Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books (ILAB): south asia
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Sanskrit-Grammatik in devanágari und lateinischen Buchstaben. Auf dem Englischen übersetzt. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1868.
. Pp. xxi, (ii), 441, (1). With text in Sanskrit (Devanagari characters) and German. Contemporary half calf, spine gilt and with red title label, extremities lightly rubbed. Old ownership signature on front endpaper. Translated from the original English edition (London 1866) by F. Kielhorn adn G. Oppert. Friedrich Max Müller (1823-1900), renowned German philologist who studied Sanskrit under Bopp. He lived and worked at Oxford for many years.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100303
€  280.00 [Appr.: US$ 312.87 | £UK 235.25 | JP¥ 45015]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, india, inde, indian, asia, asie, asien, sanskrit, sanscrit, devanagri, language, langue, linguistic

Dissertatio academica, de aqua indianis sacra. Lund, Berlingianis, 1798.
. 4to. Pp. 10. Disbound.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120329
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 55.87 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8038]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, india, indian, inde, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, religion, religious

Dissertatio de trinitate Indiana. Lund, Berlingianis, 1797.
. 4to. Pp. 14. Disbound. A dissertation about Indian "Trimurti". Marklin 85.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120414
€  180.00 [Appr.: US$ 201.13 | £UK 151.25 | JP¥ 28938]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, india, indian, inde, asia, asie, asiatic, asien, religion, religious, gods, hindu, divinity, hinduism

Dissertatio academicq de paradiso Indiano. Parts I-II. Lund, Berlingianis, 1797 & 1798.
. 4to. Pp. 15; 17-35. First two leaves with small marginal loss. With two engraved plates with multiple images. Marklin 86.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120415
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 223.48 | £UK 168 | JP¥ 32154]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, india, inde, indian, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, hinduism, hindu, religion, religious, gods,

Dissertatio academica, de inferis indianis. Lund, Berling, 1802.
. 4to. Pp. 12. Disbound. A dissertation about the Indian hell. Marklin 99.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120428
€  180.00 [Appr.: US$ 201.13 | £UK 151.25 | JP¥ 28938]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, india, inde, indian, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, religion,

Quid indiani de diluvio sentiant. Lund, Berlingianis, 1800.
. 4to. p. 12. Disbound. A dissertation about the great flood among the Indians. Marklin 96.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120425
€  60.00 [Appr.: US$ 67.04 | £UK 50.5 | JP¥ 9646]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, india, indien, indian, inde, asia, asie, asien, asiatic,

 PARISOT, PIERRE CUREL [or PéRE NORBERT and later as ABBÉ  PLATEL]:, Memoires utiles et necessaires, tristes et consolans, sur les missions des Indes Orientales, &c. Memoriali utili e necessariiaflittui e consonlanti, rispetto alle missione delle Indie orientali, &c. Luques (but Avignon?), de l'imprimerie d'Antoine Rossi, 1742.
Memoires utiles et necessaires, tristes et consolans, sur les missions des Indes Orientales, &c. Memoriali utili e necessariiaflittui e consonlanti, rispetto alle missione delle Indie orientali, &c. Luques (but Avignon?), de l'imprimerie d'Antoine Rossi, 1742.
. Pp. xxxiv, 377, (1). With parallel text in French and Italian. Contemporary vellum, rubbed, slight loss to corner of upper cover. Wormholes running through margin. Rare first edition of this serious critique of the Jesuits in India by Père Norbert, Capuchin missionary in Pondichery. The work explains the priority of the Capuchin mission in the area and criticises the conduct and actions of the Jesuits claiming that they infringed on Capuchin territory, jurisdiction etc. Two years later he published another better known work "Mémoires historiques sur les missions des Indes". Both his works caused scandals.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99397
€  2400.00 [Appr.: US$ 2681.75 | £UK 2015.5 | JP¥ 385843]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, india, indian, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration, voyage, jesuit, jesuits, capuchin, malabar,

 PARISOT, PIERRE CUREL [or PéRE NORBERT and later ABBÉ PLATEL]:,  Memoires utiles et necessaires, tristes et consolans, sur les missions des Indes Orientales, &c. Memoriali utili e necessariiaflittui e consonlanti, rispetto alle missione delle Indie orientali, &c. Luques (but Avignon?), de l'imprimerie d'Antoine Rossi, 1742.
Memoires utiles et necessaires, tristes et consolans, sur les missions des Indes Orientales, &c. Memoriali utili e necessariiaflittui e consonlanti, rispetto alle missione delle Indie orientali, &c. Luques (but Avignon?), de l'imprimerie d'Antoine Rossi, 1742.
. Pp. xxxiv, 377, (1). With parallel text in French and Italian. Contemporary calf, spine with five raised bands richly gilt, slightly rubbed. Old inscription on title. First edition of this serious critique of the Jesuits in India by Père Norbert, a Capuchin missionary who served in Pondichery. The work explains the priority of the Capuchin mission in the area and criticises the conduct and actions of the Jesuits claiming that they infringed on Capuchin territory, jurisdiction etc. Two years later Parisot published a better known work titled "Mémoires historiques sur les missions des Indes". Both his works caused scandals.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99463
€  2500.00 [Appr.: US$ 2793.49 | £UK 2099.5 | JP¥ 401920]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, india, indian, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration, voyage, jesuit, jesuits, capuchin, malabar,

Memoires historiques presentes au souverain pontife Benoit XIV. Sur les missions des Indes Orientales. Four volumes. Luques (probably Avignon) 1745.
. Pp. (xxiv), 419; (ii), 510; (ii), 460, (7); (ii), 342. Contemporary red morocco, gilt floral dentelles on covers, spines decorated in gilt, g.e., worn, hinges cracked, spine ends chipped. Second French edition (first 1744) of this critical account of the Jesuit mission in India which caused a scandal. Père Norbert (1697-1769), which is a pseydonym for Abbé Platel, became a Capuchin in 1716. He went to Pondicherry as Attorney General of Foreign Missions in 1736. This work is a very detailed account of the Jesuit mission at Malabar between 1660 and 1744. It is criticizing the conduct and actions of the Jesuit throughout. Includes much information about the Indians, their customs etc. "Describes the proceeedings of the Jesuits in the Malabar Mission, where they authorized the most blasphemous mixture of the Christian and Pagan rites" (Sabin). Cf Chadenat 5259 (French ed. 1744). Cordier BS 923. Quérard vi, 446. Cf Sabin 55451. Streit vi, 448.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99773
€  1200.00 [Appr.: US$ 1340.87 | £UK 1007.75 | JP¥ 192922]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, india, indian, inde, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration, voyage, jesuit, missionaries,

Memorie istoriche presentate al sommo pontefice Benedetto xiv, intoro alle missioni dell'Indie Orientale. Opera del R. Norberto Cappucino Lorenese. Three volumes in two. Lucca, Salvatore & Gian-Domenico Marescandoli, 1744.
. 4to. Pp. (ii), xix, xxvi, (1), 592; 321, (1); (ii), 224. With two titles in red and black (vols i and iii). Contemporary vellum, rubbed and miscoloured, with a few small wormholes. A few small wormholes running through the first and last leaves, only affecting the margins. Occasionally some minor browning. First Italian edition, translated from the original French, anonymously published at Avignon in the same year.Père Norbert (1697-1770), which is a pseudonym for Abbé Platel, was an adventurer and became a Capuchin in 1716. This is a very detailed account of the Jesuit mission at Malabar between 1660 and 1744. It is criticising the conduct and actions of the Jesuit throughout. Further more includes interesting information about the native Indians, their customs etc. Cf Chadenat 5259 (French ed. Lucca 1744). Cordier BS 923. Cf Sabin 55451. Streit vi, 448.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 35006
€  2400.00 [Appr.: US$ 2681.75 | £UK 2015.5 | JP¥ 385843]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, india, jesuit, indian, malabar, jesuit mission, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration

A Grammar of the English Language; for the Use of Natives in Bengal. (Im reji bh sh ra by karan a). Calcutta, Printed for the Calcutta School-Book Society, at the School-Press, Dhurumtula, 1820.
. Pp. vi, 103, (1). With one engraved plate. Modern half calf, bound with original printed green wrappers. Some staining to a few leaves but overall a very good copy. First edition. One of the earliest books explicitly intended for the inhabitants of Bengal wishing to learn English, preceded by John Miller's "The tutor, or a new English & Bengalee work, well adapted to teach the natives English" (Calcutta 1797). It is one of the first books commissioned by the Calcutta School Book Society, specifically for use in schools. Pearson was in charge of East India Company's schools in Bengal between 1818 and 1823. Scarce.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120927
€  1800.00 [Appr.: US$ 2011.31 | £UK 1511.75 | JP¥ 289382]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, india, indian, inde, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, langue, language, linguistic, bengalee, bengal,

 CONCORDIA PIA, CONCORDIA PIA ... in Tamil (Meyi visu varasa). Madras 1856.
CONCORDIA PIA ... in Tamil (Meyi visu varasa). Madras 1856.
. Pp. 94. Cloth, worn. Old marginal annotations. Text in Tamil script. Printed in the 150th year of the Tranquebar mission at the American Mission Press.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 15113
€  120.00 [Appr.: US$ 134.09 | £UK 101 | JP¥ 19292]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, asia, asie, asiatica, orient, east, asien, south asia, east india, central asia & india, india, tamil, inde, indien, zentralasien, asie central, asie centrale

A handbook of the ordinary dialect of the Tamil language. Part v. A Tamil prose reader adapted to the handbook. Seventh edition. Oxford, Claredon press, 1906.
. Pp. viii, 124. Publisher's cloth, spine lettered in gilt. Copy of Hugo Odeberg with his private stamp on title page. Contains: 1. Classical prose; 2. Business Tamil; 3. Easy stories; 4. Friendship's gain (for studies for the higher proficiency test); 5. "Cutlery Tamil" to those studying for the Indian Civil Service and; 6. Petitions and official correspondence. First edition was published in 1859.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 34140
€  160.00 [Appr.: US$ 178.78 | £UK 134.5 | JP¥ 25723]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, tamil, india, linguistics, languages, langue, sprache, linguistique, linguistica, sprachwissenschaft, asia, east, orient, oriente, asiatica, asie, asien, central asia, south asia, east India, asie central, asie centrale, zentralasien, inde, in

A handbook of the ordinary dialect of the Tamil language. Seventh edition. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1911.
. Pp. (iv), 24. With 3 folding tables. Publisher's cloth, spine lettered in gilt, somewhat rubbed. Copy of Hugo Odeberg. Some underlinings. Originally published in 1835 and it has been reprinted many times. Contains 101 lessons. Pope was university teacher of Tamil and Telugu in Oxford. "The handbook is the textbook prescribed for the young civilians appointed to Madras, he has peculiarly favourable opportunities of testing its usefulness and asceartaining its deficiencies".
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 34142
€  80.00 [Appr.: US$ 89.39 | £UK 67.25 | JP¥ 12861]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, tamil, india, linguistics, languages, langue, sprache, linguistique, linguistica, sprachwissenschaft, asia, east, orient, oriente, asiatica, asie, asien, central asia, south asia, east India, asie central, asie centrale, zentralasien, inde, in

A handbook of the ordinary dialect of the Tamil language. Part iii. A compendious Tamil - English Dictionary. Seventh edition. Oxford, Claredon Press, 1905.
. Pp. (ii), 98. Publisher's cloth, spine lettered in gilt. Copy of Hugo Odeberg.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 34143
€  80.00 [Appr.: US$ 89.39 | £UK 67.25 | JP¥ 12861]
Catalogue: South Asia
Keywords: South Asia, tamil, india, linguistics, languages, langue, sprache, linguistique, linguistica, sprachwissenschaft, asia, east, orient, oriente, asiatica, asie, asien, central asia, south asia, east India, asie central, asie centrale, zentralasien, inde, in

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