Edith Sitwell The Song of the Cold
A Native of Craven The Dialect of Craven in the West Riding of the County of York with a Copious Glossary, Illustrated by Authorities from Ancient English and Scottish Writers and Exemplified by Two Familiar Dialogues. Vol. II only
Edited by Dr Martin Davies The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, The Library, Sixth Series, Vol 19, No. 4, December 1997
Harry Prince Half-Hours in Old London
A D Lacaille; F H Thompson; Compte Blaise de Montesquiou-Ferensac; B H St. J O'Neil; etc. The Antiquaries Journal, Being the Journal of The Society of Antiquaries of London, Volume XXXIV, 1954, Numbers 1, 2. January - April 1954
 in books:
 1st edition:
 Cover: Hardcover
 Dustjacket: Yes