalena's Laundry. Arbeiten auf Leinwadend und Papier 2002-2003.
2004 (26,5 x 21,5 cm), Oblong, 48 pp., german text, numerous ills., hardcover.
¶ Exhibition Galerie Epikur.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 8119
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.81 | £UK 8.75 | JP¥ 1698]

 GOYEN -  Beck, Hans Urich:, Jan van Goyen 1596-1656,  ein Oeuvreverzeichnis III.
GOYEN - Beck, Hans Urich:
Jan van Goyen 1596-1656, ein Oeuvreverzeichnis III.
Doornspijk 1988, German text, 322 pp., 614 ils., cloth.
¶ BOOKSALE Special offer Û 168,00 now Û 99,00. Ergänzungsband. Third volume of the series, presenting substantial new and additional information on both the drawings and paintings: - Text in German. - Jan van Goyen (1596-1656) has been one of the most prolific landscape painters of the great period of Dutch painting. No less important than the paintings are his drawings, the number of which nearly equals that of his oils. Works by Van Goyen are regularly found with art dealers or at auction sales, and command high prices.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 191
€  75.00 [Appr.: US$ 81.08 | £UK 64 | JP¥ 12736]

 GOYEN -  Beck, Hans Urich:, Künstler um Jan van Goyen (IV) Maler und Zeichner.
GOYEN - Beck, Hans Urich:
Künstler um Jan van Goyen (IV) Maler und Zeichner.
Doornspijk 1991, 482 pp., 825 (b.& w.) ills., 66 colour plates, cloth.
¶ BOOKSALE Û 231,00 now Û 132,50. Although Jan van Goyen's influence on his contemporaries and later artists was of immense importance, one seldom finds, in the standard books of reference, reproductions of works by the artists in Van Goyen's circle. Since the publication of Hans-Ulrich Beck's Oeuvre-catalogue on Jan van Goyen, a re-classification of our current knowledge of painters and draughtsmen in his circle has become a necessity. With this in mind the author has deliberately chosen a rather wide range of artists in Van Goyen's circle, and not limited himself to his immediate followers. In his observation Hans-Ulrich Beck has included artists whom one would not at first glance associate with Van Goyen, whose works - or at least some of them - could give rise to problems of attribution. This book should, however, also enable one to discover the hidden charm of the works of lesser artists and help one to recognize their works. Just as in the case of Jan van Goyen, the majority of the paintings of these artist-associates, followers, and imitators is to be found in private collections and occasionally on the market. The 66 color illustrations in this book were chosen mainly from private collections. Most of them had never been previously reproduced in color. Among the ca. 60 artists there are Corn. Beelt, P. de Bloot, Jan Coelenbier, P. Coseyn, Anthony J. and Jacob van der Croos, Hieronymus van Diest, Maerten F. van der Hulft, Frans de Hulst, Wouter Knyff, Willem Kool, Pieter Molyn, Frans de Momper, Pieter de Neyn, Joh. Schoeff, Joost Vinck, Joost de Volder and several monogrammists.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 192
€  132.50 [Appr.: US$ 143.24 | £UK 113 | JP¥ 22501]

 MOLYN -  Beck, H-U.:, Pieter Molyn [1591-1661]. Katalog der Handzeichnungen.
MOLYN - Beck, H-U.:
Pieter Molyn [1591-1661]. Katalog der Handzeichnungen.
Doornspijk 1998, 222 pp. German text, 491 monochrome ills., paperback.
¶ BOOKSALE Special offer 156,30 Now Û 55,00 Catalogue raisonné of the drawings by Pieter Molyn (Circle of Jan van Goyen). Fully illustrated and documented. Ramsj
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 2264
€  55.00 [Appr.: US$ 59.46 | £UK 47 | JP¥ 9340]
Keywords: Ramsj

 Becker, Ton & Mies:, 101 Netsuke. Japanese toggles from the Treasure Farm / Japanse gordelknoop miniatures uit de Schattenstolp.
Becker, Ton & Mies:
101 Netsuke. Japanese toggles from the Treasure Farm / Japanse gordelknoop miniatures uit de Schattenstolp.
2012, (30,5 x 30,5 cm), 232 pp. Dutch / English text, 254 ills. in colour, hardcover.
¶ 101 Netsuke shows a remarkable collection of netsuke, acquired over the past 15 years by Ton and Mies Becker. The selected netsuke represent the top 101 masterpieces of an ever-growing private collection that has been formed by passion and knowledge gained over the years and purchased from internationally renowned netsuke dealers around the world. Artistic craftsmanship and overall beauty of the objects have been the key to each acquisition. Dit zeer fraaie nieuwe boek toont een opmerkelijke collectie van netsuke, verworven in de afgelopen 15 jaar door Ton en Mies Becker. De geselecteerde netsuke vormen de top 101 meesterwerken van de steeds groeiende prive-collectie, die is gevormd door passie en kennis die is opgedaan door de jaren heen en verworven via internationaal gerenommeerde netsuke dealers over de hele wereld. Artistiek vakmanschap en de algehele schoonheid van de objecten zijn de sleutel tot elke aankoop. Elke netsuke is gedetailleerd beschreven en uitmuntend afgebeeld.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 5431
€  75.00 [Appr.: US$ 81.08 | £UK 64 | JP¥ 12736]

 Becker, Vivienne:, Art Nouveau Jewelry.
Becker, Vivienne:
Art Nouveau Jewelry.
London 2000 (reprint ed. 1985), 240 pp. English text, 456 ills. (156 in colour), 214 makers marks, paperback.
¶ This important book deals with the major makers in France, and follows the parallel modern movement that spread through Europe and the United States, acquiring different decorative characteristics from Great Britain, Germany Astria, Belgium, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. With comprehensive biographies of over 300 designers as well as a guide of identification, with over 200 makers' marks and signatures.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 2939
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 32.43 | £UK 25.75 | JP¥ 5094]

 Becker, Ton & Mies:, The Becker Collection: Blanc de Chine
Becker, Ton & Mies:
The Becker Collection: Blanc de Chine
09 2019, (24 x 28 cm), 120 pp., English text, over 90 colour ills., hardcover.
¶ This book contains the private collection of Blanc de Chine, monochrome porcelain from Dehua, collected by Ton and Mies Becker, both retired medical specialists and collectors of Asian Art. For many centuries the Chinese and Western elite adored the monochrome white porcelain wares made in Dehua, a district in the province of Fujian, bordering the south-easterly coast of China. The appeal being based on the combination of beautiful crafting and an aesthetic creamy glaze. It is this appeal which the authors experienced as an irresistible charm and the urge to start collecting this particular porcelain. A number of short essays has been included, not intended as an all-embracing academic account, but rather as introductory notes for those who develop an interest in collecting Blanc de Chine porcelain. These include considerations about the 'whiteness' of Blanc de Chine, the manufacture and main design categories of Blanc de Chine and the export to Europe. The catalogue of the collection is organised according to the main design categories and consists of photographs of each object, highlighting details if desired, a brief description of each item and explanatory notes to provide information about particular items that may need additional clarification, as well as the date of acquisition and provenance.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7426
€  29.50 [Appr.: US$ 31.89 | £UK 25.25 | JP¥ 5010]

 Becker, Ton & Mies:, The Becker Collection - Twentieth century modernisms in Balinese wood carvings
Becker, Ton & Mies:
The Becker Collection - Twentieth century modernisms in Balinese wood carvings
11 2020, (24 x 28 cm), 144 pp. English, over 90 colour ills., hardcover.
¶ This book contains the catalogue of the private collection of twentieth century 'modern style' Balinese wood carvings, collected by Ton and Mies Becker, both retired medical specialists and collectors of Asian art. Between the 8th and 10th century Hindu influences spread to Bali and blended into the exiting Balinese mix of animistic and Buddhist styles and subjects, known as Bali Aga. Hence, in due time the craftsmen obtained the subjects for their works from the Hindu-Balinese religion and their heroes and demons from famous Hindu epics. This particular style became known in the Western art world as the 'Traditional or Old Balinese style'. In the 20th century the arts and crafts scene in Bali changed completely. First because of Western artist who visited Bali and stayed on to work there and, second, because of the gradual influx of increasing numbers of foreign tourists. In addition the Dutch colonial government started a military campaign to control the powerful kingdoms of central and southern Bali. As a result the local craftsmen lost their royal support and soon realized that foreign tourists were not particularly interested in gods and heroes. Hence, stimulated by some of the Western artists who had settled in Bali, they turned to secular subjects taken from nature and everyday life and became more impressionistic in the execution. This led to a range of new styles, often impressionistic and sometimes even minimalistic and caricatural with bizarre elongated shapes or solid compact forms. In this book we are concerned with this particular type of 20th century 'Modern Style' Balinese wood carving. The catalogue contains 40 objects of 'modern style' wood carving, representing different styles. Each object is photographed, both as an overview and in details if so requested. A brief description of each object is provided, together with the estimated date, and additional information is provided if considered useful. The catalogue is preceded by an essay on the history of Balinese wood carving.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7734
€  32.50 [Appr.: US$ 35.14 | £UK 27.75 | JP¥ 5519]

 Becker, Ton & Mies:, The Becker Collection: Twentieth century Japanese bronze flower vases. The Becker Collection.
Becker, Ton & Mies:
The Becker Collection: Twentieth century Japanese bronze flower vases. The Becker Collection.
2018, (March), (24 x 28 cm), 168 pp., English text, over 180 colour ills., hardcover.
¶ This book contains the private collection of twentieth century bronze flower vases compiled by Ton and Mies Becker, both retired medical specialists van collectors of Asian art. With the introduction of Buddhism in Japan in the sixth century, bronze containers for flowers to be placed on the altar became important religious objects. In the fifteenth century the Buddhist monk Senno Ikenobô founded the art of flower arranging, which started what nowadays is known as ikebana, the traditional Japanes way of floral art. Presently only the Ikenobô ikebana school still uses bronze flower vases, while all other ikebana schools use other materials like ceramics and bamboo. Following the Meije restauration (1868-1912) the Japanese art world was confronted with Western art styles, in particular the Art Deco movement. The twentieth century flower vases in this collection show a variety in shape and style, in part based on traditional Buddhist temple style vases and in part on the streamlined and geometrical style of the Art Deco movement, albeit often with a distinct 'Japanese touch'. A few introductory essays provide some background information about 'bronzes in Japanese culture', 'the patination of flower bronzes' and 'the tomobako (storage box)'. The catalogue of the vases is arranged according to the bronze worker and presented in alphabetical order in the traditional Japanese way, i.e. the family name first, followed by the given name. All vases are shown together with their tomobako -if available- and with their signature or seal. Brief biographical data are included once available.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7006
€  32.50 [Appr.: US$ 35.14 | £UK 27.75 | JP¥ 5519]

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