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120686: [TAMIL]. - Tankavittuk katai (Our Father's Work). Madras, The Religious Tract and Book Society, Printed by H.W. Lauri, Knowledge Society's Press, No. 18, Church Street, Vepery, 1870.
23117: [GODARD D'AUCOURT, CLAUDE]: - Mémoires turcs, ou histoire galante de deux turcs, pendant leur séjour en France. Par un auteur turc de toutes les Académies Mahométanes, licencié en droit turc, & Maître-ès-Arts de l'Université de Constantinople. Two parts in one volume. Francfort, chez la veuve Knoch & J.G. Eslinger, 1765.
24028: [DE LA FOREST-MOUET, J.]: - Alphabet geographique des empires, royaumes, etats, pays, isles, villes, caps, ... que l'on trouve dans l'histoire ancienne, tant sainte, que profane. Paris, Jean Luc Nyon, 1710.
120552: [HINDUSTANI]. - Gramatica Indostana a mais vulgar que se practica no Imperio do gram Mogol. Offerecida aos muitos reverendos padres missionarios do ditto imperio. Roma, Propaganda Fide, 1778.
121350: [LEFéVRE-UTILE / ART NOUVEAU ALBUM / ] - Album des célébrités contemporaine publié par Lefèvre-Utile Nantes [Title on front cover]. Nantes about 1905.
121284: [NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA / MENUS]. - Six woodblock-printed cruise ship menus for the Nippon Yusen Company]. Harozaki Maru and Taiyo Maru, July and August 1936.
120600: [HAAN, PIETER DE]: - Gedachten over den Chinahandel en den Theehandel, strekkende ten Betoge, dat alle belangen zich vereenigen tot de oprigting van eene Sociëteit, op Vereenigd Kapitaal handelende, aan welke bij uitsluiting die takken van commercie overgedragen worden. Te Rotterdam, bij Arbon en Krap (printed by Giunta d'Albani), 1824.
23100: [TURKISH / ARABIC]. - Petit dictionnaire francais - turc - italien - arabe a l'usage du Collège d'Alep et des autres écoles de la custodie franciscaine de Terre-Sainte. Jérusalem, Imprimerie des PP. Franciscains, 1880.
27019: [ARABIC] - [Collection of three works] DE PERCEVAL, ARMAND-PIERRE CAUSSIN: Grammaire arabe vulgaire, pour les dialectes d'Orient et de Barbarie. Paris, Dondey-Dupré, 1833.
121496: [TRADE CATALOGUE / FASHION / ART DÉCO]. - Les premiers beaux jours. La Grand Maison du Blanc, Paris, Place del' Opera. (Paris, Draeger, ca 1929).
120522: [VANADIS EXPEDITION]. - Vid femtonårsfesten till minne af Fregatten Vanadis' verldsomsegling den 5 december 1898.
100754: [BECKER, JOSEPH ERNEST DE]: - The Nightless City, or the "History of the Yoshiwara Yukwaku". Shanghai, Yokohama, Bremen: Max Nössler & London, Probstain, [1905-6].
120500: [VICTORIAN PLAYBILL - CONCERT, BIRMINGHAM]. - DAY'S. On Monday, November 22nd, 1880, and Every Evening. Birmingham 1880.
120508: [NIKKO GUIDE BOOK - JAPAN]. - Nikko-san Manganji Otakaramono Zukai (Illustrated book of the Treasures of Manganji Temple in Mount Nikko). Tokyo, Inoue Mohei, Meiji 29 (1896).
45006: [GYSPY]. - [GYSPY]. Kongl. Maj:ts bref til samtelige cheferne wid the wärfwade regementerne, angående ther i krigstjenst stående zigeuners förpassande. Stockholm, Kongl. Tryckeriet, 1763
121247: [CATHOLIC PRESS IN BEYROUTH] - Three catalogues with works printed at the Catholic Mission Press. Bound together in one volume. Beyrouth, 1878, 1888 and 1904.
26099: [FERREIRA, MANUEL]: - Noticias summarias das perseguicoes da missam de Cochinchina, principiada, & continuada pelos Padres da Companhia de Jesu: offerecidas pelos mesmos missionarios a el rey nosso senhor Dom Pedro II. Lisboa, Miguel de Manescal, Impressor do Santo Officio, 1700.
99738: [LIGHTHOUSES - SWEDEN]. - Beskrifning öfver svenska fyrarne, med kort underrättelse om fyrväsendets uppkomst och utveckling.+ Tillägg till den år 1872 utgifna beskifning öfver svenska fyrarne. 1:a häftet (all publ.). Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt & Söner, 1872 & 1875.
99719: [EIDOUS, MARC-ANTOINE (Translator)]: - Hau Kiou Choaan, histoire chinoise, traduite de l'anglois. Four volumes in two. Lyon, Benoit Duplain, 1766.
100656: [COLOMBO]. - The Sixth Report of the Colombo Auxiliary Bible Society M.DCCC.XVIII: With an Appendix, and a list of subscribers and benefactors. Colombo, printed at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1818.
120665: [JAPAN - SALES CATALOGUE]. - Straw Hats Catalogue. New Fashion 1922. Full Fasihoned (sic) and Hand Tinished (sic). Y. Watanabe & Co., Bakudocho, Nihombashi, Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo 1922.
99708: [BECMANN, JOHANN CHRISTOPH]: - Historia orbis terrarum, geographica et civilis, de variis negotiis. Frankfurt an der Oder, Jeremias Schrey & Heinrich Johannes Meyer, 1680.
100800: [KOLCZYCKI, JERZY FRANCISZEK (KOLTSCHITZKY, FRANZ GEORG)]: - [Head title] Curiosa relatione del viaggio fatto da quel coraggioso Soldato che portae fuori di Vienna le Lettere à S.A. di Lorena, e riportae le risposte, con tutto ciae che gli è successo in quello. Tradotta fedelmente sa una stampata in lingua tedesca. Venetia, per il Boso, 1683.
99981: [KIRKBY, CHARLES MAJOR]: - A Forced March from My Home in Old England, to My Home in the Regiment. Bangalore, Printed at the Columbian Press, by Thomas Beare, 1848.
42023: [HINDUSTANI]. - The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in the Hindustani language. Translated from the Greek, by the Calcutta Baptist missionaries with native assistants. Calcutta, The Baptist Mission Press, 1844.
121220: [TURIN WORLD FAIR 1911 / SILK INDUSTRY IN JAPAN] - Résumé historique de l'industrie séricicole au Japon. Publié a l'occasion de l'Exposition de l'Italie par l'Association séricicole du Japon 1911. Tokio, Association séricicole du Japon, No.18 Sanchome Nishikicho Kanda-ku, 1911.
120643: [KAWAURA, KEN-ICHI] - Album of Old Japanese Prints of the Ukiyo-ye School. Reproduced from the Collection of Ken-ichi Kawaura. Tokyo, Yoshizawa & Co, 1919.
120497: [CIBOT, PIERRE-MARTIAL]: - Lettre de Pekin, sur le génie de la langue chinoise et la nature de leur écriture symbolique comparée avec celle des anciens égyptiens ... On y a joint l'extrait de deux ouvrages nouveau de Mr. de Guignes relatifs aux mêmes matières. Bruxelles, J.L. de Boubers, 1773.
99692: [BUREUS, ANDREAS & SOTERUS, HENRIK (editor)]: - Svecia, siue de suecorum regis dominiis et opibus. Lugd. Bat., ex officina Elzeviriana, 1633.
40006: [TURKEY]. - Turcici imperii status. Seu discurses varii de rebus turcarum. Lugd. Bat., ex off. Elzeviriana, 1630.
121331: [MÌORI NEWSPAPER]. - A collection of twenty-five issues of "Te Waka Maori o Niu Tirani". Comprises twenty-three issues: volume 12:1-23. Wellington, George Didsbury, 1876. AND: Two issues: volume 1:2 & 1:13. Gisborne, Poverty Bay, James Grindell, 1878.
99166: [EHRENBORG, ANNA FREDRIKA]: - Några brev från England 1852-1853. Upsala, Wahlström & Co., 1854.
99691: [LAET, JOANNES DE] (Editor): - De Imperio Magni Mogolis, sive, India vera commentarius e variis auctoribus congestus. Lugd. Bat., Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1631.
120390: [BURMA - PHOTOGRAPHS]. - A collection of Twenty-five Original Gelatin Silver Photographs. About 1895.
38044: [DEAF-MUTE]. - [DEAF-MUTE]. Underdånigt betänkande och förslag till döfstummeundervisningens ordnande afgifvet af dertill i nåder utsedde komiterade den 15 augusti 1878. Stockholm, Kongl. Boktryckeriet, 1878.
38031: [BEIRUT IMPRINT]. - Linguae syriacae grammatica et chrestomathiola cum glossario scholis accommodata. Auctore H.G.S.J. Berythi Phoeniciorum, typographia Pp. Soc. Jesu, 1890.
20076: [CHINA]. [J.R. SUPERCARGO]: - Dag-bok öfver en resa till fots, åren 1819 och 1820, från Manchao, på ön Hainan, till Canton. Öfversättning. Stockholm, Fr. B. Nestius, 1828.
20047: [KERTEN, A.F.W.]: - Auszug aus dem Tagebuch eines Russen auf seiner Reise nach Riga. (Riga) 1783.
99381: [SWEDISH EAST INDIA COMPANY]. - Kongl. Maj:ts förnyade öpne Privilegium, angående fartens och handelens fortsättiande på Ost-Indien. Gifwit i Stockholm i Råd-Cammaren then 17 Junii 1746. AND: Kongl. Maj:ts nådige stadfästelse uppå Directionens af Ost-Indiske Compagniet avertissement, angående thenne handelens inrättande med en ständig fonds. Gifwen i Stockholm i Råd-Cammaren then 21 Majii 1753. Stockholm, Pet. Momma, 1753.
35145: [MONTMIGNON, JEAN BAPTISTE ABBÉ]: - Choix des lettres édifiantes, écrites des missions étrangères, précédé de tableaux géographiques, historiques, politiques, religieux et littéraires, des pays de mission. Seconde édition. 8 volumes. Paris, Grimbert, 1824-1826.
121171: [JAPANESE MEN KIMONO SAMPLES]. - "Iwa no Tamotsu". [A manual with 110 stylish textile samples]. No date, ca 1930.
121166: [KING OSCAR II]: - Reseminnen från skilda tider. (Travel memories of different periods). Stockholm 1888.
120366: [JESUITS]. - Risposta ad alcune lettere scritte alcuni giorni addietro e sparse per l'Italia. Genova (Most likely Venice) 1759.
20016: [SUEZ ATLAS]. - Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez: Plans généraux du canal et des ports. Graphique des conditions de transit. Paris, Imprimerie L. Braun, 1924.
35111: [BECKER, JOSEPH ERNEST DE]: - The Nightless City, or the "History of the Yoshiwara Yukwaku", by an English Student of Sociology. Yokohama, Z.P. Maruya & Co. Ltd., 1899.
121237: [PERFUME TRADE CATALOGUE]. - Parfums Bienaimé. Paris, Draeger, 1947.
35053: [BORDELON, LAURENT]: - The management of the tongue. Under these following heads. 1. Of conversation. 2. The babbler. 3. The silent man. 4. The witty man. 5. The droll. 6. The jester. 7. The disputer. 8. The opinionater. (&c.). Done out of French. London, by D. Leach for N. Rhodes, 1706.
20007: [SIONITA, GABRIEL & JOANNES HESRONITA etc.]: - Arabia, seu Arabum vicina: rumqz gentium orientalium leges, ritus, sacri et profani mores, instituta et historia: Accedunt praeterea varia per Arabiam itinera, in quibus multa notatu digna, enarrantur. Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1633.
121292: [CEYLON / TEA] - Manuel et catalogue officiels de la section de Ceylan. L'exposition de Paris, 1900. Colombo, George J.A. Skeen, Imprimerie Nationale, Ceylan, 1900.
120488: [CHINA - BOARD GAME]. - Jeu Nouveau le Voyage a Pékin par Air, par Fer, par Terre et par Mer (title on lid). Paris, H. Jannin, ca 1861.
35035: [IHRE, JOHAN]: - Swenskt dialect lexicon. Hvarutinnan uppteknade finnas the ord och talesätt, som uti åtskilliga Svea Rikes landsorter äro brukelige, men ifrån allmäna talesättet afvika. Upsala 1766.
121116: [WALLIN, GEORG AUGUST (Ed.) / IBN MALIK / BADR AL-DIN IBN MALIK]: - Badr al-Din Muhammad & Jamal al-Din Muhammad Ibn 'Abdullah Ibn Malik Sharh Badr al-Din 'ala qasida walidihi al-'ulama Ibn Malik al-mashura bi-lamiyat al-af'al. Helinski, F. Liewendal, 1851.
100520: [PROMÉ, JEAN (Edit.)]: - [LEVANT, BALTIC STATES, RUSSIA, ETC.] Les voyages de Monsieur Des Hayes, baron de Courmesvin, en Dannemarc. Enrichis d'annotations. BOUND WITH: Les voyages de M. Quiclet a Constantinople par terre. Enrichis d'annotations. Paris, Pierre Bienfait, 1664.
18085: [CRIMEA]. - Halfön Krim. Fysiska, etnografiska och historiska skildringar, efter Kohl, v. Demidoff, v. Haxthausen m.fl. A translation. Stockholm, Eric Westrell, 1855.
121090: [JAPAN MAP]. - Guide Map of Nikkosan. Nikko, Taguchi Tobei, 1884.
121083: [JAPAN - SCHOOLBOOK]. - Anec-Dote. A Book of Lessons for the Use of Schools. Published by Permission of the School Kaiseijo. Second edition. Numadz, Itiro W.N. & Co., Meiji 4th (1871).
121081: [NONOMURA, CHUBE / OGATA, KÍRIN]: - Ehon K›rin (K›rin Patterns). Three volumes (complete). Ky›to, Suma Kanbe, early 19th century (ca 1800-30).
99541: [ESKIMO LANGUAGE]. - Imgerutsit nôtiggit 100. Hundert eskimoische Lieder, freie übersetzungen und nachbildungen deutscher Volksgesänge. [Leipzig] 1872.
100512: [COOK, JAMES]: - Sammandrag af Capitain James Cooks åren 1772, 73, 74 och 1775 omkring Södra Polen förrättade resa, hwarwid herrar Forsters och Furneaux journaler blifwit jämnförde och nyttjade: innehållande det hufwudsakeligaste af de på denna resa gjorda nya uptäckter i Söderhafwet, rörande Södra Polens Ishaf, ... Upsala, Johan Edman, 1783.
100511: [DELISLE DE SALE, JEAN-BAPTISTE-CLAUDE]: - Histoire d'Assyrie, ou histoire des monarchies de Ninive, de Babylone, et d'Ecbatane. Two volumes. Paris, avec approbation & privilegie de Roi, 1780.
18024: [CHOFFIN, DAVID ÉSTIENNE]: - Amusemens philologiques: ou mélange agréable de diverses pieces, Concernant l'histoire des personnes célébres, les evènemens mémorables, les usages & les monumens des anciens, la morale, la mythologie, & l'histoire naturelle. Two volumes. Halle 1755 & 1757.
121463: [JUVENILE] - Petit tableau des arts et métiers, ou notions sur les principaux travaux des hommes; ouvrage instructif et amusant, à l'usage de la jeunesse de l'un et l'autre sexe. Troisième édition, ornée de nouvelles gravures. Paris, chez Pierre Blanchard, 1825.
99534: [WINDUS, JOHN]: - Reise nach Mequinetz, der Residenz des heutigen Kaysers von Fetz und Marocco, welche C. Stuart als Gross-Britannischer Gesandter, Anno 1721 zur Erledigung der dortigen Gefangenen abgelegt hat. Hannover, Nicolaus Förster u. Sohn, 1726.
100500: [SOLANO, MANUEL ALVARES DO]: - Nova relacao de hum grande terremoto, que no dia 9 do mez de dezembro do anno de 1752 succedeo na Cidade de Tunes, capital do reyno de Argel: calamidades, que experimentao aquelles Barbaros na prezente secca; noticia de algumas expiaçoes ridiculas, que tem feito par a applacar o seu falso Profeta, copiado de huma carta escreveo hum Marinheiro cativo naquella Cidade, natural da Ericeira. Lisboa, Officina Alvarense, 1753.
120028: [PHRASE BOOK FOR TRADERS]. - An English Chinese and Japanese Conversation. Nichi-kan-ei gogen goheki. Tokyo, Yamada Tashiro, Taisho 4, 1915.
121275: [WORTLEY MONTAGU, LADY MARY]: - Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M--y W--y M---e: Written, During her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, to Persons of Distinction, Men of Letters, &c. in Different Parts of Europe. ... Three volumes. London, printed for T. Becket & P.A. De Hondt, 1769.
44010: [BLIGH, WILLIAM / BURNEY, JAMES]: - Captainens vid engelske ammiralitetet William Bligh's resa i Söderhafvet åren 1788, 1789, 1790. Hans half-årige vistande på ön O-Taheiti och hemresa från ön Timor till England. Part I. (all published). Nyköping, Joh. Pet. Hammarin, 1795.
121345: [BANGKOK TIMES PRESS] - A collection of twelve works on Siam. Bangkok October 1926.
121346: [Canton] - Canton Tourist Guide. Guangzhou. Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Canton Branch, 1965.
99488: [ARVIEUX, LAURENT DE]: - Arabernas seder och lefnadssätt. Upsala, J. Edman, 1783.
100495: [SHEERE, HENRY SIR]: - A Discourse Touching Tangier: in a Letter to a Person of Quality. To which is Added, the Interest of Tangier: by Another Hand. London, 1680.
120266: [KABUKI]. - Programme of Entertainment in Honour of H.I.H. Prince Pu Lun. Given by Baron S. Goto at the Kabukiza on December 11th, 1907. Tokyo 1907.
121508: [LANCELIN DE LAVAL = LEFEBVRE, PHILIPPE]: - Histoire secrette du prophete des turcs. Traduite de l'Arabe. Constantinople, chez Ibrahim Muley, (i.e. Paris, Laurent-Charles d'Houry) 1754.
121144: [CHIKAWA DANJURO VII - KABUKI]. - The Kabuki Juhachiban, or Eighteen Best Kabuki Plays. Tokyo (?) 1917.
100089: [KATE GREENAWAY]: - Almanach de Kate Greenaway pour 1889. Paris, Hachette et Cie, 1889.
16049: [SAHLMOON, ISAAC]: - Hollands stats- och commerce-spegel, föreställande, under wisse anmärkningar, de förente Nederländers Republique, med des tilhörige länder och städer; til äldre och senare tiders historia. Parts i-ii in one volume. Stockholm, B.G. Schneider, 1731.
100757: [THOM, ROBERT] (Compiler): - ... Yishi Yuyan. Esop's Fables Written in Chinese by the Learned Mun Mooy Seen-Shang, and Compiled in their Present Form (With a free and literal translation) by His Pupil Sloth. Macao, Canton Press Office, 1840.
100455: [JAPAN: TWO SALES CATALOGUES FOR SAFES]. - Patent Fire & Barglar - Resisting Safes Catalogue Manufactured by Z. Takenouchi. (Tokyo) Meiji 24 (1891).
99302: [QUINQUARBOREO, JOHANN [CINQUARBRES, JEAN]: - De re grammatica hebraeorum opus, in gratiam studiosorum linguae sanctae methodo quàm facilima coscriptum. Secunda editio cum authoris locupleti recognitione. Paris, Martin Juvenem (Le Jeune), 1549.
99434: [MISSIONARY GAME]. - The American Baptist Missionary Union. Copyright, 1885, by Fred T. Bailey. No place (about 1885).
14090: [ZEDRITZ, CARL EDVARD]: - Den turkiska musiken eller Stockholms-resan. Beraettelse. Westeraas, Daniel Torsell, 1835.
120974: [LILJEVALCH CARL FREDRIK]: - ... Tio tusen chinesiska ting. (Ten thousand Chinese items). Beskrifvande förteckning öfver ett chinesiskt målnings-galleri samt en stor samling af chinesiska konst-, industri- och naturalister. Stockholm, Johan Beckman, 1849.
100760: [ART NOUVEAU]. - Documents d'art décoratif. Trente planches en couleurs et en noire. Paris, Librairie Renourd, H. Laurens (ca 1910).
29041: [HINDUSTAN]. - [HINDUSTAN]. The Asiatic Annual Register, or, a View of the History of Hindustan, and of the Politics, Commerce and Literature of Asia, for the Years 1799 and 1800. Two volumes (of 12). London, printed for J. Debrett, Piccadilly, 1801.
99905: [GALLIOT, CHARLES]: - Dissertation sur le Dieu Sérapis, Oú l'on examine l'Origine, les Attributs & le Culte de cette Divinité. A Amsterdam. Paris, J. Barbou, 1760.
100428: [RENAUDOT, EUSéBE (Transl.)]: - SAVIO, PIETRO: Il Giappone al giorno d'oggi nella sua vita pubblica e privata, politica e commerciale. Viaggio nell'interno dell'isola e nei centri sericoli eseguito nell'anno 1874. Milano, Fratelli Treves, 1876.
120959: [RIVER CROSSING PUZZLE]. - (A wolf, goat and cabbage problem). Sweden about mid 19th century.
120961: [HAIBARA / HANDMADE JAPANESE FANS]. - [Two hand-painted round fans (uchiwa) in original woodblock-printed covers]. Tokyo, Haibara Naojiro, ca 1890.
121135: [JIAO, BINGZHEN]: - Yu zhi geng zhi tu (Imperially Commissioned Illustrations of Agriculture and Sericulture). Two volumes. Shanghai, Dian shi zhai, Guangxu 5 (1879).
15044: [PERSIA & JAPAN]. - Persian literature. Comprising the Shâh Nâhem, the Rubâi'yât, the Divan and the Gulistan. With a special introduction by Richard J.H. Gottheil, Ph.d. AND: Japanese literature. Including selections from Genji monogatari and classical poetry and drama of Japan. With critical and biographical sketches by Epiphanius Wilson. Revised ed. Two volumes. London & New York, The Colonial Press, 1900.
121386: [MONTUCCI, ANTONIO]: - SINOLOGUS BEROLINENSIS (Pseud.): Remarques philologiques sur les voyages en Chine de M. De Guignes. Berlin, aux frais de l'auteur et se trouve chez H.J. Hitzig [and others], Printed by Jean Frédéric Starcke, 1809.
120945: [JAPANESE FEATHERS FROM EDO-PERIOD]. - [Hand-painted manuscript scroll of different types of feather (or fletching) used in the traditional Japanese arrow making]. About mid or late 18th century.
100585: [MARCEL, JEAN JOSEPH] / [SABBAGH, MICHEL]: - Hommage au Grand-Juge Ministre de la Justice, visitant l'Imprimerie de la Republique le 23 Messidor an XI (= Oct. 9 1803). [Paris 1803].
120937: [HAMMARSKJÖLD, DAG / PHOTOGRAPHS]. - [A collection of original photographs from the United Nations Press Department documenting Hammarskjöld's time as General Secretary]. (New York) 1953-1961.
120923: [DOTY, ELIHU]: - Some thoughts on the Proper Term, to be Employed to Translate Elohim and Theos, into Chinese: By an American Missionary in China. Shanghai, the Mission Press, 1850.
120586: [CZECHOSLOVAK PUPPET FILM]. - Ceskoslovensky statni film. Panorama of puppet films. [Prague], Czechoslovak State Film, 1956.
100901: [ARMENIAN BIBLE]. - The Old and New Testament. Constantinople 1915.
120541: [RIBEIRO, JOåO]: - History of Ceylon Presented by Captain John Ribeyro to the King of Portugal, in 1685, Translated from the Portuguese, by the Abbe Le Grand. Re-translated from the French edition, with an Appendix, Containing Chapters Illustrative of the Past and Present Condition of the Island, by George Lee. Colombo, printed at the Government Press, 1847.
100408: [ORIENTAL TALES]. - Oriental Fairy Tales, or Fancy's Wanderings in the East. London 1854.
121131: [LAMM, CARL ROBERT]: - Illustrated catalogue of the Very Notable Collection of Carl Robert Lamm, Näsby Castle (near Stockholm), Sweden. New York, 1923.
99281: [MAP: NEW SOUTH WALES - AUSTRALIA]. - New South Wales. Map, Illustrations, and Decorative text. Sydney, Thomas Richards, 1884.
100392: [CALLAWAY, JOHN] (Transl.): - Yakkun Nattannawa: A Cingalese Poem, Descriptive of the Ceylon System of Demonology:... and Kolan Nattannawa: A Cingalese Poem, Descriptive of the Characters Assumed by Natives of Ceylon in a Masquerade. London, Printed for the Oriental Translation Fund, 1829.
120913: [HAKUBOTAN]. - The Catalogue Hakubotan Principal Store. Tokyo (Kyobashi) ca 1910.
120912: [MIYAJIMA, JAPAN]. - A Short Guide to Miyajima and Neighbourhood. Third edition. Hiroshima, Miyajima Hotel, 1918.
120566: [CHINA - WOOD PANEL WITH ANCIENT COINS AND CHARMS]. - China, probably end of 18th century.
120894: [JAPANESE TEXTILE SILK SAMPLES]. - Some Orimono Hyohon. (Dyed fabric samples). Types no. 6. Nihon Senshohoku Hyohonsha (Japan Fabric Dyeing Sample Co.). Kyoto, 1927 - 35.
120871: [NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA]. - Plan of Passenger Accommodation Motor Ships "Atsuma Maru" & "Tatsuta Maru". The Orient-California Fortnightly Service N.Y.K. Line. Tokyo 1930s.
120156: [ALEXANDRE, NOèL]: - Apologie des dominicains missionnaires de la Chine. Ou réponse au livre du Père Le Tellier jésuite. Intitulé, Défense des nouveaux chrétiens; et à l'éclaircissement du P. Le Gobien de la même Compagnie, sur les honneurs que les chinois rendent à Confucius & aux morts. Cologne (?), chez les héritiers de Corneille-d'Egmond, 1699.
28053: [JAVA]. - [JAVA]. Indien in Moll. Java. Reiseerinnerungen und Betrachtungen von einem Bewunderer. Stuttgart 1908.
14385: [PERU]. - [PERU]. Peru, nach seinem gegenwärtigen Zustande dargestellt aus dem Mercurio Peruano. Two volumes in one. Weimar 1807 & 1808.
99418: [ZIEGENBALG, BARTHOLOMAEUS & GRÜNDLER, JOHANN ERNST]: - Thirty Four Conferences Between the Danish Missionaries and the Malabarian Bramans (or Heathen Priests) in the East Indies, Concerning the Truth of the Christian Religion: Together with Some Letters Written by the Heathens to the Said Missionaries. Translated out of High Dutch by Mr. Phillips. London, H. Clemens, 1719.
99417: [MALACCA]. - Historical Guide of Malacca (Published by the Malacca Historical Society). Singapore 1936.
120762: [CHITOSE-ZA THEATRE]. - [A coloured moveable copper engraved plate]. Tokyo (Nihonbashi), Fukuda Eizo, 1884.
120763: [JAPAN - KITAMURAYA HOTEL, ISE]. - [A hand-coloured steel engraved plate of Kitamuraya Hotel, Ise]. Nagoya, Nakachu Koin, ca 1895.
100348: [KABUKI]. - [A collection of ten original post card photographs of Kabuki theatre actors]. Kabukiza 1928.
120761: [JAPANESE TEXTILE COTTON SAMPLES]. - [Eight booklets with samples of Nishijin cotton flannel, etc.]. Kyoto, Osaka and Wakayama, 1908-1917.
120751: [CANTON - ENGRAVING] - Vue d'optique d'un Arc de Triomphe tres élevé, en la Ville de Canton en la Chine. Paris, chez Jacques Chéreau, about 1750-60.
14283: [ROMANET, J.]: - Reise nach der Insel Martinique. Weimar 1805.
14257: [SCHORBING, C.M.]: - Samling af de aeldsta folkslagens religions-urkunder oefver deras religionsbegrepp och mysterier. 2 volumes. Stockholm 1820.
100867: [FREYGANG, FREDERIKA & WILHELM VON]: - Bref om Caucasus och Georgien, jemte beskrifning öfwer en resa till Persien år 1812. Stockholm 1818.
121395: [CONFUCIAN FILIAL PIETY] - The Twenty-Four Cases of Filial Piety. Early 20th century.
100299: [SWEDISH EXPEDITION TO SPITZBERGEN 1908]. - Zoologische Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition nach Spitzbergen 1908 unter Leitung von Prof. De Geer. Theil II. (Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar. Band 54). Stockholm 1915-1918.
100018: [HÖPKEN (HOPKEN), CARL FREDRIK VON & CARLESON, EDUARD]: - Relation om herrar Envoyéernas och Cancellie-Rådens Herr Baron v. Höpkens och herr Carlsons hafde audience wid Ottomanniske Porten 8-19 Julii 1740. Stockholm, Kongl. tryckeriet, Pet. Momma, [1740].
120735: [SWEDISH RYA CARPET DESIGNS]. - A pupil's work comprising 73 designs for rugs and furniture fabrics. No date or place, but Sweden, ca 1941.
99393: [CEYLON]. - A Catalogue of Books Sold by H.W. Cave & Co., Amen Corner, Colombo (early 20th century ).
120698: [FRENCH FASHION]. - La Mode Illustrée Journal de la Famille. Sixième année de la publication. Paris, Firmin Didot Frères, 1865.
120704: [COSTUMES FOR "WALZER AUS WIEN" / THEATERKUNST HERMANN J. KAUFMANN]. - [A collection of 26 water colour drawings depicting costumes for the pasticcio "Walzer aud Wien"]. About 1930-6.
120696: [FRENCH FASHION]. - La Mode Illustrée Journal de la Famille. Cinquième année de la publication. Paris, Firmin Didot Frères, 1864.
100423: [LLOBRESSOLS, BENITO]: - Memoria circa certi riti Tunchinesi sostenuti da' Pp. Agostiniani e da Alcuni altri missionarj presentata da' Pp. Domenicani Spagnuoli della provincia delle Filippine alla Sacra Congregazione di Propaganda Fide. [Rome] 1757.
100764: [MAILLARD DE TOURNON, CARLO TOMMASO]: - Relazione della preziosa morte dell'eminentiss. e reverendiss. Carlo Tomaso Maillard di Tournon. Commissario, e Visitatore Apostolico Generale, con le facoltà di Legato a latere nell'Impero della Cina, e Regni dell'Indie Orientali, seguita nella Città di Macao l“ 8. del mese di giugno dell'anno 1710. E di ciae, che gli avenne negli ultimi cinque mesi della sua vita. Roma, per Francesco Gonzaga, 1711.
100762: [CHANG, THE GIANT (CHANG WOO GOW)]. - [Carte de visite photo of the Chinese Giant in Bournemouth] ca 1875.
24042: [SCHNITZKER (SCHNITSCHER), JOHAN CHRISTOPHER]: - Berättelse om Ajuckiniska Calmuckiet, eller om detta folkets ursprung, huru de kommit under ryssarnas lydno, deras gudar, gudsdyrkan och prester, huru de stiftas uti 4 uluffer eller folkhopar, deras politique och philosophie, med flera deras lefwernes sätt och seder så wid bröllop som begrafningar. Stockholm, Lars Salvius, 1744.
100551: ABEL - RÉMUSAT, JEAN-PIERRE / ROSNY, LÉON DE: - Élémens de la grammaire chinoise, ou principes généraux du Kou-Wen ou style antique, et du Kouan-Hoa, c'est-à-dire, de la langue commune généralement usitée dans l'empire chinois. Nouvelle édition, ... augmentée d'une table des principales phonétiques chinoises par L. Le—n de Rosny. Paris, Maisonette et Cie, 1857.
100461: ABEL- RÉMUSAT, JEAN-PIERRE (Ed.): - Contes chinois, traduits par mm. Davis, Thoms, le P.'Entracolles, etc. Three volumes. Paris, Moutardier, 1827.
100462: ABEL-RÉMUSAT, JEAN-PIERRE: - Nouveaux mélanges asiatiques, ou recueil de morceaux de critique et de mémoires relatifs aux religions, aux sciences, aux coutumes, à l'histoire et à la géographie des nations orientales. Two volumes. Paris, Schubart et Heideloff & librairie orientale de Dondey-Dupré père & fils, 1829.
100437: ABEL-RÉMUSAT, JEAN-PIERRE (Trans.) & KLAPROTH, HEINRICH JULIUS & CLERC DE LANDRESSE, ERNEST AUGUSTIN XAVIER (Eds.): - [...] Foé Koué Ki ou relation des royaumes bouddhiques: Voyage dans la Tartarie, dans l'Afghanistan et dans l'Inde, exécuté, a la fin du IVe siècle, par Ch Fâ Hian. Paris, L'Imprimerie Royale, 1836.
100777: ABEL-RÉMUSAT, JEAN PIERRE: - Mélanges posthumes d'histoire et de litérature orientales. Paris 1843.
32087: [NEW SWEDEN]. ACRELIUS, ISRAEL: - Beskrifning om de swenska församlingarnas forna och närwarande tilstånd, uti det så kallade Nya Swerige, sedan Nya Nederland, men nu för tiden Pensylvanien, samt nästliggande orter wid älfwen De la Ware, Wäst-Yersey och New-Castle County uti Norra America. Stockholm, Harberg & Hesselberg, 1759.
23078: ADANSON, MICHEL: - Histoire naturelle du Sénégal. Coquillages. Avec une relation abrégée d'un voyage fait en ce pays pendant les années 1749, 50, 51, 52 et 53. Paris, Claude-Jean-Baptiste Bache, 1757.
121353: ADELBORG, OTTILIA (Ill.) [CHILDREN'S ALMANAC] - Almanacka 1890. Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt & Söner, 1889.
31071: ADELUNG, FRIEDRICH: - Bibliotheca sanscrita. Literatur der Sanskrit-sprache. St.Petersburg, Karl Kray, 1837.
100094: ANDERSEN (ANDERSON) AENEAS : - Berättelse om ängelska beskickningen til China, under Lord Macartney. Stockholm, Johan Pfeiffer, 1796.
34085: AGRELL, CARL MAGNUS & LINDGREN, HENRIC G. (Editor): - Supplementa ad lex. syr. castellianum. Dissertations. Parts 1-18 in one volume. Upsala (1838-41).
100438: AHLQVIST, AUGUST: - Anteckningar i Nord-Tschudiskan. (Föredragna den 7 Febr. 1859). Helsingfors 1859.
100431: AHLQVIST, AUGUST: - Ueber die Sprache der Nord-Ostjaken. Sprachtexte, Wörtersammlung und Grammatik. Two parts in one volume. Helsingfors 1880.
121219: AIKAWA MINWA (ARTIST) / KÍRIN, OGATA: - Tsushin gafu (God's picture). Osaka, Honya Kichibei, Bunsei 2 (1819).
100581: ALEXANDER, WILLIAM: - Picturesque Representations of the Dress and Manners of the Chinese. Illustrated in Fifty Coloured Engravings. London, Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Haymarket; by Howlett and Brimmer, Frith Street, Soho, (about 1825-7).
121001: ALLEN, WILLIAM & THOMSON, T.R.H.: - A Narrative of the Expedition sent by Her Majesty's Government to the River Niger, in 1841, under the of Command by Captain H.D. Trotter. Two volumes. London, Richard Bentley, 1848.
29050: [WRIGHT, GEORGE NEWENHAM] / ALLOM, THOMAS (Artist): - China; historisch, romantisch, malerisch. Carlsruhe, im Kunst-Verlag, [1843-44].
13122: AMADUZZI, GIOVANNI CRISTOFORO (Ed.): - Alphabetum brammhanicum seu Indostanum Universitatis Kasi. Romae, Typis Sac. Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, 1771.
28017: AMERICA. - AMERICA. Några wälmenta råd och upplysningar för swenska utwandrare till Amerikanska staterna. Falun, F.E. Schmidt, 1869.
32006: DE AMICIS, EDMONDO: - Morocco, its People and Places. Translated from the thirteenth Italian edition by Maria Hornor Lansdale. Two volumes. Philadelphia, Henry T. Coates & Co., 1897.
7: ANDERSEN, AENEAS : - Berättelse om ängelska beskickningen til China, under Lord Macartney. Stockholm 1796.
99694: ANDERSON, ®NEAS: - A Narrative of the British Embassy to China, in the Years 1792, 1793, and 1794; Containing the Various Circumstances of the Embassy, with Accounts of Customs and Manners of the Chinese, and A Description of the Country, Towns, Cities, &c. &c. London, printed for J. Debrett, 1795.
38035: [DEAF AND DUMB]. ANDERSON, DUNCAN: - A graduated vocabulary and dictionary for the use of deaf and dumb, comprising about twenty thousand of the most common words in the English language. (Glasgow) London, Griffin, Bohn and Co., 1861.
18105: ANDERSSON, C.J.: - Sjön Ngami. Forskningar och upptäckter under fyra års vandringar i sydvestra Afrika. Sthlm 1862.
100122: ANDERSSON, NILS JOHAN: - En werdensomseiling, utdrag af Magister philos. N.J. Anderssons optegnelser paa en reise rundt jorden med den svenske fregat "Eugenie" i aarene 1851-1853. Christiana 1854.
99878: ANDERSSON, NILS JOHAN: - En verldsomsegling skildrad i bref. Three volumes in two. Stockholm, Samson & Wallin, 1853-54.
100205: ANDRÉE, SALOMON AUGUST & STRINDBERG, NILS & FR®NKEL, KNUT: - Andrée's Story. The Complete Record of His Polar Flight, 1897. From the Diaries and Journals of S.A. Andrée, Nils Strindberg, and K. Fraenkel, found on White Island in the Summer of 1930 end edited by the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography. Translated from the Swedish by Edward Adams-Ray. New York, The Viking Press, 1930.
28139: DAO DUY ANH: - Phâp-Viêt Tú-Diên (Chœ thêm chu Hân) ... Dictionnaire francais-annamite (avec transcription en caractères chinois des termes sino-annamites). Two volumes. Hué, Quan-Hài Túng-Thu, 1936.
121382: ANQUETIL-DUPERRON, ABRAHAM HYACINTHE: - Législation Orientale, ouvrage dans lequel, en montrant quels sont en Turquie, en Perse, et dans l'Indoustan les principles fondamentaux du gouvernement, on prouve, .... Amsterdam, Marc-Michel Rey, 1778.
15078: ANSON, GEORGE: - Resa rundt omkring jorden aaren 1740, 41, 42, 43, 44, daa han, saasom chef oefwer en engelsk oerlogs-escadre, war afsaend til Soederhafwet ... Stockholm, L. Grefing, 1761.
120157: ARAI, YOSHIMUNE (Artist) & FLORENZ, KARL (Transl.): - Scènes du théátre japonais. Hiragami-bon. L'école de village (Terakoya). Drame historique en un acte. Tokyo, T. Hasegawa, éditeur, 1900.
100671: ARDENNE DE TIZAC, JEAN HENRI D': - Les étoffes de la Chine. Tissus & Broderies. Paris, Librairie des Arts Décoratifs, ca 1915.
18012: ARDENT DU PICQ, CHARLES GÉNÉRAL: - Histoire d'une citadelle annamite Bac-Ninh. Hanoi 1935.
99784: ARRHENIUS, LARS (Preses) / ULNERUS, ISRAEL (Resp.): - Dissertatio historico politica de origine et statu hoderino Turcarum, ... Upsala, Werner, 1723.
120683: THE ART SERVICE DEPARTMENT, UNION OF CHINESE ARTISTS (Compiler): - [CHINESE PAPER-CUTS]. Paper-cuts of Shantung Province. Peking 1956.
99711: ARTAMOF, PIERRE [pseud. of Vladimir de La Fite de Pelleporc] & ARMENGAUD, JEAN GERMAIN DÉSIRÉ: - La Russie, historique, monumentale et pittoresque. Two volumes. Paris, Ch. Lahure et Co., 1862.
22021: AUBARET, LOUIS GABRIEL G. (Transl.): - Hoang-viêt-luát-le. Code annamite. Lois et règlements du royaume d'Annam traduits du texte chinois original. Two volumes in one. Paris, Imprimerie Impériale, 1865.
100613: AUBERT, MARY JOSEPH (SUZANNE): - New and Complete Manual of Maori Conversation: Containing Phrases and Dialogues on a Variety of Useful and Interesting Topics, Together with a few General Rules of Grammar; and a Comprehensive Vocabulary. Wellington, Lyon and Blair, 1885.
100137: AURIVILLIUS, CARL WILHELM SAMUEL: - Eine Anguillulide aus der Schneefauna Spitzbergens. Stockholm 1883.
100546: AVRIL, PHILIPPE: - Voyage en divers etats d'Europe et d'Asie, entrepris pour découvrir un nouveau chemin à la Chine. Contenant plusiers remarques curieuses de physique, de geographie, d'hydrographie & d'histoire. Avec une description de la grande Tartarie, & les differens peuples qui l'habitent. Paris, Claude Barbin, Jean Boudot, George & Louis Josse, 1692.
121420: YAMANA AYAO : - Kafee Baa Kissaten Kokoku Zuanshu (collection of models for bars and cafés). Tokyo, Seibund›, Sh›wa 5 (1930).
29100: BACKHOUSE, JAMES: - A Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies. London, Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1843.
29099: BACKHOUSE, JAMES: - Extracts from Letters of James Backhouse now Engaged in a Religious Visit to Van Dieman's Land, and New South Wales. Accompanied by George Washington Walker. Ten parts in one volume. London, Harvey and Darton, 1838; 1837-41.
121115: BACON, THOMAS / FINDEN, WILLIAM & EDWARD (Engr.): - The Oriental Annual, Containing a Series of Tales, Legends, & Historical Romances. London, Charles Tilt, 1839.
121026: BAIKIE, WILLIAM BALFOUR: - Narrative of an Exploring Voyage up the Rivers Kwo'ra and Bi'nue (Commonly Known as the Niger and Tsâdda) in 1854. London, John Murray, 1856.
121036: BAIL, FRANCIS WILLIAM: - [HUNGARIAN MANUSCRIPT] A Hajnal Leânya. Hindu Rege. (Heifer of the Dawn. Hindu Legend). 20th century.
120996: BAINES, THOMAS: - The Gold Regions of South Eastern Africa. London & Cape Colony, 1877.
99747: BAKER, REV. THOMAS TURNER: - The Recent Operations of the British Forces at Rangoon and Martaban. London, Thomas Hatchard, 1852.
34007: BAKER, FLORENCE BARBARA MARIA / BAKER, ANNE: - Morning Star. Florence Baker's Diary of the Expedition to put Down the Slave Trade on the Nile 1870-73. London, William Kimber, 1972.
121019: BAKER, SAMUEL W. BAKER: - The Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile, and the Explorations of the Nile Sources. Two volumes. London Macmillian and Co., 1867.
100454: BAKER, SAMUEL W.: - Ismailia: A Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade. Organized by Ismail, Khedive of Egypt. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1875.
120337: BALçZS, BÉLA / KOZMA, LAJOS (Ill.): - Testvérorszâg. A j— gyerekeknek mesélte karâcsonyra (Sister country. Told for the good children). Gyoma, Kner Izidor, 1918.
121136: BALLANTYNE, JAMES ROBERT: - Elements of Hindi and Braj Bhakha Grammar. Compiled for the use of the East-India College at Haileybury. London, J. L. Cox and Sons, 1839.
121320: BALLER, FEDERICK WILLIAM: - Mandarin Primer. Character Analysis. Shanghai, China Inland Mission and Presbyterian Press, 1916.
121321: BALLER, FREDRICK WILLIAM: - An Analytical Vocabulary of the New Testament. Prepared for the use of junior members of the China Inland Mission. Shanghai, China Inland Mission and American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1893.
37052: BALLER, FREDERICK WLLIAM: - A Vocabulary of the Colloquial Rendering of the Sacred Edict. Shanghai, American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1892.
38059: [SAUSSURE, FERDINAND DE] / BALLY, CHARLES & SÉCHEHAYE, ALBERT (Editors): - Course de linguistique générale. Lausanne & Paris, Librairie Payot & Cie, 1916.
121333: BAMBRIDGE, WILLIAM & MAUNSELL, ROBERT (Transl.): - [MÌORI IMPRINT]. He whakapapa ara. Nga mahi menga aha noa a te atua raua ko tana hahi. (It's a genealogy. The works and dealings of God and his Church). Part one (of two). Auckland, Printed by J. Williamson for the Church Mission, 1847.
31001: BARRéRE, ALBERT & LELAND, CHARLES G.: - A dictionary of slang, jargon & cant. Embracing English, American, and Anglo-Indian slang, pidgin English, tinkers' jargon and other irregular phraseology. No place (Edinburgh), Printed for subscribers only at the Ballantyne Press, 1889-90.
100463: BARTH, CHRISTIAN GOTTLOB: - Biblias Sádsi. Dr. Barth's Bible Stories. Translated into the Akra-Language. Württemberg, Printed for the German & Foreign School-Book-Society at Calw, by J.F. Steinkopf, 1854.
99140: BARTHÉLEMY-HADOT, MARIE ADELAIDE: - Les héritiers des Ducs de Bouillon ou les francais à Alger. Four volumes. Paris 1816.
28123: BARTHÉLEMY, CHARLES: - Histoire de Turquie depuis les temps les plus regules jusqu'a nos jours. Tours 1856.
120992: BARTO, AGNIYA: - Bratishki: Stikhi (Brothers: Poems). Moscow, Detgiz, 1934.
120555: BARZINI, LUIGI: - La Metà de Mondo vista da un' automobile. Da Pechino a Parigi in sessanta giorni. Milano, Ulrico Hoepli, 1908.
100572: BATCHELOR, JOHN: - Sea-Girt Yezo. Glimpses at Missionary Work in North Japan. London, Church Missionary Society, 1902.
121371: BATCHELOR, JOHN: - An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary. (Including a Grammar of the Ainu Language). Two parts in one volume. Tokyo, Published by the Methodist Publishing House, Ginza,1905.
99152: BAYERN, THERESE VON (PRINZESSIN): - Ueber den Polarkreis. Leipzig, F.A. Brockhaus, 1889.
38005: BAZIN, ANTOINE PIERRE LOUIS: - Mémoire sur les principes généraux de chinois vulgaire. Extrait du Journal Asiatique. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1845.
100559: BAZIN, ANTOINE PIERRE LOUIS (Transl. & Ed.): - Théatre chinois ou choix de pièces de théatre composées sous les empereurs mongols. Paris, imprimé par autorisation du roi à l'Imprimerie Royale, 1838.
23107: DE BEAUREGARD, CRÉPIN B.: - Nouveau vocabulaire francais - tonkinois et tonkinois - francais. Deuxième édition. Paris, Augustin Challamel, 1907.
40039: BEAVER, CAPTAIN PHILIP: - African Memoranda: Relative to an Attempt to Establish a British Settlement on the Island of Bulama, on the Western Coast of Africa, in the Year 1792. With a Brief Notice of the Neighbouring Tribes, Soil, Productions, &c. London, C. & R. Baldwin, 1805.
121008: KUBOTA BEISEN (Ed.): - Bijutsu H›ko (The Art Treasury). Eleven volumes. Tokyo, Matsui Eikichi, Gahakudo,1895.
35174: BEL, ALFRED: - Guide illustré du touriste Tlemcen et ses environs. Oran, L. Fouque, no date (1910).
99255: BELL, SIR CHARLES ALFRED: - Grammar of colloquial Tibetan. Second edition. Calcutta, The Bengal Secretariat Book Depot, 1919.
99456: BELL'HAVER, THOMASO: - Dottrina facile et breve per ridurre l'Hebreo a conoscimento del vero Messia, e Salvator del Mondo ... Divisa in otto trattati. Venetia, Farri, 1608.
32082: BELLEMARE, ALEXANDRE: - Grammaire arabe (idiome d'Algérie) a l'usage de l'armée et des employés civils de l'Algérie; ouvrage publié avec l'approbation de M. le Ministre de la Guerre, sur le rapport d'une commission spéciale. Paris & Alger 1850.
99386: BELLERMANN, FRIEDRICH: - Die Hymnen des Dionysius und Mesomedes. Text und Melodieen nach Handschriften und den alten Ausgaben. Berlin, Albert Förstner, 1840.
13118: BENFEY, THEODOR: - Handbuch der Sanskritsprache. Zum Gebrauch Vorlesungen und zum Selbstudium. 1-2:I-II. Three parts in two volumes. Leipzig 1852-54.
100112: BENSON, ROBERT: - Sketches of Corsica; or, a Journal Written During a Visit to that Island, in 1823. With an Outline of its History, and Specimens of the Language and Poetry of the People. London 1825.
121004: BENTLEY, WILLIAM HOLMAN: - Dictionary and Grammar of the Kongo Language, As spoken at San Salvador, the Ancient Capital of the Old Kongo Empire, West Africa. Compiled and Prepared for the Baptist Mission on the Kongo River, West Africa. London, the Baptist Missionary Society & Trübner & Co., 1887.
777036: BENYOWSZKY (BENIOWSKY) , MAURITZ AUGUST VON: - Lefnadslopp och resor, af honom sielf beskrefne. Stockholm, Kongl. Ordens Tryckeriet, 1791.
15: VON BENYOWSZKY (BENIOWSKY) , MAURITZ AUGUST: - Lefnadslopp och resor, af honom sielf beskrefne. Stockholm, Kongl. Ordens Tryckeriet, 1791.
13140: BENZENBERG, J.F.: - Bref, Foerfattade under en resa till Paris. Oerebro, N.M. Lindh, 1811.
100852: BENZENBERG, JOHANN FRIEDRICH: - Bref, författade under en resa till Paris. Örebro, N.M. Lindh, 1811.
120530: BERGGREN, JACOB: - Resor i Europa och österländerne. Three volumes. Stockholm, S. Rumstedt, 1826-28.
100057: BERGGREN, GUILLAUME / SEBAH, JEAN PASCALE & JOALLIER, POLYCARPE: - An album with forty original photographs. Constantinople (Istanbul) 1880s.
22070: BERGMAN, STEN: - Kamtchatka. Skildringar från en treårig forskningsfärd. Stockholm, A. Bonnirer, 1923.
17076: BERGMANN, BENJAMIN: - Voyage chez les Kalmuks. Traduit de l'allemand par M. Moris. Chatillon sur Seine, C. Cornillac, 1825.
100532: BERGSTEDT, KARL FREDRIK (Translator): - Sávitrî. En episod ur den indiska epopéen Mahá-bhárata. Från sanskrit-texten i svensk metriskt öfversättning jemte inledning och anmärkningar. Upsala 1844.
34082: BERGSTEDT, KARL FREDRIK (Translator): - Sávitrî, En episod ur den indiska epopéen Mahá-bhárata. Från sanskrit-texten metriskt öfversatt jemte inledning och anmärkningar. Dissertations. Five parts in one volume. Upsala 1844.
34075: BERGSTEDT, KARL FREDRIK (Translator): - Metriska öfversättningar från sanscrit. Dissertations i-ix in one volume. Upsala, Wickström & låstbom, 1845.
99995: VON BERLEPSCH, HERMANN ALEXANDER: - Alperna, deras natur och folk. Stockholm 1871.
100815: BERNADOTTE, CARL & EUGEN & OSCAR (Princes of Sweden): - [PACIFIC & MIDDLE EAST] Våra minnen. Stockholm (colophon: Stuttgart) [1886].
121025: BERTRAND, ALFRED: - Au Pays des Ba-Rotsi Haut Zambèze. Voyage d'exploration en Afrique et retour par les chutes Victoria, le Matébéléland, le Transvaal, Natal, Le Cap. Paris, Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1898.
120380: BESCHI, CONSTANZO GIUSEPPE: - A Grammar of the High Dialect of the Tamil Language, termed Shen-Tamil: to which is Added an Introduction to Tamil Poetry. Translated from the original Latin, by Benjamin Guy Babington. Madras, The College Press, 1822.
31038: BIELENSTEIN, AUGUST JOHANN GOTTFRIED: - Lettische grammatik. Mitau 1863.
121360: BIGANDET, PAUL AMBROISE: - The Life, and Legend of Gaudama, the Budha of the Burmese, with annotations. The ways to Neibban, and notice on the phongyies or Burmese Monks. Rangoon, American Mission Press, 1866.
99587: BILDT, DIDRIK CARL: - Japonica. Bilder av japanska föremål och upplysningar därom. Stockholm 1914.
100077: BILLINGS, JOSEPH: - Viaggio fatto per ordine dell' imperatrice di Russia Caterina II. nel nord della Russia Asiatica, nel mare Glaciale, nel mare d'Anadyr, e sulla costa Nord-Ouest dell'America, dal 1785 fino al 1794. Two volumes. Milano, Sonzogno e Comp., 1816.
35137: BINDER, HENRY: - Au Kurdistan en Mésopotamie et en Perse (Mission scientifique du Ministère de l'Instruction publique). Paris, Maison Quantin, 1887.
99619: BIRCHEROD, JOHANNES JACOB: - Arctos Alexandriae, sive de prisco septentrionalium in urbe illa mercatu locus .... productus, & observationibus ebraicis ac historicis illustratus, quem divina annuente gratia. Diss. resp. Petro Severino Winther. Hafniae (Copenhagen), J.P. Bockenhoffer, 1685.
120587: BIRD, ISABELLA LUCY (Mrs. Bishop): - Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan. Including a Summer in the Upper Karun Region and a Visit to the Nestorian Rayahs. Two volumes. London, John Murray, 1891.
120588: BIRD, ISABELLA LUCY (Mrs. Bishop): - The Yangtze Valley and Beyond. An Account of Journeys in China, Chiefly in the Province of Sze Chuan and Among the Man-Tze of the Somo Territory. Two volumes. New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, & London, John Murray, 1900.
99429: BIRDWOOD, GEORGE: - Indiens konstslöjd. En kortfattad skildring. På svenska utgifven af Hans Hildebrand. Stockholm, Central-Tryckeriet, 1882.
100435: BîRRI, CRISTOFORO: - An Account of Cochin-China. Two parts in one volume. [London 1744].
22026: LA BISSACHéRE, PIERRRE JACQUES LEMONNIER DE [ & MONTYON, ANTOINE DE]: - Gegenwärtiger Zustand von Tunkin, Cochinchina u. der Königreiche Camboja, Laos und Lac-tho. Weimar 1813.
20027: DE LA BISSACHéRE, PIERRE JACQUES LEMONNIER: - La relation sur le Tonkin et la Cochinchine. Publiée d'après le manuscrit des Archives des affaires étrangères avec une introduction et des notes par Charles B. - Maybon. Paris, E. Champion, 1919.
100765: DE LA BISSACHéRE, PIERRE JACQUES LEMONNIER: - Etat actuel du Tunkin, de la Cochinchine, et des royaumes de Camboge, Laos et Lac-Tho. Three parts in one volume. Paris, de Galignani, 1812.
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39033: CUREAU DE LA CHAMBRE, MARINI: - Discours sur les causes du desbordement du Nil. Paris, Jacques Dallin, 1665.
35086: CZECH, FRANZ HERMANN: - [DEAF-MUTE]. Versinnlichte Denk- und Sprachlehre, mit Anwendung auf die Religions- und Sittenlehre und auf das Leben. Two volumes. Wien, P.P. Meichitaristen, 1844.
120557: DABRY DE THIERSANT, CLAUDE-PHILIPERT: - La pisciculture et la pêche en Chine ... Représentant les principaux instruments de pisciculture et engins de pêche employés par les Chinois et quelques nouvelles espèces de poissons recueillies en Chine. Précédé d'une introduction sur la pisciculture par le Dr. J. L. Soubeiran. Paris, Librairie de G. Masson, 1872.
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121521: [SAMI] DASS, PETTER / [FRIIS, HANS]: - Omstaendelig, sandfaerdig beskrivelse over de Norske Finlappers saeder, skikke, levemaade, klaededragt, boliger, gudsdyrkelse, tillagte trolddomskonster, m.v. (Detailed, truthful description of the Norwegian Finlappers' customs, manners, clothing, dwellings, religion, occultism, etc). Andet, meget f¿rbedrede oplag. Kj¿benhavn, Joh. Rud. Thiele, no date (1803-8 ?).
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100290: [HUMBOLDT, FRIEDRICH HEINRICH ALEXANDER & BONPLAND, AIMÉ JACQUES ALEXANDRE] / DELAMTHÉRIE, JEAN CLAUDE: - Herrarne von Humboldts och Bonplands resa till wändkretsarne åren 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 och 1804. Ett utdrag ur deras memoirer. Örebro, Nils Magnus Lindh, 1808.
23074: DELAPORTE, I. HONORAT: - Guide de la conversation francais-arabe ou dialogues avec le mot-a-mot et la prononciation interlinéaires figurés en caractères francais. Deuxième édition. Alger 1841.
99407: DELLA VALLE, PIETRO: - Les fameux voyages de Pietro Della Valle, gentil homme Romain, surnommé l'illustre voyageur, avec un denombrement tres-exact des choses les plus curieuses, & les plus remarquables qu'il a veuës dans la Turquie, l'Egypte, la Palestine, la Perse, & les Indes Orientales, & queles autheurs qui en ont oy deuant écrit, n'ont iamis obseruées, le tout ecrit en forme de lettres, addresses au Sieur Schipano son plus intime amy. Four volumes. Paris, Gervais Clovzier, 1664.
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35078: DE DIEU, LUDOVIC: - Grammatica linguarum orientalium hebraeorum, chaldaeorum et syrorum. Inter se collatarum. Ex recensione David Clodii. Frankfurt a. Main, Johann David Zunner, 1683.
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37053: DOKE, CLEMENT MARTIN: - The Phonetics of the Zulu Language. Johannesburg 1926.
121493: DOMBAY, FRANZ LORENZ VON: - Grammatica linguae persicae, accedunt dialogi, historiae, sententiae, et narrationes Persicae. Vienna, apud Albert Camesina, ex officina Catharinae Nobilis de Kurtzbek, 1804.
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29135: DOW, T.K. (Editor): - The Government handbook of Victoria. An Australian Colony. Preface by J.W. Taverner. Melbourne, Robert S. Brain, about 1898.
15069: DRUMMOND, H.: - Central-Afrika. Stockholm 1890.
100245: DRYSELIUS, ERLAND BENEDIKT: - Luna turcica eller turkeste måne. Anwijsandes lika som uti en spegel det mahometiske wanskelige regementet, fördelter uti fyra qwarter eller böcker. Jönköping, Petter Hultman, 1694.
14216: DUBEN (DÜBEN, DUEBEN), C. VON: - Forskningarna i Central-Afrika. Stockholm 1878.
99965: DÜBEN, GUSTAF VILHELM JOHAN VON: - Resa till Kap, Ostindien och Kina, åren 1844-1846. Stockholm, L.J. Hjerta, 1847.
100255: DUPUIS, JEAN: - [TRADE - TONKIN AND SOUTHERN CHINA]. L'ouverture du fleuve rouge au commerce et les événements du Tong-kin 1872-1873. Journal de voyage et d'Expédition. Prèface par le Mis de Croisier. Paris, Challamel Ainé, 1879.
100155: DUSÉN, PER KARL HJALMAR: - Om kartläggningen af Kejsar Frans Josefs fjord och Konung Oscars fjord. [On the mapping of Kaiser Frans Joseph Fjord and King Oscar Fjord]. Stockholm 1900.
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17018: EBERS, GEORG MORITZ: - Aegypten in bild und wort. Dargestellt von unseren ersten Künstlern. Two volumes. Stuttgart & Lpz 1879-80.
13057: EDINBURGH. - EDINBURGH. Set of the City of Edinburgh, with the Acts of Parliament. Edinburgh 1783.
120865: EEKMAN, NICOLAS (Ill.) / GAUTHIER-VILLARS, MARGUERITE (Comp.): - Voyageur immobile. 33 petits poèmes dont un avec musique. Textes, dessins en couleurs et agréments de Eekman. Musique de Mlle. M. Gauthier-Villars. Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1933.
99663: EFENDI SCHILI / NORBERG, MATTHIAS (Translator): - Beskrifning om regementsförändringen i Circasiska riket. Stockholm, Fr. Cederborgh & Comp., 1816.
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28136: EICHHOFF, FRÉDÉRIC GUSTAVE: - Parallèle des langues de l'Europe et de l'Inde, ou étude des principales langues romanes, germaniques, slavonnes et celtiques comparées entre elles et à la langue sanscrite, avec un essai de transcription générale. Paris, a l'Imprimerie Royale, 1836.
100047: EITEL, ERNEST JOHN: - Hand-Book for the Student of Chinese Buddhism. Hongkong & Shanghai: Lane, Crawford & Co., 1870.
120632: EKBOHRN, CARL M.( Editor): - Loggboks-anteckningar under en jordomsegling med fregatten Eugenie åren 1851-53, gjorda och fäderneslandets ungdom tillegnade af en Jungman. Stockholm, P.A. Huldbergs Bokhandel, 1856.
100265: EKELÖF, ADOLF: - Ett år i Stilla Hafvet. Reseminnen från Patagonien, Chili, Peru, Californien, Britiska Columbia och Oceanien. Stockholm 1872.
100192: EKHOLM, NILS, etc.: - Observations faites au Cap Thordsen, Spitzberg, par l'expédition suédoise publiées par l'Académie Royale des Sciences de Suède. Eight parts (I:1-4 and II:1-4) in five volumes. Stockholm 1886-91.
16046: ELGSTRÖM (ELGSTROM, ELGSTROEM), OSSIAN: - Lappalaiset. Resor i Lappland och Norge. Stockholm, A. Bonnier, 1919.
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100855: ELVIUS, PEHR the elder (preses) / BACKMARK [BÄCKMARK], PETRUS (resp.): - Disputatio gradualis de Taprobana (Ceylon). Uppsala, Werner, 1713.
34038: ESTORCH Y SIQUÉS, PABLO: - Gramâtica de la lengua catalana. Barcelona 1857.
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100283: EUPHRASÉN, BENGT ANDERS: - Beskrifning öfver svenska vestindiska ön St. Bathelemi, samt öarne St. Eustache och St. Christopher. Stockholm, A.Zetterberg, 1795.
99385: EUTING, JULIUS: - Sechs phönikische Inschriften aus Idalion. Strassburg & Leipzig, 1875.
29149: EYRE, EDWARD JOHN: - Journals of Expeditions of Discovery into Central Australia, and Overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the Years 1840-1; sent by the Colonists of South Australia, with the Sanction and Support of the Government: Including an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Aborigines and the State of their Relations with the Europeans. Two volumes. London, T. & W. Boone, 1845.
32028: FABRICE, FREDERIC ERNEST VON: - Anecdotes du sejour du Roi de Suede a Bender; ou lettres de Mr. le Baron de Fabrice, pour servir d'eclaircissement a l'histoire de Charles XII. Hambourg, Chretien Herold, 1760.
121164: FABRICIUS, OTHO: - Fors¿g til en forbedret Gronlandskt Grammatica. Andet Oplag. Kiobenhavn, C.F. Schubart, 1801.
100702: FALKE, OTTO VON: - Kunstgeschichte der Seidenweberei. Berlin 1921.
121149: JAPANESE PAPER FANS]. - [Three ukiyo-e woodblock-printed paper fans depicting kabuki actors and one with three ladies in Western clothing]. Published by Murakawa Soemon in Tokyo. 1888, 1892 and 1893.
23075: FAVRE, PIERRE ÉTIENNE LAZARE: - Dictionnaire javanais - francais. Vienne, Imprimerie Impériale et Royale, 1870.
28057: FAVRE, PIERRE FRANCOIS: - Lettres edifiantes et curieuses sur la visite apostolique de M. de La-Baume evêque d'Halicarnasse, a la Cochinchine en l'année 1740, oú l'on voit les voyages & les travaux de ce zèlé prelat, la conduite des missionnaires jesuites & de quelques autres, avec de nouvelles observations &c. pour servir de continuation aux memoires historiques du R.P. Norbert Capucin. Venise, chez les Frères Barzotti, (actually Neuchatel) 1746.
23089: FAVRE, PIERRE ÉTIENNE LAZARE ABBÉ: - Grammaire de la langue malaise. Vienne, Imprimerie Impériale et Royale, 1876.
100006: FEER, LÉON: - Le Tibet, le pays, le people, la religion. Paris 1886.
27053: FERNEL, CAPTAIN: - Fälttåget till Afrika år 1830, med ett porträtt af Hussein Pascha, sista deyen af Algier, samt en plankarta öfver krigsoperationerna. Calmar, J. Zander & A.F. Wåhlin, 1834.
14243: DE FERRIERéS-SAUVEBOEUF, LOUIS FRANCOIS, COUNT: - Resa genom Turkiet. Åren 1786 och följande. I sammandrag. Stockholm, Johan A.Carlbohm, 1794.
100902: FERRIERES-SAUVEBOEUF, LOUIS FRAN‚OIS COMTE DE: - Mémoires historiques, politiques et géographiques des voyages. Faits en Turquie, en Perse, et en Arabie, depuis 1782, jusqu'en 1789; Avec les observations sur la religion, les moeurs, le caractère & le commerce de ces trois nations. Two volumes. Paris, chez Buisson, 1790.
23111: FEUILLERET, HENRI: - Mungo Park sa vie et ses voyages. Deuxième édition. Tours 1881.
32022: DE FILIPPI, FILIPPO (Editor) / PRINCE LUDWIG AMADEUS OF SAVOY: - Der Ruwenzori. Erforschung und erste Ersteigung seiner höchsten Gipfel. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1909.
17020: FINLEY, JOHN PARK & CHURCHILL, WILLIAM: - The Subanu. Studies of a Sub-Visayan Mountain Folk of Mindanao. Part I: Ethnographical and Geographical Sketch of Land and People. Part II: Discussion of the Linguistic Material. Part III: Vocabularies. Washington D.C. 1913.
16024: FISCHER, TEODOR: - Vagabondlif i Australien. Stockholm 1879.
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22032: FLEURY, CLAUDE: - Israeliternas seder, eller en kårt afhandling om detta folkets lagar, gudstjänst, regerings- lefnads- och tänkesätt m.m. Ifrån de älsta intil nya testamentets tider. Stockholm, Lars Salvius, 1762.
120639: FLORENZ, KARL ADOLF (Transl.): - Japanische Dichtungen Weissaster. Ein romantisches Epos. Nebst anderen Gedichten. Zweite Auflage. Leipzig & Tokyo, Hasegawa, ca 1898.
99362: FORBES, M.C.: - To Kulu and Back. With Two maps. List of Routes, Shooting Regulations, and Rules Regarding Coolies, Supplies, Rest-Houses, &c. Simla, Thacker, Spink & Co., 1911.
100513: FORBES, DUNCAN: - A Grammar of the Hindustani Language, in the Oriental and Roman Character. ... To which is added, a copious selection of easy extracts for reading in the Persi-Araic & Devanagari characters, forming a complete introduction to the Bagh-o-Bahar. London 1846.
121012: FORBES, FREDERICK E.: - Dahomey and the Dahomans: Being the Journals of Two Missions to the King of Dahomey, and Residence at his Capital, in the Years 1849 and 1850. Two volumes. London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1851.
100118: FORSSTRAND, CARL: - Bland oleander och liljor. Minnen från en sommar på Bermuda eller Somers öar. Stockholm, Central Tryckeriet, 1895.
29106: FORSTER, ANTHONY: - South Australia. Its progress and prosperity. London, Sampson, Law, Son and Marston, 1866.
120548: FORTIS, ALBERTO ABBÉ: - Voyage en Dalmatie. Two vols in one. Berne, chez la Société Typographique, 1778.
120307: FOSTER, AMY (Mrs Arnold): - Easy Introduction to the ... Study of Chinese Characters. [? Shanghai 1910].
121367: FOUCAUX, PHILPPE-ÉDOUARD: - Grammaire de la langue tibétaine. Paris, Imprimerie Impériale, 1858.
100573: FOX, HENRY WATSON: - Chapters on Missions in South India. London, Seeleys, 1848.
121338: FRÄHN, CHRISTIAN MARTIN: - De numorum Bulgharicorum forte antiquissimo commentationis critico-philologico-historicae. Liber secundus. Catalogue Praelectionum in Universitate Caesarea litterarum Casanensi (1816/1817). Casani, Universitatis officina typographica, F. Bockelmann, 1816.
34004: FRANCKE, AUGUST HERMANN: - Sketch of Ladakhi grammar. In Cooperation with other Moravian Missionaries. Calcutta 1901.
27017: FRANCKEN, CARL WILHELM: - Engelska Ost-indie-fararen Cabalvas rysliga skeppsbrott, år 1818. Stockholm 1824.
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37018: FRANKE, OTTO: - Kêng Tschi T'u ... Ackerbau und Seidengewinnung in China. Ein Kaiserliches Lehr- und Mahn - Buch. Aus dem chinesischen übersetzt und mit Erklärungen versehen. Hamburg, L. Friederichsen & Co., 1913.
100717: FRANKLIN, WILLIAM: - Resa ifrån Bengalen til Persien åren 1786 och 1787 samt en korrt historia om Persien sedan år 1747. Götheborg, Samuel Norberg, 1798.
29109: FRANKLYN, H. MORTIMER (Editor): - A glance at Australia in 1880: or, Food from the South: showing the present condition and production of some of its leading industries, namely, wool, wine, grain, dressed meat, etc. etc., the amounts of each produced and exported. To which is appended the rise and progress of some of the leading mercantile houses in Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide, and also a pastoral & agriculture directory of the whole of Australia. Melbourne, The Victorian Review Publishing Company Limited, 1881.
40036: FRASER, JAMES BAILLIE: - Narrative of a Journey into Khorasan, in the Years 1821 and 1822. Including some Account of the Countries to the North-East of Persia; with Remarks upon the National Character, Government, and Resources of that Kingdom. London, A. & R. Spottiswoode, 1825.
121296: REVILLON FRéRES: - [TRADE CATALOGUE FOR LUXURY FURS]. La Fourrure a la Renaissance au XVIIIe siècle sous l'Empire et de nos jours. Maison Revillon 77, 79, 81 Rue de Rivoli, Paris. Ca 1910.
20087: FREY, HELEN D.: - Annamites et extrême-occidentaux. Recherches sur l'origine des langues. Paris, Librairie Hachette et cie., 1894.
13225: FRITSCH, JOHANN LEONARD: - Nouveau dictionnaire des passagers francois-allemand et allemand-francois, oder neues französisch-deutsches und deutsch-französisches Wörter-Buch, ... Neue u. vermehrte Auflage. Lpz, Johann Firiedric Gleditschen, 1739.
16006: FUJIKAWA, YU: - Geschichte der Medizin in Japan. Kurzgefasste Darstellung der Entwicklung der Japanischen Medizin mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Einführung der europäischen Heilkunde in Japan. Tokyo 1911.
14115: FUKUBA, TORU [Exhibition catalogue]: - Katalog öfver Fukuba's kollektion af ett hundra Ukiyo-ye-målningar. Stockholm, Bröderna Lagerström, 1911.
121215: FURUYA, KÍRIN (Ed.): - Bijutsukai [Japanese design magazine]. Kyoto, Uns›d›, Meiji 34 (1901).
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121412: FURUYA, KÍRIN: - Shi-mashima (Stripe Patterns). Two volumes. Kyôto, Yamada Noosabur›, Gômei Gaisha Uns›d›, Meiji 39 (1906).
120981: FURUYA, KïRIN & FUJI, RINDO: - Orimon Zukan [JAPANESE NEO-RINPA DESIGN] Four volumes. Kyoto, Unsodo, Meiji 31 (1902).
32084: VON DER GABELENTZ, GEORG: - Chinesische Grammatik mit Ausschluss des niederen Stiles und der heutigen Umgangssprache. Leipzig, T.O. Weigel, 1881.
39026: GAFFAREL, JACQUES: - Curiositez inouyes, sur la sculpture talismanique des Persans. Horoscope des Patriarches, et lecture des estoilles. No place 1637.
34116: GARCIN DE TASSY, JOSEPH HÉLIODORE SAGESSE VERTU: - Rudimens de la langue hindoustani, a l'usage des élèves de l'école royale et spéciale des langues orientales vivantes. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1829. AND: APPENDICE aux rudimens de la langue hindoustani, contenant, outre quelques additions a la grammaire, des lettres hindoustani originales, accompagnées d'une traduction et de fac-simile. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1833.
121489: GARNIER, ÉDOUARD: - La Porcelaine Tendre de Sèvres. Avec une notice historique. Paris. Maison Quantin, (1889) - 1891.
121236: GARRARD [JEWELLERY TRADE CATALOGUE]: - Rings. Garrard, Jewellers to the Crown (24, Ablemarle Street, London W1). Paris, Draeger, ca 1935.
20023: GAUBIL, ANTOINE / DE GUIGNES, JOSEPH (Translators): - Le Chou-King, un des livres sacrés des chinois. Qui renferme les fondements de leur ancienne histoire, les principes de leur gouvernement & de leur morale; ouvrage recueilli par Confucius. Traduit & enrichi de notes, par Feu le P. Gaubil, missionaire à la Chine. Revu & corrigé sur le texte chinois, accompagné de nouvelles notes, de planches gravées en taille-douce & additions tirées des historiens originaux, dans lesquelles on donne l'histoire des princes omis dans le Chou-king. Paris, N.M. Tilliard, 1770.
777059: GAUBIL, ANTOINE / DE GUIGNES, JOSEPH (Translators): - Le Chou-King, un des livres sacrés des chinois. Qui renferme les fondements de leur ancienne histoire, les principes de leur gouvernement & de leur morale; ouvrage recueilli par Confucius. Traduit & enrichi de notes, par Feu le P. Gaubil, missionaire à la Chine. Revu & corrigé sur le texte chinois, accompagné de nouvelles notes, de planches gravées en taille-douce & additions tirées des historiens originaux, dans lesquelles on donne l'histoire des princes omis dans le Chou-king. Paris, N.M. Tilliard, 1770.
121291: GAUTIER, JUDITH: - The Imperial Dragon. Translated by M.H. Bourchier. Brentano's Publisher (New York), Printed by Ebenezer Baylis & Son, The Trinity Press, Worcester,1928.
100133: DE GEER, GERARD JACOB: - Om Spetsbergens natur i Sveagruvans omnejd. Ymer 1919. H.4. Stockholm 1920.
34152: GEITLIN, GABRIEL (Editor): - Carminis epici Schahnameh. Fragmentum de Dario et Alexandro hexametris suethicics redditum. Dissertations. Four parts in two. Helsingfors, Ex typographica Frenckelliana, 1839.
34027: GEITLIN, GABRIEL: - Principia grammatices neo-persicae cum metrorum doctrina et dialogis persicis. Helsingfors, Frenckelliana, 1845.
31111: GEITLIN, GABRIEL: - Principia grammatices neo-persicae dissertatio academica. Four parts in thirteen. Helsingfors, ex officina typographica Frenckelliana, 1839-1846.
38012: GERICKE, J.F.C.: - Leesboek voor de Javanen, tezamengesteld uit stukken deds ouden en nieuwen verbonds. Haarlem, Bij. Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, 1841.
99262: [INDO-CHINA]. GERVAIS-COURTELLEMONT, Etc.: - L'Empire colonial de la France. L'Indo-Chine. Cochinchine, Cambodge, Laos, Annam, Tonkin. Préface by Marcel Dubois. Paris, Firmin-Didot, (about 1900).
120636: GESSAI, FUKUI (Ed.): - Chuko Shomeika Gafu (Picture Book of Medieval Masters). Osaka, Aoki K›zand›, ca 1890-1900.
14220: GESTRICH, JON. SAM. & BERGGREN, GUSTAV: - Dissertatio de Gange fluvio. Parts I-II. Lund (1804).
121068: GIGANOV, IOSIF IVANOVIC & ATNOMETEV, NIYAT BAKA: - [TATAR]. [Russian title] Bukvar' tatarskago i arabskogo pis'ma (Primer of Tatar and Arabic). St. Petersburg, Imperatorskoi Akademi Nauk, 1802.
99850: GILBERT, FRIEDRICH ROBERT: - Das ABC der Chinaschrift. Berlin 1926 AND: GILBERT, FRIEDRICH ROBERT: Die Bilderschrift von China und Japan als internationale Weltschrift und ihre schnelle Erlerung nach der Mebiwegal-Methode. Berlin 1924.
19031: GILBERT, A.P.M.: - Description historique de l'eglise de Saint-Quen de Rouen. Rouen 1822.
777086: GILL, WILLIAM J.: - Från okända trakter. Resa genom Kina med dess alpländer och östra Tibet till Burma. Stockholm, C. Suneson, 1885.
17006: GILL, WILLIAM J.: - Från okända trakter. Resa genom Kina med dess alpländer och östra Tibet till Burma. Stockholm, C. Suneson, 1885.
28007: GILLIS, I.V. & PING-CH'I, PAI: - Japanese surnames. Peking 1939.
120601: GINGELL, WILLIAM RAYMON (Transl. & Ed.): - The Ceremonial Usages of the Chinese, B.C. 1121, as Prescribed in the "Institutes of the Chow dynasty strung as pearls"; or, Chow le kwan choo ..., being an abridgement of the Chow le classic by ... Hoo Peih Seang, (Designated ... Mung Chew). London, Smith Elder & Co., 1852.
16047: GISLÉN, TORSTEN: - The Crinoids from Dr. S. Bock's Expedition to Japan 1914. Uppsala 1922.
13022: LE GOBIEN, CHARLES: - Histoire des isles Marianes, nouvellement converties a la religion Chrétienne, & de la mort glorieuse des premiers missionaires qui y ont prêché la Foy. Paris 1701.
35013: GOLDSMIDT (GOLDSMITH), JOHN: - En lätt glob-lära, i problemer framställd efter en allmänt fattig plan, och egnad till begagnande vid det geographiska studium i allmäna skolor samt för unga navigateurer. Öfversättning från nyaste engelska editionen. Stockholm, S. Rumstedt, 1835.
121155: GOLLERBACH, ERIKH F.: - La porcelaine de la manufacture d'état. Moscou 1922.
99814: GON‚ALVES, JOAQUIM AFONSO: - ... Arte China constante de alphabeto e grammatica comprehendendo modelos das differentes composicoens. Macao, impressa com licença regia no real Collegio de S. Jose, 1829.
120901: [BAL RUSSE - ENTRANCE TICKET] GONTCHAROVA, NATALIA (Ill.): - Bal Banal. Salle Bullier, 31 Avenue de l'Observatoire Vendredi le 14 Mars 1923.
121225: GONZALO JIMÉNEZ DE LA ESPADA (Transl.) / HASEGAWA,TAKEJIRÍ (Ed.): - Leyendas y Narraciones Japonesas. [A Collection of Japanese Fairy Tales in Spanish]. Ten volumes. Tokyo, Hasegawa, Taisho 3 (1914).
120637: GOSHUN, MATSUMURA (Artist) / SHOKEI, YAMADA: - Goshun Sansui Gafu (Picture Book of Landscape Paintings by Goshun). Osaka, Aoki Suzando, ca 1890-1900.
121195: GOTÍ (GOTO), SEIKICHIRÍ (SEIKICHIRO): - Nihon No Kami (Japanese Hand-Made Paper): Higashi Nihon-hen (Eastern Japan) + Nishi Nihon-hen (Western Japan) . Two volumes. Tokyo, Bijutsu Shuppansha, Showa 33-5 (1958-60).
121032: GÖTZEN, GUSTAV ADOLF VON: - Durch Afrika von Ost nach West. Resultate und Begebenheiten einer Reise von der Deutsch-Ostafrikanischen Küste bis zur Kongomündung in den Jahren 1893/94. Zweite Auflage. Berlin 1899.
100124: GOVENIUS, LARS JOHAN: - Fregatten Norrköpings Expedition 1861-1862. Göteborg, C.F. Arwidsson, 1862.
15090: GOVENIUS, L. J.: - Fregatten Norrkoepings Expedition 1861-1862. Goeteborg, C.F. Arwidsson, 1862.
99617: GRÅBERG DI HEMSÖ (GRABERG DI HEMSO), JACOB: - Notizia intorno alla famosa opera istorica di A'bd-er-Rahhman Ibnu Khaldœn. Firenze, tipografia le Monnier, 1846.
27046: GRAMMAIRE - GRAMMAIRE pratique welche die Anwendung der französischen Sprachlehre in Exempeln zeigt. Dritte vermehrte auslage. Halle 1761.
44032: DE GRANDPRÉ, LOUIS MARIE JOSEPH O'HIER COMTE: - A Voyage in the Indian Ocean and to Bengal, Undertaken in the Years 1789 and 1790: Containing an Account of the Sechelles Islands and Trincomale; the Character and Arts of the people of India; with some Remarkable Religious Rites of the Inhabitants of Bengal. To which is Added, a Voyage in the Red Sea; Including a Description of Mocha, and of the Trade of the Arabs of Yemen; ... Two volumes in one. London 1803.
777003: GRASSI, ALFIO: - Turkiska kartan eller Ottomanniska rikets religiösa, civila och militära organisation. Örebro, N.M. Lindh, 1833.
100780: GRASSI, ALFIO: - Turkiska kartan eller Ottomanniska rikets religiösa, civila och militära organisation. Örebro, N.M. Lindh, 1833.
39023: GRELLMANN, HEINRICH MORITZ GOTTLIEB: - Histoire des Bohémiens, ou tableau des moeurs, usages et coutumes de ce peuple nomade; suivi des recherches historiques sur leur origine, leur langage et leur première apparition en Europe. Paris, Chaumerot, 1810.
120746: GREY, THERESA GEORGINA: - Dagbok under en resa till Egypten, Konstantinopel, Krim och Grekland, i prinsens och prinsessans af Wales suite. Stockholm 1870.
120926: GRIERSON, GEORGE ABRAHAM: - An Introduction to the Maithil’ Language of North Bihâr Containing Grammar, Chrestomathy & Vocabulary. Parts I-II. Two volumes. Calcutta, Asiatic Society, 1881-2.
100347: GRIERSON, GEORGE ABRAHAM: - Bih‹r Peasant Life, being a Discursive Catalogue of the Surroundings of the People of that Province. Prepared under Orders of the Government of Bengal. Calcutta, the Bengal Secretariat Press, 1885.
111115: GRILL ABRAHAMSSON, JEAN ABRAHAM: - Tal, om silfvers årliga förande til China, huruvida det är för Europa nyttigt eller skadeligt. Stockholm, L. Salvius, 1774.
25037: GRILL ABRAHAMSSON, JOHAN (JEAN) ABRAHAM: - Inträdes-tal, om orsakerna, hvarföre Chinas natural-historia är så litet bekant; hållet för Kongl. Vetenskaps Academien, den 29 september 1773. Stockholm, Lars Salvius, 1773.
120759: GRÖGER, MIKULASCHEK & CO.: - [MORAVIAN TEXTILE SAMPLES]. Bettzeuge no. III (Bedclothes). Sternberg, Mähren, no date (ca 1890).
26055: GROSIER, JEAN BAPTISTE GABRIEL ALEXANDER: - Description générale de la Chine, ou tableau de l'état actuel de cet empire; Contenant, 1. la description topographique des quinze provinces qui le composent, celle de la Tartarie, des Isles, & autres pays tributaires qui en dépendent; le nombre & la situation de ses villes, ... 2. un précis des connoissances le plus récemment parvenues en Europe sur le gouvernement, la religion, les moeurs & les usages, les arts & les sciences des chinois. Paris, chez Moutard, 1785.
99671: GROTHE, HUGO (Ed.): - Orientalisches Archiv. Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Kunst, Kulturgeschichte und Völkerkunde der Länder des Ostens. Band I: 1910/1911; Band II: 1911/912; Band III: 1912/1913. Three volumes (all publ.). Leipzig, Karl W. Hiersemann, 1910-13.
121378: GRUBE, WILHELM: - Goldisch-deutsches Wörterverzeichniss mit vergleichender Berücksichtung der übrigen tungusischen Dialekte. St. Petersburg, der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1900.
32140: GRUBE, WILHELM: - Die Sprachgeschichtliche Stellung des Chinesischen. Leipzig, T.O. Weigel, 1881. TOGETHER WITH: Die Chinesische Philosophie. Leipzig 1909. AND: Die religion der alten Chinesen. (Tübingen 1911)
121523: GRÜNEWALD, ISAAC / [GÉRALDY, PAUL]: - Original drawing by Grünewald for book cover of "Du och jag" by Paul Géraldy. [Stockholm 1931).
23087: GUÉRIN DU ROCHER, PIERRE: - Histoire véritable des temps fabuleux. Qui contient l'histoire d'Egypt, depuis Ménès jusqu'a à sesostris, dévoilée par l'histoire-sainte, depuis Noé jusqu'a à l'entrée des Israélites en Egypte. Four volumes. Paris, Charles-Pierre Berton, & Liege, 1776-1779.
120964: GUGGENHEIM, MEYER ROBERT (Compiler): - Communication China. Course at the Army War College, 1924-25. (G-2. Supplementary document # 3E to Report of Committee No. 12). Two volumes. Date of Conference, September 29, 1924.
100009: GUIGNARD, FRANCOIS-EMMANUEL, COMTE DE SAINT-PRIEST / SCHEFER, CHARLES (Ed.): - Mémoires sur l'ambassade de France en Turquie et sur le commerce des francais dans le Levant ... Suivis du texte des traductions originales des Capitulations et des Traités conclus avec la Sublime Porte ottomane. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1877.
100960: GUIGNES, JOSEPH DE: - Allgemeine Geschichte der Hunnen und Türken, der Mogols und anderer occidentalischen Tartarn, vor und nach Christi Geburt bis auf jetzige Zeiten. Aus den chinesischen Büchern und orientalischen Handschriften der Königl. Bibliothek in Paris verfasset. Aus dem französischen übersetzt von Johann Carl Dähnert. Five volumes. Greifswald, Anton Ferdinand Röse, 1768-71, 1770.
28110: GUYARD, STANISLAS: - Théorie nouvelle de la métrique arabe, précédée e considérations générales sur le rhythme naturel du langage. Extrait du journal asiatique. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1877.
777072: GUYON, JEANNE- MARIE BOUVIER DE LA MOTHE: - La vie de Madame J.M.B. de la Mothe Guion. Ecrite par Elle-même. Three volumes. Cologne, chez Jean de la Pierre, 1720.
25065: GYLLIUS (GILLES), ANTONIUS S. PETRI: - De Bosporo thracio. Parts i-iii in one volume. Lugd. Bat., apud Elzevirios, 1632.
121134: GYÖRFFY, ISTVçN [HUNGARIAN FOLKLORE]: - Magyar népi h’mzések (Hungarian Folk Embroideries). I: A Cifraszür (The Ornamental Shepherd's Cloak) (all publ.). Budapest, J—szsef Kertész, 1930.
17004: HAECKEL, ERNST: - Aus Insulinde. Malayische reisebriefe. Bonn, Emil Strauss, 1901.
100564: HAGER, GIUSEPPE (JOSEPH): - Description des médailles chinoises du Cabinet Impérial de France, précédée d'un essai de numismatique chinoise, avec des éclaircissemens sur le commerce des Grecs avec la Chine, et sur les vases précieux qu'on y trouve encore. Paris, chez Treuttel et Würtz (printed by "par les soins de J.J. Marcel" by de l'Imprimerie Impériale), 1805.
120918: HAGIWARA, SAKUTARï / KAWAKAMI, SUMIO (Transl.): - Cat Town. Tokyo, The Jûjiya Press, 1948.
19108: HALLAND. - Topografiska och statistiska uppgirfter om Halmstads län. Sthlm 1847.
35068: VON HALLER, ALBRECHT: - Usong, histoire orientale. Paris & Frankfurt, Jean Georg Esslinger, 1772.
120642: HAMILTON, ROBERT-CLIFTON: - An Outline Grammar of the Dafla Language as Spoken by the Tribes immediately South of the Apa Tanang Country. Shillong, The Assam Secretariat Printing Office, 1900.
121375: HAMILTON, ANGUS: - Korea. London, W. Heinemann, 1904.
19006: HAMMAR, O.: - Bref om Österrike. 3 parts in 1 vol. Christianstad 1810-12.
12182: HAMMAR, H.: - Fartygstyper i Swenska Ost-Indiska Compagniets flotta. Göteborg, 1931.
100577: HAMMER-PURGSTALL, JOSEPH VON: - Geschichte der Goldenen Horde in Kiptschak, das ist: Der Mongolen in Russland. Pesth, C.A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1840.
99301: HAMONIéRE, G.: - Grammaire russe divisée en quatre parties, dont la première traite de la prononciation; la seconde, des différentes espèces de mots; la troisième, de la syntaxe; et la quatrième, de l'orthographe, de la ponctuation, de la prosodie et de la versification; avec un appendice contenant des remarques sur la langue slavonne, &c. &c. Paris, Théophile Barrois, 1817.
40004: HARKNESS, HENRY: - A Description of a Singular Aboriginal Race Inhabiting the Summit of the Neilgherry Hills, or Blue Mountains of Coimbatoor, in the Southern Peninsula of India. London, Smith, Elder, and Co., 1832.
22076: HARPOCRATION, VALERIUS: - ... Dictionarium in decem rhetores. Phil. Jacobus Maussacus suppleuit & emendanit. Additae sunt notae, & dissertatio critica in qua de auctore, & de hoc scribendi genere diligenter disputatur. Paris, C. Morellum, 1614.
16051: HASE, JOHANNES MATTHIAS: - Regni Davidici et Salmonaei descriptio geographica et historica, una cum delineatione Syriae et Aegypti ... juncta est huic operi Consideratio Urbium maximarum veterum et recentiorum. Two parts in one volume. Norimbergae, Officina Homanniana, 1739.
100909: HASSAN, HAFIZ AHMED: - Pilgrimage to the Caaba and Charing Cross. London, W.H. Allen & Co., 1871.
99746: HASSELQUIST, FREDRIC / VON LINNÉ, CARL (Editor): - Iter Palaestinium eller resa til Heliga Landet, förrättad ifrån år 1749 til 1752, med beskrifningar, rön, anmärkningar, öfver de märkvärdigaste naturalier. Stockholm, Lars Salvius, 1757.
99540: HASSELQUIST, FREDRIK / LINNÉ, CARL VON (Editor): - Voyages and Travels in the Levant; In the Years 1749, 50, 51, 52. Containing Observations in Natural History, Physick, Agriculture, and Commerce. London, Printed for L. Davis and C. Reymers, 1766.
99788: [COOK, CAPTAIN JAMES]. HAWKESWORTH, JOHN: - Relation des voyages entrepris par ordre de sa Majeste Britannique, actuellement regnante: Pour faire des decouvertes dans l'Hemisphere Meridional, et successivement executes par le Commodore Byron, le Capitaine Carteret, le Capitaine Wallis & le Capitaine Cook, dans les vaisseaux le Dauphin, le Swallow & l'Endeavour ... Four volumes. Paris, 1774.
100258: HAWKESWORTH, JOHN (Editor): - [COOK, JAMES]. An Account of the Voyages undertaken, for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and successively Performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Carteret, Captain Wallis and Captain Cook. [First Voyage]. Three volumes. London, W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1773.
121279: HAWTAYNE, GEORGE HAMMOND: - West Indian Yarns by 'X. Beke'. Demerara, J. Thomson, publisher, Georgetown, 1884.
99360: HEADLEY, I.T. / STRAIN, ISAAC C.: - Darien-Isthmus. Upptäcktsresa för utstakning af en skeppskanal tvärs öfver Panama-Näset. Berättad af I.T. Headley. Stockholm, Joh. Beckman, 1869.
29012: [AMERICANA]. HEARNE, SAMUEL: - Resa til Norra Americas Ishaf. Stockholm, Johan Pfeiffer, 1798.
32051: HEBER, REGINALD: - Narrative of a Journey Through the Upper Provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825. (With Notes upon Ceylon). An Account of a Journey to Madras and the Southern Provinces, 1826, and Letters Written in India. Second edition. Three volumes. London, J. Murray, 1828.
120273: HEDENBORG, JOHAN: - Turkiska nationens seder, bruk och klädedrägter. Stockholm, L. J. Hjerta, 1839 (-42).
777032: HEDENSKOG, CARL AXEL: - Beraettelse om Alexander den Store, Oefversaettning fraan syriskan med anmaerkningar. Ett bidrag till Alexandersagan och dess historia. Academisk afhandling. Lund 1868.
100252: HEDIN, SVEN: - Transhimalaya. Upptäckter och äfventyr i Tibet. Original parts in three volumes. Stockholm 1909-12.
120379: HEDIN, SVEN, etc.: - Southern Tibet. Discoveries in Former Times Compared with My Own Researches in 1906-1908. Volumes 1-9 + Atlas of Tibetan Panoramas + Maps 1-2. Stockholm, Lithographic Institute of the General Staff of the Swedish Army, 1916 - 22.
121167: HEDIN, SVEN: - [TURPAN] Zum Zentralasien-Atlas. AND: HAACK; H:: Svend Hedins Zentralasien-Atlas. Gotha, Justus Perthes, 1941.
99914: HEDIN, SVEN: - Eine Routenaufnahme durch Ostpersien. Three volumes. Stockholm, Generalstabens Lit. Anstalt, 1918 & 1927.
100344: [OXENSTIERNA, BENGT BENGTSSON] / HEDIN, SVEN: - Resare-Bengt. En lefnadsteckning. Stockholm, Albert Bonnier, 1921.
99203: HEDIN, SVEN: - En färd genom Asien 1893-97. Two volumes. Stockholm 1898.
100301: HEDIN, SVEN, etc.: - De vetenskapliga resultaten av våra expeditioner i Central Asien och Tibet 1927-1935. Särtryck ur Ymer 1935, häfte 4. Stockholm 1935.
100261: HEDIN, SVEN: - Konung Oscars beskickning till Schahen af Persien år 1890. Stockholm 1891.
100263: HEDIN, SVEN: - Asien. Tusen mil på okända vägar. Two volumes. Stockholm 1903.
120903: [CHILDREN BOOK / MODERN ART]. HEERUP, HENRY: - Legedage (Playdays). K¿benhavn 1969.
100694: VON HELLWALD, FRIEDRICH ANTON HELLER & BECK, L.C. (Ed.): - Turkiet i våra dagar. Bilder och skildringar från alla delar af det osmanska riket. Two volumes. Stockholm, Central tryckeriet, 1878.
17079: [CONFUCIUS]. HELMAN, ISIDORE STANISLAS HENRI (Engraver): - Abrégé historique des principaux traits de la vie de Confucius, célèbre philosophe chinois ... d'après des dessins originaux de la Chine envoyés à Paris par M. Amiot, missionnaire à Pékin ... Paris, chez l'auteur, 1788.
24032: HENAUX, FERD.: - Histoire de la commune de Spa et de ses eaux minérales. Nouvelle édition. Liege, J. Desoer, 1860.
100541: HENRI, ERNST (Ed.): - Broderies et décoration populaires Tchéco-Slovaques. Paris, about 1920.
99446: HENRY, BENJAMIN COUCH: - Ling-Nam or Interior Views of Southern China including Explorations in the Hitherto Untraversed Island of Hainan. London 1886.
120280: HERBELOT DE MOLAINVILLE, BARTHÉLEMY D': - Bibliothèque orientale, ou dictionaire universel contenant généralement tout ce qui regarde la connoissance des peuples de l'Orient. Leurs histoires et traditions veritables ou fabuleuses. Leurs religions, sectes et politique .... Paris, par la Compagnie des Libraires, 1697.
99097: HERBERT, AGNES: - Two Dianas in Alaska. London, John Lane, 1909.
121497: HERMANT, ABEL / BRUNELLESCHI, UMBERTO (Ill.): - Phili ou Par-delà le bien et le mal. Paris, édition de la Guirlande, 1921.
121519: [LAPLAND] HERMELIN, SAMUEL GUSTAF: - Försök till mineral historia öfver Lappmarken och Vesterbotten. Stockholm, Carl Delén, 1804.
38013: HERVEY DE SAINT-DENYS, MARIE JEAN LÉON DE (Translator & editor): - Poésies de l'époque des Thang (viie, viiie et ixe siècles de notre ère). Traduits du chinois pour la première fois avec une étude sur l'art poétique en Chine et des notes explicatives. Paris, Amoyot, 1862.
38014: HERVEY DE SAINT-DENYS, MARIE JEAN LÉON DE (Translator & editor): - .... Le Li-Sao. Poème du IIIe siècle avant notre ère. Traduit du chinois accompagné d'un commentaire perpétuel et publié avec le texte original. Paris, Maisonneuve et Cie, 1870.
34166: HESSELGREN, ERIK & AURIVILLIUS, CARL: - Dissertatio de lingua aramaea. Part one & part two. Upsala, Joh, Edman, 1771 & 1773.
120760: HESSLER, FRANZ (Transl.): - Susrutas. Ayurvédas. Id est Medicae Systema a venerabili d'Hanvantare demonstratum, a Susruta discipulo compositum. Nunc primum ex Sanskrita in Latinum sermonem vertit, introductionem, annotationes et rerum indicem adjecit. Three volumes in one. Erlangen, Ferdinand Enke, 1844-50.
25009: HETZEL (HEZEL), WILHELM FRIEDRICH: - Erleichterte arabische grammatik, nebst einer kurzen arabischen chrestomathie, zur uebung im Lesen und Uebersetzen. Two parts in one volume. Jena, Felix Fickelscherr, 1776.
23004: HICKSON, SYDNEY JOHN: - A Naturalist in the North Celebes. A Narrative of Travels in Minahassa, the Sangir and Talaut Islands, with Notices of the Fauna, Flora and Ethnology of the Districts Visited. London, John Murray, 1889.
99384: HIERSEMANN, KARL W. (Publisher): - Katalog 505. Chinesische, tibetanische, japanische Originalmalereien. Leipzig 1922.
28111: HINDOGLU, ARTIN: - Theoretisch-pracktische Türkishe Sprachlehre für Deutsche, mit einer Auswahl der nothwendigne Gespräche, Leseübungen und einem deutsch-türkischen und türkisch-deutschen Wörterbuch, nebst einem alphabetisch geordneten Verzeichnisse det Aussprache mit lateinischen Buchstaben, für jene, die Türkisch nicht lesen können oder es nicht lernen wollen. Wien, A. Edler von Schmid (für Beck), 1829.
120563: HINOSHITA, MATAHEI: - Yusokufu monyo (Traditional Patterns). Three volumes. Kyoto, Ushida Bijutsu Shoshi, Showa 10 (1935).
32117: HIRTH, FRIEDRICH: - Syllabary of Chinese sounds. Research in China. Expedition of 1903-04, under the direction of Bailey Willis. [Extracted from Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication No. 54, Research in China, Volume I, Part II, pages 511-528]. Washington 1907.
121175: HïZAN, UEJIMA: - [A large-sized album with twelve exquisite paintings on silk related to the twelve months]. Japan, no date but ca 1900.
100460: HOBHOUSE, SIR JOHN CAMERON: - A Journey through Albania and Other Provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia, to Constantinople, during the years 1809 and 1810. London, Printed for James Cawthorn, 1813.
121315: HODSON, THOMAS: - An Elementary Grammar of the Kannada, or Canarese Language; in which every word used in the examples is translated, and a pronunciation is given in English Characters. Bangalore, the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1864.
121216: HOKUSAI, KATSUSHIKA: - Hokusai Manga (Sketchbook). Volume five (of fifteen). Nagoya, Eirakuya Toshiro, Meiji11 (1878).
99120: HOLBACH, MAUDE M.: - Bosnia and Herzegovina. Some Wayside Wanderings. London & New York 1910.
26066: HOLBERG, LUDVIG: - Adskillige store heltes og berömmelige maends, saer orientaliske og indianske sammenlignede historier of bedrifter efter Plutarchi madde. 2 volumes. Kiöbenhavn 1742.
121029: HOLDEN, WILLIAM CLIFFORD: - The Past and Future of the Kaffir Races. In Three Parts. 1.Their History. 2.Their Manners and Customs. 3.The Means Needful for their Preservation and Improvement. London, Published by the Author, (1866).
34051: HOLLANDER, J.J.DE: - Letterkundige leercursus ten gebruike der Koninklijke Militaire Akademie. Handleiding bij de beofening der Javaansche tall en letterkunde, voor de kadetten van alle wapenen, bestemd voor de dienst in Nederlands Indië. Three parts in one volume. Te Breda 1848.
100669: HOLME, CHARLES: - Peasant Art in Austria and Hungary. London, etc, "the Studio", 1911.
120955: HOLMES, SAMUEL: - Viaggio di Samuele Holmes ... eseguito negli anno 1792 e 1793. Milano, Sonzogno e Co., 1817.
40029: HOLST, WILHELM / HEGER, HANS CHRISTIAN (Transl.): - Det lille universum eller jordens og dens beboeres markvaerdigheder. Et billedvaerk i intressante staalstik med fortlarende text. (A small universe - a pictorial work). Kjobenhavn, B. Schlesinger'ske Bogtrykkeri, 1842.
28075: DELAPORTE. J.-HONORAT: - Principes de l'idiome arabe en usage a Alger suivis d'un conte arabe avec la prononciation et le mot-à-mot interlinéaires. Alger & Paris 1839.
14106: HÖPKEN (HOPKEN), CARL FR. VON & CARLESON, EDUARD: - Relation om ... hafde audience wid Ottomanniske porten 8-19 julii 1740. Stockholm, Kongl. tryckeriet, Pet. Momma, 1740.
100379: HÖPKEN, CARL FREDRIK VON & CARLESON, EDUARD: - Twå swenske herrars resebeskrifning, till Christi graf; ... samt en kort beskrifning öfwer Palestina. Westerwik, C.O. Ekblad & Co., 1893.
100364: HOPKINS, LIONEL CHARLES. (Transl.): - The Six Scripts. Amoy, A.A. Marcal, 1881.
20073: HORNSTETT, MRS. / MAYNARD DR. (Editor): - Upproret i Indien år 1857, med dess styggelser af mord, brand och våldsbragder. Berättade af en engelsk Lady, som med lifvet undkommit från dessa skräckscener, och upptecknade af Dr. Maynard. Stockholm 1858.
100542: MOHAMMAD B. 'ALë B. M. AL-HOSEINë: - [Qu'ran studied in Persian].Tadjwîd - i - Qorán. Téhéran 1289H (1872).
45026: HOSPITALIER, J.-J.: - Grammaire laotienne. Paris, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1937.
120969: HÖST, GEORG: - Efterretninger om Mar—kos og Fes, samlede der i Landene fra Ao. 1760 til 1768. Ki¿benhavn, N. Möller, 1779.
18029: HOYLAND, JOHN: - A Historical Survey of the Customs, Habits, & Present State of the Gypsies; Designed to Develope (sic) the Origin of this Singular People, and to Promote the Amelioration of their Condition. York, Hargrove, Gawthorp & Cobb, 1816.
17090: HÜBNER (HUBNER), JOHAN: - Ett uttåg af frågor, öfwer then nya, medelåldriga och äldsta geographien, ... först på swenska öfwersatt af Canuto Nicolai Lenaeo, med sedermera tilökt och continuerat tid närwarande tid af Laurentio Salvius. Stockholm, Peter Jör. Nyström, 1738.
15009: HUC, RÉGIS EVARISTE: - Resa i Kina. Stockholm 1864.
120537: HUC, ÉVARISTE RÉGIS: - A Journey through the Chinese Empire. Two volumes. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1855.
18039: HUMBOLDT, ALEX. VON / MACGILLIVRAY, W.: - Friherre Alex. von Humboldts resor och forskningar. I sammandrag ur hans arbeten. 2 volumes in one. Stockholm 1836.
32131: HUNTER, GEORGE W.: - Examples of the Various Turki Dialects. Turki Text with English Translation. Four parts in one volume. [Sianking, China Inland Mission, 1918].
120286: HUNTER, DARD: - Papermaking by Hand in India. New York, Pynson Printers, 1939.
99527: HURGRONJE, CHRISTIAN SNOUCK: - The Achehnese, translated by A.W.S. O'Sullivan. Two volumes. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1906.
99999: HWANG, YUNTZE & SHUSIEN, HSIAO / SCHERCHEN, HERMANN: - Chinesische Kinderfreuden in Bild, Wort und Musik. Zurich, Büchergilde Gutenberg, 1946.
31023: IBRAHIM, MIRZA MUHAMMAD: - To which are Subjoined Several Dialogues; with an Alphabetical List of the English and Persian Terms of Grammar; and an Appendix, on the use of Arabic Words. London, W.H. Allen & Co., 1841.
121229: IMANS, PIERRE: - Les cires de Pierre Imans. Sujets en cire, mannequin artistiques pour toutes industries. Paris, Draeger, 1921.
27031: INDIA. PALMBLAD, VILHELM FREDRIK (EDITOR): - Handbok i physiska och politiska, äldre och nyare geographien. III:1-2. Indien. Upsala 1832-33.
120739: INGLE, JAMES ADDISON: - ... Hankow Syllabary. With References to Giles' Dictionary. Prepared for use in the American Church Mission. Hankow, Printed at the N.B.S.S. Mission Press, 1915.
100307: [DRIFT-WOOD]. INGVARSON, FREDRIK: - Om drifveden i Norra Ishafvet. Stockholm 1903.
121402: SATÍ HARUO (poet) / HAZAMA INOSUKE (artist): - E-iri Miyoko. Tokyo, Seikad›, Showa 8 (1933).
100715: INOUYE, JUKICHI: - Home Life in Tokyo. Second edition. Tokyo 1911.
120988: ISHIZUKA IOZO (Publ.): - The Scenery of Four Seasons. Osaka, I. Ishizuka, 1902.
99646: ISERT, PAUL ERDMANN: - Bref, om Guinea-kusten och Caraibiske öarne. I sammandrag från tyskan af J.H.O. Stockholm, Johan A. Carlbohm, 1795.
99596: JACKSON, JAMES GREY, esq.: - An Account of the Empire of Marocco, and the District of Suse; Compiled from Miscellaneous Observations made During a Long Residence in, and Various Journies through, these Countries. To which is Added, an Accurate and Interesting Account of Timbuctoo, the Great Emporium of Central Africa. London, W. Bulmer and Co.,
99189: JACKSON, MONICA & STARK, ELIZABETH: - Tents in the clouds. London, Collins, 1956.
100474: JARRING, GUNNAR: - The Uzbek Dialect of Qilich (Russian Turkestan) with Texts and Glossary. Lund & Leipzig 1937.
120033: JARRING, GUNNAR: - On the Distribution of Turk Tribes in Afghanistan. An Attempt at a Preliminary Classification. Lund 1939.
23046: JAUBERT, PIERRE AMÉDÉE EMILIEN PROBE: - Voyage en Arménie et en Perse. Précédé d'une notice sur l'auteur par M. Sédillot. Paris (ca 1860).
121495: JAUSSEN, FLORENTIN-ÉTIENNE: - Grammaire et dictionnaire de la langue Maorie. dialecte Tahitien. [Paris, St.Germain-en-Laye, imp. Toinon, 1861].
120685: JESSUP, HENRY HARRIS: - The Women of the Arabs. New York, Dodd & Mead, (1873).
35162: IGNATIUS Ë SANCTO JESUS [LEONELLI, CARLO]: - Grammatica linguae persicae. Rome, Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, 1661.
162: S:T JOHN ( ST JOHN), F.: - Rambles in Germany, France, Italy and Russia, in search of Sport. London 1853.
121024: JOHNSTON, SIR HARRY HAMILTON: - Liberia. With an Appendix on the Flora of Liberia by Dr. Otto Stapf. Two volumes. London, Hutchinson & Co., 1906.
99779: TOWNSEND JOSEPH: - Resa genom Spanien åren 1786 och 1787, med tilläggningar utur Herr Bourgoings resa genom samma rike. Sammandrag af Samuel Ödmann. Stockholm, Johan A. Carlbohm, 1794.
32091: TOWNSEND JOSEPH: - Resa genom Spanien åren 1786 och 1787, med tilläggningar utur Herr Bourgoings resa genom samma rike. Sammandrag af Samuel Ödmann. Stockholm, Johan A. Carlbohm, 1794.
31067: JOSEPH, ARCHDUKE KARL LUDWIG: - Zigeunergrammatik. Budapest 1902.
29037: [LABROSSE, JOSEPH]. ANGELO (ANGELUS) Ë S. JOSEPH: - Gazophylacium linguae Persarum, triplici linguarum clavi italicae, latinae, gallicae, nec non specialibus praeceptis ejusdem linguae reseratum. Amsterdam, Ex Officina Janson-Waesberg, 1684.
120284: JOUMARD, G.P. (Ed.).: - Les Idées Nouvelles De La Mode et Des Arts. Direction Artistique. No. 3.1924.
121434: JUANMARTI, JACONTI / SMITH, CORNELIUS COLE (Transl.): - [PHILIPPINES] A Grammar of the Maguindanao Tongue according to the manner of speaking it in the interior and on the south coast of the island of Mindanao. Washington 1906.
121485: JUDSON, ANN HASSELTINE: - An Account of the American Baptist Mission: In a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Gentleman in London. London 1823.
121273: JUDSON, ADONIRAM: - English and Burmese Dictionary. Rangoon, W.H. Sloan, American Mission Press, 1877.
121466: JUDSON, ANN HASSELTINE: - An Account of the American Baptist Mission: In a series of letters, addressed to a gentleman in London. London 1827.
121347: JUDSON, SARAH B. & JUDSON, EMILY C.: - Questions on the Apostles. Two volumes bound in one. Maulmain, American Baptist Mission Press, Thomas S. Ranney printer, 1848.
25059: JULIEN, STANISLAS (Translator): - Si-Siang-Ki ou l'histoire de Pavillon d'occident. Comèdie en seize actes. Extrait de l'Atsume Gusa (1873-78). Genève, H. Georg, 1872-1880.
25004: JULIEN, STANISLAS (Translator): - Hoei-Lan-Ki, ou l'histoire du cercle de craie, drame en prose et en vers. Printed for the Oriental Translation Fund. London, John Murray, 1832.
99605: JUNCKER, CHRISTIAN: - Commentarius de vita, scriptisqve ac meritis illustris viri Iobi Ludolfi, ... adjectae sunt epistolae aliquot clarorum viorum, tum etiam specimen linguae Hottentotticae. Lpz & Frankfurt, J. F. Branius, 1710.
100854: KAEMPF, SAUL ISAAC (Transl. & Ed.): - Die Inschrift auf dem Denkmal Mesa's Königs von Moab. (9. Vorchr. Jahre). Mit einem Anhang betreffend die Grabschrift des Sid. Königs Eschmunazar. Prag 1870.
100388: KÅHRE (KAHRE), TRULS]. SWEBILIUS, OLOF: - [ Lijk-predikan wijdh ehreborne / wälwijse och wijdtförfarne / nu hoos gudh salige hr. Truls Kohres / fordom förnähm och wälförtiente rådh-mans uthi kongl. residentz och hufwudstaden Stockholm hederliga jordafärd / hållem utji stoore kyrckian / den 18 aug. anno 1672 för tå näewarande förnähmliga försambling. Stockholm, N. Wankijff, (1672).
100186: KALM, PEHR: - En resa til Norra America, på Kongl. Swenska Wetenskaps Academiens befallning, och publici kostnad, förrättad. Three volumes. Stockholm, Lars Salvius, 1753-1761.
121148: KANÍ, SHUHÍ: - Chiyo irogami (Old paper designs). Kyoto, Unsodo, Showa 11 (1936).
121065: KARLGREN, BERNHARD: - Prononciation ancienne de caractères chinois figurant dans les transcriptions bouddhiques. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1919.
99311: [QUA'RAN]. KASIMIRSKI, ALBIN (Translator): - Le Koran, traduction nouvelle. Faite su le texte arabe. Nouvelle édition, entiérement revue et corrigée; augmentée de notes, commentaires et d'un index. Paris, Charpentier, 1852.
99310: [QUA'RAN]. KASIMIRSKI, ALBIN (Translator): - Le Koran, traduction nouvelle. Faite su le texte arabe. Nouvelle édition avec notes, commentaires et préface du traducteur. Paris 1844.
99258: [QUR'AN]. KASIMIRSKI, ALBIN (Translator): - Mahomet. Le Koran traduction nouvelle faite sur le texte arabe. Nouvelle édition. Two volumes. Paris (about 1933).
120916: KAWAGUCHI, SHOGO (Ed.): - [SHEET MUSIC - ART NOUVEAU / ART DECO]. [A collection of thirty tremolo harmonica scores within striking decorated covers]. Tokyo, Taisho 13 (1924 - Showa 12 (1937).
34002: KEATE, GEORGE: - An Account of the Pelew Islands, Situated in the Western Part of the Pacific Ocean Composed from the Journals and Communications of Captain Henry Wilson and some of his Officers who in August 1783 were there Shipwrecked in the Antelope, a Packet Belonging to the Honourable East India Company. London, Printed for Captain Wilson, 1789.
121184: KEMP, EMILY GEORGINA: - The Face of Manchuria, Korea & Russian Turkestan. London, Chatto & Windus, 1910.
100420: KERGUELEN TRÉMAREC, YVES-JOSEPH DE: - Relation d'un voyage dans la mer du Nord, aux côtes d'Islande, du Groenland, de Ferro, de Schettland, des Orcades & de Norwége; fait en 1767 & 1768. Paris, Prault, 1771.
22033: KERNELL, PER ULRIK / STENHAMMAR, CHR. (Editor): - Anteckningar under en resa i det sydliga Europa. Utur hans bref och efterlemnade dagbok. Linköping, Axel Petre, 1825.
120361: KICHIGORO, MIYAZAKI / UMESABURO, TANAKA (Ed.): - Forty Seven Ronin [crêpe paper book]. Yokahama, Kelly & Walsh, Meiji 26 (1893).
120978: KAWARASAKI KïDï: - Shiko Moyô Hyakudai (Hundred designs of the four seasons). . Four volumes. Kyoto, Uchida Bijutsu, Shôwa 13-4 (1938-9).
28079: KIELLMAN - GOERANSON, JULIUS AXEL (TRANSLATOR): - Kina; Land och folk, skildradt efter de baesta kaellor. Stockholm (1859-60).
120357: KÌLIDÌSA / CHÉZY, ANTOINE-LÉONARD (Ed.): - [...] La reconnaissance de Sacountala, drama sanskrit et practit de Calidasa, publié pour la première fois, en original, sur un manuscrit unique de la Bibliothèque du roi. Accompagné d'une traduction française, de notes philologiques, critiques et littéraires, et suivi d'un appendice. Paris, a la librairie orientale de Dondey-Dupré père et fils, 1830.
121442: KIMURA, KOUYO (Ed.): - [TEA / JAPAN] Baisa› chaki-zu (Baisa› tea wares) (Osaka), Izumiya Suezaburo, Taisho 13 (1924).
99539: KINDAITI, KYOSUKE: - Ainu Life and Legends. Board of Tourist Industry. [Tokyo, 1941].
99845: KINGDON-WARD, FRANK (FRANCIS): - The Land of the Blue Poppy. Travels of a Naturalist in Eastern Tibet. Cambridge, University Press, 1913.
99879: KIÖPING (KIOPING), NILS MATSON: - Beskrifning om en resa, genom Asia, Africa och många andra hedna länder. Förbättrad och fjerde gången uplagd. Wästerås, Joh. Laur. Horrn, 1759.
100269: KIÖPING, NILS MATSON / WILLMAN, OLOF ERIKSSON / [CARON, FRANCOIS]: - ÉÊEen kort beskrffning uppå trenne reesor och peregrinationer, sampt konungarijket Japan: I. Beskrifwes een reesa som genom Asia Africa och många andra hedniska konungarijken ... förrättat aff Nils Matson Kiöping. II. Beskriwes een reesa till OstIndien China och Japan: III. Med förestlliande om förbenembde stoora och mächta konungarijketz Japan tillstånd... förrättat och beskrefwen aff Oloff Erickson Willman. IV. Uthföres een reesa ifrån Muszcow till China, genom Mongul och Cataja... Wiisindzborg, Johann Kankel, 1674.
13212: KIRK, JOHN WILLIAM CARNEGIE: - A Grammar of the Somali Language. With examples in prose and verse and an account of the Yibir and Midgan dialects. Cambridge, the University Press, 1905.
99600: KITCHING, ARTHUR LEONARD: - On the Backwaters of the Nile. Studies of some child races of Central Africa. London, T. Fischer Unwin, 1912.
99872: KJELLMAN, FRANS REINHOLD: - Svenska polar-expeditionen år 1872-1873 under ledning af A.E. Nordenskiöld. Stockholm 1875.
121255: KLAPROTH, HEINRICH JULIUS (Ed.): - Chrestomathie chinoise, publiée aux frais de la Société Asiatique. Paris, chez M. Cassin [etc.], 1833.
100745: KLAPROTH, HEINRICH JULIUS VON: - Chrestomathie mandchou, ou recueil de textes mandchou destiné aux personnes qui veulent s'occuper de l'étude de cette langue. Paris, à l'imprimerie Royale, 1828.
28126: KLECZKOWSKI, MICHEL-ALEXANDRE LE COMTE: - Cours graduel et complet de chinois parlé etécrit. Parts i-ii in Volume one. (All publ.). Phrases de la langue parlée. Tirées del'Arte China du P. Goncalves. Paris 1876.
121191: KLEEN, TYRA: - Tempeldanser och musikinstrument på Bali. Stockholm 1951.
121179: KLEEN, TYRA (Illustrator) / BERGMAN, JONAS: - Sagan om Odysseus. Hans äventyr och irrfärder på hav och land och i dödsriket. En snart tretusenårig saga ånyo berättad för ungdomen. Stockholm, Ivar Haeggströms Boktryckeri, 1906.
121426: KLEEN, TYRA: - Ni Si Pleng. En historia om svarta barn berättad och ritad för vita barn. (A story about black children told and illustrated for white children). Uppsala, J.A. Lindblads förlag, 1924.
121173: KLEEN, TYRA: - En Psykesaga. Stockholm 1902.
121174: KLEEN, TYRA (Ilustrator) / SCHREINER, OLIVE: - Drömmar (Dreams). Auktoriserad öfversättning från tredje engelska upplagan. Stockholm, C & E Gernandts Förlag, 1897.
100134: [SWEDISH EXPEDITION TO SPITZBERGEN 1890.] KLINCKOWSTRÖM, AXEL: - Tre månaders dag, minnen från Svenska Spetsbergs-Expeditionen 1890. Stockholm 1891.
100108: KLINCKOWSTRÖM (KLINKOWSTROEM), AXEL: - Tre månaders dag, minnen från svenska spetsbergs expeditionen 1890. Stockholm 1891.
120484: KNAUER, LEOPOLDINE (Transl.): - Die zerbrochenen Bildsäulen. (The Broken Images). Japanische Märchen. Tokyo, Takejiro Hasegawa, Showa 6, (1931).
35043: KNÖS (KNOES, KNOS), GUSTAV: - Disqvisito de fide Herodoti qva perhibet Phoenices africam navibus circumvectos esse cum recentiorum super hac re sententiis excussis. Adnexum est specimen sermonis arabici vulgaris seu intitium Historiae Filii Regis Azad Bacht e codice in edito typis descriptum et in latinum conversum. Goettingae, Henric Dieterich, 1805.
18089: KNOS (KNÖS, KNOES), G. (TRANSLATOR): - Historia decem vezirorum et filii regis Azad Bacht ex arabico in latinum conversa. 2 parts in 1 vol. Upsala 1815.
34145: KNÖS, GUSTAF (KNOES, GUSTAF, KNOS, GUSTAF)(Editor and translator): - Historia decem vezirorum et filii regis Azad Bacht ex arabico in latinum coversa. Parts 1-2. Upsala, Typis Regi Academae Officina, 1815. + DISSERTATIONS Parts 3-18. Upsaliae, Stenhammar et Palmblad and Zeipel & Palmblad, 1815.
34148: KNÖS, GUSTAF (KNOES, GUSTAF, KNOS, GUSTAF)(Editor and translator): - Historia Bahazadii filii regis ex arabico in altinum conversa. Dissertation. Upsalae, Zeipel & Palmblad, 1817.
99354: KNÖS (KNOES), TEODOR: - Bilder ur lifvet i Australien. Reseskildringar. Stockholm, A. Bonnier, 1875.
120714: KNÖS, GUSTAF (Praeses): - Dissertatio de usu articuli apud graecos. Parts i-v (all). Upsala, Stenhammar & Palmblad, 1813.
120715: KNÖS, GUSTAF (Praeses): - Dialogus inter Solonem et Crosesum Herodot. Lib. I. Cap. 30-32. Upsala, Stenhammar & Palmblad, 1813.
120716: KNÖS, GUSTAF (Praeses): - Carmen Tantarani, arabice et suethice. Part 1 (all publ.). Upsala, Stenhammar & Palmblad, 1813.
120717: KNÖS, GUSTAF (Praeses): - Vita demosthenis. Prt 1 (all publ.). Upsala, Stenhammar & Palmblad, 1813.
120718: KNÖS, GUSTAF (Praeses): - Vera fidei salvificae natura. Diss. theologica. Parts i-ii (complete). Upsala, Zeipel & Palmblad, 1817.
120719: KNÖS, GUSTAF (Praeses): - Pindai pythiorum ode sexta svethice tradita. Upsala, Stenhammar & Palmblad, 1817.
120720: KNÖS, GUSTAF (Praeses): - Dissertation academica de Hesiodo. Part 1. (all publ.). Upsala 1812.
121101: KNÖS, GUSTAF (Ed.): - Kitab Qissat al-`asr wuzara wa-ma gara lahum ma`a ibn al-Malik Azad Baht. [Arabic transcription]. Historia decem vezirorum et filii Regis Azad Bacht, insertis undecim aliis narrationibus. In usum tironum ad codicem manu scriptum Cahirensem. Göttingen, typis Henrici Dieterich, 1807.
100465: KOELLE, SIGISMUND WILHELM: - African Native Literature, or Proverbs, Tales, Fables, & Historical Fragments in the Kanuri or Bornu Language, ... and a Kanuri-English Vocabulary. London, Church Missionary House, Salisbury Square, 1854.
100478: KOOPS, MATTHIAS: - Historical Account of the Substances which have been used to Describe Events, and to Convey Ideas, from the Earliest Date to the Invention of Paper. London, Printed by Jaques & Co., 1801.
121453: KORÖSI, SçNDOR (ALEXANDER) CSOMA DE: - A Grammar of the Tibetan Language in English. Prepared, under the patronage of the government and the auspices of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta, Printed at the Baptist Mission Press, 1834.
100645: KOSUGI, SUGIMURA & YOKOI, TOKIFUYU: - Dai Nihon Bijutsu Zufu (Illustrations of Japanese Decorative Arts). Eight volumes. Tokyo, Yoshikawa Hanshichi, Meiji 34 (1901).
29083: KOTZ, ERNST / SACHAU, EDUARD (Editor): - Grammatik des Chasu in Deutsch-Ostafrika (Pare-Gebrige). Archiv für das Studium deutscher Kolonialsprachen. Band x. Herausgegeben von dem Direktor des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen. Berlin, Georg Reimer, 1909.
777017: KOTZEBUE, OTTO VON: - Resa omkring jorden åren 1823, 24, 25 och 26. Stockholm, Johan Hörberg, 1830.
99743: KREITNER, GUSTAV / STUXBERG, ANTON (Translator): - I Fjerran Östern. Reseskildringar från Indien, Kina, Japan, Tibet och Birma. Stockholm 1885.
14033: KRISHNA, ISWARA / COLEBROOK, HENRY THOMAS etc. (Transl.): - Sânkhya Kârikâ or Memorial Verses of the Sânkhya Philosophy, by Iswara Krishna; Translated from the Sanscrit by H.T. Colebrooke, esq. Also the Bhashya or Commentary of Gaurapada, Translated, and Illustrated by an Original Comment, by H.H. Wilson. Oxford, for the Oriental Translation Fund Committee, 1837.
120967: [NAGASAKI - ENGRAVING]. KRUSENSTERN, ADAM JOHANN VON: - [Russian title]. Ansicht von Megasaky. Tab. LVIII. St. Petersburg 1814.
100210: KULLENBERGH, CARL F.: - S.A. Andrée. Hans lif och person. Göteborg 1898.
121249: KUNDÍ, SAWADA (Ed.) / SAWADA, SIICHIRO (Artist): - Ch sen ko t jiki-sh Collection of antique Korean ceramics. Kyoto, Uns›do, Taisho 13 (1924).
120922: TAM WING KWONG [MAHJONG]: - The Game of Sparrow as played in China. With the history of Maa Jong appendixed. Second revised edition. Hong Kong, Wiing Fat & Co., 1925.
17036: LABORDE, LÉON EMANUEL SIMON JOSEPH DE: - Journey through Arabia Petraea, to Mount Sinai, and the Excavated City of Petra, the Edom of the Prophecies. London J. Murray, 1836.
44013: LAESTADIUS, PETRUS: - Journal för första året af hans tjenstgöring såsom missionaire i Lappmarken. Stockholm, Zacharias Haeggström, 1832.
45016: LAESTADIUS, PETRUS: - Journal för första året af hans tjenstgöring såsom missionaire i Lappmarken. Stockholm, Zacharias Haeggström, 1831.
34132: LANDBERG, CARLO: - Dr. K. U. Nylander's specimenschrift Daláil el-Nubuwwa kritisch beleuchtet von Dr. C. Graf von Landberg. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1892.
121020: LANDER, RICHARD & LANDER, JOHN: - Journal of an Expedition to Explore the Course and Termination of the Niger; with a Narrative of a Voyage down that River to its Termination. Three volumes. London, John Murray, 1833.
121022: LANDOR, ARNOLD HENRY SAVAGE: - Across Widest Africa. An Account of the Country and People of Eastern, Central and Western Africa as seen during a Twelve Months' Journey from Djibuti to Cape Verde. Two volumes. London, Hurst and Blackett Ltd., 1907.
15002: LANDOR, A. HENRY SAVAGE: - På foerbjudna vaegar. Resor och aeventyr i Tibet. Stockholm 1899.
29095: LANG, JOHN DUNMORE: - An historical and statistical account of New South Wales both as a penal settlement and as a British Colony. Two volumes. London, George Routledge, 1840.
100505: LANGLéS, LOUIS-MATHIEU: - Alphabet mantchou, rédigé d'après le syllabaire et le dictionnaire universel de cette langue. Troisème édition, augmentée d'une notice sur l'origine, l'histoire et les travaux littéraires des mantchoux actuellement maîtres de la Chine. Paris, de l'Imprimerie impériale, 1807.
45019: LANGLéS, LOUISMATHIEU: - Instituts politiques et militaires de Tamerlan, proprement appellé Timour. Ecrits par lui-même en Mogol, & traduits en francois, sur la version persane d'Abou-Taleb-al Hosseini, avec la vie de ce conquérant, d'après les meilleurs auteurs orientaux; des notes & des tables historique, géographique, &c. Paris, chezx Née, Lottin & Didot, 1787.
100421: LANGUEN, JACQUES: - Petit manuel russe a l'usage des français. Ouvrage destiné aux voyageurs à faciliter l'intelligence de la langue russe; dans lequel les mots russes sont réprésentés avec leur prononciation figurée en caractères français et prosodiée. St. Pétersbourg, De l'imprimerie de la Chancellerie privée du Ministère de la Police, 1819.
41013: LANSDELL, HENRY: - Genom Sibirien. Parts i-vi in four volumes. Stockholm, Albert Bonnier, 1882.
14223: DE LANTIER, E.F. (Translator): - Voyages d'Antenor en Grèce et en Asie, avec des notions sur l'Egypte; Manuscrit grec trouvé à Herculanum. I-V in 3 volumes. Paris, Buisson, An viii (1800).
19007: LANTIER, ETIENNE FRANCOIS DE (Translator): - Voyages d'Antenor en Grèce et en Asie, avec notions sur l'Egypte; manuscrit grec trouvé à Herculanum. xiii édition, revue et corrigée par l'auteur. 5 volumes. Paris 1818.
40007: LANTIER, ETIENNE FRANCOIS DE & AGRELL, OLOF (Translators): - LANTIER, ETIENNE FRANCOIS DE & AGRELL, OLOF (Translators): Antenors resor uti Grekland och Asien, med anmärkningar öfver Egypten. Grekisk handskrift funnen i Herkulaneum. Öfversatt på franska språket af E.F. Lantier. Parts i-iii in one volume. Stockholm, Johan A. Carlbohm & Joh. Pehr Lindh, 1803-4.
100434: LARDIZABAL, FRANCISCO IGNACIO DE: - Gramatica Vasconcada. San Sebastian, Imprenta de Ignacio Ramon Baroja, 1856.
120613: LARSDOTTER, JOHANNA: - [FELICITATION WEDDING]. [Hand written and hand painted congratulations letter to the bride and groom]. Glasbo, 1841.
24053: LATROBE, CHRISTIAN IGNATIUS: - Journal of a Visit to South Africa, in 1815, and 1816. With some Account of the Missionary Settlements of the United Brethren, near the Cape of Good Hope. London, L.B. Seeley, 1818.
777004: LAUGIER DE TASSY, N.: - Historie de royaume d'Alger, avec l'etat présent de son governement, de ses forces de terra & de mer, de ses revenus, police, justice politique & commerce. Amsterdam, Henri du Sauzet, 1725.
29065: LAUNE, HENRI: - Notions pratiques de langue annamite fondées sur l'étude séparée des tonalités suivies de fables, légendes et jugements, traduits mot à mot avec une étude philologique des textes. Paris, Impimerie Nationale, 1890.
100324: [OXENSTIERNA, BENGT BENGTSSON] / LAURELIUS, OLAUS: - Lijkpredikan öfwer, then ädle och högwälborne herre, herr Bengt Oxenstierna ... Så och en kort relation, om then salige herrens stora förfarenheet, och widt kring om werlden giorda reesor. [Stockholm], Henrich Keyser, 1644.
99855: LAWRENCE, THOMAS EDWARD: - Seven Pillars of Wisdom, A Triumph. London, Jonathan Cape, 1935.
100010: LAWRENCE, THOMAS EDWARD: - Illustrations to Seven Pillars of Wisdom. A Triumph, Fordingbridge, Castle Hill Press, 1997.
121473: LAWSON, KATE: - Highways and Homes of Japan. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1910.
100965: LEAKE, WILLIAM MARTIN: - Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor with Comparative Remarks on the Ancient and Modern Geography of that Country. London, J. Murray, 1824.
121006: LEBEDEV, VLADIMIR VASIL'EVICH (Ill.) / MARSHAK, SAMUIL: - Ochota (The Hunt). [CHILDREN'S BOOK]. Leningrad 1968.
100354: LECHLER, RUDOLF: - Sex föredrag öfver China, hållna på flera ställen i Tyskland och Schweiz. Stockholm, P. Palmqvists förlag, 1862.
99581: LECLERC, MAX: - Les peuplades de Madagascar. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1887.
99911: [BOPP, FRANZ]. LEFMANN, SALOMON: - Franz Bopp, sein Leben und seine Wissenschaft. + Anhang: Aus Briefen und anderen Schriften. + Nachtrag. Three parts in one volume. Berlin, Georg Reimer, 1891-97.
14151: LEGGE, JAMES: - De godsdiensten van China. Beschrijving van het confucianisme en van het taoisme. Utrecht, Kemink & Zoon, 1882.
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120776: LEGGE, JAMES (Transl.): - The Works of Mencius. (The Chinese Classics. Volume II.). Second revised edition. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1895.
120774: LEGGE, JAMES (Transl.): - The Ch'un Ts'ew, with the Tso Chuen. Containing Dukes Yin, Hwan, Chwang, Min, He, Wan, Seuen and Ch'ing; and the Prolegomena. Two volumes. (The Chinese Classics. Volume V:I-II). London, Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press, & Hongkong, Printed at the London Missionary Society's Printing Office, no date (about 1875-80).
120741: LEGGE, JAMES (Transl.): - The She-king, or the Book of Poetry. Four parts in two volumes (complete). (The Chinese Classics. Volume IV:I-II). London, Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press & Hongkong, Printed at the London Missionary Society's Printing Office, no date (about 1875-80).
99070: LEITCH, MARY AND MARGARET W.: - Seven years in Ceylon. Stories of mission life. London (ca 1890).
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99510: LEMNIUS, LEVINUS: - De Miraculis Occultis Naturae, Libri IIII: Item de Vita cum animi et corporis incolumitate recte instituenda, liber unus. Frankfurt, ex off. typographia Ioannis Welchi, 1593.
26032: LEMPRIERE, WILLIAM: - Resa uti Marocco, åren 1789 och 90. I sammandrag. Stockholm, Johan Pfeiffer, 1795.
120332: LENGYEL, MENYHÉRT (LEBOVICS, MELCHIOR): - Taifun (Typhoon). Budapest, A. Nyugat Kiadasa (J—kai), 1910.
120331: LENGYEL, MENYHÉRT (LEBOVICS, MELCHIOR): - Taifun (Typhoon). Budapest, A. Nyugat Kiadasa, 1909.
120920: LEONOWENS, ANNA: - "Favourite of Harem" and "L'ore, the slave of a Siamese Queen". Atlantic Monthly (Volume XXX nos. 179 + 180). Two volumes. Boston, James. R. Osgood and Co., September and October 1872.
120919: LEONOWENS, ANNA: - "The English Governess at the Siamese". / The Atlantic Monthly. Four volumes. Boston, Fields Osgood, & Co., April-June & August 1870.
18060: DE LESSEPS, FERDINAND: - Compagnie universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez. Assemblée générale des actionnaires. Rapport de la commission de vérification des comptes. Résolutions de l'Assemblée Générale. Paris, Typographie de Henri Plon, 1869.
100721: LESSEPS, JEAN BAPTISTE BARTHÉLÉMY BARON DE: - Voyage de M. de Lesseps au Kamtschatka, en quittant M. de la Pérouse. (Abrégé de l'histoire générale des voyages. Tomes 24-25). Two volumes. Paris, Bossange & Co., 1791.
100226: LILJEVALCH, CARL FREDRIK: - Chinas handel, industri och statsförfattning, jemte underrättelser om chinesernes folkbildning, seder och bruk, samt notiser om Japan, Siam m.fl. orter. Stockholm, J.Beckman, 1848.
777040: LILJEVALCH, CARL FREDRIK: - Chinas handel, industri och statsförfattning, jemte underrättelser om chinesernes folkbildning, seder och bruk, samt notiser om Japan, Siam m.fl. orter. Stockholm, J.Beckman, 1848.
99402: LIND AF HAGEBY, AXEL REINHOLD FERDINAND LUDVIG: - Minnen från ett tre-årigt vistande i Engelsk Örlogstjenst 1857-59. 2 parts in 1 volume. Stockholm, A. Bonnier, 1860.
99710: DE LINDA, LUCAS / BISACCIONI, MAIOLINO (Translator): - Le relationi et descrittioni universali et particolari del mondo. Venetia, Combi & LaNoú, 1664.
34158: LINDGREN, HENRIK GERHARD: - De dialectis semiticis dissertatio. Three parts in one. Upsala, Regiae Academiae Typographi, 1822.
18050: LINDGREN, H.G.: - Index Librorum. Part ii. Upsala 1874.
121154: LINDMAN, MAJ (Illustrator): - [SWEDISH ABC PLATES] / [Thirty-two school plates with illustrations for each letter A - Ö]. Stockholm, Norstedt's, Esselte, (1946).
121381: PRINCESS DER LING: - Two Years in the Forbidden City. New York, Moffat, Yard and Company, 1912.
100786: LINNÉ, CARL VON & GEORGII, GEORG EBERHARD: - Opium, quod, dissertatione medica, venia experient. Fac. Medicae in Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo à Linné. ... Publice ventilandum sistit Georgius Eberhardus Georgii. ... In audit. Carol. Majori, die XV. Nov. MDCCLXXV. Upsala, Typis Edmannianis, [1775].
120373: LIPPICH, ELEK KORONGHI: - Koronghi Lippich, Elek Költeményei. 1880-1902. Kriesch Aladâr és Nagy Sândor Rajzaival. [Budapest], Pallas, 1903.
18067: LIVINGSTONE, DAVID: - En missionaers resor och forskningar i Syd-Afrika. 2 volumes. Stockholm, E.T. Bergegren, 1860.
28045: LOFTIE W.J. (Editor) / GREENAWAY, KATE: - Orient Line Guide. [London - Suez - Australia]. Chapters for Travellers by Sea and by Land. Illustrated. The Third edition, Rewritten with Maps and Plans. London, Sampson Low, 1889.
41036: LORTET, LOUIS: - La Syrie d'aujourd'hui. Voyages dans la Phénicie, le Liban, et la Judée (1875-1880). Paris, Librairie Hachette, 1884.
120721: LOSTBOM, JOHAN (Praeses): - Dissertation... De triturandi modo apud orientales. Upsala, Edman, 1774.
99020: LOVIOT, FANNY: - De chinesiske sjöröfvarne. Reseminnen. Gefle & Stockholm 1865.
121059: LUCAS, PAUL: - Voyage du sieur Paul Lucas, fait en M.DCCXIV, &c. Par ordre de Louis XIV, dans la Turquie, l'Asie, la Sourie, la Palestine, la Haute et la Basse Egypte, ... Three volumes. Rouen, Robert Machuel le jeune, 1719.
14248: LÜDEKE, CHRISTIAN WILHLEM: - Expositio brevis locorum SCR. S ad Orientem sese referentium, ... Halle 1777.
29112: LUMHOLTZ, CARL: - Among cannibals. An account of four years' travels in Australia and of camp life with the aborigines of Queensland. London, John Murray, 1889.
121518: LUNET DE LAJONQUIéRE, E. / BEAU, PAUL: - Ethnographie du Tonkin septentrional. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1906.
35052: MACFARLANE, PARTICK: - Focalair ur Gaelig agus Beurla, a reir ordugh na h-aibidil, maille ri caileigin de sheoladh chum a ghaelig e leughaah. Dun-Eudainn (Edinburgh): clo' - bhuailte arson an ughdair, agus r'an reic le A. Constable agus a chuideachd, 1815.
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100415: MACLEAN, JOHN COLONEL: - A Compendium of Kafir Laws and Customs, Including Genealogical Tables of Kafir Chiefs and Various Tribal Census Returns. Printed for the government of British Kaffraria. Mount Coke, Wesleyan Mission Press, 1858.
13178: MADVIG, J.N.: - Det Latinske Sprogs Formlaere. Til Brug for Skolernes lavere Klasser. Kjobenhavn 1844.
99390: MAGISTRIS, GIANCINTO DE / [DE THOU BINDING]: - Relatione della Christianità di Maduré fatta da Padri Missionarii della Compagnia di Giesú della Prouincia del Malauàr. Roma, per Angelo Bernabae del Verme, 1661.
120155: AL-MAHDë AL-HIFNAWI, MUHAMMAD / MARCEL, JEAN JOSEPHE (Transl.): - Contes de Cheykh El-Mohdy, traduit de l'arabe le manuscrit original. Three volumes. Paris, Henri Dupuy, 1835.
120268: MAIER, HERMANN: - Vorbilder zur Schildermalerei. Muster: Blätter, Moderner, Firmenschilder, Etiquetten und Kartuschen [Title on cover]. Ravensburg, Otto Maier, (1907).
121281: MAILLART, ELLA K.: - Forbidden Journey. From Peking to Kashmir. London 1937.
24009: DE MAIRAN, JEAN JACQUES DORTOUS: - Dissertation sur la glace, ou explication physique de la formation de la glace, & de ses divers phénomènes. Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale, 1749.
120754: MAKIURA, FUSAZOU / : - Questions and Answers about Nara in English and Japanese. Revised by J. Kimball and Y. Mizuki. Kihara, Nara & Nittokwan, Kobe, 1906.
100147: MÄKLIN (MAKLIN), FR. W.: - Coleoptera insamlade under den Nordenskiöld'ska Expeditionen 1875 på några öar vid Norges Nordvestkust, på Novaja Semlja och ön Waigatsch samt vid Jenissej i Sibirien. [Coleoptera collected in some islands at the NW coast of Norway, in Nova Zembla and Wajgatsch and at the Yenisei during Nordenskiöld's expedition, 1875]. Stockholm 1881.
14274: MALLET, GEORGE: - Genève et les Genevois. Geneve, J.J. Paschoud, 1814.
120255: MALMÉN, PER: - Mönster för marmormålning (Patterns of faux marbling painting). Part one (all publ.). Stockholm, Gustaf Chelius, 1895.
14225: MALMSTEN, HANS G.: - Diss. philologica ... Hebraeorum observationibus illustratum sistens. Parts i-ii (all publ.). Upsala (1805).
29085: MANASSEWITSCH (MANASEVICH), BORIS: - Die Kunst die arabische Sprache durch Selbstunterricht schnell und lecht zu erlernen. Theoretisch-praktische Sprachlehre für Deutsche auf grammatischer und phonetischer Grundlage. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, Hartleben's Verlag, (before 1900).
100306: MANNERHEIM, CARL GUSTAF EMIL: - Across Asia from West to East in 1906 - 1908. Two volumes. Helsinki 1940.
100198: BURMESE MANUSCRIPT]. - [BURMESE MANUSCRIPT]. KAMMAVACA (Official Act of the Sangha, or Buddhist Order). Burma (Mandalay), probably the later part of the 19th century.
99513: MARCOUL, SAINT, ABBÉ OF NANTEUIL: - La vie tres-ample de monsieur S. Marcoul Abbé & Consesseur. La Feste duquel se celebre le premier iour de May, Il viuoit y a mil ans. Rheims, chez la veufue Jean de Foigny, près le College de bons Enfans, 1603.
99291: DE MARIGNY, ABBÉ FRANCOIS AUGIER: - Storia degli arabi sotto il governo de' califi. Four volumes bound in eight. Venezia, Pietro Valvasense, 1753-54.
28088: MARIGNY, ABBÉ FRANCOIS AUGIER DE: - Histoire des arabes sous le gouvernement des califes. Four volumes. Paris 1750.
100524: MARINI, GIOVANNI FILIPPO DE: - Histoire nouvelle et curieuse des royaumes de Tunquin et de Lao, contenant une description exacte de leur origine, grandeur et éstendue; de leurs richesses, & de leurs forces, des mÏurs, & du naturel de leurs habitants; de la fertlilité de ces contrées, & des rivières qui les arrosent de tous costéz, & de plusieurs autres circonstances utiles et necessaires pour une plus grande intelligence de la géographie. Two parts in one volume. Paris, Gervais Clouzier, 1666.
28113: MARMONTEL, JEAN-FRANCOIS: - Incas, eller kejsaredömet Perus förstöring. Two volumes. Stockholm, Henrik Andersson Nordström, 1795-96.
100937: MARRE, JAN DE: - Batavia, begrepen in zes boeken. Amsterdam, Adriaan Wor & G. Onder de Linden, 1740.
44042: MARSDEN, WILLIAM: - A Grammar of the Malayan Language, with an Introduction and a Praxis. London, for the author by Cox and Baylis, 1812.
28109: MARTI, FRANCISCO DE PAULA: - Tachigraf’a castellana — Arte de Escribir con tanta velocidad como se habla, con la misma claridad que la escritura comun. Madrid, En la imprenta sita Calle de Capellanes, 1803.
121231: MARTIN, CHARLES & DEMAY, MARCELLE: - La Mode en mil neuf cent douze chez Marcelle Demay, 11 rue Royale. Paris, Draeger Frères, 1912.
121356: MARTIN, FREDRIK ROBERT: - The Miniature Painting and Painters of Persia India and Turkey from the 8th to the 18th century. Two volumes. London, Bernard Quaritch, 1912.
121280: MARTIN, JOHN / MARINER, WILLIAM: - An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands, in the South Pacific Ocean. With an original grammar and vocabulary of their language. Compiled and arranged from the extensive communications of Mr. William Mariner, several years resident in those islands. Two volumes. London, printed for the author, and sold by John Murray, 1817.
120968: MARTIN, FREDRIK ROBERT: - Sibirica. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vorgeschichte und Kultur sibirischer Völker. Stockholm, Norstedt & Söner, 1897.
121440: MASON, ELLEN: - Civilizing Mountain Men on Sketches of Mission work among the Karens. Second edition. London, James Nisbeth & Co., 1862.
100775: MASSIEU, ISABELLE BAUCHE: - Comment j'ai parcouru l'Indo-Chine. Birmanie, États Shans, Siam, Tonkin, Laos. Paris 1946.
100597: MATEER, CALVIN WILSON: - A Course of Mandarin Lessons, Based on Idiom. Revised edition. Shanghai, American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1903.
25058: MATIGNON, JEAN JACQUES: - Superstition, crime et misère en Chine (Souvenirs de biologie sociale). Lyon, Storck et Cie & Paris, Masson et Cie, 1899.
100403: SAKITARÍ MATSUDA: - Way› washi seih› k›shuroku . [ 1 ] (A transcript of lectures for Japanese and Western confectionery). Part 1. (all published?). Tokyo, Taish› 5-9, 1916-20.
99297: MATSUOKA, SAIKIYO: - Waei Tsugo Phrases in English and Japanese, Elementary for the Children. Tokyo, Komondo, Meiji 5 (1872-73).
99437: MAUNDRELL, HENRY: - A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. At Easter AD 1697. The Fourth Edition, to which is now added an Account of the Author's Journey to the Banks of Euphrates at Beer, and to the Country of Mesopotamia. Oxford, printed at the Theatre, 1721.
121335: MAUNSELL, ROBERT & OTHERS (transl.): - [A collection of sermons translated into Ma›ri]. Printed at Purewa (Aukland), Church Mission Press mid 1840s and at St. John's College around 1850.
121244: MAX-LEROY FOURRURES / DUPAS, JEAN (Artist) / COLETTE, SIDONE-GABRIELLE (Text): - Ç TOI È. Paris, Draeger, Fourrures Max, (ca 1927).
100603: MAY, JACQUELINE: - MAY, JACQUELINE: Orange d'Or. Petite fille de l'Empire du Milieu. Illustrations de Ch. et Th. Delattre. Grenoble, Editions Dardelet et Cie, (about 1946).
120235: MAYERS, SALOMON F.: - Report on a Journey from Peking to Shanghai overland by way of Honan by Mr. S.F. Mayers of Her Majesty's Consular Service in China. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, June, 1898. London, Harrison and Sons, 1898.
121049: MCLEOD, NICHOLAS (or (NORMAN): - Korea and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, with Korean, Japanese and Israelitish Illustrations. Yokohama, Published for the Author partly at C. Levy and the Sei Shi Bunsha Co., 1879.
40024: MEAKIN, BUDGETT: - The Land of the Moors. A comprehensive description. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1901.
120499: MEDGYES, LçSZLî: - Aranyfüst. Budapest, Râth M—r, 1913.
120644: MEDGYES, LçSZLî: - [HUNGARIAN AVANT-GARDE]. Figurâk. Tiz eredeti szines litogrâfia. (Figures. Ten coloured lithographs). Budapest, Dick Man—, 1917.
100628: [CHINESE FINE ART EXHIBITION IN SHANGHAI]. / MEIZHAN TEKAN, JIN: - [A catalogue of contemporary art at the National Fine Art Exhibition - Modern Art]. Shanghai 1929.
121156: MELLIN, GUSTAF HENRIK: - Orientaliska kriget. [CRIMEAN WAR]. Minnen och skildringar. Stockholm, Lundbergs, 1855.
100858: LE MESURIER, CECIL JOHN REGINALD & PA'NABOKKE, TIKIRI BANDARA Snr.: - N’ti-Nighanduva; or, The Vocabulary of Law. As it existed in the last days of the Kandyan kingdom. Colombo, William Henry Herbert, 1880.
100570: MEYER, ROLAND THÉODORE EMILE: - Saramani Danseuse Khmèr ... Saigon, Imprimerie Nouvelle Albert Portail, 1919.
13096: MEYER, EDUARD: - Geschichte des alten Aegyptens. Berlin 1887. + DUEMICHEN, J., Geographie des alten Aegyptens, schrift und sprache seiner bewohner. Berlin 1879. 2 volumes.
32016: MEYNERS D'ESTREY, GUILLAUME HENRY JEAN, COUNT / HAUSERMANN, REMY (ENGRAVER): - La Papouasie ou Nouvelle-Guinée occidentale. Ouvrage accompagné de gravures et d'une carte dresée et gravée. Paris & Rotterdam 1881.
14200: MICHAELIS, JOHAN DAVID: - Mosaiska lagen. I sammandrag utgiven af Anders Hedrén. Stockholm, C. Fr. Marquard, 1806.
35066: MICHAELIS, JOHANN DAVID: - Recueil de questions proposées à une Societé de Savans qui par ordre de sa Majesté Danoise font le voyage de l'Arabie. Francfort sur le Mayn, Jean Gottlieb Garbe, 1763.
12143: MICHAELIS, JOHAN DAVID: - Grammatica syriaca. Halae 1784.
34071: MICHAELIS, JOHANN HEINRICH: - Erleichterte chaldäische Grammatica, oder richtige Anführung zur chaldäischen Sprache: Auf Begehren für die Anfänger Teutsch herausgegeben. Editio octava. No place or date. [Halle 1745].
34024: MICHAELIS, JOHANN DAVID: - Grammatica syriaca. Halae, impensis Orphanotrophei, 1784.
28016: MICHAELIS, JOHANN DAVID: - Mosaiska lagen. I sammandrag utgiven af Anders Hedrén. Stockholm, C. Fr. Marquard, 1806.
99428: MIGEOD, FREDERICK WILLIAM HUGH: - A Grammar of the Hausa Language. London 1914.
100614: MIGEON, GASTON: - Musée du Louvre, L'Orient Musulman. Two volumes. Paris, A. Morancé, 1922.
100071: MIKI, TEICKI (TEIICHI) & TAKAHASHI, GORÍ (Transl.): - Nihon kokon meika zukai. Short Biographies of Emineni [sic] Japanese in Ancient and Modern Times, each with a Characteristic Illustration. Two volumes (all publ.). Tokyo, Kyushun-d›, Meiji 20 & 23 (1887 & 1890). TOGETHER WITH: Pictorial Descriptions of Famous Places of Japan in Japanese and Chinese. Volume one (all publ.) Tokyo, Kyushun-d›, (1888).
121147: MOKUBEI, AOKI (ROBEI) / SUKEJIRO, KIMURA (Ed.): - Robei koji fu (Blue and White China Ware). Kyoto, Unsodo Taisho 10, 1921.
100957: KE‚ECI-ZåDE IZZET MOLLA: - Divan-i Izzet. Bulaq, Ma ba at ib al-Sa dah, A.H. 1255 [1840].
45017: MOLLIEN, GASPARD THÉDORE: - Travels in the Interior of Africa, to the Sources of the Senegal and Gambia; Performed by Command of the French Government, in the year 1818. Edited by T.E. Bowdich. London, Henry Colburn & Co., 1820.
100044: MONTANDON, GEORGE: - La civilisation Ainou et les cultures arctiques. Paris, Payot, 1937.
121300: MONTANUS, ARNOLD: - Denckwürdige Gesandtschafften der Ost-Indischen Geselschaft in den Vereinigten Niederländern an unterschiedliche Keyser von Japan: Darinnen zu finden nicht allein die wunderlichen Begäbnüsse auf der Reyse der Niederländischen Gesanten; sondern auch eine Beschreibung der Dörffer, Festungen, Städte, Landschafften, .... Amsterdam, Jacob Meurs, 1669.
99807: MONTELL, GÖSTA / HEDIN, SVEN: - The Chinese Lama Temple Potala of Jehol. Exhibition of Ethnographical Collections. Made by Dr. Gösta Montell, member of Dr. Sven Hedin's Expeditions and donated by Vincent Bendix. Chicago 1932.
100813: MONTELL, GÖSTA: - T'ou Hu - The Ancient Chinese Pitch-pot Game. Stockholm 1940.
121310: NARAYANASAWMT MOODELIAR: - [HINDU MUSIC]. Tami'l. Sungeathasurabooshany. (Sangeet Swarabhushani). Chennai (Madras), J. Vilasam Press, 1908.
121262: MORGAN, JOHN PIERPONT / LAFFAN, WILLIAM M.: - Catalogue of the Morgan Collection of Chinese Porcelain. Volume one (of two). New York, Privately printed by Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, Devinne Press, 1904.
99159: MORISON, MARGARET COTTER: - A Lonely Summer in Kashmir. London, Duckworth and Co., 1904.
121470: MORRELL, JEMIMA ANNE: - Miss Jemima's Swiss Journal. The First Conducted Tour of Switzerland. London, Putnam, 1963.
99979: VON MOSHEIM, JOHANN LORENZ: - Historia Tartarorum ecclesiastica. Adiecta est Tartariae Asiaticae secundum recentiores geographos in mappa delineatio. Helmstadi, apud Fridericum Christianum Weygand, 1741.
100683: MOURADJA (MOURADGEA) D'OHSSON, IGNATIUS: - Tableau général de l'empire Othoman, divisé en deux parties, dont l'une comprend la Législation Mahométane; l'autre, l'Histoire de l'Empire Othoman. Dédié au roi de Suede. Volumes I-II. Paris, de l'Imprimerie de Monsieur, 1787-1790. AND: Tableau général de l'empire Othoman. Tome troisème, publié par les soins de M.C. D'Ohsson. Volume III, parts I-II (text only). Paris, Firmin Didot, 1820.
120617: MOUSSINAC, LÉON: - [AVANT-GARDE THEATRE]. Tendances nouvelles du théatre choix de décors, costumes, détails de mise en scène utilisés dans les représentations les plus originales de ces quinze dernières années. Précédé de remarques sur les récentes recherches de l'art du théatre. Paris, Les éditions Albert Lévy, 1931.
121318: MUSA (MOESA) MUHAMAD (Transl.): - "Dongéng-dongéng pieunteungeun" (Spiegel der Jeugd in Sundanese). Batavia, Ter Lands-drukkerij, 1867.
99769: MÜLLER, FRIEDRICH: - Die Sprachen der Wollhaarigen Rassen. Wien, Alfred Hölder, 1877.
44011: MÜLLER, F.W.K.: - Ein doppelblatt aus einem manichäischen Hymnenbuch (Mahrnámag). Aus den Abhandlungen der Königl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften vom Jahre 1912. Berlin, Verlag der Königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1913.
100303: MÜLLER, MAX: - Sanskrit-Grammatik in devanágari und lateinischen Buchstaben. Auf dem Englischen übersetzt. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1868.
121250: MUNCH, EDVARD: [EXHIBITION CATALOGUE] - Förteckning öfver Edvard Munch utställningen i Konstföreningens lokal. Stockholm, Iduns, 1894.
100812: MURAT, NICOLAS: - Guide de la conversation en français et en turc suivi d'un petit guide de Constantinople. Constantinople, Levant Herald, 1908.
29031: MURRAY, HUGH: - Berättelse om upptäckter och äfventyr i Afrika ifrån de äldsta tider till den närvarande. Linköping, Axel Petre, på eget förlag,1835.
121515: ÖSTERREICHISCHES HANDELS-MUSEUM (Ed.): - Teppich-Erzeugung im Orient. Monographien von Sir George Birdwood, Geheimrath Dr. Wilhlem Bode, C. Pudon Clarke, M. Gerspach, Sidney J.A. Churchhill, Vincent J. Robinson, J.M. Stoeckel. Wien, Ch. Reisser & M. Werthner, 1895.
100956: MYRBERG, ERIC & KJERSEEN, ELIAS: - Momenta Quaedam poëseos hebraeae et arabicae. Part I (of II). Upsaliae. Joh. Fr. Edman, 1798.
100658: NAGANARI, KODAMA : - Shinsen Kodai moy› kagami (Newly selected ancient patterns). Volume one (of two). Tokyo, Kin'eido (Okura Magobei) Meinjio 17 (1884).
121044: NANCE, FLORENCE RUSH (Born Keiser): - Soochow the Garden City. Shanghai; Hong Kong; Singapore, Kelly & Walsh, Ltd, 1936.
121413: TOMINAGA NANGAI: - [TEA / JAPAN] Chaki meikeihen (A selection of tea utensils). Two volumes. Nagoya, Nagoya Shorin, Tempo 9 (1838).
100168: NATHORST, ALFRED GABRIEL: - Två somrar i Norra Ishafvet. Kung Karls land, Spetsbergens kringsegling spanande efter Andrée i nordöstra Grönland. Two volumes in one. Stockholm 1900.
100140: NATHORST, ALFRED GABRIEL: - Kritiska anmärkningar om den grönländska vegetationens historia. (Critical remarks on the history of Greenland's vegetation). Stockholm 1890.
121448: PHYSIONOMIES NATIONALES - Physionomies nationales des peuples ou les traits de leur visage comaréz à leur moeurs et caractères, avec vintcinq planches. Paris, chez Delaunay (Impr. de Fain), no date (ca 1810-15).
100799: NATT OCH DAG, SVANTE / MELANDER, RICHARD (Ed.): - Jorden rundt under svensk örlogsflagg. Ögonblicksbilder från fregatten Vanadis verldsomsegling 1883-1885. Stockholm, A. Bonniers, 1887.
99439: NEALE, FREDERICK ARTHUR: - Narrative of a Residence at the Capital of the Kingdom of Siam; with a Description of the Manners, Customs, and Laws of the Modern Siamese. London, Office of the National Illustrated Library, 1852.
29119: NEUMANN, CARL FRIEDRICH (Translator): - [Zhong-guo Xuetang] Lehrsaal des Mittelreiches. Enthaltend die Encyclopädie der chinesischen Jugend und das Buch des ewigen Geistes und der ewigen Materie. Zum erstenmal in Deutschland herausgegeben, übersetzt und erläutert. München, Wolff, 1836.
15124: NEUMAYR, M.: - Erdgeschichte. 2 volumes. Lpz & Wien 1890.
25066: NIEBUHR, CARSTEN: - Description de l'Arabie, faite sur des observations propres et des avis recuellis dans les lieux mêmes. Amsterdam, S.J. Baalde, & Utrecht, J. van Schoonhoven, 1774.
14383: NIERSIS CLAJENSIS [NERSES], SANCTI: - Preces sancti armeniorum patriarchae viginti quatuor linguis editae. Venetiis, In Insula S. Lazari, 1837.
35112: [BIBLIA HEBRAICA]. NISSEL, JOHAN GEORG: - Sacra Biblia Hebraea, ex optimis editionibus diligenter expressa, & formá, literis versuumque distinctione commendata. Lugd. Bat., Typis Nisselianis, 1662.
26088: NITSCH, P.F.A.: - Wörterbuch der alten Geographie nach den neuesten Berichtigungen zusammengetragen. Herausgegeben und fortgesetzt von M. J.G.C. Höpfner. Halle, Johann Jacob Gebauer, 1794.
120543: NOBLE, JAMES: - An Arabic Vocabulary and Index for Richardson's Arabic Grammar; in which the words are explained according to the parts of speech. And the derivatives are traced to their originals in the Hebrew, Chaldee, and Syriac languages. Edinburgh, Printed by C. Stewart, at the University Press, 1820.
31022: NOèL, FRANCOIS JOSEPH MICHEL: - Dictionnaire de la fable, ou mythologie grecque, latine, egyptienne, celtique, persanne, syriaque, indienne, chinoise, scandinave, africaine, américaine, iconologique, etc. Two volumes. Paris, Le Normant, 1801.
120461: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / BLOMSTRAND, JOHANNES (Resp:): - Quaestio, an studium litterarum hebraearum ad cultum humanitatis prosit. Lund, Berlingianis, 1811.
120462: NORBERG, MATTHIAS TÖRNEBLAD, FREDRIK AD. & LJUNGREN, ANTON (Resp.): - Fides Vaticinii dan. cap. XI. impleta. PARTS I-II. Lund, Berlingianis, 1811.
120463: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / PETRÉN, BENEDICTUS (Resp.): - Reges persarum stirpis Kijani. Lund, Berlingianis, 1811.
120464: NORBERG,MATTHIAS / JUTMAN, SVANTE (Resp.): 120 - Reges persarum stirpis Pischdadi. Lund, Berlignianis, 1811.
120465: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / WESTBERG, ISAC GABR. (Resp.): - Dissertatio academica de divinitate Nazaraeorum. Lund, Berlingianis, 1812.
120466: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / STAGNELL, PET. FRED. (Resp.): - Dissertatio academica de Rege Lucis, culto Nasaraeeis. Lund, Berlingianis, 1812.
120467: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / HÖGBLAD, JOHANNES & BERGMAN, PET. LOR. (Resp.): - Oriens lucem portendens Homero. Parts I-II. Lund, Berlingianis, 1814.
120468: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / NORRMANN, JOHANNES (Resp.): - Dissertatio de Panificio Orientali ex ore Behenami Episcopi chaldaei. Lund, Berlingianis, 1808.
120459: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / EBERSTEIN, C.C. & LILLIEGREN, J.G. & ANDERSSON, S.J. (Resp.): - Dissertatio academica de viris apud Homerum memorabilibus. Parts I-III. Lund, Berlingianis, 1811-2.
120460: NORBERG, MATTHIAS: - Stellae Nasaraeorum ®ones ex sacro Gentis codice. Parts I-V. Lund, Berlingianis, 1811.
120454: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / HJERTSTEDT, NIC. MAGNUS (Resp.): - Etymologica linguae hebraeae de particulis. Lund, Berlingianis, 1808.
120455: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / ÅGREN, SV. P. (Resp.): - Dissertatio philologica de verbis nudis et auctis graecorum. Lund, Berlingianis, 1808.
120435: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / MUNK AF ROSENSCHÖLD, DAVID (Resp.): - Etymologia lingae graecae de nomine dissertatio. Lund, Berlingianis, 1805.
120436: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / WENNERBERG, GUNNAR (Resp.): - Etymologia linguae graecae de verbo substantivo. Lund, Berlingianis, 1805.
120437: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / GESTRICH, CARL VILH. (Resp.): - Etymologia linguae graecae de verbo adjectivo dissertatio. Lund, Berlingianis, 1805.
120438: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / GULLANDER, PETRUS M. (Resp.): - Etymologia linguae graecae de pronomine dissertatio. Lund, Berlingianis, 1805.
120439: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / EURENIUS, CARL ABR. (Resp.): - Syntaxis linguae graecae, dissertatio. Lund, Berlingianis, 1805.
120441: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / WENER, MAGNUS (Resp.): - De prosodia linguae graecae dissertatio. Lund, Berlingianis, 1806.
120442: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / ENEROTH, CARL EMAN. (Resp.): - De orbe terrarum dehiscente gen. X. 25. Dissertatio. Lund, Berlingianis, 1806.
120443: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / RODEHN, C.S.(Resp.): - De orthographia linguae hebraeae dissertatio. Lund, Berlingianis, 1806.
120444: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / FALCK, PETRUS SAMUEL (Resp.): - Etymologia linguae hebraeae de nomine dissertatio. Lund, Berlingianis, 1807.
120445: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / DRAGSTEDT, CARL LAUR. (Resp.): - Etymologia linguae hebraeae de pronomine dissertatio. Lund, Berlingianis, 1807.
120446: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / STRÖM, PETRUS SAM. (Resp.): - Etymologica linguae hebraeae de verbo. Lund, Berlingianis, 1807.
120448: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / ROGBERG, JOHAN ISR. (Resp.): - Dissertatio de origine linguae graecae. Lund, Berlingianis, 1808.
120451: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / BOLMEER, BENGT M. (Resp.): - Dissertatio de religione Galilaeorum ex ore Germani Conti Maronitae. Lund, Berlingianis, 1808.
120428: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / HELLSTENIUS, AND. JAC. (Resp.): - Dissertatio academica, de inferis indianis. Lund, Berling, 1802.
120430: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / WEDBERG, CARL GUSTAF (Resp.): - Dissertatio interpretans Carmen principis Tumanbaj aegyptiacae pyramidi insculptum. LUND, BERLINGIANIS, 1804.
120431: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / KAMP, SAMUEL (Resp.): - Dissertatio academica de conformatione lingauae hebraeae. Lund, Berlingianis, 1804.
120432: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / BRUHN, AND. (Resp.): - De conformatione linguae graecae dissertatio. Lund, Berlingianis, 1804.
120433: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / EURENIUS, CARL. ABR. (Resp.): - De orthographia linguae graecae dissertatio. Lund, Berlingianis, 1804.
120423: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / GESTRICH, JONAS SAMUEL (Resp.): - Dissertatio academica de Alexandro, darii filio. Lund, Berlignianis, 1799.
120425: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / GESTRICH, JONAS SAMUEL (Resp.): - Quid indiani de diluvio sentiant. Lund, Berlingianis, 1800.
120427: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / ÖSTBERG, JACOB (Resp.): - De astronomia arabum. Lund, Berlingianis, 1802.
120404: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / TEXTORIUS, ANDREAS BENJ. (Resp.): - Dissertatio historico-philologica de origine germanorum, apud tacitum. Lund, Berlingianis, 1796.
120405: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / ENGESTRÖM LAURENTIUS JAC. (Resp.): - Dissertatio de lingua et doctrina Homeri. Lund, Berlingianis, 1796.
120409: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / BECKEMAN, ERIC MAGNUS (Resp.): - Dissertatio de lepra arabum. Lund, Berlingianis, 1796.
120410: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / WULFRAM, JOHAN GILIUS (Resp.): - Dissertatio de Ophira. Lund, Berlingianis, 1796.
120412: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / HULTMAN, JOHAN (Resp.): - Dissertatio de educatione puerili apud Spartanos. Lund, Berlingianis, 1796.
120413: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / FORNANDER, ANDREAS (Resp.): - Dissertatio de regina Austri, I reg. X:1; Lucae XI:31. Lund, Berlingianis, 1797.
120414: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / GENBERG, CARL OL. (Resp.): - Dissertatio de trinitate Indiana. Lund, Berlingianis, 1797.
120415: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / HOFVERBERG, JOH, SAM. (Resp.): - Dissertatio academicq de paradiso Indiano. Parts I-II. Lund, Berlingianis, 1797 & 1798.
120417: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / SVENANDER, JOHAN (Resp.): - Dissertatio de templo Solis apud Sabios. Lund, Berlingianis, 1798.
120419: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / ÖHRN, CARL (Resp.): - Dissertatio, de Zoroastro Bactriano. Lund, Berlingianis, 1799.
120420: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / COLLIN, ANDREAS HARALD (Resp.): - Dissertatio, de templo Lunae apud Sabios. Lund, Berlingianis, 1799.
120421: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / ROOS, PETRUS (Resp.): - Dissertatio de templo Mercurii apud Sabios. Lund, Berlingianis, 1799.
120422: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / SUNDÉN, OLAUS (Resp.): - Dissertatio, de templo Saturni apud Sabios. Lund, Berlingianis, 1799.
120398: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / COLLIN, SVEN JOHAN (Resp.): - Dissertatio de servis hebraeorum. Lund, Berlingianis, 1793.
120399: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / KULLBERG, DANIEL (Resp.): - Dissertatio de ingenio Muhammedis. Lund, Berlingianis, 1793.
120400: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / ENGESTRÖM, LARS JACOB (Resp.): - D.D. Solennia graecorum funebria. Lund, Berlingianis, 1793.
120401: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / RABE, CASTEN (Resp.): - Dissertatio Academica, quid Muhammedani de Christo sentiant. Lund, Berlingianis, 1795.
120403: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / BOSTRÖM, OLAUS (Resp.): - Dissertatio de Semum, vento pestifero. Lund, Berlingianis, 1795.
120393: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / EKMAN, PETRUS (Resp.) & SCHALE, THEODOR (Resp.): - Dissertatio academica de aeschine oratore. Parts I-II. Lund, Berlingianis, 1792 & 1793.
120396: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / CARLBORG, JOHAN (Resp.) & RUCKMAN, GABRIEL (Resp.): - Immortalitas animorum mosaicis oraculis vindicata. Parts I-II. Lund, Berlingianis, 1793.
120391: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / WTTERBERG, CARL (Resp.): - Mores graecorum aetate heroica. Parts I. Lund, Berlingianis, 1792. AND: WTTERBERG, CARL / JOHNSON, CASPAR (Resp.): Mores graecorum aetate heroica. Part II. Lund, Berlingianis, 1793.
120388: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / NYMANSON, JACOB ULRIC (Resp.): - Prudentis civilis ottomannica. Part I-II. Lund 1791-2.
120389: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / LEFFLER, SVEN PETER (Resp.): - Dissertatio de medicina arabum. Lund, Berglingianis 1791.
120387: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / AHLNER, ANDREAS (Resp.): - Dissertatio academica de chalifis litterarum studiosis. Lund, Berlingianis, 1791.
120383: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / ULMGREN, PETRUS (Resp.): - Dissertatio aesthetica de ideali veterum graecorum in artibus ingenius pulchritudine. Lund, Berlingianis, 1790.
120384: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / HORSTER, OLOF GOTTFRIED (Resp.): - Dissertatio de sublimi hebraeorum. Lund, Berlingianis, 1790.
120340: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / SINIUS, NICOLAUS: - Dissertation academica de optima methodo linguas orientales discendi. Havniae, P.M. Höpner, 1783.
120341: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / SINIUS, NICOLAUS (Resp.): - Dissertation academica de pronuntiatione linguae Arabicae. Havniae, P.M. Höpffner, 1783.
120342: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / FRIES, THEODOR: - Dissertatio academica sistens animadversiones in novam s. versionem svecanam. Lund, Berlingianis, 1784.
120343: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / LAMMERUS, M. & NORDGREN, J. & LIEDBERG, P.E. (Resp.): - Dissertatio academica de vocalibus hebraeorum. Paris I-III. Lund, Berlingianis, 1784.
120346: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / ROSVALL, ERIC CASPAR (Resp.): - Militia arabum. Lund, Berlingianis, 1788.
120348: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / BURSIE, PETRUS ABRAHAM: - Dissertatio gradualis de pronuntiatione linguae graecae. Lund, Berlingianis, 1782.
120338: NORBERG, MATTHIAS/ BERGIUS, JOHANNES REINH.: - Specimen academicum geographiae orientalis turcico-latine. Part I (of II). Lund, Berlinginais, 1784.
120339: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / OLSSON, JÖNS: - Dissertation academica de notitia morum orientalium interpreti sacro necessaria. Parts I-II. Lund, Berlingianis, 1783-4.
34181: NORBERG, MATTHIAS (Praeses) / RODÉHN, C.S.: - De orthographia linguae hebraeae dissertatio. Lund, Berlingianis, 1806.
120326: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / ÖSTERHOLM, ERIC (Resp.): - Dissertatio Academica de agricultura orientali. Lund, Berlingianis, 1790.
120327: NORBERG, MATHIAS / HANSSON, PETRUS (Resp.): - Dissertation de nomadibus aethiopiae. Lund, Berlingianis, 1796.
120329: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / FISCHERSTRÖM, MAGNUS (Resp.): - Dissertatio academica, de aqua indianis sacra. Lund, Berlingianis, 1798.
120325: NORBERG, MATTHIAS / BERGELIN, JOHAN (Resp.): - Origo artis scribendi. Part I. (All publ.?). Lund, Berlingianis, 1793.
120316: NORBERG, MATTHIAS: - Förteckning på dem af framledne Cancellie-Rådet och Riddaren m.m. Doct. Matth. Norbergs efterlämnade Böcker, som komma att försäljas på Kongl. Acad. Auctionskammare i Upsala den 25 Nov. 1826 och följande Auctionsdagar. (List of Norberg's books to be sold at auction in 1826). Hernösand, Jonas Svedbom, 1826.
120306: NORBERG, MATTHIAS: - Selecta opuscula academica. Three volumes. Lund, Berlingianis, 1817-19.
120303: NORBERG, MATTHIAS (Transl.): - Codex syriaco-hexaplaris ambrosiano-mediolanensis. Volume one (all publ.). Lund, Carl Gustav Berling, 1787.
120302: NORBERG, MATTHIAS: - Turkiska rikets annaler sammandragne ur dess egna urkunder. Parts I-II:1-2 + III-IV (complete) in two volumes. Christianstad, F.F. Cedergréen & Hernösand, Jonas Svedbom, 1822.
99582: NORBERG, MATTHIAS: - De api Aegyptiis sacro dissertatio. Lund 1806.
121491: NORCOPENSIS (NORDENHIELM), ANDREAS (Pres.) / WOLLIMHAUS (LEIJONSTEDT), ANDERS (Resp.): - De politica orbis asiatici conservatione dissertatio. Uppsala, Henricus Curio, (1676).
43026: NORDENSKIÖLD, ADOLF ERIK: - Om bröderna Zenos resor och de äldsta kartor öfver Norden. Tal vid presidiets nedläggande i K. Vetenskaps-Akademin den 12 april 1882. Stockholm 1883.
99863: NORDENSKIÖLD (NORDENSKIOLD), ADOLF ERIK: - Nordost-Passagen (The Northeast Passage). Vid Publicistklubbens fest för Nordenskiöld den 30 april 1880.
99866: NORDENSKIÖLD (NORDENSKIOLD), GUSTAF: - Redogörelse för den svenska expeditionen till Spetsbergen 1890. (Record of the Swedish Expedition to Spitzbergen 1890). Meddeladt den 11 mars 1891 genom A.E. Nordenskiöld. Stockholm 1892.
99819: NORDENSKIÖLD( NORDENSKIOLD), GUSTAF: - Ruiner af klippboningar i Mesa Verde's ca–ons. Med talrika illustrationer efter originalfotografier af författaren. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & Söners förlag, 1893.
121178: NORDENSKIÖLD, NILS ADOLF ERIK: - Le livre de Marco Polo. Fac-simile d'un manuscrit du XIVe siècle conservé a la Bibliothèque Royale de Stockholm. Stockholm 1882.
100139: NORDENSKJÖLD (NORDENSKJOLD), OTTO / HETTNER, ALFRED (Editor): - Einige Züge der physischen Geographie und der Entwicklungsgeschichte Süd-Grönlands. Leipzig 1914.
14284: NORRIS, ROBERT: - Resa på Neger-kusten til kongl. hofvet i Dahomej af ängelske handels agenten Norris år 1772. Götheborg, Sam. Norberg, 1792.
41015: NUCULA, HORAZIO: - Commentariorum de bello aphrodisiensi libri quinque. Roma, per Valerium et Ludovicum fratres Brixienses [Valerio e Ludovico Dorico], 1552.
100062: NYBERG, HENRIK SAMUEL: - Questions de cosmogonie et de cosmologie Mazdéennes. Extrait du Journal Asiatique. Paris 1929.
32097: OEHRLIN, OLOF: - Afhandling om hebraiska spraakets nytta uti theologien och laetthet at fatta efter nya methoden; ... Gripswald, A.F. Roese, 1766.
35039: OERTEL (OERTELII), JOHANN GOTTFRIED: - Sacrorum apud sempronienses antistitis theologia aethiopum ex litergiis fidei confessionibus aliisque ipsorum pariter ac rerum habesstnicarum peritissimorum europaeorum scriptis congesta et cum necessariis indicibus instructa. Wittebergae, impensis Io. Michaelis Teubner, impressit Io. Christoph. Tzschiedrich, 1746.
100091: OGAWA, KAZUMASA (Photogr. & Ed.): - Military Costume in Old Japan. Photographed by K. Ogawa, under direction of Chitora Kawasaki and Ko-yu-kai (Tokyo Fine Art School). Tokyo 1893.
120972: OGAWA, KAZUMASA (Photogr. & Editor) / [SHIGENOBU, OKUMA]: - A Model Japanese Villa. Tokyo, Ogawa Kazumasa, 1899.
121258: OGAWA, KAZUMASA (Photogr.): - Matsushima, (one of the three most famous views of Japan). Tokyo ca 1892.
121259: OGAWA, KAZUMASA (Photogr.): - Things Seen in Japan. Tokyo ca 1896.
100256: OGAWA, KAZUMASA (Ed.): - The Hanami (Flower-Picnic) described by S. Takashima. Reproduced and Published by K. Ogawa. Yokohama, Hongkong, Shanghai & Singapore, Kelly & Walsh 1897.
14167: OLAN (OLçN), E.: - Ostindiska Compagniets saga. Historien om Sveriges maerkligaste handelsfoeretag. Goeteborg 1920.
19115: OLAN (OLçN), E.: - Sjoeroevarna paa Medelhavet och Levantiska Compagniet. Historien om Sveriges gamla handel med Orienten. Goeteborg 1921.
99406: OLEARIUS, ADAM / MANDELSLO, JOHANN ALBRECHT DE: - Relation du voyage d'Adam Olearius en Moscovie, Tartarie et Perse, augmentée en cette nouvelle édition de plus d'un tiers et particulièrement d'une seconde partie; contenant le voyage de Jean Albert de Mandelslo aux Indes Orientales. Two volumes. Paris, Antoine Dezailler, 1679.
121472: OLIPHANT, MARGARET: - Jerusalem its History and Hope. London, Macmillan and Co., 1891.
121062: OLLONE, HENRI D' & GIÉBRIANT, JEAN BAPTISTE MARIE BUDES DE: - [LOLO & MIAO] Écritures des peuples non chinois de la Chine. Quatre dictionnaires Lolo et Miao Tseu dressés par le commendant d'Ollon avec le concours de Monseigneur de Guébriant. Paris, E. Leroux, 1912.
35150: OPPERT, JULES: - La peuple et la langue des Mèdes. Paris 1879.
120364: ORLÉANS, PIERRE JOSEPH D': - Histoire des deux conquérans tartares qui ont subjugué la Chine. Paris, Claude Barbin, 1688.
18064: DE ORLÉANS, H.-P.: - Autour du Tonkin. Paris, C. Lévy, 1894.
13085: ORN (ÖRN, OERN), ADAM: - Den swenska infoedingens, Major Adam Oerns, faangenskap i Sibirien och oevriga utlaendska lidanden under nu warande Kejsarens, Alexander den foersta, regering, aaren 1812-13-14 och 15. Skara, Lewerentzska Boktryckeriet, 1820.
99713: ORTELIUS, ABRAHAM: - Synonymia geographica sive populorum, regionum, insularum, urbium, opidorum, montium, promontoriorum, silvarum, pontium, marium, sinuum, lacuum, paludum, fluviorum, fontium, &c. variae, pro auctorum traditionibus, saeculorum intervallis, gentumque idiomatis & migrationibus, appellationes & nomina. Antverpen, ex officina Christoper Plantin, 1578.
120633: OSBECK, PEHR / TORÉEN, OLOF / EKEBERG, CARL GUSTAV: - A Voyage to China and the East Indies by Pehr Osbeck. Together with a voyage to Suratte by Olof Toreen. And an Account of the Chinese husbandry by Captain Charles Gustavus Eckeberg, translated from the German, by John Reinhold Forster. To which are added, a faunula and flora sinenses. Two volumes. London, printed for B. White, 1771.
121096: OSBECK, PEHR: - Dagbok öfwer en ostindisk resa åren 1750, 1751, 1752. Med anmärkningar uti naturkunnigheten, främmande folkslags språk, seder, hushållning, m.m. AND: TORÉN, OLOF: En ostindisk resa til Suratte, China &c. Från 1750 April 1. til 1752 Jun. 26. Stockholm, Lor. Ludv. Grefing, 1757.
22073: OTTO (OTHO), JOHAN HENRICH: - Lexicon rabbinico-philologicum, in quo ordine alphabetico notantur et referentur praecipua, quae circa veterum Haebreorum dogmata, ritus & statuta, in utroque Talmude, Maymondinis & aliorum scriptis occurent. Ad utilitatem opeis indigitandam in limine positum est Massecet Schekalim ... Genevae, I. H. Widerhold, 1675.
100075: OUTHIER, REGINAUD: - Journal d'un voyage au Nord, en 1736. & 1737. Paris, Piget & Durand, 1744.
120960: OWEN, JOHN: - The History of the Origin and First Ten Years of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Two volumes. London, Tilling and Hughes, 1816.
100250: [SIERRA LEONE] PADENHEIM, DANIEL WILHELM: - Bref, til en vän i Sverige, innehållande historisk och geographisk beskrifning öfver colonien Sierra Leona i Afrika; jämte S.L. compagniets och coloniens formerande; ... Part one (all publ.). Stockholm, Kumelinska Tryckeriet, 1801.
34121: SANTES PAGNINUS (PAGNINI, PAGNINO) : - [Hebrew title]. Hoc est, epitome Thesauri linguae Sanctae. Antverpen, Ex officina Christ. Plantini, 1570.
121251: PAIJKULL, C.W.: - Bidrag till kännedomen om Islands bergsbyggnad. Stockholm, Norstedt & Söner, 1867.
100411: PALLEGOIX, JEAN BAPTISTE: - Description du royaume Thai ou Siam comprenant la topographie, histoire naturelle, moeurs et coutumes, législation, commerce, industrie, langue, littérature, religion, annales des Thai et précis historique de la mission. Two volumes. Paris, se vend au profit de la mission de Siam, 1854.
27066: PALMA DI CESNOLA, LOUIS: - Cypern, seine alten Städte, Gräber und Tempel. Bericht über zehnjährige Forschungen und Ausgrabungen auf der Insel. Jena, Hermann Costenoble, 1879.
99335: PALMBLAD, VILHELM FREDRIK: - De Buddha et Wodan dissertatio. Parts i-iv. Upsala 1822.
27032: PALMBLAD, VILHELM FREDRIK: - Palaestina. Geographisk, archaeologisk och historisk beskrifning. Andra upplagan. Upsala 1828.
25077: [NORTH ASIA]. PALMBLAD, VILHELM FREDRIK: (Editor): - Handbok i physiska och politiska, äldre och nyare geographien. 1:1-2. Inledning till Asien. Hög Asien + Inledning till Hög-Asien (slutet). Korea. Mantschuriet. Mongoliet. Turfan eller Lilla Bukhariet. Tibet. Two volumes. Upsala, Palmblad & Co., 1826-27.
120375: PALOTAY, GERTRUDE: - Les elements turcs-ottomans des broderies hongroises / Oszmân-Török elemek a Magyar himszésben. Budapest, Magyar Történeti Mœzeum, 1940.
121282: MALAGASY pamphlets [Title on spine]. - Tananarive, London Missionary Society, 1911-18.
100526: PAQUIER, JEAN BAPTISTE: - PAQUIER, JEAN BAPTISTE: Le Pamir. Étude de géographie physique et historique sur l'Asie Centrale. Paris 1876.

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