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Title: Kortfattet vejledning til det oldnordiske eller gamle islandske sprog. Kobenhavn 1832.
Description: . Pp. (iv), 76. Without endpapers. Contemporary or slightly later marbled boards, cloth spine. Old paper label on upper cover. Bookplate. A few spots on title page. First edition of this guide to the old Norwegian language or Icelandic language by the famous Danish linguist Rask. He issued a more comprehensive work on the Icelandic language already in 1811. Rask published this shorter version to be able to compare it with other lingustic works. Vater p. 185.

Keywords: Europe, iceland, icelandic, scandinavia, scandinavian, nordic, languages, langue, linguistic

Price: EUR 380.00 = appr. US$ 413.00 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 37007

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