Thornton's Bookshop: Philosophy
found: 3 books

The Philosopher of Enthusiasm. With Material Hitherto Unpublished",
. offprint from Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 6 (1952): 294-322. 29pp. with a dedication by the author, dated Oxford 14.5.53 and initialled by him F.H.H. WITH the author's survey of recent philosophical and theological literature I. Philosophy. a printer'sd proof with his dedication in ibnk to William Cohn, dated 26.10.53 also initialled. 4 pages printed single-sided.
Thornton's BookshopProfessional seller
Book number: F3040
GBP 7.50 [Appr.: EURO 9 US$ 9.64 | JP¥ 1482]
Catalogue: Philosophy
Keywords: Philosophy Signed

The Collected Papers Volume 26 : Cold War Fears and Hopes, 1950-'52
. Introduction by Andrew G. Bone, Routledge, 2020, 1132pp. 15 B/W Illustrations. NEW COPY. Table of Contents: Introduction Andrew G. Bone. Chronology. Part 1: Australian Broadcasts, Lectures, Articles and Miscellanea / 1. Guest of Honour [1950] Three Broadcasts for Window on the World / 2. The World as I See It [1950] / 3. My Philosophy of Life [1950] / 4. What Hope for Man [1950] / 5. Ferment in Asia [1950] / 6. Obstacles to World Government [1950] / 7. Blurb for C. K. Bliss, Semantography [1950] / 8. We and U.S. Can Lead and Help Asian People [1950] / 9. Science Can Help Australia Support More People [1950] / 10. Communism, Capitalism, Socialism [1950] / a. Bertrand Russell Tells Us What Communism Is / b. Private Monopoly Is Bane of Capitalism / c. Greater Democracy Is Socialism's Purpose / 11. Living in the Atomic Age [1950] / a i. Institutions / b ii. Individuals / 12. Refuting the Archbishop of Melbourne [1950] / a. Reply to Dr. Mannix / b. Telegram from Perth / 13. Why Western Australians Should Be Happy [1950] / 14. Land with a Future for Ambitious Youth [1950] / 15. My Impressions of Australia [1950] / 16. Happy Australia [1950] / 17. Hopes for Australia in a Hundred Years [1951] / Part 2: "A Common-Sense Paradise" / 18. If We Are to Survive This Dark Time- [1950] / 19. What Desires Are Politically Important? [1950] / 20. Loquacious Man and His Mind [1950] / 21. "To Replace Our Fears with Hope" [1950] / 22. "What Can I Do?" [1951] / 23. What Does the Single Individual Signify? [1951] / 24. The Future of Science [1951] / 25. "Living in an Atomic Age": Abstract, Foreword and Related Blurb [1951] / a. Provisional Abstract / b. Living in an Atomic Age / c. Blurb for New Hopes for a Changing World / 26. Christianity and Science: Is There a Gulf? [1951] / 27. Prof. Gilbert Murray Honoured [1951] / 28. Are Human Beings Necessary? [1951] / 29. Competition and Co-operation in Politics and Economics [1951] / 30. Denies Categorization as a "Humanist" [1951] / 31. New Hopes for a Changing World [1951] / 32. The Road to Happiness (i) [1951] / 33. Lecture to Young Men and Young Women's Hebrew Association [1951] / a. Life without Fear: A View of Poetry / b. Questions and Answers / 34. Sex Education Is Desirable [1951] / 35. My Faith in the Future [1951] / 36. A Liberal Decalogue [1951] / 37. Prefatory Note to Reprint of "The Elements of Ethics" [1952] / 38. The Road to Happiness (ii) [1952] / 39. How Fanatics Are Made [1952] / 40. Future of the B.B.C. [1952] / 41. Leonardo's Day-and Our Own [1952] / Part 3: Autobiography, Humour, Fiction / 42. Celebrity [1950] / 43. How to Grow Old [1951] / 44. How I Write [1951] / 45. The Use of Books [1951] / 46. Things I Know and Things I Conjecture [1951] / a. Things I Know / b. Things I Conjecture / 47. Bertrand Russell: Biographical Notes [1951] / 48. The Corsican Ordeal of Miss X [1951] / Part 4: Avoiding War / 49. The Fanatics [1950] / 50. Message to Japanese Students [1950] / 51. On Nationalism [1950] Two Letters on Preventive War / 52. Resignation from the Cambridge University Labour Club [1950] / 53. Lord Russell and the Atom Bomb [1951] / 54. Dictatorship Breeds Corruption [1951] / 55. My Plan for Peace [1951] / 56. Why Defend the Free World? [1951] / 57. Soviet Humour-Does It Exist? [1951] / 58. Fifty Years' Movement towards Equality [1951] / 59. Communism and Christian Socialism [1951] / 60. European Unity and the Atlantic Alliance [1951] / 61. China in the Light of History [1951] / 62. The Problem of Germany [1951] / 63. Preface to A World Apart [1951] / 64. The Narrow Line [1951] / 65. Western Values [1952] / 66. How Near Is War? [1952] / 67. One World-Is It Feasible? [1952] / 68. Message to Anti-Franco Protest Meeting [1952] / Part 5: Cold War America at Home and Abroad / 69. On Mass Hysteria [1951] / 70. Every Crisis an Opportunity [1951] / 71. Why America Is Losing Her Allies [1951] / 72. Lord Russell Sees MacArthur Dismissal as "Act of Courage" [1951] / 73. What's Wrong with Anglo-American Relations [1951] / 74. Are These Moral Codes Out of Date? [1951] / 75. Commentary on "U.S.A. The Permanent Revolution" [1951] / 76. Meet the Press [1951] Three Papers on Political Conformity and Civil Liberties / 77. Using Beelzebub to Cast Out Satan [1951] / 78. Bertrand Russell and the U.S.A. [1952] / 79. Bertrand Russell and the U.S. [1952] / 80. Is America in the Grip of Hysteria? [1952] / Appendixes / Interviews and Reported Speech / Multiple-Signatory and Other Non-Authorial Texts / Broadcast Transcripts / Original Non-English Texts. / Missing and Unprinted Papers / Annotation / Textual Notes / Bibliographical Index / Index of Paper Titles / General Index. (ISBN: 9780049200920) .
Thornton's BookshopProfessional seller
Book number: F3267
GBP 75.00 [Appr.: EURO 89 US$ 96.44 | JP¥ 14817]
Catalogue: Philosophy
Keywords: 9780049200920

The Rudiments of Logic: Deductive and Inductive, with Tables
. Oxford, James thornton, 1879, vii,84pp. + publisher's list 4pp. ink names on f.e.p. and l.e.p. in creased binding Scarce original edition.
Thornton's BookshopProfessional seller
Book number: F3242
GBP 8.50 [Appr.: EURO 10.25 US$ 10.93 | JP¥ 1679]
Catalogue: Philosophy
Keywords: Philosophy Logic

| Pages: 1 |