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Title: Vollstaendiges russisch-deutsches und deutsch-russisches Woerterbuch zum Gebrauch beider Nationen. Zweite gaenzlich umgearbeitete Stereotyp-Ausgabe. Two parts in one volume. Leipzig no date.
Description: . Pp. (viii), 522; (iv, 515. Titles and preface in Russian and German. Text in three columns. Contemporary boards, rebacked with flat calf spines, lettered and ruled in gilt. The first edition was published in Leipzig 1844. Cf Zaunmüller p. 326. (ed. Leipzig 1901).

Keywords: Europe, europe, europa, russia, russian, russie, ryssland, language, langue, sprachen, linguistics, languages, langue, sprache, linguistique, linguistica, sprachwissenschaft, russland

Price: EUR 220.00 = appr. US$ 239.11 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 32125

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