Admiralty Nautical Chart No. 456 West Indies, Jamaica - South Coast, Approaches to Kingston Harbour
edited by Doris M Stenton Pipe Roll 17 John and Praestita Roll 14-18 John, Roll of Summons 1214, Scutage Roll 16 John. Publications of the Pipe Roll Society, Volume LXXV, New Series Volume XXXVII (37) for the Year 1961
Jane and Ann Taylor; illustrated by Kate Greenaway; Printed in Colours by Edmund Evans Little Ann and Other Poems
Edited by J. A. Hammerton; Miss H. B. Leach, H. W. Cribb and J. T. Rankin Street Plan of Central London from Harmsworth's 1922 Atlas of the World
John F Staddon Expenses and Benefits of Directors and Higher Paid Employees
 in books:
 1st edition:
 Cover: Hardcover
 Dustjacket: Yes