[Saint-Simon, Henri de].
Doctrine de Saint-Simon : Exposition : première année : 1828-1829.
3. édition, revue et augmentée. Paris : Bureau de l'Organisation, 1831. Contemp. halfcalf binding. 432 pp. Letterpiece missing. Very good clean copy. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. - Overview of the ideas of Henri de Saint-Simon (1760-1825), mostly referred to as Saint-Simonianism, a movement of early 19th century Christian socialism. This publication is credited to Bazard, P. Enfantin, H. Carnot, Olinde Bodrigues, Henri Founel, Charles Duveyrier, Gustave d'Eichthal, & Élie Halévy. Emile Barrault, given as author by Barbier, appears to have no direct share in the publication. L'Exposition was indeed, in a sense, a collective work ... The lessons (seances), made by Bazard, were most often written by Carnot. The text, before printing, was reviewed by Bazard, often also by Enfantin [p. 8-9]. A un catholique sur la vie et le carctère de Saint-Simon [by d'Eichthal]: p [59]-74. Very interesting is the 6e Séance : Trandformation successive de l'exploitation de l'homme par l'homme, et du droit de propriété. -- Maitre, esclave. Patricien, plébéien. - Seigneur, serf. - Oisif, travailleur. [p. 172-183]. Walch-Gerits, Supplement, 143; Kress C.2783; Goldsmiths 27194; Einaudi 1595.

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Keywords: SOCIALISM, old law books, France (18th century)